The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 03, 1910, Image 7

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r _ f ' ABOUT COMETS. y Origin or Hie Narae?Questions An swered about Heavenly WanderersI. What is am corner? The astron. onuer, Simon New comb, says: "Corn (from Greek, kometes, having Jok_ hair) heavenly bodies of a kind ^W^dly distiuct from all others yet ^Efipwn. and in some points envelopi n a mystery which science has been able to penetrate. The brighter comets consist of three parts: a nucleus, a coma and a tail. V,-\ The nucleus is a star-like point of light. The coma is the cloudv light Elm cEar.liL'p nninf. QUllVUUUlU^ wuv WM?4 1.MV ^ The tail is u train of light, generally" fan shaped a^nd always extendingaway from the sud. ? 2. How are comets named? Comets are named after the uieu who discovered theui. -V* > s > 3. Who was Halley, about whom we read so much? He was an English .astronomer born uear London October 2t>, 1056. 4. When did he discover the comet which bears hisuanie? In 1680. 5. How often does the oomet appear? Its period ranges from 75 to 77 years. 6. When did it last appear? It appeared last in 1835. 7. When will it again appear? ??n aoo fKio orraof pnmAf iif 2 FT t VttU FV.V bum ^*VMV vv>uv. v.. ? o'clock on the morning of May 11* next What a great privilege! Bat few men now living remember seeing Halley'8 comet when it last appeared in 1835. S. What would be the result if tbia comet should strike the earth? The earth's history would be closed; all debts paid! 9. Is it at all probable that this comet will strike the earth? Yes. y , JKX What is the probability? It has one chance out of 281,000,000,so the astronomers tell us. They tell, as that the world has existed many, ? many milliou years. It mtfy be that Lathis time it will strike the earth. earth would then be a burning war. 11. Ordinarily, how near is this f comet to us? 3,-100,000,000 miles. 12. -When we see it next May! how near will we likely be to it? i ? 4 - -b ^ ilufanAa ' ruiy HUiCd IliC UlUULi O UlOlilUly^ A X V44I the earth. That is the calculation! - of astronomers. Yet there is a " chance for it to strike the earth und it is well for all to be ready for any calamity that may be cansed by the couret. Her Oestioy. A young woman said she was born ' to be a farmer's wife because she engaged in milking when an infant, and took to cradling early. Later] she often cut. up and shocked her I patents and tilled her crib. At an j k ^ early age she learned to sew, anuj she had cultivated her acquaintance! with a youug agriculturist, and as i I ? soon as she placed her- affoctious j=he! iutended to "make hay while the ?Ustm was shining." This was too Hf much for an impressible of the FT ^ soil, so lie gathered her up in his ' , arms and garnered her.?Ex. An Awful Eraption of a volcano excites brief interest, and your interest in skin eruptions' wjjH be as sho^t, if you use Bucklen's ^^Arnicu Salve, their quickest cuio. . ' *1Sven the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores are soou healed by it. Best for Burns, Cuts, Bruises, bore Lips, Chapped Hands, Chilblains and Piles. It gives iustaut relief. L at D C Scott's. r Wood's Seeds | A ?? > * w w ? ? ? ? ^ - I 0 For Superior Crops 0 , Wood's 30th Annual Seed Book \ is cue of the most useful and com I pletc seed catalogues issued. It . 1 gives practical information about the best and most profitable seeds to plant for The Market Grower WThe Private Gardener The Fanner I Wood's Seeds are grown and fl selected with special reference to U the toils and climate of the South, Y and every southern planter should f have Wood's Seed Book so as to be fully posted as to the best seeds for southern growing. Mailed free on request Write for it. ' " : T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, . Richmond, Va. w? are i<eaaqu*nor? i?r Grass and Clover Se?Kls. Sood Potatoes. SeedOats. CoyPe**' iSoia Banns, and all Pnrrn and Garden Seeds. | CADES CHRONICLES. Death of a Well Known Lady- Other/ Items of Locai Interest. Cades, March 1:?Mrs Lorena Dennis Hailey, wife of (he late s\ /~x TT-M... 1 ,1 HT,. U v. naney, anu uciugntei ui .ui ^ and Mrs L W Dennis, of thin i : place, died at the home of her | ; parents Friday afternoon, Feb-j ruary 25. A rather strange circumstance in connection with the Hailey family is two births, and four deaths in eleven months J and three days. Mrs Hailey' was the last surviving member of j her family as her husband and babies predeceased her some time ago. She was a consistent memj ber of Cades Baptist church. ! Deputy Sheriff Harrell of Florence was in town Saturday on businessMr B W McElv&en and family j have returned to Cades to make j their home here, after living ; about two years in Florence.. Mr J L Covington, a promini ent farmer from the Single sec tion, was in town Monday on business. Mrs H J Brown is m ill at her home on Main street. Her friends hope for her a speedy recovery. Mrs G L Sauls of Lake City visited relatives in town Monday. Mr J N Floyd, a prominent I merchant of Cades, went to 1 Kingstree on business Monday. Regular services were held at the Methodist church Sunday ' evening at 7:30 o'clock by the pastor. Rev J R Sojourner. Mr J M Rodgers went to Florence on business Tuesday. The Cades Graded school is in 1 a flourishing condition under the management of the efficient , I teachers, Misses Mamie McLees , | and Ola McElveen. < There has been a quantity of ' 'fertilizers hauled from Cades 1 I this season- Farmers in general 1 ! are expecting to make large ! crops this yearMessrs J J and R F Epps, progressive farmers of this vi-{ cinity, and Mr V E Strong, a j leading business man of Cades, are attending court this week at | iKingstree as jurymen. I l I Mr James H Epps has accept- I i ed a position on the police force I | in Florence. < Mr E H Sauls is spending some 1 time in Tampa, Fla, on business, i' B W M. j Stubborn As Mules are liver and bowels sometimes; seeui j to balk without cause. Then there's i I trouble?Loss <?f Appetite?lndi- , gestiop, Nervousness, Despondency, Headache. Hut such troubles fly ' before Dr King's New Life Pills, I the world's best .Stomach and Liver | remedy. So easy. L'oc at D (' < Scott's. ( Rkmimafir &\11VU1A1MVAV Pains "My mother is a great suf- , ferer from rheumatism, and Dr. j Miles' Anti-Pain Pills is the only i remedy that relieves her." MRS. G. DAVENPORT, Rovccfield, N. J. The pains of rheumatism are almost invariably relieved with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They J also overcome that nervous irri, tation which prevents sleep be! cause they soothe the nerves. To chronic suffers they are invaluable. When taken as directed, they relieve the distress and save the weakening influence of pain, which so frequently pros trates. Many sufferers use tnem whenever occasion requires with the greatest satisfaction, why not you? They do not derange the stomach nor create a habit. Why not try them ? Get a package from your druggist. Take it according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. T=? 3 --Saag HI wmw (Prickly Asb, Pokt ?posmva ctres o -ikisnz e::.!orw>P. T. P. as a splini" i TBbiuatioa, and proscribe it with s..tuihction for the curse of all ' - rS stages of Primary, Secondary 1 "srfcary 8yphilia, Syphilitic Rhau- I J, b'.rcfulcui fleers and Sores, | " -." .'.arSwclhajs, Rheumatism, Kid... ,.;c; ir.irlc. old Chrcnio Ulcers that | ISMS; l-c orriUtcd ill treatment. Catarrh, Skin I L'ivaec. Ecrema, Chrcnio Female Cor.-.pUlata, Mercurial Poison, Tatter, Cculdhoad, oK, etc. I F. P. P. powerful tonic and an excellent aj itiser, building up the 1 ayatesa rapidiv If yoa art weak and 1 feebly and feei naoly try P. P. P., and RHEUP t WHY Pi ft When I will sell you a ^ and lend you monev to ft and sell lands anywhere $ ZFODES y) Six lots on Railroad a1 ft North Kingstree. ifc One 6-room dwelling ftf 179 acres near Rome, ! ft Four-room dwelling h ft farm cleared, ft 1,200 acres near Rome ft buildings. One four-room dwell ft with barn and stables. ft One seven-room twoft lot, barn and stables, a .-k-_ u irrb Ci?llAAl Pnr C U/ llt^ J VI J to ^ SEE ME FOR Q * P. A. Al $ 'Real \S? Kingstree, r v S9S969S969eS I A BEAUTIFU I^SENT FREE to anyon $ Watches, u) Diamonds, Plated Ware and f) VVe got up this cata I#will take pleasure in < S prospective customer. If in a hurry write u P9the article will follow ^Stephen Tt K 257 KING STREE1 LOUIS 232 e The Greate: ^MUfThe Lai THE gigantic alterations th you to come to Charles Largest, B< A BETTI than it was ever your privi .^"PiiTiei if* MI 101 r p. p. 5 Boot and Potassium.) 7 ILL FORMS AXD BTAGE3 OF ?yon irill regain flesh and strength. Wasioofencrgyandall diseases resulting from overtaxing thosystera are cured by B3H the nro of P. P. P. Ladieswhofo systansarepoisonedand Owhoeeblocdisin an Srnpuro condi tiondue to menstrual irregnlaritios aro peculiarly benefited by the wonderful tonio and ? SCROFULA Of I blood eleanaing propertiea of P. P. P, |Prickly Aah. Poke Root and PoUaeitua. Sold by all DrogguU. jz? f. v. lippman Proprietor Savannah, Ca. gATgiW *Y RENT? | lot in the town of Kingstree ifi build on same. I also buy ifi in the State. j|i S^uX-S. $| /enue. 29 acres of land in (f\ house, barn and stables. *p 5. C. jp ouse and out-houses,1-horse /p (P S-horse farm cleared, four (p m ing and four acres of land fp story dwelling on 1-2 acre fp bout ISO yards from Kings- *p ale on easy terms. Jp UICK BARGAINS. ^ J _SBROOK> S ite Broker," ? - - S.C.jj IL CATALOGUE | e wanting to get prices on#) Jewelry, f) Silver Ware, Fine Toilet ^rticles.5 ilogue at a big expense and j) sending a copy free to any Up s just what you want and ^ next mail or express, f) iomas & Bro.,f] r, CHARLESTON, S, C. fi COHEN >4 Iving St.j St DEPARTMEi rgest Wholesale and Retail Ow at have been in progress all sum ton to do vour shoppine and vis: ist Equipped, Best A in the whole South, with thi :R GRADE OF MERC] lege of purchasing before. W&l): McCALL PATTERNS Celebrated for style, perfect fit, simplicity and | reliability nearly 40 years. Sold in nearly I cverv city and town in the United States and ) Canada, or by mail direct. More sold than | any other make. Send lor iree catalogue. I McCALL'S MAGAZINE i More subscribers than any other fashion ; J magazine?million a month. Invaluable. I.a'.. I est styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery,, | plain sewing, fancy needlework, nairdressing, etiquette, good stories, etc. Only 50 cents a > year (worth double), including a free pattern. ; i Subscribe today, or send for sample copy, j . WINDERFL'L INDL'CEMENTS <o Agents. Postal brings premium catalogul i y j -H and new cash prize offers. Address ' the McCAiL CO.. 233 to 248 W. 37th St. new YORK i i I 1 I Registration Notice. , The* otlire oi the Supervisor of Reg istration will be open on tbe lsi Jlon- " day in each month for the purpose of registering any person who is quali- j lied as follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of tbe i county one year,and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, sis months before, any poll tax then due . and payable, and who can both read < ' and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during toe i present year, pioperty in thi3 State assessed at three hundred dollars or , more. J. Y. McGILL, Clerk of Board JBMBSMMMaiaisnsnAk PHIll CIS Ofllce orer Slngletary Building. Phone 14. M. A. WOODS, DENTIST. LAKE CITY, - S. C CLAYTON & COOKE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LAKE CITY, - - - ' SC. I Office in Singletarjr Building. . Special Attention to . '2-23-09 ! \ W. Lcland Taylor, DENTIST. Office over Dr W V Bnxkingtou's Store KINGSTREE. - - S. C. < 5 . ; M. D.Nesmittk DENTIST. LAKE CITY, - - - *?.! ! |i \a/i L. BASS Attornev at Law * 1 LAKE CITY, a C. Jj I Dr E J McCabe Dentist. I KI1T33T.R.ES. - S. c.' ? I II ?' 11 ^ - ?. | J. D. MOUZON'S i IBARBER SHOP ?in the? Kellahau Hotel , \t is equipped with up-to-date ap! plianct-s. Polite Service. < oyipetent ; ' Workmen. r_S-03. , I f & COIV - - - CHA NT STORE i MAIL ORDER HOUSE in thi merare now completed and we it the Lppointed and Best 1 s assurance, that you will find ffANDISE AT A LOW vnnn MY luuii munu i W* I ^ f ?Hi i Hacker Mfg. Co. St'CCKSSOItS TO GEO. S. HACKER & SON CHARLESTON. S. C. \N E !YI A^N U F^Cl^ Doors. Sash and Blinds; Columns and Balusters; Grilles and Gable Ornaments; Screen Doors and,Windows. ME DEAL IN Glass. Sash Cord ml Weights. Paint Your Buggy! We can make it look like new. \ * \nv sun. H& in Dr other vehicle la proved 1 Per Seal in appearance by painting. A.lso ' BltcksaMh, Bring Us Tour Work. W. M. Vause&Son 6-10-tf , % Final DischargeNotice is hereby given that.I wiJl apply to P M Brockinton, Esq. Judge jf Probate of Wiiliamburg county, on she 5th day of March, 1910, at 12 )Ylock M, for a final discharge as administrator of the estate of B t Whitehead. H A Graham, 2-3-5t . Administrator. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that I vfriil 1.. 1) \f Vcn Pm_ ipP'J LV L Jl flwauiVVii| *JUU| a *vr ):ite Judge of Williamsburg County, >n Saturday, March 5, 1910, at 12o'clock m, for a final discharge aa administrator of the estate of Robert Wesmith, deceased. Hugh S Nesmith, 2-J-5t Administrator. ^ Money to LendLong term loans at 8 per cent, pef annum on approved collateral, preferably farm lands. Apply to Gilland & Gilland, l2-16-tf . Kingstree, S C. FOB SALE. irlek in any quantity to suit purchas r. The Best Dry Press Machine-made .VBBICK.JT jpecial shapes m ;de to order. Correjomlenee solicited belore placing your irders. W. R. FUNK. , _ j -C KD Alt >pf SWAMP CAMP, No 435 IPANY. $STON,S.C. n the South' e South, extend a cordial invitation to Jghted Store ER PRICE