| . .vXIV. ""iaXGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 28. 11)10. ' NO. 7. | | gf xl ivrl ''t t1 Rf i A mm I S ^IPOUS?? BROS. rC , Uj AiTlMOHf NEGRO ROW ENDED FATALLY, WKKZ FIGHTING IN CHURCHYARD-JURY FIXES CRIME ON CAIN GREEN. Sheriff Graham brought in Cain Green, colored, Monday afternoon and-committed him to jail on a ^^^harge of murder. The facts of the Hwe as reported to us are that on jjMriday night of last week, while a |^&gro meeting was in progress at Mt HHal church , near Cooper postoffice, crowd of young "bucks" got in j^H row in the church-yard and in the one of the combatants, John ^ Thompson, was struck in the head ^^with a stick and his skull fractured. ^ The other negroes in the fray were Cain Green, Layton Barr, Heyward Wilson, John White, Harry Thompson (a brother of John Thompson) - ? r - anm several mure. mc mjuicu< ra*l died Saturday night and by Monday morning Sheriff Graham ' had arrested all of the negroes nam^^ rabove except Harry Thompson, W {he brother of the deceased negro. As soon as Magistrate Wallace, \ the nearest official available, could a get to the scene on Monday, thej * inquest was held. Dr E T Kelley of Kingstree performed an autopsy V and found that death' was--'caused \ from a'fracture of the skull, just ; above the temple, caused by a blow from a stick or some blunt, instru-! . ribent. On the testimony of the witnesses the jury of inquest rendered the verdict "that the deceased, John Thompson, came to his death by a blow from a stick or blunt instrument at tne hands of Cain Green." _ / \' l j / 1 iw ,L_1_ mmmsimmmm. ?i A i| y?? W ' is in the air of Spi freshness and fraj P%' London and New r M Just a nine ') and behold the I H- c DEMOCRATIC CLUBS RE0R6ANIZI \ OFFICERS ELECTED?DELEGAT1 CHOSEN FOR COUNTY CONVEN TION TO BEHELD MAY 2. Kingstrke. Pursuant to the call of the pre dent, P H Stoll, Esq, Kingstr Democratic club met in the coi house Saturday, April 23, and i organized as provided under t rules of the Democratic party. Off ere for the ensuing two years we elected as follows: President, P Stoll; vice president, R J Kirk; at retary, J G McCutchen;' committ on registration: H 0 Britton, J Cook, L P Kinder, J W Coward ai J B Gamble. Member county exe utive committee, C W Wolfe. T1 club roll showed 439 members,whic under the rules, entitles Kingstr club to 18 delegates to the coun convention to be held Monday,May The following delegates were una imously elected: W G Gamble, C ' Wolfe, E C Epps, Hugh McCutche H H Kinder, R H Kellahan, R Kirk, J N Hammet, P H Stoll, J ' Cook, J B Gamble, J J B Montgor ery, Geo A McElveen, W F Ker.n dy, H .0 Britton, J J Graham, W Wallace, J G McCutchen. Black River. Mouzon, April 23;?Black Riv< Democratic club met at Mouzor to-day (23rd) and reorganized,elec ing D B Young and C L Burgess d? egates to the county convention, J Burgess and T E Duke alternate J T Frierson, Sec. Selling Agency of | The Globe Tailoring Cc The Great Cincinnati Custom Tailors We probably expend r skill, more well-dire thought and more cc entious effort in making garments than any c tailoring firm in this coui TM i i nis year we nave u great strides in style ? little "Links" that giv< dividuality to clothes there. Our complete pie equipment is on dis with mmmmmmmsm S u b t "ing that sets the pulses a= prance of spring than FRES York vie with each other in W AISTINESS,^ just a shad "ii f j i \ K REDC Cades. Cades, April 23:?Cades Club m E today and reorganized. Eighty-foi I members were Enrolled and the f< lowing officers elected: IS J P Epps, president, I. J J M Graham, vice president, R E Tarte, secretary. Delegates to county conventio . W E Hanna, E H Sauls, J J M Gr Si- . i r\ n m a _ nam, n a iane. QQ Member of executive committe irt W ENesmith. TPF e he SCRANTON. ,c" Scranton. April 25:?Pursuant T0 I j the call of the county chairman, tl 'Scranton Democratic club was r ! J 'organized Saturday afternoon. A 00 I ^ Choke was re-elected president, W _! Lynch vice president and M L Gasqi I secretary. Delegates to the count 'convention were elected as follow J*[M L Gasque, W S Lynch, P S Wal C H Pate, W M D McGee. W 1 e Lynch was elected riember of th tyj . county executive comrrittee. . W E C. n W Central. y n, Zeb,April 28:?Central Democra J ic club met and reorganized Satu W j day, April 23. electing S H Guerr: n- president; W T Phillips, vice pre: e- ident; W G Cantley, Jr, secretary L W G Cantley, Jr, and W T Phillip delegates to county convention; \ ; G Cantley, Jr. executive committe< ?r man. is j -WGC t-1 4j_ j Salters. H1 Salters Depot, April 25;? Pursi >s.; ant to the call of the county chaii (man, the Salters Democratic c1- president; James A Ferrell, vice ? president; John H L Chandler, sec-1 ? retary; James E Davis, execuctive j f committeman; E T Hamer, Will iam I T Stafford, V E Lifrage and Jno Cl ? n: Everett delegates to county conven- i ? a-1 rinn. ARM I C e, Andrews. ? Andrews, April 25:?Earls Demo- ? cratic club met here Saturday and r reorganized with 87 names on the ? to club-roll. The following officers ? le and delegates were chosen: Pres- r e- ident, W R Camlin; vice president, M T A McCants; secretary and treas- f S urer, W B Avant; committee on Q le registration, G W Camlin; executive ;y committeeman, W S Camlin; dele- Q s: gates to county convention: D W Q 1, Avant, G W Camlin, R M Haselden, * S J W Parsons; alternates: L A Rogercouj ie son, J S Wheeler, G C Gibson, L A Parsons. After routine business Earls club w ? passed a resolution unanimously en- C E dorsing W T Rowell for appoint^ ment as road engineer, r- _______ greelyville. % s- . r Greelyville, April 25:?Pursuant lr , to the call of the county chairman, tnur y Greelyyille Democratic club met on and i Saturday, April 23,and re-organized thin ! by electing the following officers: in k ; K S Brunson, Sr, president; S M 5U?f | Bradshaw, vice president; C L Mont- the i ! gomery, secretary; H D Ferrell and .. C L Montgomery, committee on reg- hnei r. istration; S M Bradshaw, executive w^i( k1 committeeman; delegates elected to suc^ ^ * n's, Youths' ai idy-Made V ill Suits and Extra s-to-Mea on short notice. Fit g ' * - m Tailors iri >ee Our Line < i's riercanl Kingstree, mmmsmmmmm lethin d bounding. What chimes I r H F. s ? it advanced modes thror t a hint of "CHESTINESS SUIT rgain St [ WIA AI^A ITVMA, iff c rue iuajjc1 if you have never been to this hank; il remember that : j We Are Expect! There is welcome and friendshi] ^ ^ WeCan Hel] ) and seek the oppori | FARMERS & MERER > lake City, S | J. S. McCLAM, President. T. J C ^ S. B. Poston, Vice President. H. F. | wvwvw > SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXI igooooooooooooo ity convention: C A Hines, F iff hoe, H D Ferrell, S V Taylor, S ifontgomery, S M Bradshaw and j, Harris. ' rvmons C L Montgomery, Secty. ??.?;? Last ly farm i a turbine steamer the rhythmic ed into nping of the pistons disappears would 1 instead the engines give out a are sun soprano song that rises or falls sibilitie: ey with the speed, sometimes as a fai jesting a continuous squeal from been gc struggling giants of steam striv- them h< to escape from their close con- a little nent inside the big iron jackets, tising ;h of themselves give no hint of (Ar C) i power. zette. nd Children t^iotrun Trousers. a sure Si ;uaranteed by the i the Busi a/ Samples. tile Comp; s. c. 8 s i setter w th the 9 9 l ; shop. g I ?? tii?Q blade . ore. I iggggg^aggagggggg^E wwwaaaaX cting You 8 f you are not a depositor, X ng You. t s O p for you here, for X p You ^ ^ 0 tunity. . ft IMS BANK, I L C. g ottincjham, Casliier. Q rENEGAN, Asst. I ashler. A ES FOR RENT. O . H. WOODS. Ltk# Cit/i 9* C. Agent for d Automobiles. tration* given at any time. 7-31 ' ' a year 71,000 Americans,mosters from the Northwest, movCanada. Many of these men lave come South instead, we 5, if they had known the pess and advantages of the South ming section. It would have >od for us, too, to have had ?re. Will it not pay us to give more attention to the adver- * of our resources?? Raleigh Progressive Farmer and Gaf-f 4< * LSO jits i n ess. any, v mmmmmamammmaam