Ex-CONGRESSMAN MEEKI 11 "/ have used several bottles ol ; i thereby from my catarrh of the hem, ,1 1 use It a short time longer / will be 11 thirty fears' standing.David Me \ OTHER REMAI y t Mr. J?COO U. juavis, uaicua, otuuc ^ (health for thirty-seven years, and after < am cored." Mr. C. N. Peterson, 188 Soot '1 cannot tell you how much good Pert in my store began to tell on my health, i down. I tried several remedies, but obu f runa. 1 felt better immediately, and flv A SINCERE RE Mr. D. C. Pro6ser, Bravo, Allegan was badly afflicted with catarrh of the fever, was very depleted. I could find tress and sour stomach. Finally I cam* M the stomach and seeing Peruna advertis >* and aVter taking three or four bottles 1 and can now eat anything." # ? ML i KINGSTREE GRADED AND : HIGH SCHOOL NOTES, fThe Wes Nee literary society held its regular meeting last Friday in the society hall. The officers for next term were inaugurated, and Miss Bryan, ' the president, being absent, the vice-president, Miss Baker, took the chair. Mr Tommie Gilland, our ^ former president, made a very touching farewell address. We -feel that he did his duty and hope the next president will do the same. The query for the afternoon was: Resolved, That physical culture should be made compulsory in schools. The decision was rendered in favor of the affirmative. We are glad to report that Miss Minnie Bryan, a member of the tenth grade, after a few days illness, is able to return to $ school again. 'gg Florence Mcintosh spent fipBttnday with her parents at { \ Miss Alethea DuBose, a pupil of the ninth grade, has been sick, but is now able to attend school ^n^CORN CONTEST DECIDED. "^^hrendon Boy Wins First Prize on Single Acre. Columbia, December 13:?The State Corn Commission met to-day and awarded the first sinorlp aorp nrize to John R I Dingle, of Summerton; second prize to A B Usher, of Marlboro. First prize on five acres to J M Moss of St Matthews; second to ^Thomas Taylor, of Richland. fjr Dingle's yield was 168.7 bushels, Usher's 152* bushels, Moss's 500.5 bushels, Taylor's 251 Kishels. This makes five prizes V Aher has won on one crop. ' Tlpre were one hundred and i^y-six entries. ?Our best clubbing offer?the v ^Woman's World and two nice lremiums and The Record, all Jne year for $125. See ad this Jfcs?e. THIRTY YEARS. ; I -Congressman j Meekison : * : 'J Gives i / % '? Praise : ! To [ Pp-ru-na For ; l His : < : Relief \ From life Catarrh, j WM }i i, SON COMMENDS PE-RU-NA. ' Peruna and I feel greatly benefited^ d. / feel encouraged to believe that If (' fully able to eradicate the disease of ( eklson. Ji tKABLE CASES. ounty, Mo., writes: MI have been in bad taking twelve bottles of your Peruna I h Main St.,Council Bluffs, Iowa, writes: ina has done me. Constant confinement and I felt that I was gradually breaking kined no permanent relief until I took Pee bottles restored me to complete health." COMMENDATION. Co., Mich., writes: "Two years ago I ! i stomach. I had had a run of typhoid ' nothing I could eat without causing disi to the conclusion that I had catarrh of ' ed, l?egan to take it. It helped me soon, was entirely cured of stomach trouble KIKGSTREE DISTRICT ASSIGNMENTSi Methodist Pastors Who Will Serve for Ensuing Year. The South Carolina Con-i | ference, Methodist Episcopal i church, South, which met in Abbeville last week adjourned j Monday night with the usual exercises. The assignments for * Kingstree district are as follows: W P Meadors, presiding elder. Andrews?W T Bedenbaugh. Cades?J R Sojourner. . 1 Cordesville?W C Bowden. Georgetown?Duncan, W H Hodges. West End?W H Murray, i Greelyville - L E Peeler. Honey Hill?To be supplied. Johnsonville and Prospect?J 1 L Mullinix. Jordan--D H Everett. Kingstree?W A Fairy. Lake City?W LWait. McClellanville?G W Penney. New Zion?E p Hutson. Pee Dee?J 0 Carraway. Pinopolis?W C GleatonRome?T J Clyde. Salters?W H Perry. Sampit?R F Bryant. Scranton?W T Patrick. South Florence?J M Gasque. Summertonand St Paul's?E' S Jones. Can*! Do Without It. A subscriber in the sunny "Land of Flowers "accompanies his renewal with these kind words: "I do not think I could get along without The Record and don't intend trying. The paper you publish is worth at! least double the price. I do not' see why you haven't at least! 5,000 subscribers." Hexamethyleoeteramine The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregulariteis and avoid a serious malady. D C Scott. I HOMLE CRIME ' I STIRS SAVANNAH. TWO WOMEN SLAIN AND ANOTHER FATALLY HOUNDED?NEGRO SUSPECTED AS THE MURDERER. Savannah, Ha , December 10:? J Victims of a r*'\i?ltJni; crime, Mrs] Kliza Iribhle, aae.l 7" wars. and i < her (laughter, Mr.- Carrie Ohaindcr,:! wer- found dead i*. tin ir home, here, j toda\. while a Mi;:-! woman, J\1 rs | j Mag^'e Hunter, ayed 32, foundi; just inside the frontdoor of thelj house, is at the Savannah hospital: dying. \|M Oh. 1 i uvsiuiuua Jiau u.ui c ^ w lander was the victim of a criminal assault just before she was killed The police believe that a negro, 1 seen' ^i')& about the premises sever; s befor- tiie crime was t commit is the guilty party, ami: j thai, using an axe taken from the 1 woodshed iu the rear of the Gribblej | home, he beat Mrs Gribble to; i death, struck down Mrs Hunter, j and after assaulting Mrs Oh lander; i in the wide, long hall way, where!" the bodies were found, finished hisj terrible work bv beating in her! skull with the weapon. ' Mrs Gribble evidently was attacked fiOin behind, as she sat iu an easy chair reading. On the floor, beside her body, were found the newspaper she was reading and her spectacles. One, or possibly two, blows were dealt her. Her grey 1 hair, blood matted, shows the imprint of the blunt axe. It is probable that Mrs Hunter was the flrst to be struck down; that she met the murderer, at the door .as he entered aud was struck before she could escape. Then the . murderer, stealthily " I approaching aged Mrs Gribble, ( killed her. It is believed that Mrs < . - > Ohlander was attacked as she left ] her room to enter the hall way. and < was assaulted and killed. Mrs , Hunter's skull was crushed in and 1 her deatli is a matter of but a few , hours. Other theories are entertained , bv searchers for the . 'rderer, but ' i the police are proceeu g on the , theory that a negro man ? guilty. 1 Ma?v entertain the * and I feeling is intense here ,use of i I it. i Bloodhounds have been at work I in an effort to take the trail from the woodshed where the axe was found bv the murderer, but as the house of murders is almost within the heart of the city and as the I murders were probably committed j several hours before the discovery I of the bodies, the dogs will be of! little use. To-night Mayor Tiedemann, of Savannah, offered a reward of Si,- i 000 for tlie capture with evidence to j convict of the slaver of Mrs Gribblel and Mrs Ohlander, and the as- j sailant of Mrs Maggie Hunter, ! who was not identified for hours j after the discovery of the murders. Note?Later reports of the horrible affair add to its fiendishness in stating that Mrs Hunter, the woman assaulted, died Monday and regaining consciousness momentarily told that her husband, J C Hunter, murdered her with an axe while a negro held her. 1 Policeman's Testimony. J N Paterson, night policeman of Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Last winter I bad a bad cold on iny lungs and tried at least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine iu the world.'' > DC Scott. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme 1 remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Sheriff's Sale under Execution. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j ( Ol'NTY OF \VII.LI.\MSB( K<;. Court of (-'0:11111011 I '.ank of Lake City, a corporal n created and Misting' under the I uw> f theSr.-tte of >outh Carolina. 1'laintilT. against D K Motley. I ' fondant. Under and l>y virtue of an execution in tiie action al'ovestated, i?ued ?>nt of the court of common picas f< r the onti y an: S:ai" af^-said hcaing date No\ember tiie *2*>tli lOnn. directed o t ? it lid rsipned. 1. in undersigned SlierilF o* tli" eonnty .;.u Si-c- af.oesaid. ill. "ii tin- tii>t >i??i:day in January, l?ln. sell, at me <>:Sicc o: L A Win >to!i A: Son at Like < ity in tile county ind S:at" a fore-aid. b.-tw.cn the leg il M?ur> of sale. :tt pub i au tion. to throp*:ry. t? wit: 1 tire?-r, 1 wash nan I. 1 bed-trad, lmote-.-, I soring. wicker rocke*, i ???i ii-iter. I bridle ind saddle,1 laprobe, 1 <1 *sk 1 cab'net, Collection of !?o >Ks 1 letter -e?1 . i lumbering inaeiooe. I statement file, i map. 2 letter ti'es, 1 c mien,2tripods. ?pictures, 1 pipe. 1 chair. "> base ball ' iats.2 pairs he, lamps. 1 shell loading outfit, 2 bicycle pumps. 2 tennis racquets, 2 tcnrii- racquet covers, fi )ieces statuary. 1 tenni* raequ-f press. 1 tennis marking outfit, 1 bic.cle rack , tiid 1 bicycle seat. SECOND: i AH the undivided interest and share j >t the said D E Motley in and to the 1 following personal property, to wit:, 1 cabinet. 1 desk. 2 thread ca-es, 2 ta- j )les. 5 chairs,1 Fox typewriter, 1 typewriter table, 1 envelope stand. 1 secional book castf*l stamp rack, 1 gasoine lamp and outfit. 10 paper files, \ bottles or ink. 1 door mat, 1 Cary lafe, 1 broom, 2 ink fountains, 1 stalling machine an 1 2 cuspidors. Terms of sale, cash; property to be emoved immediately. OrORc.E J Graham. Sheriff of Williamsburg county. Dated December 13, 1909. 12-lG-2t Foreclosure SaleSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG. Belle G Blakeley, Administratrix,? against Martin Boyd et al. Under and by virtue of a decree of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the :ourt of common pleas for the county >f tvjiiiamsbun;, in the State aforesaid. on the 13th day of December,1909. [ will sell at public auction before the lourt house door in Kingstree on the irst Monday in January, 1910, the ; I same being the third day of the month. | between the legal hours of sale,the' following described tram ot land: '"All Lhat certain pie e. parcel or tract of land bo:ng anrtsituate in Williamsburg1 :ounty in the State of south Carolina. ! L'ontaining one handled a< res. more or less, and hounded as follows, to wit: i L)n the North byjtheiun of Black rivei: hi the Ea-t by Mary Jefferson; on the , South by F W Boyd: on the West by F w Boyd. Georgk J Gkaham, Sheriff of Williamsburg county. , 12-lC-Jt WUWIIWlTiWHHr-TWtllWllWIHIK Have you seen the g FINE LAUNDRY WORK I that is bein? worn by the I: patrons of I MY AGENCY? Why don't you let me call for YOUR BUNDLE ALSO? Every package is taken with the GUARANTEE that we will i,rive you SATISFACTION. Give me atrial on y our next package of laundry. P. S. COURTNEY, A6ENT, |Kingstree^^^^^^JCj _ A CKDAR ! >V^ SWAMP V?. CA^^? 4^5 | yJIpLif' Kingstree Lodge Knights of Pythias , ' NjJ' * Regular Conventions Every 2nd^and 4th;Wednesday nights Visiting brethren always welcome, Castle Hall 3rd story Gourdin Building. M. H. Jacobs, C. C. i Thos, McCutchei-t, KRS&MF ( . I Old papers for sale cheap by | the hundred at The Becord i office im Hunting Creek Com Whiskey is the finest piece of I goods that the science of distilling has ever produced, this A&fii CorN is a very broad statement but we :tre willing to back it by ^HlSK^ our reputation. \J?^E It costs more to make HUNTING CREEK CORN now than it did when we first began but, it was the best o l^at cou'<* ^ made then and so it is to-day?in spite of the increased cost. C^BpC^- HUNTING CREEK CORN WHISKEY is very II mild, mellow and palatable with a flavor all its own, h toJv which all imita- -s have failed to produce. Its unques- 1 W tioned purity makes it, when needed, the doctors favorite prescription y T*L~ A1TAT TT\r A T ttf A \7& T*. \7 A T) TT?C i iic ^auie v^u/vl?i i x 11 never >ai\ilo. PRICE-LIST. 1GJ. 2GaL 3C.L 4C?l. 4Cu. 6Qs. 12Qu. Hunting Creek Corn $3.00 $5.60 $ 8.25 $10 00 $3Z5 55.00 $ 8.2S Cooper's Laurel Valley Com .... 3.25 6.2S 9.00 12.00 3.50 5.25 10.00 IredcUCorn 100 3.60 5.25 6.75 . . # . . Old Times Com 3.75 7.10 10.50 12.75 4.00 6-35 1100 Couch 's Pride Com 175 5.00 7.35 9.65 Cascade Rye . . . . . . 5.00 6.75 1175 Macdon Rye 3^0 6.60 9.50 1100 3.75 5.35 9.75 Jacco Rye 3.00 5.00 8Z5 10.00 3.25 4.75 8.75 Original Cascade, $12.00 per case. Express prepaid?No charge for packing. Complete price-list sent free of cost Every thing in Wines and Liquors. Remit P. O. or Express Money Order. J. A. COUCH, Mgr. Ship. Dept. The J. A. McDONOUGH COMPANY, P. O. Box 718. RICHMOND, VA. | What? 1 AN EVENING OF ENJOYMENT. Where? AT THE THAM AC ADCDAHAI TCP Who? PUPILS OF TENTH GRADE. Why? FOR BENEFIT OF HIGH SCHOOL. When? ii TUESDAY NIGHT, DFCEnBER2l. 1 Cost? I 25 AND 35 CENTS. "The Ugliest of Seven," A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS. * "Jumbo Jum/ 4 FADCF CftMPnV IN ONF ACT . . . . ? ? - ... ? * -? . Don't forget the time and place CURTAIN RISES AT 8:30 P. n. SHARP. STOLL BROTHERS STOCKS "l! BUY 12 n m n q euv J f i t y i j / i_j AND i AND AND . SELL LANDS; SELL( I It' will pay you to always see us when you have any business of this kind. OFFICE OVER BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG JI Let us have your next order tor J I pGROCERIES.^| #) We have on hand at all times a tancy line of W\ I GROCERIES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, ft ^ ALSO W\ 7i ?CIOARS AND TOBACCOS? U . C# of all kinds. w U All Orders Delivered Promptly U (4 to any part of the city. (4 \ MILHOUS & JENNINGS. \ X 'Phone 81. g KSS6S6969696S6369696S6969U f r ii'ii'-irrifcii