The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 11, 1909, Image 1

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?I ^ I ?? VOL. XXI11. KIX(.STKKK SOVTHCAROLINA. TfflKSI)A V. XUVrilBKK 1 l7 lT>(MK NO." SST I' .11 fbi..;. H /*! I ^ ^%'hen Jjjj LAKE HIT LAtONICS. I; k Handsome sales siame?looacco . Brings Fancy Prices?Other Locals. : Lake City, November:?Dr H ' L Baker was here from Lam- 1 berts on Friday of last week. < 1 A good many from this town . and community attended the * ^ State Fair last week, and those ! ^ who have expressed themselves ' .speak in high terms of the exhibits and other attractions. m fThe young man whose only j: interest in his employer's 1 business is the salary he gets j ] out of it will not hold his job i long. This same fondness for i the dollar, joined to a spirit that < takes no interest in the business < out of which the dollar comes, is surely indicative of a moral t character of low standard. Mr J M Truluck's splendid brick "horse mansion" is rapid-!1 ly approaching completion. It ] seems almost like a desecra tion to speak of this buildingj ] as a "stable," which is the term y .usually applied to the structure | ; in which horses are housed. In ( material, in workmanship, in;^ conveniences and in appearance \ it is far in advance of the dwell- ] ing bouses ot the most wealthy and luxurious of our people. ; The Pee t>ee section conven tion at Florence attracted a 1 ' delegation of perhaps a hund- 1 red from this section. President 1 m./i J Li. ] J , J ( ^ l an was, no uouoi, an auueu -> * motive of a dozen of more for < going to the Gate City on < Seasc \ A I Men's and Boys' Suits or Garn Health Gnderweai We laid in a big stock ( , we will close out this stock al ' Our line of Dress Goods Peopl* 0 \O w NO sOKO ? EK5S Our Stock oi I If you want some! W Take this HIGM r\RTcul fs a dash of style and supi HIGH At Perfect* L D. RE Monday last. Mr H L Whit lock presented the writer wirh some potatoes Saturday that were "sure ?nough" potatoes. One measured 201 inches in shortest cir:umterence. Three of them weighed respectively 4, 4.V and ) pounds each: and the three together weighed 13i pounds, riiese measurements and freights are actual, not hearsay nor guess work. And the potatoes were nicely snapea, smooth and solid (leorgia bucks. Does Editor Wolfe want further jroof of the truth of this correspondent's oft-repeated declaration that the possibilities of )ur soil and climate are iliimitlble? We have very tew "personals'* :his week for the reason that tone ot our people visited iround until Monday, when all vho could visit at all went to CM ^ r iui cntc. On last Friday tobacco on the Lake City market readied high vater mark. Twelve thousand ind seventy-hve pounds sold at jravely's wareiionse averaged j>l>.79 per hundred pounds for :he whole lot. At ttare sale Mr It E Currin sold 4,445 for $1,179.12, which is a little more than ?6A cents per pound average. L"he lowest was 11 1-3 cents per Dound. A pile of 41* pounds Drought 40 cents per pound, :his one pile yielding $8?3.40! i>ne pile of f>42 p??nds went )1T at 80 cents p*r pound: mother of 44* pounds, 35 cents mable (ingQual They tit the feet. The n: Uvin Bra ?_ _ 11 -: I)- . lenis in uu si/ics. x i^paic iui v.i r for Men, All Wool Underwear! Hatting )f Matting and cur store being : extremely low prices. If you is complete, and we have a new j's flerca Kingstri ? % ' % 'luLtCH V X- v\ ?v \ ,*w *vvf ?> o> ? e^ov.o > e -ev a .? ? o^- ? * ? ?v MEN S CLOTHING :hiri? conservative ard dign E HAVE IT! l, for instance, it is or * or eriorit"^^ finish that at on ?T C.I OTI > a. v m -4 v/ * because of a careful; on in Wc DDICK' per pound. This was not a sale for advertising purposes, but a regular "everyday" sale. The reckless driving that is so common in this town is snre to result in something serious, sooner or later Some people 'in vehicles seem to have no re; gard for those on foot. I W L R. t Visitors to Florence Kingstree and Williamsburg county were well represented at the Pee Dee celebration held in I Florence Monday and Tuesday. Among those who went Monday i n a! a/1 thu f *\11 r\ tr i r> cr VI r n tl t nuitu iii^ ivuvniu^;. 4?i and Mrs W H Carr, Mr and Mrs i W C Claiborne, Mi ind Mrs A C ?bwails and daughte. Miss Rosa : Thompson, W T Wflkins, D J Epps, C W Stoll, J D Gilland, \V S Gilland, i)r C D Jacobs, Philip Arrowsmith, S A Tisdale, U W Wolfe, Bishop Burgess, I>r A M Snider, Dr M L Allen, Kingstree; j'W F Lodgers, Lanes; Dr A H Williams, B Wallace Jones, Jr, ! L M Belk, Lake City; J D Carter, Leo: J M Parker and H L Whitlock, Scranton: A E Flowers, Vox. We understand that quite !a good many more,whose names 'we did not lind out, went trom this county. A Scalded Boy's Shrieks / . horrified his grandmother,Mrs Maria Taylor,of Nebo.Ky, who writes that, when all thought he would die, J Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured I him. Infallible for Burns, Scalds, j Cuts, Corns, Wounds, Bruises, (Cures Fever-Sores, Boils,Skin Krup J tions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands, i Soon routs Piles. :25c at D C Scott's. i Goods ii i a r?i my snoei ime tells the quality. nd Clothi 3l?l weather, bee our line of Ov or Ladies and Children, Buggy R< flatting! crowded, we need the room for o need Matting we guarantee to sa1 lot of Lion Brand Collars and Ci ntile Com je, S. C. XoXoV^O> 0> ?'v ^^lt oX?)> C is Large Enough to Supply Every I ified in cut ; If vou want something ultra and smai ! w/n TTAirrTTiAT : wc n/\vnin/\i, im the distinguished models which will be worn bv fashi ce stamps it the product of master tailors! HINQ Retains Its S iiid scientific;)! construction, and l l i n? ' >rkmansmp and rims S BARGAIN SI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8 Tutor idc Turn unwccT uiavq o O IIILI1L ML inu IIUllLdl n/liu o V in which a poor man may become wealthy. One is by V O saving a part of his income regularly and putting it into Q ft some bank until it amounts to a comfortable lortune. A jX The other is by saving his money and investing it in X * protitable enterprises. X Sr In either case Sr X Banli Is a, ITecessit^r. X X And whichever way you try, this bank will be pleased X X to assist you in every way possible. X Sr Have an account with us?become one of our patrons V O ?and see. yf | THE FARMERS S MERCHANTS BANK, 8 X Lake City, S. C. X y J. S. McCLAM PrfsHeac. T. J. <OTTI\tUAM. Caskier. V Q S. B. FOSTOV, Vicf Prrsldcnl. H F. FEVEGAV, Asst. Cask. O |xxxx>ooooooooboooooooooo<xx /HORSES AND MULES. I !#) W (k I have just returned from the West with a carload of w) Horses and a carload of Mules, the w) ! 8 Finest That Ever Set Footg W) in old Williamsburg. j) J JP RICES REASON A B L E.g W\ Call and see them and ?et tirst pick. W\ ft M. f. MtLLUK. / xesesesesesesssssesesesssx n All Departme 5 EjNGOM The "Shoe of Shot fl ft* FOR MEN " ? . _ _ .11 . 1- U? J , -A 0 m im 1 ne two pnDCZpai iatiw? U UK mjwc? M yflh ate ityle aad quality. Yoo cannot be wel ^ HI if either dement a lacking. Kai Omair ercoats, Blankets, Wright' A ^ obes, Rug's, etc. the skilled dine de?i?Der. The remit i I wMI mm I of the datmctive tfyle that Mampa K ft lqMll Shoe*. Nor could tha reailt be attaiae IM ilflftJHa the u?e of the 6ne?t grade of ?hoe mateni SVB TkKJl high daa workaandup- .From the ni iB^a \tMBja tanned leather to the finer! grade o ITmWl quality if there, hade aad out. ini toft^B counten, box. etc.. the parts you i mSSwEAi quality with the upperi an ther merchandise, therefore >pany, Jjjp^ - 1 V.-v.'S^SVV,' -?U > 0>^0 >?'?> OVO OXOXoi> ?>< > -n. N.'\N.. .n s,' <^.N^r.^AfVN4 toed. I $? - ? rt d\r+ rvi **> 0 . & ? 1 on leaders this fall. j? hape 1 h. I ORE. THE PERFECT HUSBAND , Qualifications of a ' Model Husband" of tbe Chicago Standard. 1 Chicago, 111:?Samuel W Van Nostran, who was adjud^d the ''model husband" at yie [second annual hubby show.'^e[ceived from his wife credit*. f?C being- the possessor of all fail virtues necessary to make an ideal mate. "Other *than possesion; ftbe . most super-husbandly quairty of being good-natured before |breakfast," said Mrs Van Nostrum "my husband allows me to :arry the family pocket'oook and declares, just as if he meant it, that my cookingis so tar above mother's' efforts in jthe culinary line, that there 1 1 L * IX il A. couui oe no comparison. u mm is not glory enough for one woman, 1 would like to know | what is." The complete list of desirable qualities attributed to her husband bv Mrs Van Nostran are: Prompt at meals. Good entertainer. An adept with the coating* dish. Good judge ot feminine beauty. Generous and kind-hearted. Enjoys home more than the club. Happiest when among friends. Mr Van Nostran. wko also received the prize for his almost womanly ability to sew on a outtun, is thirty tive years old, and has been married nine years. nts. I itityI KJ| VV> ttdwry^ ^Ul canpoC tee ue ot|w^P^ f wodbMS^P f I -J| .i.(i, j'"*