The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 09, 1909, Image 5

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ORGANIZED IN 1906. 4 _" i I'eposits now over $20o,(H'0.00. j Actual IN--octrees over $15" No i ?i11> 1 'aj'a .v. No Ke-Discount.-. ^ No Loans in excess of in per cent <>r Capital and Surplus. He : vvu to iieCoine a customer. A c reler vou to < ur acvoutmodatin^. yet careC: and c?>n>erv at:ve record. Baitk of Willinmsbur^, Kiri?stree S 'J. f COCAL^iTHMS/f <3> ~J ~~1> At lent > ?n - ca in t?? ;n- /ad y> Fanners and \K':vlians . >?;c 01 Lake J'itv t !.s Aft'ii. ( otton in t .lay af 11 middling' ' Seed :i'l per ton. I' you want a ?!> a> ce:i-.u-? enumerator write to .1 L lie. Darlington. S the super\ isor for this district. The Alkahest Ladies' <>*.iar v tettc exhibited in the school auditorium last evening under ; the auspices o? the local iyceum. Owinef to the absence of the i pastor, liev W A Fairy, who is attending Conference, there will be ho services in l ie church Sunday. I ^ II P lieddick invites attention i to his bi?r (. hristinas display of toys and novelties. There isomething for everyone in his assortment of holiday t^oods* i>r Clifton, the eve. ear, nose' and throat specialist, will be here all this week, including ; aturday, at Pr Urockin^ton's dru.if store. Read !iis announce-! meat in this issue. There will be a hot supper at Mr S S Mhchuin's residence,, near Central church, on Friday evening, December 17, for the benefit of the Presbyterian J church. Public cordially in-! vited. I I We are requested to announce that the ladies of Central Presbyterian church will ?,rive a hot supper on Tuesday ni^ht,. December 14. at the residence] of Mr II S Tisdale. The public] is cordially invited. between now and the new j year the harvest of gunshot' accidents and destructive tires will be gathered daily. Too much precaution cannot be exercised to avert both these sources of disaster. Superintendent of Education McCullough has our thanks for a nice mess of pork sausages. ''Graham'" is too modest toi want to see this in print, but we' enjoyed his gift so much that we cannot refrain from makingmention of it. The Kingstree Hardware Cos page areoplane Xmas ad, in a striking and effective manner, calls attention to tne big line of Christmas goods the}' are now I We Are that Ladies Imported Goods, about t\\ displaying. Their store is replete with pretty and useful article suitable for Xmas yifts. Don't tail to visit this store be fore making your holiday pur-i chases. J. To keep pace with his expanding business Dr M b Allen has put in a set of oak finish j show-case counters, which add much to the attractive appearance of his establishment. Dr Allen has secured the agency for lluyler's candies and has a handsome display of a .i kin K of these famous con- ' tVctioiis in lancy noxe> for -s \ma>. Se< ad Tr ins No 7- and 7.', between v t'iiar-estoii and Fa\vlt<-Ya; ie? ' tlie "Sho'?ilv." a>it is popala y ca!ied ? whicn wa- lakm o!l>" some weeks au'o and replaced ' ii tto ?.'t- . .1 ^ p. I i ,< <?:i M , . :c!l ?\ *' * i% i . ? tv\ . flo WrlV r i ^ t. t. !> . ' . 'ik. . ' 1. . i, t'M V. .. - .it "111"!. <? " : 1 i: .?> . > iMrr - jm :>?i- 11 kin >f ;Mi^>e 1 c M.itect ?n r on Tl?a?-k?*flvinjsr. " *me?n- x l>r;i uCo ' < >; " possum : :it . - :?t)"*- !u* i\*;. vi'.-t ii> ( ducts ;:i n in t!111 :* ^ i.'hri>lina>. in case- ti?i* mursiipi.i! puadruped is a !i111?- in dined to be -iiv b\* reason of t < i!? !? >> of tin- {>'. ?!l > crop. t!t potatoes don't look at c ail uad by themselves, ? >pecialiy if they be ol tile >i/.e and quality of the ones sent c us ia>t year. j .1 The heanny in the liutledye , comity appeal case ha> been1 postponed, we understand, un- | ti! about December tit'. The i v proponent*, of the election will tl he represented before the supreme court by their counsel,! r Messrs Lee W Askins and Men- , * del I. Smith from Williamsburg, < and .1 Harry Lesesne. Esq. from! Clarendon. \Vi111 this array of j counsel those who oppose the up-setting of the election ieel ll 1 . 4 that their rights will be am-j ply protected in this hearing be- i1 fore the final arbiter of a very j vexed question. 4|PEBS0ftL|j|il' Miss Kate Uargile spent the), week-end at Cades. ; i i * Mr (1 WCamlin of Moody paid i us his respects Monday. ; r Mr J C Graham of Gourdins j was noted in town Mondav. \ L Mr D if Young1 of Mcuzon was 'oi Atir ofraptc vpsitprdnv. ^ HUICU Vy II \J U I O L l ^ v. W.J j , f Mr 1) W Avant of Harpers spent Tuesday here on business. i Mr M V Cox of Venters drop-1 r ped in pleasantly to see us Mon- , day. |0 Mr J C Young of Lake City j i was here Monday between; trains. !? Mr S 13 Poston of Johnsonville ; f was one of the many in town' t sales-day. ! t Mr J W Stewart of Cades was! c a pleasant visitor at our sanctum Monday. <, Hon John S Graham of Morris-13 ville paid our sanctum a pleas- ij icif \fnnHa\' I \ lOl t i'AVHUU * J Harry Lesesne, Esq., of the 1 Clarendon bar, had business in * town sales-day. r wx^?K^yvK>?y>yvyvy>!y>>yyyyx>!)CM Pleased to we are opening a big shipment Shirt Waist enty-five styles, also dress patt< BUTLER Stop ai reduction in TRIMMED H dress as the rit?ht k (i Mr L L Rodger* i>! Chapman i va-a welconu- ealier at oar' anctum Monday. Mr d ' Moore o! Rake ' ity 'a- liony '.in ;>i; -ant v;-ilor> vo had Monday. o - i > '? * * ,,,! .ii!" i1 i? ; l.11 .11 .. ?> i ? .11? lut ii | 1 - a v.'i* .(.( itic v'al.i." lit ?* ii r xirn .. .V -I A :i?S liir.o. | -i.;: i i '.? '-i i.ij>.\ i is I . - i.t". Mr.J . Me.\ c,f 1V ;i < >.' I i , i ,t o ?'"> t'! | , . - * ,.<,,><{,{ >? : > i .i ' i\-; - ; -. - i. , i t r" ! I ! 1 > i:i ii, !'.'? !'. ' i < ilui: . Mr \V ii l>, no.v j J. irjjvti > vV'1. *va> :: i\ :n->tree Jo mi ay ."in.I pai.l u-? iii> repect>. Miss !?' ?.i Thompson spent) uniltiy with tile family of her! "I'.iii \l?-^ U* M I itr.inf ni?;u* a I ter>. Mr F .1 iienry of Sumter \ i>it(1 his sisters In law. Mrs J S enninys and Miss Hannah II ale.this week". Mess In I-. I' Whodus, S M Iradshaw and M (I McMillan iere anions the (ireely vidians loted in town sales dayMrs U* X Jacobs returned last lijjlit after a very pleasant isit to friends and relatives in tuj^usta. <Ia. and other points. llev \V A Fairy left Wedneslay for Abbeville to be present it the yenei* ' Conference of he Methodist "hurdi, which is low in session. Our j^ood i; Mr U J riiompson of Tatt, presented lie editor with a nice lot of >otatoes yesterday, for which ,ve a re d u 1 y .e r a te f u I. fV.l I \Y" tlif tr.-ninl I VUI *' ' I U V.TV. } J WHS. ^ V.M. ind atTable representative of vlelchers A: Co, Charleston, was naking his rounds among the nerchants yesterday. Mrs If W Cupp, who is sick vith malarial fever, entered the dcLeod i n ti r m a r y Sunday light. Her host of friends hope or her speedy recovery. Capt W C Davis ol Manning rill address a men's missionary neeting at the Presbyterian hurch Sunday evening at 7:30 'clock. The public is cordially nvited. Master Wilmot Scott Allen ras "at home" to his infantile riends from 4 to 5 o'clock yeserday afternoon, the occasion eing the celebration of his sec nd natal anniversary. Mr James McCutchen of iumter accompanied his mother, ' Irs T M McCutchen, here Mon la)'. The latter win visit elatives at her old home at ndiantown. MrMcCutchen reurned to Sumter Monday afterloon. Announce r%f \Jk Fronts erns to match the ^ame. DRY 0( nd Think AT5 from now until Christina ind of a hat. We assure you < A L E Mr I) \V ami tittU* >%on ri.vniiv .it' l,nl.-.? Vll! ! HI t.iv v IV IIIV\ w. a?M.?v City, vvt.Tf \v<*!c?>.:ir visitors at our <iiikv M'huiav. Mr Floyd p;v>< ntfd tli ?.!!tor with a lial I-pa i i??:i >! dflipdittul rihhon-car.v -vrup -m hi- own ina-?iitart>V our 1 ri?Mld jof . ; U - 1'' ami t!u- . I:-;;v -pi' ' ' prompted . i ?*i,c . . . i 11.- vn. >v.- 'i" . i jwide;, v.! -p. i 1 .1 i . . ill.' . I. I J <'? !' ( !!. . ...? u-. near II?>uzou Ti- . t!av evening. I)<-?* ' ; I:<?: bnu'tit o! :d - . \ e- i . i invila t'' ". .s ? ' t! < >:ie ami viiu!- : wi? ir* from L I' \lMii-re.v. 1It i aapjKrr ^ izmrz&sm szeb I CHF JHk^Ch Monthly Stateme FOP i I'i.?|*'Dsury No. Ixxalioa Kir. gs? roe 1 Academy S Lake City 2 Aeline Ave Scranton 3 East R. R. ; Transferred from Scranton, Total, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, i Williamsburg County. ? PERSONALLY APPEARED Hoard, who, being etch and severally *\v Sworn to and subscribed before me t ssssssju^ Ladies 1 These suits are all the go th to meet 30DS CO mmmmmsms Before Buying s. Nothing is so necessary to the completion of perfect 3* correct style and quality at reasonable prices. c CrALE. I ! " ~ ~ ' | f.?V T rriM>i.i'..:v - ' _ jrZ2S.'."+rC*A'.T:3i& i . Y <B ii - ? C'?- Tf -a /*'v --r /" e-? -k *J f ^ ? iji ;.:S ttlllM ijp /. fT^^UGHFA^ofJ^iVEL 1 I {? ?" y v'- ?? ...-. ? * , ?:i 'iii ? ? I North South .! --C Mr.-:." ,,,. I > i . . ' ;%... . ^ . ;xurv ' | if <:tnan i | ' - i - * - *-?? w. i i-.l v, " . :L-.X'U i '? ' * < V. r .... v <rjc~" rxastrzsaKtfxv.-juz 3 J 3 I S T M A S I ^ ^TAHl II A Ik A II' A AT Q Mil f An AHA1. Whut ar.- vnu itoing to SS^iv.*gns ai"o_ 11i > v < > tin' . ?With every purcha<e ^make from our Jewat the rat?- of 100 votes for every dollar to the full amount of your purchase. REDOICK. nt of the Dispensaries in Williamsburg County HONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1909. Ill Stock is Giveu at Consumers1 Prices. Total In voice. Including Gyrating Ex|?cnscs stock on Hand stock on Hand First Total salts ot Facli Breakage Laat Day of Month Di.*peii5ary Day ol MoaUi it $3,370 34 $2,954 76 $220 98 * 8 80 2.894 50 2.S66 19 213 94 S 00 St. 2.734 8* 92a 41 80 72 5 95 140 40 89,005 72 1.594 10 *7.410 H2 $0,749 36 $524 64 $22 75 $140 40 W E Stmwden and D J Epp*, members of the Williamsburg County Dispensary orn, deposes an I says that the foregoing statement is true and correct, his 6th day of December. 1909. T !> -V?.? D.,Ki:? U L Olfiti-L, & uijiii. F__r|| Another new lot of 3j ailor Made Suits I lis season and the Manufacturers are working overtime the demand. Call and see our line. g MPANY. I - i .