The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 06, 1910, Image 1

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I: F I ii I m . m ' ibe (Bounty VOL Will. KIXOSTRElv SOUTHCAROLINA.THURSDAY, .1AM AHV r>, HMO. NO. 43. H 14 n , A A* JLSm % NEWfflF THE WEEK IN LAKE CITY, MAT THE PEOPLE OF A BUSY CONNU WHY ARE SAYING AND DOING. 4 Lake City, January 4:? "Judge" J A Green spent a da^ j or two of last week in Charles 7 ton. fHon J Davis Carter was F noted on our streets Saturday last. P Seventeen years ago Mr David Lf < Kodgers, who was raised a W few miles below Kingstree, went away. Last Friday, tc onr great surprise and pleasure, he walked into the writer's office. When we las1 met be was but a boy, now he is a bearded man tfith a -i J ^.:n lamny. ms uiu mcuus wm be gratified to learn that he is doing well m Little Rock, Ark., which is his home. Mr 0 L Bass of Pensacola, i Fla., was out to see relatives V in Lake City the early part oi t v the week. Mr Bass left here I twenty-five years ago, but [ every four or five years comes back for a few days. Mr D M Epps and three others ' went out bird hunting one da} last week and returned witt seventy-four partridges. Not s bad day's sport, eh? Twenty four coveys on ene farm How is that? Not a bad show ^ ing for the game law, eh: Seventy-four true Williamsburg f. With given t to ever % * p< I I ? .n IllfClil! REDDK 'partridges for four guns! The best part?in a personal way? is that the writer got a good mess of those birds himself. , They were certainly tine. Even j yet the taste lingers as a; sweet memory, and our hearty thanks are to the friends who [ thus blessed us. ' Messrs D H Oliver & Bro?, | who are getting in shape their plantation near Indiantown church, intend to demonstrate the feasibility and I wisdom of raising something [ else than the usual crop. They will begin the poultry business right away and wiil | add other animals as rapidly as possible. Already they baye a , lot of high-bred standard fowls ! as a nucleus, with which they will r begin raising chickens and eggs L for market. I Dr C D Rollins went to Baltimore last week for a visit of a few days. Mr W E Severance was in Charleston last week, and it . is right interesting to bear f him describe the noise which ? broke loose just as the clock t in St Michael's steeple bo^m. ed the first stroke of twelve; on the last night of the old j > year. t The Lake City Insurance Co.! i was chartered a few days since j i to do a general insurance. --bisiness, life, tire, accident,' . health and fidelity and also - real estate. The following are the officers: T .J Cottingbam, r president; M ft Nesmith, vice I i sincere $ is the pa; ybody for jople's i 8aPp|y|l?l Vi J "? ~ iggT' IBM :ies b; president; .1 L Richardson, sect'y-treas. and manager; T J Cottinghain, 0 T Hall, M D Nesmith, B W Stewart, S B Poston and J L Richardson, directors. Mr George M Tiramons of Florence was noted here on business Tuesday. W L B. Back ta Tbelr Bsoks. After a fortnight's interval of rest and recreation enjoyed by teachers and pupils, Kingstree High school resumed work yesterday. Owing to the inclement weat? only about half nf the twel> or more ex pected new pupi, showed up. Prior to the hoik ys the enrollofent was 234, and when all the new pupils who have applied for admission are added, the enrollment will be about 250. All the new pupils will probably come in by Monday. The teachers all reported for duty Wednesday morning and the regular exercises were carried out on schedule time. PaeMOifa Fallows a Cald but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the cough, heals the lungs, and expels the cold from your system. Take at first sign of a cold and avoid a dangerous illness. D C Scott When you come to town put a copy of The Record in your pocket and consult its business direc tory?the advertising columns in making your purchases. tf gratitude ?t year, 1 a Happy rierca Kingstre< jrwrti VRGAIIS ALCOLU, FLORENCE T | AND GEORGETOWN R P. I MOVEMENT LAMED TO BUILD TRANS- j P0RAT1ON LINE CONNECTING TQREE , TOWNS ABOVE NAMED. Florence, January 3:?The meeting of the parties interested in the building of the Alcolu, Floren# & Georgetown railroad was held in the Florence court house today. While there was not a large crowd in attendance those who were present were enthusiastic and seemed determined to exhaust every effort in carrying through the proposed road. There is already a line extending from Alcolu to within about ten miles of Florence, owned by D W Alderman & Sons, and it is a continuation of this line into Florence and down to deep water at Georgetown that is being sought It is estimated that the building of the road will cost about $6,000 per mile and the Messrs Alderman have agreed to furnish I rolling stock and other equipj ment and to lease the road for 120 years, guaranteeing interest on bonds and taxes. The Legislature will be petitioned to 1 authorize the townships through , which the line will pass to take steps for the issuing of the necessary bonds- The representatives from Georgetown, . Williamsburg and Florence counties, who are taking an active part in the matter, seem to feel assured that the Alcolu, 1 Florence & Georgetown railroad will be built in the near future. for the li sve are w and Prosi n nine v. e, S, C. f STORE. \ i | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX& 8 HOW WE HAVE GROWN: 8 ;i X The tale is told in the following comparative X X statement: X X January 3rd, 1906 $ 74,574.31 X O January 3rd, 1907 62,679.10 O V January 3rd, 190 8 94,750*89 0 x January 3rd, 1909 64,674.20 8 o January 3rd, 1910 204,642.01 o J WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS 0 8 THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK, 8 X Lake City, S. C. X 8 J. S McClam, Preaideut T. J. Cottingham, Caahier Q O S. B. Poatou, Vice Pieaideut II. F.Feoegan. Asa't Cashier O i Mists in mas, | [M I have just returned from the West with a carload oi[m w) Horses and a carload of mules, the w\ J Finest That Ever Set Foot jjj ?) in old Williamsburg j, gPRlOES REASONABLE^ gF Call and see them and get first pick jK I M. F. HELLER. | XC3C3C3CSC3CSS3C3S3C3C3C3X beral patronage ith best wishes t jerous New Year Company, f . j ' i