^ wBfcfciL-'. * . ''nvI ' ' ' "" IftTEEl* -well, never felt better; I thanks for your attention and rerun a. "I will b>5 glad to do all I can in th? way of advancing the sale of your valuable medicine. "I do think Peruna the be6t medicine 1 have tried at any time. "8ince JC began taking Pernna we have never been without it. "I really believe that every woman ir the world ought to have Peruna or hand all the time; for if she gets tired Peruna refreshes her; if she get3 nervous, it soothes her; if dospondent, 11 eheers and invigorates. "It is a constant friend to the nursinj mother, both for herself and for he; child, and finally when old age come; on, no melicine on earth is of greate: efficacy to the woman. "Surely, Peruna Is the woman'i friend."?Mrs. E. C. Evbrly, 210! Franklin St., Philadelphia, Pa. Stronger Then for Years. Htc. Caroline Sundheimer, Clarke Louisiana, writes: "I am feeling quite well now. I car work agaia and am stronger than ] have been for years, and I do believ< that Peruna saved my lite. I will adviae all I can to take your medicine." an Idea' Laxative. PRIZES FOR RURAL SCHOOLS. Three Thousand Dollars Offerei by Schoo^ Improvement Ass'n. The South Carolina School Iir provement association offers fift prizes to the schools of the State fo the most decided material improve ment made during a given length o tiqje. Ten of the prizes are to b i*0 each and forty are to be $5 each. Regulations concerning th .1?i liny pnz?> mat axe uu ut; anaiuc association are as follows: * 1. Improvements must be mad between November 1, 1909, and De cember 10, 1910. 2. Prizes will be awarded t schools where the most decided me terial improvements have been mad during the time mentioned. 3. Under material improvement are included local taxation, consolic ation, new buildings, repairing an painting old ones, libraries, readini rooms or tables,interior decorations beautifying yards, and better ger eral equipment. 4. No school can compete for an of these prizes unless it is a rura school. No town with more tha 400 population shall be eligible t the contest. 5. All who wish to enter this cor * J J test must sena names ana aencni ( tions of schools before improvement "- .are made, to the president prior t< October 1. te . 6. All descriptions, photograph V nd other evidences showing im ovements must be sent to the pres v ent before December 15, 1910 ie chairman of the board of trus 3S of any school that is competini >t a prize must approve all de icriptions before and after improve ments are made. 7. Blanks will be sent, to school competing for the above prizes wit! questions to be answered relating t the conditions under which improve ments have been made. 8. Prizes will be awarded ii checks December 31, 1910. Th fljrizes are to be used for furthe improvements in the schools receiv ing them. Address all communications t W T. Dnnipl PrpsiHent Sout] ^UIO ft y ? ^^rolina School Improvement Assc ^^ation, Saluda, S C. Tust received?a beautifu of wedding stationery am ew series of "Engraver English" type. You can it from engraving. Giv your order; satisfactioj .ranteed. ? To Tobacco Farmers. We have no desire to play th demogogue and no desire to flatte tobacco farmers with false hop< from impractical schemes. We d hope, however, to see the time whe the Tobacco Trust will be brough under control and some metho oe+aKlicVio^ Ku menns nf whif*h th farmer may be in a position to d< mand what his tobacco is wort! Some relief may come from the e) pected decision of the Suprem Court; but that is too uncertai for us to hang our hopes on it a this time. The one hope of su< cess lies in the fact that th farmers in our tobacco-growin I territory need not depend upo: tobacco for a crop nor upon th . the Tobacco Trust for their monej If the white man had never learr ed to smoke the red man's tobacc \ or chew the leaves, the tobaccc growing region of Virginia an > the Carolinas, Kentucky and Tennei see, would nevertheless be to-da ' a prosperous agricultural sectior t We believe the chances ar i that these tobacco-growing district ' would be more prosperous tha: i they are to-day. They would hav won this prosperity by growin; > corn, hay and stock, and other pre 1 ducts for which they are natural! 9 r adapted. Now our point is, that this terri j tory can start growing these crop now just as well as they coul have started with them in the be ginning if tobacco had never bee; ' < thought of. And in addition t i these crops they can grow tobaccc [ which addition is a decided ad > . vantage. We do not advise our farmers t quit tobacco. Let every acre sta . in tobacco where that crop will pa; better than any other crop. Ther are thousands and tens of thousand d of acres in Virginia and adjoinin, States, however, of which this i not true, and it is these acres tha y ought to be planted in corn or othe r grain crops or put to growing hay ?_ pasture or live-stock. Most o f our tobacco-growing section ha e better advantages for raising liv< 0 stock than the West and most o: e this tobacco territory has ad 3 vantages over the rest of th< South in that it is free from cattl e quarantine. The thing to do is to put ever acre of land to corn, grass or pas ture that will pay as well in thes L_ crops as in tobacco. The hig price of meat offers a brilliant oj portunity for tobacco farmers, an g as they begin to grow stock an l_ grain, prices for tobacco must g j up at the same time because of th ^ shortened production. And you can apply this methoi this year without waiting for any body to bust the trust.?Raleig (N. C.) Progressive Farmer an ^ Gazette. n HEN AND WOMEN WANTED. 0 The Government Pays Railway Mai Clerks $800 to $1,200, and Other Employees up to $2,500 Annually. Uncle Sam will hold examination throughout the country for Railwa 3 Mail Clerks, Custom House Clerk* Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Deparl mental Clerks and other Governmen Positions. Thousands of appoiul ments will be made. Auy man c i woman over 18, in City or Countrj can get Instruction and free inform ation by writing at once to the Bu reau of Instruction, 95 N Hamli Building, Rochester, N. Y. 1-6 t s Wallace's Farmer calls ther h "loafing acres"?those acres tha o have been allowed to remain in ur productive idleness. "Put thes unproductive acres to work," say n our Iowa friend, and so, too,say we e Remember, however, that the acr r that is allowed to loaf is less of burden than the one that you labo and spend money on without get 0 ting a fair return?the spendthrif h acre. There are thousands an r thousands of such acres themselves but surely that of their unthinkin; owners.?Raleigh {N C) Proyressii 1 Farmer and Gazette. 3 There is no cough medicine s popular as Foley's Honey and Tai * It never fails to cure coughs an e colds and is especially recommenc a ed for chronic and bronchial coughs D C Scott. Carter-Jones. e Lake City, April 9:?One of the r prettiest weddings of the season was ?s solemnized here Tuesday evening at o the Baptist church, when Miss Edith n Margaret Carter became the bride it of Mr J Frasia Jones. Promptly at d 8 o'clock, to the strains of Mendelsie sohn's beautiful wedding march,ren j- dered by the skilful fingers of Miss i. Dora Hinnant, the bridal party, prec ceded by the ushers, Dr Alva Weaver e and Mr S L Courtney,entered as foln lows: Mr J Lenwood Richardson with ,t Miss Margaret McNeill of Conway; > Mr V Glenn Arnette with Miss Loula e Chandler; Mr J Peter Matthews g with Miss Irene Rodgers. Then a came the dame a^vior, Mrs H W e Carter, si step--1 r. Berth a-^f^rris, maiu i- took their stands on eit? o the . ?autiful arch, whi. >. fr f the chancel. The bi?^ .,-pon d t. of her brother, Mr T Lide 3. Carivx, then entered and was met at y the altar by the groom and his best u man, Dr Clarence David Rollins. e The words which. made them one s | were very impressively spoken by the n Rev H F Jones, brother of the e groom. g The bride wore a lovely grey cosh tume and carried bride's roses. The y bridesmaids were daintily gowned in white lingerie dresses, with black . picture hats, and carried white carg nations. The groomsmen wore full j evening dress. The decorations of the church were in white and gold n with background of ferns. The 0 bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs Delia D Carter, of this place, [. and is a graduate of the Memorial Hospital Training school of Richo mond, Va. The groom, who is the y son of Mr J P Jones, of Mecklenburg y county, Va, is demonstrator of anate omy at the Medical College, Richs mond, Va. The many presents res' ceived attested the wide popularity s of this young couple. ,t Immediately after the ceremony r Dr and Mrs Jones, with good wishes , from a host of friends and amid a f shower of rice, left for an extended s Southern tour. They will be at home ; after April 25 at Ncl 6 East Grace ' a n;.l ] 17 9 f Street, rucrmiuuu, v a. inc uui-ui, town guests were: Mr C H Thomas of Florence; Mr Fulton C Thomas o f B Manning; Mr and Mrs Vance Askins, e Mr and Mrs H W Carter and Miss Nell Carter of Darlington and Miss y Margaret McNeill of Conway. A _ reception was given the bridal party on the evening of April 4, at the hnmeor the bride's mother. The ^ decorations were of white and green. d Wateb For The Comet j The Red Dragon of the sky. Watch the children for spring 0 coughs and colds. Careful mothers e keep Foley's Honey and Tar in the house. It is the best and safest d prevention and cure for croup r. where the need is urgent and im^ mediate relief a vital necessity. , Its prompt use has saved many little lives. Contains no opiates or harmful drugs. Refuse substitutes. D C Scott. ii "One-School" DistrictsFor several years I have urged the forming bf "one-school" disla tricts and the levy of a special ^ school tax. To my previous reasons J' for advising this is added a recent and strong one, viz: The policy of ll the Legislature to give aid only to those weak schools that levy a ,r special tax, and the regulation by } the State board of education allowl~ ing aid to only one school in a dis'* trict. I believe this plan will be n permanent, and sincerely hope that * our patrons in the large school disn tricts will take steps at once looking t towards one school district and the i- voting of a special tax. The plan is e simple: Outline in a petition to the s county board of education the terri?. tory desired in the new district(which e should contain from 15 to 20 square a miles), having it signed by one-third r or more of the electors and free> I holders in said territory, and unless t there are special reasons against the d forming of such a district the petition will lw crrnnfpH Tn siifh His (> ww~.. ? fr tricts the State aid will be as much e as they raise by special taxation, but not to exceed $100.00. I will be glad to attend any meet. ings called for the purpose of cond sidering changes along this line. 1- J G McCi PLOUGH, 3- Supt Education Williamsburg Co. 3-31-3t < J HveryEH writes Lola P. Roberts, of E| H Vienna, Ma, "I used to be B H sick most of the time and Kj I suffered with backache and H H headache. My Mother, who f& had been greatly helped by g the use of Cardui, got me Ej| two bottles, and I have g| been well ever since." b ICARDUI The Woman's Tonic fl Cardui is a gentle tonic I fl for young and old women. I I It relieves and prevents B fl pain. It builds strength. It fl feeds the nerves. It helps B the whole system. I fl Made from harmless I H roots and herbs, it has no B fl bad after-effects, does not B B interfere with the use of B fl any other medicine and can B H do you nothing but good. E I Try Cardui. It will help B B you. Your dealer sells it B I 4 WANTED: ? H S to 1? Head ^ ^ jj Hides Wanted, t J Green and Flin\ ? /I Apply r ^ Epps' MarKet, K Kln^stree, S. C. |$ 3-81 -Iyr |? I BUY A J | BUICR T automobile for pleasure or busi- J I ness,rapid transit, durability and 4 service. I Best and Most Efficient Car I ? ou the market by actual test. t NINE DIFFERENT STYLES f I from * t 91,000 to 91*750. { Demonstrations given at any * time. 4 | J, D. GILLAND, I j Agent Williamsburg County, 4 KINGSTREE, S C. >%*vvvvvvv\vvvvv\vvv\vw ? 'PHONE ? J jfif City Pressing Club J S WHEN YOCK CLOTHKS NEED 4 > Cleaning, Pressing or Dyeing, S S 'PHONE NO. 9.1. > J SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. * 5 Club Rate - - SI.00 per Month ? 5 Pressing Suit - 50c 5 t Cleaning and Pressing Suit, 75c t J ALTERATIONS A SPECIALTY. J v\v\ vwwwwvwwwvt J \ ANDERSON, SPRING & CO. \ J are headquarters for every- |? j thing in the 1/ ^ Fruit and Grocery Line ? J We also Keep a complete line of L j All Kindt of Soft Drinks. ^ X We handle on SATURDAYS L 3 THE FINEST MULLETS p j obtainable. 1/ 3 HIGHEST PRICES PAID [ ] for P g COUNTRY PRODUCE. ? A share of your patronage is r I oj earnestly sonciteu. p. j Anderson, Spring & Co., ? *4 KINGSTREE, S. C. f* zl^zvs 'v* -/in> 'xs /i\ Kingstree CAMP NO-27. ^'A < ft!* \V XMULAI MMTII'M ffvF ? ?^5NiA\\ 1st and 3rdMonda; fTW*B?5' Nights In each 'ftWv-SgKfc month. WyfSj} Visiting choppers cor\ 'XTTwaEB*, JfiKvy dially invited to conn C .'vsS^?*L. up and sit on astumj 'V ^' or hang about on tb( ^ limbs. Thos. McCutchen, 27 12m. Con. Com. Teachers' Examination Tne next regular teacners' examination will be held at the court house in King-tree on Friday. May 6, between the hours of 9:30 a rn and 4 pm. J G McCuli-ougii, Supt Education Williamsburg county. 4-7-3t V | Battle Axe (?j Low quarters for men, ladie gj celet rated shoe needs no reco @ Prices That Car ? 1 1 H Fine line ^ c u i r i ^ 11 1 n | @ that we are j| Selling at a ? ? ======= jgj it will pay you to loo IDry Q( ? * jg as we ha> ? Something for I @ ' ? 10,000 yard I White and Checl | at ? Bargain I ? Ifyouwa | <9 | Something Goo ^ call us up and we will deliver ilm? I BARGAIN i?:@:@:?:@:?:@.@:@:@:@j 1 / THE P ? magt 1] - A FIRST CI ? POULTRY DRESSE 49 49 ^ . We are rece 2 J Fresh Pork, Sausage ; ? 49 three times per week. ( 49 F | KINGSTREE GRADED AND [ Kingstree, S I High School D( r Boys and Girls prepared for Col 1 PURE WATER. El< I HEALTHFUL LOCATION, Fl | HIGH SCHOOL AKKEX recently c( \ and spacious Auditorium. t AMPLE ROOM FOR BOAI I TEEMS EEA?( > Spring Term B - Woilnocrlav ( f VVUlVtfMMj y ? \ For information apply to J. 0. COLBERT, ] ( Superintendent. | Kingstree. Shoes.! , . , V s ana cnnaren,*' This T C, i i I Sacrifice. H = ^ ik over our q ) od sj " ? Everybody. ft ============ ft s of ft [ Homespun J * v @ _ . ' ? I V : .? nt @ id to Eat, % Jaj the good? promptly. J iiTI HOUSL 1 ??? ?1 . -if FflPI F'S M4RKFT.? bVl Lb v iiinnnhi j gy 4ILLER, Proprietor, lways on hand ? ASSBEEF^dPORKI D TO ORDER. ? s? ivmg J , 5 Liver Pudding ? ^ h jive me a trial. 'vvvvw'w I HIGH SCHOOL, j > I f> f >. L. ) _______ | apartmentj J lege or for Business Life. { 3HT INSTRUCTORS, } NE MUSIC DEPARTMENT, i impleted with beautiful? RDING PUPILS. i )JCTABLE, I iegins j January 5. ] E. C. EPPS, | Clerk Board Trustees. ; S. C j