The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 16, 1909, Image 4

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(The tfcKMtn lUtoti; KINGSTREE, S. C C. W. WOLFE. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Entered at the postottice at Kingstree, 3 C. as second class mail matter. TELEPHONE NO- 83TERNIS^ SUBS* TUITION RATES: One copy, one year 11 25 One copy, six momlis 75 One copy, three monts 50 One copy, one year in advance ? 1 00 Obituaries. Tributes of Respect, Res"lutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks | ana an inner reading uuiito, ??w i News, will be charjjea for at the rate I of one cent a word for each insertion. ; THURSDAY, DEC. 16. 1909. i ohm n?? t As to Free Notices. We are giving space every week to a number of "announcements" of money-making enterprises for various benevolent and and phil-1 anthropic purposes. While these notices are really nothing uiore than advertisements, we have always considered that in printing them free we were contributing that much to the various causes represented. It is doubtful whether mauy of the recipients regard it m mat ircpit, nowever,; since we are often requested toj ruu the notioes for two and | three issues, to give special position to them, to print them in display type and even occasionally to "write an editorial article" expatiating on the great degree of merit pertaining to the cause for which some particular entertainment is given. These requests are of course unreasonable, but we feel sure that tbev are prompted by thoughtlessness rather than a I a desire to ' impose 011 us. The' advertising columns of a news-' . paper are its chief stock in trade and when space is asked for to exploit au^ kind of enterprise it meuus nothing" less than asking us for fifty cents or a dollar or moie, according to length, of what we have to sell, to be given without price. We have cheerfully granted these requests and will continue to do so, as long as they aie in reason, but we cannot afford to gi\e special position, or set in display type or rnn the notices more than one issue free. Don't push a good thing along too hard. The interest in the polls next I year will make both the poles? i Arctic and Antarctic ? look like "thirty cents." After all. what's the difference whether Peary or Cook or Matt Henson discovered the Pole, or whether it still remains undiscovered, when the price of cotton hovers around the fifteen-cent, mark? Parties visiting a printing office should bear in mind that it is just as ill-mannered to look at the proof sheet or read the type, as it is to go into the kitchen and look into the pots and see what they are going to have for d i n c er.?Su mmcrvilk News. It is piobable that South Carolina will soon have fortythree counties.. In the election held Tuesday on the question of forming t.he county of Dillon from the upper portion of Marion, the new county advocates claim to have won by a big majority, though, at this writing, the figures have not #bee 11 giveu. I With Matt Henson disputing j with Peary the glory of "nailing the flag to the Pole"' and Jack ' Johnson, the negro pugilist, threat-1 euing to wrest the title of world's iJ II champion from Pug. Jeffries, the Afro-American is surely assertiug j ] ni.uvan without Kooker 'P. !< nationally, aod Rev Richard Car-1; roll, State-ly, to urge him tiie 1 rugged steeps to climb. We are advised by the Ameri- ! can Press Association that a national strike of trainmen and switchineu appears to be im- < m i lieu t. We would suggest, therefore, to our merchants and 1 other business men, that in ] order to protect themselves against ( delays in transportation which naturally occur uuder such con- ; dition3, they have shipped in 1 what merchandise they require for immediate use before the strike has been officially declared. ] If Cook could ''fake" his rec- i ords aud observations, so could ; < Peary. It may be that Mr Peary's ' discovery(?) of the Pole was sug gested by Cook's claim iu that | direction. At auy rate, it is pass- i lug strange that after years of < fruitless effort on the part of 1 Peary, he should succeed iu attainl ing the loug-sougiit goal ouly after the news was flashed over the j world that Cook had reached the i Pole. Peary has shown up ugly ' all the way aud if by the machi- * natious of himself and the bureau- ^ cratic forces backing him, he : shouId succeed in datnuing Cook j before the world, that makes his 1 task all the more difficult to prove himself the geuuine article as a 1 polar discoverer. Pear)- has put j the world on notice to look out ( for fakers and if he doesn't look { sharp he will be "hoist with his 1 petard." The public is fast be- ' coming satiated to the point of ^ < disgust with the whole miserable j wrangle. , Scranton Sketches. Scranton, December 14:? Messrs J M Parker, (J II Pate j and P Matthews are attending the Grand Lodge of the Masonic order in Charleston this week. < Mrs N M Graham returned to- , day from an extended visit to her former home at Bethel, N C. j Mr li J Welch of Rocky Mount, f N C', is visiting relatives in t Scranton. 1 LeRoy Lee, Esq., of Kingstree, 1 was in Scranton Saturday on 1 professional business. 1 Mr A 11 Gasque, superintend- 1 ent of education of Florence count}, was in town Sunday. Miss Gladys Andrews ot s Bethel, NC, is spending- some i time with her sister, Mrs N M . Graham. Mr C P Johnson is in Wilmington for a few days on business. Mrs H A Parker and children of Anderson are visiting Mr P A Parker's family. Mrs C P Johnson is visiting relatives at Elim. The town council is having the sidewalks graded, which is _ L. J 3 ! _ J a mucn ueeueu improvement. W E C After exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung- remedy. It stops the cough, relieves the congestion, and expels the cold from your system. Is mildly laxative. Refuse substitutes. D C Scott. Mortgage, real estate, title ; lien on crop, bill of sale, agricultural lease and lien, mortgage personal property, bill ot sale and lien on crop combined ! for sale at The Record office. I I Old papers for sale at tins of fice. ? i 4 V . : V. . . A Word to Xmas Shoppers. The Record this week contains more local advertising than any regular issue we ever printed before and as much reading matter pertaining to Williamsburg county has ever been contained in just an rdinary weekly issue of the paper. This speaks well indeed for the progress of our county along industrial lines md it also, demonstrates, as has often been the case, that The Record is always ready to keep pace with, if not a lifflt. in aHuanrp nf flip marrh of progress. The public-spirited merchants and other business men who . patronize our advertising columns enable us to give our readers such a paper as we are publishing this week it a price of subscription that is very small indeed, when the labor and expense involved are considered. But for our advertisers we could not afford to charge less than three or four dollars for the same size paper. These men ire town builders; their large spirit of enterprise permeates the entire county and their influence extends as far as the borders of our State as representing the genius of enterprise and energy that is attracting the attention of the whole nation to our own Palmetto State. We want the hundreds of ? ? w T-k a i _ i 1 *eaders ot ine ttecoru to neip js to show these advertisers, who make it possible for us to jive this county a first class tocal paper, that we appreciate :heir co-operation. Take this ssue of The Record and use t as a business directory. When you get ready to make your purchases call on or write :o the merchants whose names lppear in our advertising :olumns and, if% you feel so iisposed, speak a kind word to | :hem for the paper. We know :hat it helps a business man to idvertise in The Record, but the merchant likes direct re suits. He may sell $5(X) worth )f goods to customers who ivere led to visit his store by lis newspaper invitation, but le would appreciate the paper nore if a single buyer told lira that he "sat? his 'id' in :he paper," even though that particular customer bought inly a few dollars worth ofl 3roods. So, let us work together.! Help yourself by helping us. The man who knows he has j :he best bargains must adver:ise them?tell the people about j hem. Goto him and you will ilmost invariably get better nerchandise tor the same money. In these physical culture days ;ome people display great agiiity in lodging taxes. [ GO TO I YOUNG'S I j FOR J Hot Meals at All Hoars, ! J All the delicacies ol the + ? season served in first class ^ ? style while you wait. J f Oysters in Every Style, Hot Drinks, Bouillon, I Chocolate, Cocoa, Coffee I and Tea. f ? ALSO ? FANCY COLD DRINKS j AND I ICECREAM. Fine Fresh Candy, Choic est Quality. FRUITS, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, TOBACCO, Young'slce Cream Palace: Successor lo P. S, Courtney. J # > New AdvertisementsW T Wilkins ? Announcement. Bank of Williamsburg?The Best Christmas Gift. Watts A Watts?Come and See. L D Rodders?Fireworks. II I> Reddick?Jewelry and Novelty Department. W T Wilkins?Special Holiday Drive. ; Butler Dry Goods Co?Christmas Suggestions. Williamsburg Live Stock Co? Horses and Mules. S Marcus ?Keep Your Money at Home. G Ollie Epps ? Waterman's Ideal Pen. Atlantic Coast Line?Special Holiday Hates. Anderson, Spring < ?Malt Toast. Youngs Ice Cream Palace? Gutlfs Candy. I I-HR K? As we are handling nootlier Chris S works, therefore w:' think we have tt IW HHHB We keep on hand at all time- a i for the ' itristma-? holidays the best candy department we have a lull lit pounds. Thi- candy is guaranteed X FULL LJ Try our Star P.rand Hams. Ka Flour is guaranteed to be tt?e best f department i? up to the highest stai National Biscuit Go's Famou- OI< bisc.>s, package, 10c. Saltines, pour Biscuit < :o's Cakes and Crackers, all J j. 13. i Our Chrism; of New Ideas, Cc j ?/ Yon rani; f fnd a better place t<> ^ / attractions in 11 < IVow we mention a few arl ?g CnlT Pi us DIA V & Bar Pins Kuive. Toilet Sets of all kinds Baby J ^ Cnff L'i ks Neck !g5 And oilier goods too numerous to I WATr !|| Opposite Depot azsnB&XMXi) .AmamamaammM 1 It wil 1 a . f ?w t* a, j H. D. ' I Ayer's Hair Vigor .< In?r di ntS! Sulphur. Glycerin. Quirin. Sodium Chlorid. ????? Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. WaJer. Perfume. Anything injurious here? Ask your doctor. 4 Anything of merit here? Ask your doctor. Will it stop falling hair? Ask your doctor. I Will it destroy dandruff? Ask your doctor. 3 Does not Color the Hair * I u. ULL1L nrra, Agent l \ beautiful line of the Waterman's Ideals to select from may be seen at the KingStree Dry Goods Co.'s Store. . Jj ^WORKS^l jtmas goods, we :tre able to p:iy mon attention to the buying of our fire- ? .? :e best line of the best g >ods of tiiuc kind in town. Pricesare lowest, too. 0 complete line of fruit, but w have out forth a special effort to furnish and largest line of fancy fruits ever handled in Kingstree. In our J9; - *J le of the famous Hfeadley's Chocolates in packages from one to five *,8 to be the best. 3 \td Tvr? 18 JLX L^4 KJ? a VJr/Vf WLvlVJLlvUi *^9* i ro Corn Syrup can't be beat. The famous Merry Widow Self-Rising ?2 lour on the market. 24-lb sack, $1.00. Everything else in our grocery *X9 ?{ nlard of quality. ^ J English Fruit Cake: 1 pound cakes. 35c; 5 pound cakes. $1.75. _Naid, y5c, Oysterettes. package, 5c Full supply of all kinds of National m ] gunanteed to be fresh and good. <g . '.j.? RODGERS.^" I .1 E and SEE! Si ifl as and New Year Display 1 fl >ming Surprises, Novel and Desirable Goods ;| gt-t jnst th^ rjght thing for everyone. Our stock is full of , . aj :>Jicljiv Gifts of the latest designs and best quality. * ?1 ie prices will be the lowest possible. IONDS Watch Fobs Lockets - ! S: saud Forks Hat Pins Jewelry of all kinds !A Pins Eye Glass Chains Smokiug Sets Chains Shaving bets Fancy Goods J A ^ I i:bre!las, Gold and Silver Handles |8; mention. Engraving Free jS i&l rs & WATTS. 11 Watches and Clocks Repaired ;? Si 1 pay you to look over our nd Novelty Department^f^y before you purcha^. "^vTare"offerin^so I.M splendid yalues in price,. quality and design wbUM ' wagM We give you one Pi^DO Vnfo TL-irh <>vprv 10 lv"H ' i ii lli " Department. W'c are Ifl 1^ ^(;ujg to jrive this beau-^fl^^H to SOU1COI1C I /BSOLUTELY FREE. ? R E D 0 1C K. H