? Mrs. Sagerser, FACIAL 4j ' Mrs. (*. is. SaserstT, 1511 Woodland | Ave., Kansas City, Mo., writes: > ^ I feel it a duty due to you and to others that may he afflicted like myself, ^ to speak for Peruna. j < "My trouble first eatne after la grippe ' ] eight or nine years ago, a gathering in my bead and neuralgia. 1 suffered * most all the time. M\ nose, ears and < eyes were badly affeeud for the last two ^ years. I think from your description of internal catarrh that I must have had i that also. I suffered very severely. I "Nothing ever relieved me like Pe- j runa. It keeps mo frc m taking eold. . "With the exception of tor:- deafress I am feeling perfectly cured. 1 1 am forty-six years old. "I feel that words are inadequate to ( express my praise for Peruna." Stomach Trouble Seven Years. ??? T T_^r.v. V IJ 1 l>?!nf - 1U I 9, ItXirvU) ?? ? V*M?| Term., writes: 'Having been afflicted with catarrh and stomach trouble for seven years, and after having tried four different doctors they only relieved me for a little while. I was induced to try Per una, and I am now entirely well." Man-a-lin an Ideal Laxative. : KINGSTREE GRADED AND J t HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. I li i i i m ? ? i n t n m u 11 two classes: Foods i that please you by their i taste, and foods that 1 1 \ you depend on be- ] cause of what they do for you. Quaker \ Oats has all the good I1 \ < \ qualities of both ] classes. 9 Subscribers who order their papers.changed from one postoffice to another must give us the name ot the former office as well as the one to which they wish the paper to be transJ erred. tf LAW AND ORDER LEAGUE. DEFINITE STEPS TAKEN LOOKING TO SUCH ORGANIZATION?ANOTHER MEETING NOVEMBER 15r.y virtue of the cull signed 1 ?y a number of representative citizens in rations parts of the county a meeting tvas held m the court house Monday :o attempt the formation of a law iiid order league, ot a system of such leagues, in various localities so as to ?vtend over the whole county. It nras a disappointment to those pres?ut to see so few attend, mauy who tiad signed the call beiug conspicu jus by their absence. At the same time, nothing daunted, the faithful few took the matter up and tried to ;et the organization into definite, workable form. Twenty-nine signed the roll as members of the WilliamsDnrg Law and Order league. Mr W 1> Bryan being called to the jhair and Mr G O Epps elected secretarv, the object of the meeting wai stated and remarks and suggestions called for. The object and purpose ol the organization, it was explained, to briny about a bettel enforce meut of the laws generally and par. ticularlv to enforce the prohibition law to become effective in the county ifter November 15. Mr J F Cooper read a draft of th( constitution and by-laws of the Oringeburg City Law and Order leagiu lud it was moved and ordered that ;he same be adopted for the local organizations. amended as deemed adrisable to suit local conditions. Mr G M Beasley made the point ;hat the only way to collect evidence iud bring about a successful prosecutiou of violators of the law would be to raise mouey among the membership for detectives. Mr Wolfe suggested that, as ht mderstood it, uuder the Carey-Cot h;an act, if a sufficient number of the citizens of a -'dry*' county petitioned For it, the Governor will send detec:ives or constables to any locaiity to gather evidence to secure convictions, levying a special tax against the county to meet the expense. After further discussion a com mittee was apponueu uy me cuairnan to select oue man from each awnsbip in the county to ascertain ;he feasibility of forming a local law lud order league in one or more communities in every township and to re? port back to the next general meeting >f everyone interested in the enforcement of the prohibition law, which meeting will be held in Kiugstree in ;he court house at 12 o'clock m, Monday, November 15, 190H. A Scalded Boy's Shrieks horrified his grandmother,Mrs Maria l'aylor,of Nebo,Ky, who writes that, tvheu all thought he would die, Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured aim. Infallible for Burns, Scalds, 3uts, Corns, Wounds, Bruises, ZJures Fever-Sores, Boils.Skin Krup :ions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands, soon routs Piles. 25c at I) C Scott's. Announcement. We have placed an order for over ?100 worth of new job type, which includes the latest up-to-date faces for all kiuds of commercial and social forms of printing. We are now prepared also to do catalogue and pamphlet work of every description, ncluding lawyers' briefs, in the most lpproved style. We have a special ot of new type faces that will be ased -only for wedding invitations, visiting cards, etc. Call and see samples of work or let us send them to pou. Our job department is equipped setter than any other in this part of ;he State. tf A Religions Author's Statement Rev Joseph II Fesperman, Salisbury, N C, who is the author of several books,writes: "For several years [ was afflicted with kidney trouble *nd last winter I was suddeuly jtricken with a severe pain in my kidneys and was confined to bed eight lays unable to get up without assistance. My urine contained a thick tvhite sediment and I passed same frequently day and night. I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Remedy, and the pain gradually abated and finally ceased and my urine became normal. I cheerfully recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy." D C Scott A 4 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. Fall Meeting to be Held Here Saturday, November 13. Editor County Kecord: ? Please allow me S)>ace to call attention to the meeting of the Williamsburg County School Improvement association as advertised in this week's ,%lIecord." Though our county has scarcely had a properly organized improvement association, our schools have captured more of the prizes offered than those of any other county. The organized efforts of a county as: sociation are very much needed at , present, and I sincerely hope Miss Mattie Harper, our county organizer, will be made glad by having all our . .? *?! .1 liirrru mimlutr rtf ICilUilCI A Uim (l ?CI j iitifci iiukivv > v* , our trustees and patrons to meet and hear .Miss Theodosia Dargan, l'resi dent of the Stat*' School Improvement association, at the high school audi .mm in Kings tree on Satur, day, November Id, at 12 o'clock. I . want especially to invite the mothers s of our school children, and all other 5 ladies interested in improving and p beautifying our school houses and , grounds. .' Yours sincerely, J G McCullough. ' i LIST OF JURORS '; For Court ol common Pleas Which Coovenes Monday, November 15. j T Armstrong McCrea, Indiantown. B L Buttkin, Cades i 7 S P Clemons, Greelyville erries, oranges,bananas, ; lemons, apples, pears, plums, cher-; j ries, tigs, pineapples. , Green water grapes are blood1 j purifying, but of little food value: j I reject pulps and skins. Blue grapes are feeding andj blood purifying; too rich for those who suffer from the liver. Tomatoes, higher nerve or brain food and waste; ndJheat. They are thinniug and stimulating. Do not skin. Juicy fruits give more or less the higher nerve or brain and some few, muscle food and waste; no heat. Apples supply the higher nerve and musrl^l food, but do not give stay. Prunes afford the highest nerve or brain food, supply heat and waste, tut are not muscle feeding. They should be avoided by those who stiller from the liver. Farmers* Union Sun. Forced into Exile. Wm Upcnurch of Glen Oak,Okla, was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought, would cure a frightful lung racking cough that had detied all remedies for two years. After two years he returned, death dogging his steps. "Then I began to use Dr King's New Discovery',*' he writes, "and after taking six bottles 1 am as well as ever." It saves thousands yearly from desperate lung diseases. Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it dispels Hoarseuess and Sore Throat, Cures Grip, Bronchitis, Hemorrhages, Asthma,Croup, Whooping Cough. 60c and $1.00, trial bottle free, guaranteed by D C Scott. Our best clubbing offer?the Woman's World and two nice premiums and The Record, all one year for $1 25. See ad this issue. Fp. p. p. i tj P. 1*. P. will purify and vitalise your Z I tilood, J P. P. P. |i If you suffer with headache, indigestion, debility and weakness, take P. P. P. H If you suffer with nervous prnefrr.fle", f nerves unstrung and a general i?.l uuwn jo of the system, take P. P. P. I For Blood Poison. Rheumatism. Scro" ^ ula, Old Sores. Malaria, Chronic Fe>ua> i Complaints, take L. P. P. P. L Prickly Ash, Pokc Eoct r sn/l DnlnrrMitn I OIIU ruiaajiunii Th? best blood purifier in the world. | I V. V. LJPP.MA.V [ Savannah. . ?eorr,-i % NOTICE OF MEETING OF WILLIAMSBURG! SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. The Williamsburg School Improve- [ ment association will hold its fall meeting in the auditorium of Kingstree Graded school building on Saturday, November 13. at 12 M, Miss Theodosia Darg&n and others are expected to address the association on that day. Teachers and trustees and all others who want better school houses, better equipped and more beautiful grounds are especially invited. J G McCullough, Superintendent Education. October 30,1909. ll-4-2t I p.p Males Marvelous Cores io Blood I P. P. P. purifies the blood, build.' strength to weakened nerves, expels di happiness, where sickness, gloomy feeling In blood poison, mercurial poison, and skin diseases, like blotches, pimp head, we say without fear of contradict purifier in the world. Ladies whose systems are poisoned ni dition due to menstrual irregularities, : derful tonic and blood cleansing prope Root and Potassium. F. V. LIPPMAN, S \ i/uirnTnrr rninm i niMtointtuitAutu, \ Kingstree f High School > Hoys and Girls prepared for C PURE WATER, < HEALTHFUL LOCATION. \ HIGH SCHOOL A If SEX recent] i f and spacious Auditorium. } AMPLE ROOM FOR I l TERMS RE. ! f Fail Terr | Monday, Se I* For information apply to J. G. COLBERT, Superintendent. Kingstrc STOLL BF !WE STDC BUY \BON ' AND ANn * k 1KI1W SELL LAN It will pay you to alwayi any business of this kind. J?* OFFICE OVER BANK 1 K?S6SSSe?eS?S |8 FREE! FR (6 For the next few days we are ? f) 10x20 Picture? OIL PAIN 7A FREE to every purchaser of a yr*?*cooK fl FOR C, I 0): ^ome anc* ?et a picture bafore t ^ * TI7L^?% ntA o?rr UTA niOU fl frPP | 7A IT lieu nc eaj nv u>\?u ?.w. 2 AMERICA J We have a large stock of th 1 W\ American fence is built on the el i Ja most scientitic, practical and pel * yields to great and sudden pre W) original shape. Thoroughly gal ; (# weather. There is practically n< I m\ ican fence. The American farm ' 7A to be the best and is backing up I gft largely every year, until fully ei| I 71 and built at the present time is A | W Ring 35 for Wh jf A full 1 If COFFINS AJS always on hand. Sertices render X OK (M Remember the place. x Kingstree Hi V 4 MM????? ?? .P. 'oison, Blenatii M Scrofula. ? up the weak and debilitated, ?-.ve? isease, giving the patient health and ;s and lassitude tirst prevailed, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all Mood les. old chronic ulcers, tetter, sen'rj (ion that P. P. P. is the best blood id whose Mood is in a;, impure < -r. :ro peculiarly benefitted by the \vo*i eties of P. P P., PrLkiy Jlsh, i'jirc AVAKNAH, CA. ANDIHIGH SCHOOL, I S. C. j Department[ College or (or Business Life. > EIGHT INSTRUCTORS, < FINE MUSIC DEPARTMENT. < y completed with beautiful \ 30ARDING PUPILS. \ A.SONAUL,?;, J . n Begins j ptember 13. 1 E. C. EPFS, | Clerk Board Trustees. > je? S. C.. | iOTHERS I :KS WE DS BUY I AND D S SELL > see us when you have OF WILLIAMSBURG -^1 SSSSkSSSSSSS? EE! FREE! 8 joing to give* away a nice large w TING; mounted in frame? w) STOVE*"'?S ASH. C hey all [go. Only a few \eftM\ lN fence# is fence on hand in all heights. lastic, hinged joint principle, the^P) rfect fence principle known. It 7A esure but returns again to the iK Ivanized and protected against jl o limit to the strength of Amer- w ,er has declared American fence w) his judgment by buying it more (J) ;hty per cent of the fence bought American fence. W) lat You Want g lot' U1 ID CASKETS Yonra for "biz," (m ardware Co.