NEWS REPORTED FROM ANDREWS. NEGRO ATTACKS AGED WHITE MANMASONIC LODGE TO GIVE SMOKER-PERiONAL. Harpers, November ?An e.\ss. Lucas County, j Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney A* Co, doing business in the city of Toledo, county and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A D1836. A \V GLEASON, (Seal.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inernally. and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonals free. F J CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. We have just got in a - splendid lot of all kinds of stationery tine bond papers,ruled headings 100,000 envelopes, and Dennison's shipping tags with brass eyelets and wire strings, the best made. See our samples before ordering elsewhere. tf j hbhb > How to Cure a Ham. I A general cure which would 1 j make a good ham under proper conditions would include as follows, j according to the American Agii-. eulturalist: To each 100 pounds1 I of haul, use 1 1-2 pounds Liverpool fine salt, 1 1-2 pounds granulated, ; sugar and 4 ounces of saltpeter. Weigh the meat and the ingredients j in the above proportions, ruu tne, meat thoroughly with the mixture,1 and pack closely in a tierce. Fill1 the tierce with water and roll every! seven days until cured, which in a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees! would require about 50 days for a, inediutn ham. Large hams require j ten days more for curing. When; wanted for smokiug, wash the hams in water or soak for 12 hours. Hang in the smokehouse and smoke slowly 48 hours and you will have a very good ham. Another method of pickling hams and shoulders, preparatory to smoking, includes the use of molasses. To 4 quarts ot fine salt add 2 ounces of pulverized saltpeter, add sufficient molases to make a Dastv mixture. The hams having j 4 huug in a dry, cool place tor three or four days after cutting up, are to be covered on all sides with the mixture. Put it more thickly on flesh side, then lay skiu side down for three or four days. In the meautime, make a pickle of the following proportions, the quantities here named being for 100 pounds of ham: Coarse salt 7 pounds, brown sugar 5 pounds, saltpeter 2 ounces, potash or pearlash 1-2 ounce, soft water 4 gallons. Heat gradually, and as the skim rises remove it, Coutinue to do this as long as an7 skim rises, and when it ceases, allow the pickle to cool. When the hams have remained the proper time immersed in this mixture, cover the bottom of a clean, sweet barrel with salt 1 inch deep. Pack in the hams as closely as possible, cover them with the pickle, and place over tlnm a follower with weights to keep them down. Small hams of 15 pounds or less, also shoulders, should remain in the pickle for five weeks. Larger ones require six to eight we^ks, according to size. Let them dry well before smoking.?Nucs u citizen can anoru to ue Wlin-1 out a local paper, and all of the newspapers in his neighborhood, for no one page can give all the happenings of human interest. It is safe to say that $5 a y the position on account of his eve-' and fail- ^ ing health. The resignation was ac- j cepted by Governor Ansel *'.vith j much regret." The resignation is to j take effect on January 1 and Gov- j ernor Ansel has requested the George- J town delegation to recommend some j one to tak" the place of Mr Dorrill. j I J Asnearasitis j Possible I for us to tlo so, we trae> | J piano sold by ns, and pro'eet our I H customers from the misrepresent- 15 ations of unscrupulous ami in- J competent tuner- and repairer* H ofpi ino*. If you own a STIEF F \ PIANO, be very careful who J tampers with it. We maintain a 5 corps of competent men in this } and will furnish one to look after your instrument anytime i it needs attention. Our representatives are duly accredited,and J if a chance caller represents that N he is from the ( HOUSE of STIEFF insist that lie show you his an- J thority. We stand hack of every V representation made by our rep- \ resentatives and this fact has C tempted dishonest persons to f masquerade as our represent*- r tire-. If your visitor can show f the proper endorsement, trust S him; if he cinnot, the chances L are you've caught a swindler, in f whi?h caae we'd thank you to S let u< know?we'll look alter him. a We don't propose that the peo>* f pie shall be mulcted at the cost S of our reputation. C Ohas. M. Stieff, s Manufacturer of \ Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and i Stieff Self-player Pianos. i Baltimore, Ml. S SOUTHERN WABE800M: S 5 West Trade Street, \ Chariot^? N. C. J C. rfvWILMOTH, 5 ^Manager. f (Mention this paper. C HI / rax notice. The tax books will be open for col- lection of taxe- the 15th day of October " next for the yt-ar 1909. Tax levy as follows: For State, 51^ mills * Ordinary County, 2% *' Special Roads, 1 ' * Roads, 1 " " Constitutional School, a " A capitation tax of $1.00 on all male persons between the ages of 21 and GO years, also 50cents per head on all dogs, also 2 mills for retiring bonds in King>tree township,4 mills for retiring bonds in Lake City township and 2 mills for retiring bonds m Greelyville school district, No 22. Commutation (Road) tax,$2.00. Lew for special school districts as follows: N'os 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 35,36. 4 mills; Nos 15. 24,31. 3 mills; Nos 19, 20. 21, 22, 25. 32, 2 mills: No 18. 1 mill; , Kingstree, No 16, 4 mills special, 2 mills High sch??o!. I will be at the following places mentioned below for collection of said taxes: Oct Kingstree, 15, 16, 18,19, 20 and 21 Hebron, J L Gowdy's store, 22 baiters, 23 ~ - .1-. 3 .)C (ireeiyvwc, to ?nu -o Gourd in*, 27 Suttons, 28 ? Trio, 29 Harpers, 30 Nov. " Benson, V W Graham's store. 1 Bloomingvale, 2 MorrisviTle, 3 Rhems, 4 Church I* 0, W R Graham's store, 5 Rome, 0 Lamberts 8 Ards X Roads, Eaddy's store. 9 Johnsonville. 10 Vox P O, 11 Prospect, 12 Leo, 13 Scran ton, 17 and 18 Lake City, 19 and 20 Cades. 22 LaWe City, 23 K'ihffstree, 24, 26, 27, 29 and 30 Doc Kintrstrec, 1, 2. 3, 4 and 6 Lake City, 7 i ixuigoutv, From 8th to 23rd and from 2Sth to 31st December, inclusive. Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail would expedite mat| ters by dropping the Treasurer a postal asking for the amount of their taxes so as to avoid sending the wrong amount, also stating the township or townships, (if property is owned in more than one) ana if possible give school district wh^re property is located, also state whether poll or road tax, or both, are wanted. Alter paying taxes examine your receipts and see if all of your property is covered. If not, see about it atonce. By following the above suggestions complications and additional cost may be avoided. J Wesley Cook, 1-1-10 County Treasurer. ' > / n 1vu/>and hides I mmi H16HBST MAIDET PUO MBatSs&B mm llfm ?ai? roi iaw ro?s MSSS97 I IKJl AND BIBBS. H Wool Cooahelco. Writ* lor / fli ^ price-list meatiociflfthi. *4 ^a^E3R$3BBM& BSTABLI8HBD1837 "Wg|i || || || | WHITE A. CO.. K*. < vwwwwwtwwvwvwvywwv^^ FIBE ZZTS-CTZS^ztcie. 5 Winter is coming- and the danger from tire will of ne- ^ eessity he increased. You had better be "safe than ^ sorr}'." Let us make you safe. ^ OUR COMPANIES ARE STRONG. 5 ^ Such names us Continental, Liverpool and London and 5 Clobe, .Etna and New Hampshire prove it ^ ; WE PAY THEIR LOSSES PROMPTLY . 5 The testimonials of our customers prove it. Here is one ^ , Kixostree, S C, November 0,1 909. ^ klngstrek insurance, heal estate Oi L/UA.N VXJ, Kings tree, SC. ^ * Gentlemen:?We received sight draft this morning for $305.73. ^ settlement in full for our policy with the Equitable Fire Insur- ^ ance Co of Charleston. Said loss occurred by tire on November 2. ^ * Please accept our thanks for your prompt adjustment and settle- ^ ment of this matter. Yours respectfully, ^ McIntosh & Moore. ^ Per W K Mcintosh. 3 Give us a trial. We insure anywhere in Williamsb ur^ ^ county. Yours for service, ^ ^ KtNGSTREE INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE & LOAN CO | 1 Fancy "\77"orlc Patterns 9 S that we are giving away absolutely free with Q> | THE WOMAN'S WORLD, | 1 a high class Magazine for the ladies. The Woman's World com- rj 5 tains 48 pages devoted to literature by the best writers, fashions U W / and a dozen or more recipes in each number that are easily worth V mm r the small price of subscription. ? v Kfinember you get the Picture, the Pattern and a first class X \ Magazine ouce a month for 12 months all for the nominal sum ^ 1 of 25 Oils in connection with The Kecord. This offer is open to A ( 5 old or new subscribers. O r We have the pictures and the patterns ready for yeu when you V ^ TLL! B si n Ik i in g Bm?!m@??? ^ Vnil have more or less ot it. Possibly it is with us. | 1111 If such is the case you know something of our 1 service. If not already one of our patrons, why not consider the advisability of becoming one? ; . OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT l is calculated to serve all classes. It receives deposits m f > from $1 up, and allows i per cent interest compounded ' r j quarterly. Fj i Bank of Williamsburg, |)H KINGSTREE, S. C. ifjM Rugs and Art Squares] | We have just received a large shipment of the HANDSOMEST L/NE OF RUGS AND ART SQUARES r mat nas Ever Been Shown in Kingstree. |Jif Call and look at them. * We also have " ZE-VEIES-Z-IKIISr3- ELSE jt'l K needed for the home. , 14 COFFINS AND CASKETS. Services rendered day or nierht. . J| L. J. STACKLEY, if j "THE FURNITURE MAN," J