KING Sim EE'S FIRST BABY SHOW \l i An Event of Interest?How the Prizes Went. The first "baby show" recorded in the annals of Kingstree or Williamsburg county was pulled off here Tuesday afternoon under the ausV pices of the local chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. According to previous announcement there were two contests, the age limits being respectively five and three years. The crop of babies in Kingstree has kept up pretty well with other abundant harvests, so * that there is no scarcity here of material for an exhibition of infantile beauty. Eighteen babies were entered in ?fw-o in t}1f, 0i(jer and ine Mun u<>. ... thirteen in the younger competition. The contest was decided by ballot, resulting as follows; In the senior class Miss Stella Louise Wolfe, aged three years, received 114 votes.winning first prize, a dainty set of Japanese ware. Miss Jane Gilland won second prize with 20 votes. The junior contest was won by Miss Mary Frances Montgomery with 98 votes, the prize being a set of gold "beauty" pins. Master Wilmot Scott Allen came second with ID , votes. Quite a crowd of interested voters and friends of the little "candidates"' congregated on the court house square f|om 5 to 7 p m, while the voting waF in progress and all seemed to enjoy the novelty of the entertainment. Ice-cream and cake was served during the afternoon in connection with the voting contest. nf the baby show,. 111C J/IWW^ amounting to about $45.00, will be applied to the Confederate monument fund. The Baptist Parsonage. . The Baptist congregation have their new parsonage well under way, albeit the contractor has been delayed several weeks on account of not being able to secure lumber to , , proce ed with the work. The site of the pastor's new home ^ is a lot in North Academy street adjoining the church property. The building is two stories high and will cost approximately $3,000. When completed it will be quite a handsome dwelling in keeping with the . growth and development of Greater JCingstree. Mortuary. Departed this life at Morrisville, Williamsburg county, Harry Ervin Kennedy, aged 23 years. He leaves a wife and a babe of a few months. He ^vas held in high esteem and much love by the people that came to know him, and had established himself in the strong confidence of business men. Mr Rhem, who entrusted hiifi with large business interests at Morrisville, intermitted business the day his body lay in state and gave his employees a day of rest in token of esteem for the departed. ^ The funeral and interment took place at Indiantown church at 11 o'clock a m April 12, attended by I many kindred and friends. The! service was conducted by his pastor, Rev T J Clyde, of the Methodist church, assisted by Rev A C Bridg lnrJiQntr?wn Presbv mrn, ui xx>v..~..,~ ? terian church. > Coming and Going. Mr and Mrs E E King took their departure last week, Mr King to go to Abbeville to open up a hardware business, and Mrs King to visit relatives in Hartsville until she joins her husband in their new home. Mr J T Gillespie of Columbia has taken Mr King's place in the hardware department of the Farmers' Supply Co's. store Mr Gillespie is an experienced hardware man, hav- j ing recently been employed by j Lorck & Lowrance of'Columbia. PLE ?. \ . Individuality i please you not onl ^ ter of stylfc, for neFVERY ( is here and you w ( */ ' if . * V > s / : BENSON BREEZES. Fanners Need Rain?Interesting Items of Neighborhood News. Benson, April 12:?The drought continues in this section, causing ; bad stands of corn. Some farmers are waiting for rain before planting cotton. i Miss Annie Phillips has been quite sick with fever for the past week. Mr S H Guerry has been somewhat under the weather for the past j week, but is improving, we under| stand. i The school-ma'ams of this place, i Misses Ouzts, Miley and Lander, visited Saturday their friend, Miss, Mamie McLees, who teaches the J young idea at Cades and vicinage. Miss Louise McGill spent a few I days at the home of her aunt, Mrs j Ellen Fox worth, near Cades, last i week. Automobiles are coming generally ! inro vogue in the lower section of this county. We are informed that, iseveral have been placed recently! 'and the purchase of a few more isj being considered. We hope that | this will have a tendency to re? duce the price of horse flesh, j Mr J Wesley Cook has made several consecutive week-end trips jto Benson?canvassing for votes, no ' donb+. j Miss Ulma Crooks of Moody has enrolled as a pupil in the graded j school. W E S. Holland-Wallace. j Clinton. April 10.?Misss Dora I Holland surprised her many friends here on Saturday evening when she j was married to Richard K Wallace ! of Kingstree. The marriage took place at the home of the Rev Dr W P Jacobs in the presence of a gathering of intimate friends. Mrs Wallace is a graduate of the Thornwell orphanage and has been engaged in teaching since her graduation in 1908. Her engagement was made known some time ago and the wedding day was set for June, but when Mr Wallace came to Clinton to visit his intended bride, he persuaded her to do away with the rest of her preparations and go back with him. He has the warm congratulations of the bride's many Clinton friends. ?The State. Leo Limntngs. T A 1 11.?Pnm nlnntincr is JL*ru, nj/iii ii. w?.? r c ? about over with and several of the "earfy birds" have planted their cotton crops. Tobacco beds are suffering for lack of the rain that still holds off. Mr J A Evans is busy hauling lumber to build his new house. Messrs S B and Walter Poston of Johnsonville visited Georgetown last week on business. The "Sage of Possum Fork"?his usual cheerful self?was a welcome visitor here yesterday. A Quiet Marriage. Cades,April 12:?Thursday,March [31, as the sun was sinking behind J the western hills, the relatives and friends of Mr and Mrs G F Williamison began to gather at their quaint little home, to witness the marriage of Mr John Frierson Williamson to Miss Eulia Mae Padgett. The bride wore a lovely white costume,trimmed with lace and ribbon, and carried a bouquet of bride's roses tied with ribbon. The parlor was tasteful!} decorated for the occasion, the color j scheme being white and green. After the solemn words, which mad e the two one, were spoken by the officiating minister, Rev T J Rooke, the guests were invited to the dining-room and regaled with an elegant supper consisting of rice, meats, cakes, pies and other delicacies. Many warm congratulations were showered upon the happy bridegroom during the evening upon winning so fair a bride, who is fitted tc preside as queen over any household in the land. Guest. A S IN is the keynote in 01 iv in the hat hut in J ?**? ver before have we CONCEIV ill find it a pleasun s. Candidal J30P"Announcements of candidat published in this column until the p: able always in advance. Please doi mopey with your copy. Announces charged for at the rate of ten cents i For House of Representatives. We are authorized to announce B B Chandler as a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to all the rules governing the Democratic primary election. For County Superintendent of Education. We are authorized to announce the candidacy, of J Graham Mccullough for re-election to the office of County Superintendent of Education, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. For County Treasurer. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for re-appointment to the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the voters of Williamsburg county in the ensuing Democratic primaries. J Wesley Cook. For Auditor. We are authorized to announce JJB MONTGOMERY as a candidate for re-appointment to the office of Auditor of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Demecratic Primary election. S For Road Engineer. I hereby announce my candidacy for appointment to the office of Road Engineer subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. W T Rowell. i tt n n 11 n h BSE a Nice driving horses Good work horses Combination horses Buggies, Surrey Durham?Jackson G Smith WAGONS Just received two carloads known WEBER?COLUMB TT tl. JJ1_ I Harness, oauuies, Horse Call and see i I Yours Williamsburg Kingsti !We Are A International t Farming Implemenl International Harvester E Threshing McCormick Mowers Corn Thre: m'v^n I 117 ICC UCIHUliOuaviviiu 511VU % quest. Our I. H. C. Gasoline Engir The County Record office. GREELYVILLE 1 GREELYVILl G SPI ir Millinery sectioi the price as well, shown such a wic ABLE SI i to select your spi riA r * :es* Cards. t ?9, not more than 100 words, will be rimary election for $3.00 each, payl't ask us to credit you, but send the lents over 100 words long will be i word. for Koad LJigineer. I hereby announce myself a cani didate for re-appointment for Road i Engineer for Williamsburg county, 'pledging myself to abide by the j rules of che Democratic primary, I also to use my best efTwrts in the fuj ture, as I have tried to do in the , past, for the best improved roads. J J Graham. Kingstree, S 0, March 28, 19iiW j I can- j ; di(f .(.men; to ul^^^ce; i of :eer for WiiliamsLv -g j CQt ct to the rules of te! I Derm. i rimary election. ' \ j Kexry D Ferrf Citation Notice STATE OF SOUTH CAROLI.VA, county of wili.1amsburg. By P M Krockin'on, E-q, 1'rohate 'Judge. Whereas C J Rollins made sou t<> me to grant him letters of administration I of the estate of anfl effects of Buie Hannah. Tlu-se are therefore to cite and admonish aii and singular the kindred i * * f a r ,1 r?._: ? tt_ L. and creators oi liie sum Ltuif riecased.that they be and appear before ; me in the court of | beheld at King-tree S C. on the 80th day ofi April next after publication thereof, at | 11 o'clock in lh- 1'orth*oon to show | cause, if'nnv they have. why the Said administration sh? uld not be granted. ; (liven under my hand this 9tll day of ! Aoril. Anno Domini, 1910 Published on tile 14th day of Apri1, 1910, in the County Rreo.'d. > P M Bkockintok, 4-14-2t Probate Judge. 1 V (TTTT nn c fl MU All sizes of nice, sleek mules in - pairs or single is and Runabouts ? Wrtnii and arker Buggies. WAGONS of the reliable and well US & RUSSELC Wagons. Robes, Whips and Blankets. is before buying, to please, r Live Stock Co, ee, b. t. I gents for larvester Co.'s \ Is and Machinery. ngines, 2 to 30 H. P. Machines, i, Rakes, Binders, shers, etc. ind lowest priees quoted on rele may be rseen in operation at w JIYE STOCK CO., S* C. i RING i. Our aim is to m We feel confident ie selection. rYLE, St *ing hats from this cus. Not a Drop What is a "tonic"? A medidi or tone of the whole system, A medicine that alters or c healthy action. Name the t Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only S alcohol. Ask your own dorto medicine doctors cannot endo: Without daily action of the bowels poisonous impure blood, biliousness, headache. Ask you If ' \:f/ uj AMERICAN BEAUTY Style /43 ij Kalamazoo Corset Co., Maker* vfiLV H,I: C ?Wi ff i J^E*W Sjfrri mer styles If anything a 1\ er and more t I ? >IM I I usual. 1 he on Paris hou Avenue too. 1 leather that a jfrossilly want Kingstree Dry Kingstre< @ ? D E P ( i i> A BANK that has nevei lost lishm< A B^\NK that has increased its during- the p A BANK that paj'S 4 per cer compounded ever} A BANK that welcomes and whether lar?< THE BANK OE RESOURCES D. C. Scott, N. D. Lesi President. Asst. ? MILLI % eet your exact req - tf [ that we can pleas / JAPE ant vast showing. of Alcohol : 4j ne that increases the strength \ , What is an "alterative"? < ; hanges unhealthy action to >est "tonic and alterative"? arsaparilla entirely free from -i >r all about it Never take a yj rse, /. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. products must be absorbed. Then you have r doctor about Ayer's Pills for constipation. " ?S "* I* fr*<\ ?IRf' afW' 3 .ff ?-Z levards - Fifth j j Zvery last and ||1 ; woman could ||j||||j'' at any time. j Goods Co., I ? I ) s I T . J a dollar since its estabent. > business over ?150,000.00 >ast year. ( it on its Saving- Deposits, M r three months. ? appreciates your business i or small. ' '? J KINGSTREE , 1 $360,000.00 ssne, F. W. Fairey, 'J Cbshier. . Cashier. (2) NERY uirements and to^ ;e you in the ma s 1 COLOR* ' ?r' i ' > . ? )' ; ? ;! .