The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 28, 1910, Image 8

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FROM LAKE CITY. BERRY GROWERS BADLY DEALT WTTH--SUNDAY BEAR HUNTPICTURE AGENT SWINDLERS. t Lake City. April 26:?Hon J Davis Carter was in town Friday . from Leo. He reports the farmers in his section as beinp exceedingly busy now with their work. a m; IT l ... . r Itev 1 nos nitrify ui oj>minuuui^ one of the most aggressive prohibi tionists ?>f the State, spent somt time in this section last week. Mr J \Y Cock held, himself i veteran, has gone to Mobile, Ala. to attend the Reunion of Confeder ate veterans. Mrs A H Williams is in Columbij attending a musical entertainmen at the Columbia Female College. Magistrate 0 S Daldin is in Ala bnma this week. It is suppose* chat he is feeling the loneliness o bachelorhood. It is really surprising how man; people are interested in the mar riage license question. This write has had numerous inquiries abou the bill requiring a marriage license which was before the General As ^ sembly last session. Some seem t( think it a wise measure, whil< others are bitterly opposed to sue! a thing becoming law. The carnival company which spen last week here seemed to have som< attractions, judging from th< crowds which attended the variom performances. Hie berry growers are complain ing bitterly about the manner ir which their shipments are being handled by the express people. Th< berries are being delayed so manj hours that they lose the markets ol from one to two days. Those ac quainted with the business will understand how serious a matter this is. It often means the difference between seven cents a quart and twenty cents a quart, and even more. The blame probably rests with the Adams and United States Express Companies, as the Southern does not operate north of Rich mond Such delays, in addition to excessive rates and unreasonable minimum car-loads, are playing havoc with the business. The naked fact is apparent to any observant man that unless the berry growers are given better treatment in the respects mentioned, by the carriers, they will be forced to abandon the business entirely. Entire fields of berries have already been ploughed up, and the rest will certainly go, unless there be a change and that, t:>o, speedily. Only a few years ago ten to twelve car-loads of berries a day was not an unusual shipment: now one-third that'amount would" attract attention. Then twentyfive to forty berry drummers and buye.'.-s from Northern markets were here at one time; now not one is seen. Instead of encouraging the industry, it appears that the carriers are doing all they can to kill it. W L Pass, Esq., and daughter, V Miss Sallie, are visiting relatives in Tallahassee and Fensacola, Ha, tnis week. Mr E H Rawls of Charleston,, manager of the Fincken-Jordan Co., p L E . Individuality i please you not onl ter of style, for ne' Every < is here and you w / / > *" y v. * / % ? ?? vvuiVOUQJ iiCXC* j When certain of our Congress- j men, after several years spent in TIT L: 1. VYa5nHl?lA?Il,Ct<M>e tU tuss VIIC uuow I and big corporations, some newspapers say these Congressmen have i become "broadened." Nothing is , farther from the truth than this ; statement. They have not become broadened but they have become "tamed," and these trusts and cor; porations have "tamed" them, too. There are but few men who cannot be "reached" in some way or other, and these trusts and corporations have no hesitation in employing any n ethod under the sun to "reach" 1 those can help them or hurt them. Last Sunday morning just as the i train which bore Smith's carnival from here was entering upon the trestle which spans the lake in the - upi>er edge of town, the largest bear, having freed himself in some ,?vay, leaped from the moving train rnd hied himself into the swamp. 1 His escape was immediately detected and the train brought to a stand ? ... i , (still. The show people" pnen out " j of the train and the town folks ^ I flocked to the scene. Everybody f I not at church?men. women, children and dogs?went, and had the news been reported at the churches. y doubtless services would have been - broken up. All hands then engaged r in a bear hunt, which resulted in t the capture of bruin in about half an hour anc^iis return to the * car. The train proceeded north, - and the cooks returned to their ) scorched dinners. ? Recently some "picture agents" ^ swindled scores of people in this section. They dealt mostly with the women and their method of t procedure was about as follows: j One would take an order for an en4 larged picture, collecting $1.98, the price of the picture, together with a 5 chance at a fine premium. Another would follow with the picture in a big gilt frame and inform the dupe that she had drawn a handsome 1 sideboard, or stove or suit of furni* r ture and that the frame and freight ? on the splendid premium would cost , her $5.00. In every case we have ^ heard of, she "bit" and handed over the $5.00. The swindler gave ' a "receipt," signing no name but stating in the receipt that the 5 premium would be delivered by a , certain man, not himself, of course. It were needless to add that the "premiums"'have not arrived yet. 1 W. L. B. i _ Summons for Seller. (COMPLAINT NOT SERVED.) STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OP W1I.LUMBBURG, % Court of Common Pleas. Mar) J STimraons, B-I Skinner, S B Skinner, R G Skinner, E F Skinner and A C Skinner, Plaintiffs, vs M L Boyd. J D Boyd. E A Cooper, M L McElvet-n, Emma Marshall, W T Evans, O F Bryan. Minnie Bryan,Blmua L Boyd, Sidney Loryea. Horace Loryea, Hazel Loryea. J J M Tisdale. W L Tisdale, J M Tisdale. H E Tisdale. Tina Nex?en, Estelle McCrea. Emma Brown. E'oise Brown, Mott Tisdale, Nathan Tisdale, Cenie Boyd, Ellen Cantlev, Carrie Tisdale, Edith Ti? dale and Tva Tisdale; and M L Boyd Hud J M Tisdale, as executors of the last will and testament of D Z Martin. deceased; and Forrest Skinner and Walter skinner, Defendants. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in thiaction,which has been tiled in the office ; of thei lerk ofCourt for said county,and to serve a copy of your answer to the said c mphunt on the subscribers at tlieir office in Kingstree, S C. within 1 twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; nd if you f il to answer the comprint ! within the time aforesaid.ihe plaintiffs in this ietioo will aopl.v to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Kelley & Hinds, PlaintiffAttorneys. Dated April 19, 1910. j TAKE NOTICE: That a cony of the summons and complaint Hi the above , entitled -'011011 has be- n filed in the office of the Herk of Court of Common lheas K?. Williamsburg county. > Kei.lky & Hinds, 4-2l-0t Plaintiffs' Attorneys A QI N n ui n is the keynote in 01 ly in the hat but in ver before have we CONCEIV ill find it a pleasur s. / Candidate Announcements of candidate published in this column until the pri able always in advance. Please don' money with your copy. Announceme ! i J . 1 . . a. ? : cnargeu ior <u ine rait- ui it-u inns <n fices the price of announcement cards ; For House of Representatives. We are authorized to announce ( K B Chandler as a candidate for the House of Representatives, sub-j ject to all the rules governing the | Democratic -primary election. j For County Superintendent of Education. We are authorized to announce! the candidacy, of J Graham Mo j Cl'llolhih for re-election to the j office of County Superintendent of I education, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. For C< unty Treasurer. 1 hereby announce my candidacy! for re-appointment to the office of County Treasurer, subject to thede-j cision of the voters of Williamsburg' i ; county in the ensuing Democratic ; primaries. J Wesley Cook. For Auditor. We are authorized to announce JJB MONTGOMERY as a candidate for re-appointment to the office of Auditor of Williamsburg county, I ?ur?. ? _..i? a. r? h suujecu iu uic ruits ui uie jueinecratic Primary election. For Road Engineer. I hereby announce my candidacy for appointment to the office of Road Engineer subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. W T Rowell. F OR 5 Mowers a: Dear Mr Fanner: ? Do you realize the fact that Wi ton, and (lay after day we see loa< the country to feed the stock belo Now, Mr Farmer, why not get raw MOVE and gather your oats and hay, the some for sale. It costs but very li : DOES when you have to buy. Come to see us and get the best, The McCormick I Yours to s< THE WILLIAMSBURG We Are Ag International H Farming Implements International Harvester Enj Threshing P I McCormick Mowers, Corn Thresl 1 ? Free demonstrations given an quest. Our I. H. C. Gasoline Engine The County Record office. GREELYVILLE L GREELYVILL G SPI xr Millinery section i the price as well, shown such a wid< ABLE SI e to select your spri n a r i es' Cards. s, not more than 100 words, will be mary election for $3.00 each, payt ask us to credit you, but send the ' nts over 100 words long will be j word. For other than county of-! is $5.00. For Roac] Engineer. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-appointment for Road Engineer for Williamsburg county, i i _ - ii? - ~i-; .1 ~ u.. -u^ pit i vo aume u> uici rules of the Democratic primary, | also to use my best efforts in the future, as I have tried to do in the1 past, for the best improved roads. J J Graham. Kinestree, S C. March 28, 1910. I hereby announce myself a candidate f'M- apoointment to the office of Road Engineer for Williamsburp county, subject to the rules of the Democratic Primary election. Henry D Ferrfll. *T5raBnFrri?BErrTrr=rsiwaci3e,T--.--'^ari |ako gy ,h plTK mm jtseovr w | lukivti ar aw ww ? ? p 1 ElofQH^8 foul? 5<*f ?3ol [ VOLC?,it rate 3 ?<H>AllTHROAT AND UIMCTROUBUSB ICUAPANTEFO SAT/SFACTORY' V L OR MOKFYXCfWtOED. I a? i lajy-aabwijiaiiwiaaaap T0IEYS 0KIN0IAXAHVE r Stomach Trouble and Constipation Old papers for sale at the Record office. ) ALE: j nd Rakes. estern hay is now worth $28 per Is and load? of it going out into rnging to Williamsburg farmers, one of our RS AND RAKES ireby making your own feed and ttb to make hay, but it COST : lower and Rake. ?rve, i LIVE W 111., I ents for arvester Co.'s ; and Machinery. fines, 2 to 30 H. P. Machines, Rakes, Binders, hers, etc. d lowest prices quoted on re- E IVE STUCK CO., I E, S. C. I UNG . Our aim is to m We feel confident i selection. YLE. St itig hats from this cus. Impossible to It is impossible to be well, simp bowels are constipated. You mus laws of nature, or suffer the cons material, waste products, poisonou 4-k n *%f IaicI- AI IC11IUVCU Ill/Ill lllb I'UUV Ul H-.l'L \JI will be trouble. A sluggish liver immense amount of suffering and ; ~ur doctor about Ayer's Pills. Hi directly on the jiver. Trust him. C jps M I ^ | NEW String a mer styles on sa If anything a little I er and more excfui I usual. The hnd on Paris houlevan Avenue too. Every 7 *1 ? *1 Jm (IUHM IIIIHI rcutncr w M*? U wv?I || fossilJy want at a Kingstres Dry 6oi || Kingstree, S. ( @ DEPOS I N A BANK that has nevei lost a doll lishment. A BANK that has increased its busir during the past ye A BANK that pays 4 per cent on compounded every three A BANK that welcomes and appre whether large or sm THE BANK OF K1 RESOURCES $350, D. C. Scott, N. D. Lesesne, President. Asst. Cfeshie /A __ ___________ VS2/ MILLIM eetyour exact req uire t that we can please yc 1APE and ( vast showing. * "I be Well )Iy impossible, if the t pay attention to the equences. Undigested ;s substances, must be ice each day, or there is responsible for an serious disease. Ask i knows why they act} Airtmc-* mtI? i s Kalamazoo Corset Co.. Makers nd Sum* j I _ X/irwi f 1II ill I smart- njj j i J rrve than j | Jf yOU 344 || 11 Is-Fifth 3 ||J)| last and j |]| , an could If jf ny tims. jj| ids Co., H ' 5 . > ? ?? i I T iar since its establess over $150,000.00 ar. its Saving1 Deposits, months. ciates your business all. 1NGSTREE 000.00 F. W. Fairey, r. Cashier. ? fERY ments and to >u in the mat :olor > -C /