i * x ^ Jy j -0 # ? VOL. Will. K1XKSTKKK. SQlTtS ( AKT3fcrr^S-."i ' * C'^>V \ fl -T^ si* A Cyl N r a\ I St S %\ ; ? , b&ir'u s i V k LiaaaX? The Holidav Season is c.i ar ta Claus < i' r tile "vjrov Som Your entire outlay nade up our minds to build a ailroad from Florence to tlie >ee Dee river, as we have ?rroxvn wary waiting for capitalists o tirar.ee tins enterprise. We ? *? 1 ? i r lit lie mollis tW UKJIK* 1% IHV.U kiu,s Ui he court house here on January ! and at this meeting we are gongtoorganize a construction :ompany to start the work off nmediately. We propose to ssue township bonds and to lave an act passed by the Legslature under which we can itilize the chaingang for gradng. The estimated cost of the oad will be about $1,(mh>.*' A large delegation from Georgetown will attend the neeting to be held in Florence >n January 3, 1010, composed of he energetic workers of the ity, and according to the sentiment ol the public here, as well s in Florence, there will be no rouble in raising the funds necssary to build this road. The iroposed road will pass through * - a: C tie greater poruuu ui nuicutc, Villiamsburg and Georgetown ounties, and will be between 6(? nd 80 miles in length,according o tlie route. The road will, of ourse, touch the principal owns between the cities, and his may make the route even onger than the above estima* ion, To begin to estimate the ben:tit that would result, in a cotnnercial way,from the direct conlection by railway of these two mterprising cities would be alnost inconceivable. Florence, is the railroad centre of the Goods f bu ? Good wide white Homespun at Ilomespun at j white Homespun at Our line of LION BRAND SHIR )e stock we are now in position men. curing- a nice assortment of styl ine before buying elsewhere, ne of FASCINATORS. Formei lways fresh. We have a delivei Full lit pie's fler ffh v %m I xpz m id :r. usual we have added an aGoods a?weu vn-ups" of ail ayes and conditio ething* fo of presents can easilvbe select; CK'S Bi State, would brinjur the coming seaport town of the State within two hours' run of her great l commercial gateway, while it tr/?n 1/1 /I ! m vim /??! r*i K I t 4 A uv'uiu K:\IUUIIU nuiiJCimuii \ iw the interest of this city and county to have this railroad centre as a distributing point for railway transportation. The re-i suits of the meeting to be held i in Florence will be anxiously j awaited by the citizens of this tommunity, and it is hoped that no time will be lost in beginning- j the erection of the road. BUILDING UP KINfiSTREE. ! \ ! Some of the Dwellings l * Business; Houses Under Wa l ' j i The work of building ungs-1 .tree still goes on and tn? saw and ; | hammer make merry music all the! day. Some of the buildings that; jare now under construction are as ( | follows: the laige brick law offices of j Messrs Lte & Askius, the brick 1 ; building wearing completion which I ! is to be the home of the Kinsrstreei I ------- - w j Insurance, Real Estate S: Loan Cotr! pauy, the handsome dwellings ofj j Messrs \VH Mcuhee and P II Stoll, a two-story dwelling on Academy street that Mr li H Kellahan is I ! ; building, another two-story dwell. I j ing aud a' parsonage for the A ME; | church. There may be others that we have over-looked, the buildings jgo up so fast in Kingstree. i Tributes of respect,obituaries, ( cards of thanks and all commu-| ' nications of a personal nature, i ; not mien, are charged for at the; rate of one cent a word. I We presume you are avi lave Ad^ it in spite of the fact, we ar s at the 5 AS LONG AS Tl 5c 5c 76 TS AND COLLARS is complete, to Ht your family with any style c es and colors in CLOTHING that r price 50c to $2.50, which we are < ry wagon which leaves our store z le of Fireworks a cantile Cc \ mm surtineni oi ^ooiK MiitaMe lor f*r * i ac; ****?k*<+Tkri r*g. 2 w v%*>\ :\s. Our range ol holiday gooi >r bveryb 2d here and \ou might go fartf" \RGAlf RtCFIVES BAD WOUND i ' Mr. W. D. Hanna of Goiirdins Taken to Cliarlesloo for TreatmentMr W D Hanna of Gourdin was brought to the- city last! night for treatment by an ocu-; list here on account of a gunshot j wound in the eye. Mr Hanna. was wounded by the stray shots j from guns used by two negroes j at Gourdin yesterday evening at; 7 o'clock. It is reported that two negroes1 started a fight at Aronson and1 Tigler's store- Mr S E McDon-' aid, a mail carrier, and Mr W D Hanna.a clerk at Mr.John Heine-, rnann's store, went outside to in-1 vestigate the trouble. They1 found that the negroes were! firing shotguns at each other, j and a stray shot entered Mr Hanna's eye, and Mr McDonald received slight wounds in the face and breast. Mr Hanna's wound is considered very serious. ? Ae//v a- Courier, December 'i'i. Foley's Honey and Tar is the best and safest cough remedy for children. At the first symptoms of a cold, give as directed, and ward off danger of croup, bronchitis, sore throat, cold in the head, and stuffy breathing. It brings comfort and ease to the little ones. Contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Keep always 011 hand, and refuse substitutes. D C Scott. National Biscuit Co's Fruit Cakes, from one to tive pounds, i at L D Lodgers'. 12-9-11 I rare of the fact that /anced C e still selling the follow a me Old HEY LAST: Fruit of the Loom Bleach at Androscoggin Bleach at Outing from 5c to 10c, assurted c( We have just received a new assc lesired. We have prices to su will please the eye, even though :losingout at SLAUGHTER PRICES it 9:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. Your nd Christmas G >mpany, ~ \. A . ' // -S ? '? * * "i - * .< \ *+. * | ijTT ft] (SW /i * '*0$ P I J a ?(&>* gJ "vv:^;. c-;i r^>? rfffp v' s>-:'"^ Iff the occasion. Our store is brin ;as?!e Pres is embraces ?ody. ier and fare worse. J STORl >0000000000000 $ This Bank and v .. y Many men have started in ! ft of ability, hard work, honest} X no uncommon tiling for men t pQ and make a success of their u yf know of several such instanc O An important factor to the ft instance, you will tind. was ft bank deposits may not have X ncction with the bank, couple * esty and character, was the b V able to establish,'and througl ft If you are starting out for ft by all metns have a bank acc X We will be a help to you in g THE FARMERS & I g Lake Cit xxxxxxxxxxxxx: pfsESM [m I have just returned from tl w) Horses and a carload of Mules 5 Finest That E1 WJ in old Williai (^PRICES R E A ) Call and see thein ar i m.f7hi onsiderab Price?~? dors. >rtment of styles and colors, it your pocketbook. STAR Bl it is late in the season. Our prii i. C all and look them over befort orders solicited. Quality and pri oods. Kingstree, S. vl %. - '.-1 a 1 full of Cktr* -0- a rt #t ?^ Your Success, g .. business witli a capital only Q : and good reputation. It is /> hus handicapped to win out X ndertaking's. Yolj probabl}' Vl *ir success in nlmnst evert/ CJ their bank account. Their O been large, hut their con- /S ?d with their energy, hon- X asis of the credit they were X li credit, success was possi- V yourself, without capital, y :ount with this bank. rS many ways. X IERCHANTS BANK, 8 y, S. C. X cooooooooocxx m ^ my D MULES, I ie West with a carload of (A the w) vei Set Foot? ins burg. W) SONABLE.fi id get tirst pick. |V) ELLER. | 3C3CSSSCSC3X ilv. I -%/ 7 Ife 10c tAND Shoes lor ladies. ces are always right, it \ they are gone, ce guaranteed. I 1 I