The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 03, 1910, Image 6

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WEEKLY NEWS BlIBGET FROM ANDREWS. i | EXCITING WRECK ON G. S W. RAILROAD ?NOTtS AM) SUGGESTIONS ON TIMELY TOPICS. Andrews, February iN:?The (i & TV railroad had another exciting wreck last Thursday afternoon. At West End depot the passenger train took the siding for the local freight to pass and while the passenger train was backing out, the rear coach split the switch, causing the car to jump ' the track aud very nearly turning! over completely in the ditch with bO. or 70 passengers on board. This, accident shook up and alarmed eve-1 ry one, but fortunately ro one was ! hurt. The writer was in view of the train wheu the wreck occurred and it was certainly a thrilling escape for the passengers. Miss Ellen Boone was among the number on board on her way to the Sumter infirmary for treatment, being quite sick, and no doubt the shock was detrimental tc this sick lady. The train was detained about one hour when Road Master Davis and ' his crew arrived on the scene and the train was soon put back upon the track. The home of Mr and Mrs \V S Camlin was made happy by the arrival of a baby girl on February 16. They say "papa" is all smiles. Several pairs of young mules weie delivered in town the past week, one pair of which cost the owner $000. This is too much to pay for farm mules. Quite a lot of shad have been sold on the streets here the past week. The most of them were brought here from Sautee ri^er. Our merchants here who are iu the lien aud mortgage business are * 3'lling horset-, mules, guano and other merchandise. Look eut, brother merchant, for next fall. Wo predict a wet year and a poor crop season. The farmers are setting the stakes for high-price cotton and a Sue crop at that?if this fails it will bring disaster to both farmer and merchant. Raise your provisions, brother farmer, and then after doing this, make all the cotton that you cau take care of. I believe our farmers will heed this warning; some of them at least have felt the sting of raising cottcu to buy corn, hay and bacon. The writer will plant one acre in sorghum' this season for mo lasses. Try this, Mr Farmer, for a money crop. 1 believe it will beat cotton. Subscriber. Moody Matters. Moody, February 28:?Rev Mr Bedenbaugh commenced a protracted meeting at Harmony church Sunday night to be continued probably through the week. Mr C A Camlin, who has been; quite sick, is convalescent. Miss Alma Woodham, the! teacher of the Oak Ridge school,! spent Sunday here with her sis. ter, Miss Glennie Woodham. Mr Preston Brantley of Georgetown is visiting relatives here. Mr Vance Wheeler spent the week-end with relatives at I Gourdins. Almost every farmer hereabouts1 has traded his old stock for new and is making more extensive preparations for farming than for several years. Mrs G W Camlin has been ser iously ill for some days but is somewhat better. Mr J B Crooks.of this vicinity, has moved to Benson to take charge of the farm for his aunts. Misses Mary and Janie Grayson. Mr Tommie Tisdale has moved to Sumter to live. Mr B L Thompson spent Saturday in Georgetown. Edgar. Foley's Kidney Kennedy is a safe and certain remedy for all kidney and bladder diseases, whether acute or chronic. It is a splendid tonic for middle aged and elderly people and a sure cure for all annoyances and irregularities of the kidneys and bladder. D 0 Scott. k PENSION REPORT For Williamsburg County for the Past Year Fifteen Deaths. Si.ico tin' pension report for U'O'.i fifteen ikaths have occurrei, to wit: Eleven male's aii<l four females. Thirty new applications have been presented to the countv board, twenty-live of .which were accepted and forwarded to the Pension Department at Columbia. The following applications were rejected by the county pension board for the reasons herewith assigned: Mrs M L Epps, Mrs A M Chandler, debarred by property: Mrs Anna Sturgeon has not attained qualified age (CO years), Messrs A \V Gamble and D II Hanniford, debarred by property. The county roll for the present year embraces the names of one hundred and ninety (190) applicants, llivided amongst the different classes. Respectfully submitted, H 11 Kinder, Pension Commissioner. JUSriCE LIMPS Id Catching the Man Higher up but Nabs the Little Fellows. % Justice has a streak of yellow, for she grips the little feliow, but her temper seems to mellow toward the man who's higher up. Though she ruus to fix her clutches on the one who steals as much as 50 ceuts, she limp3 on crutches toward the man who's higher up. If the duties are evaded, quick is righteous wrath paraded, for the few who simply aided?not the man who's higher up. 'lis a most obuoxious feature: Justice sorely needs a teacher; worst of sinners uot the creature, but the man who's higher up. Little chap must go to prison for a crime not reallv his'n, while cham\ pagne is is ever fizzin* for the man who's higher up. When a trust is caught at schem ing, Justice fakes its menials seeming not to e'en be faintly dreaming of the man who's higher up. Ever calm her way pursuing, Justice notes what some are doing, but this duty is eschewing when the man is higher up. Justice should take off her blinder, to the smaller fry be kinder,and. before her or behind her, grab riiat man who's higher up. How Good \ews Spread. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time," writes B F 'Polson, of Elizabethtown, Ky. -'Everywhere I go I recommend Electric Bitters, because I owe 1113* excellent health and vitality to them. They tft'eet a cure every time.'' They never fail to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purity the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, restoring strength; vigor and health that's a daily joy. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction is positively guaranteed by D C Scott. ^ Notice. In filling- orders for soda water and other soft urinks Mr Young finds that quite a number of his patrons have failed to return iiis glasses and holders. This causes him much inconvenience and embarrasment in sviviug his customers and with due courtesy and consideration he asks all parties who have neglected to return the articles referred to please *o do so at their earliest con1.^ tk.... 1-r. ,1 \CUJClJLCj U1IU lie lLiail!\S LIIC 111 ill iiuvance for their prompt compliance with his request. loughs That Hang On. Coughs that start in the fall and hang on until spring are sure, trouble breeders unless checked and cured. Bronchitis, pneumonia and consumption are the direct result. Foley's Honey and Tar . cures the cough, stops the hard breathing and heals and soothes the inflamed air passages. Refuse substitutes. D C Scott Just received?a beautiful line of wedding stationery and a new series of "Engravers Old English" type., You can't tell it from engraving. Give us your order; satisfaction guaranteed. "'i . ;/ *. ... , Take Notice. II c are rcrissui'i ovr look* in order to com phi iciii the Govern j incut requirement that no weekly I iter's j taper shall keep a subs'rilcr ! tut its i nail ill a list who is more \thia a year in arrears em pain (if fm'f' itliaj its t> j/nsfaye pririkf/e. T>> this end ve are sending ?> lit- to Ci'inf sub. sari be r who Oft' b<>oIs show fo owi us twenty-fire " nts or more. Tito subscription price of The Record is $7.25 ti /Jcur, but to try to f/ct our subscription list on a cash basis, we male a discount of 2?V to every subscriber who pai/s one year in etdrance. In making out hundreds of these small accounts, it is possible that some errors hare crept in. jr? shall be pleased to correct any mistake to which our attention ii called. Any one who wants his or her copy of The 1 Record discontinued will confer a facor by so stating j when remitting in response to our statements. After waiting a reasonable time, if we do not hear from parties fc whom these statements are sent, their papers wiVl be discontinued and their accounts put in fht hands of a collection agency which is very successful in collecting (IpUf O I'J (/MO /H /(U. Hoping to hive a prompt response from every one, ire arc, 1V ry res pertfu ttij, The Countg Record. FOLEV ? HOSEY The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throst and lu&f troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic. Good for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is la aYellow package. Refuse substitutes. Prepared only by Foley * Company, Chloego* D. f. Scott. f mSON^PRING & CO. E i J are headquarters for everyj j thing in the l| j j Fruit and Grocery Line ^ jj We also keep a complete line of ^ : ^ All Kinds of Soft Drinks. J We handle on ^ATl'RDAYS L H THE FINEST MULLETS . obtainable. tj HIGHEST PRICES PAID ? A ,or H OOl'NTltY PRODl'CE. r H A share of your patronage is r | ^ curne-tly solicited. ^ A Anderson. Spring & Co., f? A KINGSTREE. S. C. t* Kingstree Lodge No. 91 Knights of Pythias Regular Conventions Kvcry Visiting brethren always welcome, Castle Hall 3rd story Gourd in Building. C. D. JACOBS, C. C. . C. 0. BURGESS, K U S & M F Announcement. We have placed an order for over ?100 worth of new job type, which ncludes the latest up-to-date faces foj- all kinds of commercial and solal forms of printing. We are now prepared also to do Catalogue aud pamphlet work of every description, including lawyers' briefs, in the most approved style. We have a-special lot of new type faces that will be used only for wedding invitations, visiting cards, etc. Call and see samples of work or let us send them to you. Our job department is equipped better than any other in this part of the State. tf The Record lias printed up a number of promissory note books, fifty notes to the books that we are selling at ten cents each, tf 4 f OUR CLUBBING RATES; We offer cheap clubbing rates) with a number of popular news! papers anil periodicals. Read ca|e fully the following list and select i the one cr more that you fancy and 1 n-A -lioll Ko nlaflc-.l fA cnnil in WAtif ; wr 't u? uvjju UI jum : arder. These rates are of course all 1 cash in advance, which means that ! both Tiie Record and the paper ordered, must be paid for, not 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, but twelve months ahead, lielow is the list of our best clubbing offers. i ? The Record and News & Courier J (Semi-weekly,) $1.85. The Record and Home & Farm (twice a month,) $1.35. j The Record and New*York World (3 times a week,) $1.75. The Record and Atlanta Conati| tution (3 times a week) $1.85. "! The Record and Atlanta Consti1! tution (wjeekly $1.50. The Record and Rain's Com- . , moner, $1.75. The Record and Cosmopolitan Magazine $2.00. The Record and Youth's Com' panion (New Subscribers) $2.50. 1 The Record Semi-Weekly State, r $2.50. The Record and Lippiucott's Magazine 1 year each 12.75. The Record and National Magazine, 1 year each, $2.00. ' N. B. We do not club with any , daily papers. The first issue you . , receive of the paper or periodical is evidence that the money for same ? has been forwarded by us. We are 11 not responsible after that. , THE COUNTY RECORD, Kingstree. S. C. Departnre of Passenger I Trains at Kingstree. The Atlautic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following .[schedule, which became effective ! Monday, May 17, 1909. -NORTH BOUNDj No 80 7:40 a. m, : ^No 46 11:37 a. ni. No 78 6:00 p. m. ?SOUTH BOUNDNo 79 10:48 a. m. *No 47 5:33 p. m. No 89 9:12 p. m. | *I)AILY H.XCEPT SUNDAY. Ml ? ? ?"OR SALE. ; * I am offering the * I M.O.MYERS FARM ' t of : 149 ACRES : * 3 miles from Sera n ton, for * : $3,000 CASH : for quick jple. This i? t great ! * bargain ; Piast applicant secures *| the property. : J, D. GILLAND, : : Real Estate Broker \ I KINGSTREE, S C. I - ? ? ??? ESTIMATE For County Expeuses of Williamsburg County for Fiscal Year Commencing January 1,1910. \ ' F<>r County Auditor $ 4 >0 00 F<t County Commissioners' :md < Jerk's salaries 700 00 For County Treasurer's ^wary 400 00. i For Gmnty Board ot Kquaiization 1 uOO 00 for Jury. Witness .and Constables' tickets 4,000 00 Ksr Clerk of ( ourt 425 00 for Sheriff 1,500 00 For Magistrates and Con-ta. bles 1,7<K) 00 Fur Coroner 150 00 For l'oor Hou-e and pi .or 2.5'JO 00 For repairs on .wis and bridges and chaingang expenses by Road Engineer... 6,000 OO For repairs on public buildings 200 00 j For books, stationery and printing GOO 00 i For contingent expenses 1.000 00 Fur ,Hjxt examining lunatics and conveying 300 00 Fo- Jury Con missioners aud insurance 200 00 ! For Court House 100 00 I For Jail 1 100( 0 , Fur J'hvsic an and Attorney's I I fees, 200 00 I ' *> ? ? v inn.r.n.i I rur oiijici iiitvnucm Kuutauuu and Board Education 750 00 F<-r Road Engineer's salary... 1.200 00 Total $23,425 00 LESS estimated revenues tor 1910 other than taxesFines and costs from Magistrates $ 500 00 Fines and licenses from Clerk of Court 1,500 00 Commuutation road tax 3,000 00 $5Q0J 00 Amount to be raised by laxa tion $13,425 00 J N Bam met, County Commissioner Williamsburg County. May be necessary to borrow $5,000.00 Old papers for sale cheap by the hundred at The Record office . /?. ' . (j) I have just recei 8 FRESH CAF fl OF HORSES and fl which I am selli 8 VERY CLOSE j} It will pay you t ? J. L. 5 T U ( 8 EXCLUSIVELY LI g LAKE CITY Tils? Nice driving horses I , A Good work horses I rr Combination horses | si Buggies, Surreys ai Durham?Jackson G Smith? W t WAGONS 1 Just received two carloads of t known WEBER?COLUMBUS & ] Harness, Saddles, Ro Horse Bla Call and see us befc Yours to pie; Williamsburg Li | Kingstree, jI Let us liaye your nex pCROCE] q\ We have on hand at all timi ft GROCERIES, FRUITS, Gl i , ALSO & ?CIGARS AM) 1 ( of all kinds All Orders Deliver* (A to any part of tb $ MILHOUS J JE! / 'Phone 81. ManMBBBBHRS FRE1 T obacco If you want good, fresh place to get them is Farmers'Suj f Kmgstree,; You also wan Tobacco ( for putting out your beds w handle all grades of Fiiitr, Fan etc, and solicit your business in position to handle your ord H. E. Monti J r* 0 1 1LOAD / V'JB >' I MULES |ll PRICES. |fM SI 11 sizes of nice, sleek I | mles in 'pairs or KIM id Runabouts -9| k enn and arker Buggies. % xAiiom I *Jj ;he reliable and well Kg|'; RUSSELL Wagons. I bes, Whips and |;|| )re buying. I ve Stock Co. H BIB R I ES^I es a fancy line of ONFbCTiONERIES. fM 'OBACCOS??? ed Promptly / aA afl MININGS. i \ ? mL ' ' J*4?? ( m \w ' \ ;J Seed ' robacco Seed, the pplyCo, | iuano ithout delay. We * |i litems j XlU^fAVlUVUlMj ,j$ for 1910 and are : $ lers, large or small.; /jy jomery, 1 Manager. |