' ' [ ' f-f 'I ?ljc Co tint u ilefrrffi. | VOL XXIV. KLXOSTKKK. SOl Tii CAROLINA, THinSOAY, MARCH 31, 1910. NO. 3 IftRouse a bros" ?c? j J LAKE CITY NEWS ji AND VIEWS. ' 1, ANOTHER NEWSPAPER VEN-1 TUBE?MEASLES PREVALENT- i PICTURE AGENT IN TROUBLE. j ( Lake City, March 28:?Mrs J M ( Sturppon went to Bishopville Sun day night to see her daughters, Mrs!c L H Jennings and Miss Eloise I * i 3 Sturgeon, the latter of whom came! I 3 over from Columbia Female col- ( legfe to meet her mother. Mr and Mrs H Nachman and, ^ se<^fral children spent Tuesday of .H|^^eek in Florence. JC L Hirsch, Esq., was here from ^ Bpngstree last Thursday. j Sheriff Blackwell of Darlington, t ^^vhodied lastw^ek, was a brother r ? of Intendant J H Blackwell of this | j town. jc A good many children of this i jplace spent Faster nursing their re-! T * spective cases of measles. This dis- ^ ease seems to be prevalent in this! c j v section and in some instances it is j complicated with mumps. t Dr W S Stokes, of whose inten- \ tion to corm here for the purpose c of establishing a newspaper men- 1 tion was made in this column two r | weeks ago, is here with his family; ( I and they have come to cast their i fc lots with us permanently. The1 ( } doctor has secured an option to pur-; r i chase a nice residence and is look-'t ing around for a lot on which to j t build a printing office. He is go- \ ing about the matter in a way to p impress one with the idea that he f r t _ FOR ! t ' 4 f ??1 ^ . Big shipment just r< nriTraof f ttI v?j\, iiv nwi 01 v Our Grocery Depart Pe HBB 4 mmmrnsm "J" P ??R a \i/nn anu liic vv rvvj Ourestablishme j ly and slyly elbows y Individual attei clothier, and will get Our firmest frie "HI H. D. s entering the field of local le ournalism with no thought of any- 1 ling but success. ! a I Dr W S Lynch was here from! >?ranton Fridav on a business trip. 1 IN Rain is badly needed at this writ- j ~~ ng. The ground is getting really! Irv. There are hundreds of acres )i beans doing their level best to' :ome up, but cannot do so with- & >ut the assistance of a little moisure. The same observation will j ci< ipply to practically all the gardens le ilso. hil Thursday afternoon Chief of Po- scl ice Rodgers received a telegram St rom the Sheriff of Jenkins county , leorgia, asking that one John H j fo: IfcMillan, a young white man who an lad been selling pictures some time sel n this community, be arrested on ou he charge of seduction. The ar- wc est was promptly made and Sheriff sit Sdenfield notified. Saturday Govern- su ?r Ansel instructed Chief Rodgers coi o hold McMiHan until requisition If )apers could be issued and directed cai hat if the man could not be taken of are of here, he be put in jail, coi ilonday the Sheriff, who had wired he arrest, came and carried the fel )risoner to Millen, the county seat th< if Jenkins county. McMillan, who wl s a nice looking young man, was pe lot at all anxious to return to tu: ieorgia. The crime with which he ex s charged is punishable under the tn Ieorgia law by imprisonment for; usi lot less cnan two anu not more i han twelve years with no al- j lav ernative fine. ' * ar1 Mr R B Fitch is shipping sweet I wi >otatoes, and he is doing this to' ou ill contracts that will net him at sin he Gentli and eve sss N E W WOMEN, MEN AND CHILDREN. HE SWEI that e STAR BRAND ! MEN'S A con ^MEN'S ?ceived. Latest styles to fit all siz a-13 o ment is always complete with ever ople's He t I HE T [Gfh k W. T . is not a "machine on doorward. ition, personal servi< , of US. nds have come out of [GH ART" Spr REDDK ast $100 per acre for his tubers. Mr R B Fitch has our thanks for sack of fine "Georgia bucks." W. L. B. | ___ m DUSTRIAL SCHOOL PROJECTED Oman's Home Missionary Society the Promoters. litor County Record: The Woman's Home Mission So-,! ity, of the South Carolina con- j rence, is considering the advisa- J lity of establishing an industrial hool in the Eastern section of the j ate. It is proposed to open this school ! r the benefit of tHb many boys d girls who cannot avail themIves of the advantages offered by ir colleges. Such an institution >uld require as a beginning, a , e of 10 or 12 acres and funds! fficient to build and equip a plant sting from $12,000 to $15,000. this amount can be secured, we - 1 1.L.X xf.. 117 >_ T> 1 n nope mat. ine woman s ooaru Home Missions will assume its ntrol and maintenance. We believe there is great need It for just such a school, and ere are many of our people to 10m its beneficent results will ap- i al. Through the industrial fea-; re the students can not only secure penses at a minimum cost, but be j lined in the various industries' Lially taught. The girls will be taught cooking, j mdering sewing, and in all the [ ts of home-making; while the boys j 11 do the mechanical, farm and | t-door work. A literary course lilar to a graded school system e Zephyi Tvone needs wearing apparel tc SPRI LACES, EMBROIDERIES AN' jLEST L rer came to town?this is no id! SHOES for Lad l N D B OY? lplete line from the five cent va AND BO es at lowest prices. .Shirts, Col CEET DI ything the housewife needs. T rcantile t l ' mmmmmmsm WO P irther apart tt t of ciol which greets you p :*e, helpful suggestion: -? " '/ * J A . . 1. sue "you ve-goi-io-sn ing' Suits Are 1 :K'S Ba will be provided; but the chief -aim of the school will be the moral, social and spiritual* uplift of the students. We shall be glad to correspond with friends of this proposed plan of home mission work, as to its location and possibility of aid. Mrs W L Wait, President Home Mission Society of South Carolina Conference. Lake City, S C., March 23, 1910. W, EWOODS, Lake City, S. C. Agent for Ford Automobiles. Demonstration* given at any time. 8-31 -3m < : Tobacco Fines.; J 1 Now is the time I to place your order for your t : BARN FLUES. \ * i My shop is at the t I same old stand in t LAKE CITY, t I i Branch shop at I j Cooper X Roads, 1 Mail orders will t have our prompt at- j tention. J i Yours to serve, ; A. E. HILL, t LAKECITY, S.C.. j 4 OK COCPER.S.C. ;M7-tf I ; ?? ??? ? -?.? j 's Whisp > fit the season. We are opening NG GC D BEAUTIFUL DRESS FABRICS INE OF < e boast. Come and see our lies; king qu 5 * STRAW lue up to the latest style Panam; YS' CLOT lars and Cuffs. We handle the ry our KURNEL BLEND COFFE Company OLES lan the thes Shop erfunctorily, measures s?these you are entitl ow-me" ranks. Now On View. rgain Si MMMMi ? AN INV1 { X wv\ X WE INVITE YOU to prov ft starting an account in our bank, O laid by. Then, if sickness or ot V not have to worry about where ^ We will show you every courte X and will be glad to see you, wh X snail. Why not start RIGHT I |THE FARMERS & I o Lake Cil A VW O Safety Deposit An Easter Egg Hant. j Masters Napoleon and George! Ansel Nelson entertained a number 1 of.their little friends Monday after ' noon from 4 to 6 o'clock with an ! Easter egg hunt. Besides the fun I of hunting the gayly colored eggs, various games and childish sports were enjoyed by the little folks and the afternoon was a continuous round of pleasure. Dainty and appetizing refreshments 1 were served during the afternoon and the children enjoyed the feast of good things provided and went home tired but happy to chase in dream-land tho elusive Easter egg. 1 < ?er Sprin; daily )ODS ? I Fl?OM FASHION S CENTERS. 3IFORD IALITY for Men. HATS, \i a. HING. ?< celebrated Lion brand and have 3 2?T T . .E. We put it up against anythin Y ^ Kingstree, S# ???*?*3 |r you mechanical- | led to from your ;|j tore. _ ? ? ? xxxxxxxxxxxxx ITATION. ? * ide for your future welfare by ?\ Get a good, substantial sum ft ;her misfortune comes, you will & the next meal is coming from. sy and attention at our bank, x ^ tether your deposit is large or X WW? X MERCHANTS BANK, | f ;j. s. ('. ? v-,3 ww A' Boxes for Rent. O xxxxxxxxxxxxx , . i I Saved A Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot an<* shell in the civil war was more agreeable to J A Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing it from what doctors said waa consumption. "I contracted a stubborn cold,'! he wrixes,, "that developed a cough, that atucfc I to me in spite of all remedies for I years. My weight ran down to ?pounds. Then I began to use Dr King's New Discovery, which c??pletely cured d>h. I now weigh 178 pounds.'' For Coughs. Colds, LaGrippe, Asthma, Hemorrhage, Hoarseness. Croon. WhooDinir Couch and Inn? trouble, itXeopreme. 50o. $1,00. Trial bottle free. Gnarai-Ued by D C Scott. Old papers for sale at the Rea?rd office. - ,J |" nri*r ? i vf "irt, N i ^ - ' s . 3 a complete assortment of M g for the same money. j C * /* V 'wF v 'v.: