The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 04, 1909, Image 1

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1 VOL. XXIII. KlN(iSTHi:i:, S01TI1 ( VKOMYV. THrBS?AY. AOVrMHKK 4. i(,H>{>. NO^iT LAKE CITUOCU NOTES. if.' * ' i * '? J Much Liquor Being Drunk?Paragraphs of local and Personal Interest. \ Lake City,November?Clerk : Ik HO Britton was in 4 own a few ' I hours Friday of last week. Mrs i. G Atkinson has returned home after a lengthy visit Wadesboro, N. (\ B Rev W L Waite has gone to assist in a revival meeting B at Trinity church, near \ Hr Savage. 1^^ Rev S J Bethea stopped here j [S last Friday night on his way j to Home. He is now on the; Fort Mill circuit, in York county. Mrs E \V Yates and daughtei, Miss Laura, spent a part of last week in Charleston. Mr Archie Shaw of Charleston recently visited in town. '1 ' ' HT I < 1 ~ 4-4^/J UT ^ O W tUUI U1C\ Ulicuuvu * U- the musical festival in Charies1 ton. ' Mrs H (J Askins and children Oi Kingstree spoilt last week in town. Several younjj people from Kingstree visited the carnival here last week. r At the rate at which liquor has been consumed in this section during the days last past | there will be nothing left when the time tor closing the dispensary arrives. About $*00 ^ worth of whiskev was sold by the local dispensary Saturday, ^ and judging from the effects in I I Spaci \ o F Men's and Boys' Suits or Ga WMf Health Underw< IV We laid in a big stoc we will close out this stock Our line of Dress Goo Peopl *'-VfVA,7^A/7^.VfVA^Vv,/V^Vv7>'v7 WW T^7 X-'vy ""?7 ^oX?>'oxo 'dXo^oXo^ oX*s oS<o^oxoy'oxoXox?K?xoX?^oXoxoyos^v' ..'Wk.'-.'- . -A. VNk'N V/i. /-^--V ^. .-? V'.^V'-k.'V^s.. AS*. EN'S CLOTHING is Large Enough ng conservative aril dignified in cut I If you warn HAVE IT! j WE HA for instance; it is one of the distinguished models v ority?* finish that at once stamps it the product o1 T CLOTHING Ret >eeause of a careful and scientiflcal constr - \\T 1 U* Xo><ro;Ao>%O>so 0 or Stock ol M If you want 50 met hi WE Take this HIGH /\RTcut, fs a dash of style and superi HIGH AR I Perfectio L D. RE) evidence Monday and Tuesday, J larjfe quantltes must have been > bought during those ten days > also. > There were seventeen arrests S here Saturday, ana ine -re- i irigerator" was literally packed r J from Saturday nij^ht to Monday, and it has not been empty for 1 any great space of time since 1 then. The line of maich from 1 the ''relrigerator" to the S council chamber Monday morn- i J ing resembled a funeral pro- 1 cession in the length of the!J line, in the speed at which it J moved and in the countenances of the mourners. jj Mr J M Adams left liere Mon-j) day night for Louisville, Ky. ) ! What is the proper thing for ) |a teacher to do, if he falls in 4 love with one of his pupils? " Mr D B Knight was in 4 ; rimripistnn on business lastl! r"~; ----- ( I week. ! Mr () T Hail has returned J home from a visit to Virginia. ) i 11 W L B Death of ao Infant. ( Died?On Saturday night, . i October 30, I00O. at the home '! 'of its parents, Mr and Mrs;. Mortimer Hawkins, Kingstree, . S C. Mildred, aged ;'o-r months, j. The funeral and interment took [. place Sunday afternoon at the j. Williamsburg cemetery, Itev Wj. A Fairy conducting the services. , _ Old papers for sale at tins j office. |, I onable 1 KingQual They tit the feet. The na Alvin Bra rments in all sizes. Prepare for cc ear for Men, All Wool Underwear fi nil /Tiaiuugi k of Matting and cur store being ; at extremely low prices. If you ds is complete, and we have a new le's rierca Kingstrc jr." *.!!* .% n m vv uriuiicuisiiijj DDIOCS RAR( oooooooooooooooooooooocxxx i THFRF ARF TWII HflNFST WAYS 8 A I lltiliu t mm m u m w w -w in which a poor man may become wealthy. One is by V J saving a part of his income regularly and putting it into C S some bank until it amounts to a comfortable fortune, *\ The other is by saving" his money and investing it in X iC profitable enterprises. X r Tn either case V < A Bank Is a, ITecsssit^r. X C And whichever way you try, this bank will be pleased r> IC to a>sist you in every way possible. X r Have an account with us?become one of our patrons JC 3 ?and see. V \ THE FARMERS i MERCHANTS BANK. 8 J A BIU A M < Lake City, S. C. ^ 5 .1. S. Jlctll.Ul Pr "drut. T. J. C0TTIXSH1J1, I'ashier- y J S. B. BOSTON. Vice 'resident. II. F. FEMEG.tX, Asst. fash. O oooooooooooooooooooooooocx {HORSES AND MOLES, | A I have just returned from the West with a carload of (A W) llorses and a carload of Mules, the w) 5 Finest That Ever Set Foot jjj in old Williamsburg". j) fiP IM ( E S REASONAB L E. jj Call and see them and get tirst pick. | M. F. HELLER. 2 XC3 SCSCSC3gSCSCSS3SSC9SSX Goods in All D ity Shoes. 1 me tells the quality. B <+ **** + A * nd Uotning. >ld weather, bee our line of Overcoats, Blankets, Wright' A or Ladies and Children, Buggy Robes, Bugs, etc. fl Hatting! J crowded, we need the room for other merchandise, therefore \ - ** ' " " intoo <-/-? eaup von mnnev. 1166(1 wc fjuaiuu^v iu UM.V j ?? j. lot of Lion Brand Collars and Cuffs. ntile Company, ,ke, S. C. | 0 ' '&k l, , iSV* ?V>* >V4. ' W, /*VN4 **s<t >V* *.->u ^AT-4 VN. . */?* \Tsfc V fo Supply [very N t something ultra and smart lVE THAT, TOC vhich will be worn by fashio f master tailors! - /i J r? l4r? C.1 .aiu^ l la kJ\ t action, and i and Finis! IAIN ST 7 MISSIONARY MEETING ATINDIANTOWN.1 Two Addresses Made Yesterday?A Re- j 4 1 l?_:?nn Ulopinnon,, I nrlimdfl | IliniCU AirikdUinilJlUiinij lcuiuigu. i ' yesterday was Mission Rally j day at old Indiantown. W CI ! Davis, Esq , who represented j | the Layman's Missionary move- j ment, passed through town in i the afternoon returning from j Indiantown to his home at j j Manning after having delivered j 'an address before the meeting yesterday. Mr Davis says that there was a tine attendance at ; the meeting and great interest; manifested. He spoke en j thusiastically of the people of \ i Indiantown and the cordial wel-! 1 i ' | come extended to the visitors present. ' Rev L C Yass delivered an ! interesting lecture on the sub- j jject of mission work in the (Congo region of Africa, from I where he has but recently re- > turned. Mr Yass also lectured1 last evening, illustrating his*i (lecture with stereopticon views i of the Congo Free State in Africa. | Kll'nnrlan U/oriHinn" A nniinrca PV PUUUGII tlGUUliiy nnuiivaifutj ' Mr anil Mrs X Jacobs liavej I issued invitations to their friends' J to celebrate their Wooden wedidinif.' The invitations are dain-; tyand unique, beint;* inscribed; on wood, and are n.> follows: j jl!?0l 390(J | Mr -inJ Mrs W N Ja<-o'?: Ai Home F\ ingstree. South ?'iiroiinn , Tuesday, November rune Eiglit-tliirty to nine-*Flirty p. 'o ; epartme pi The "Shoe of Sho M Vm TSe two principal facters in the iho< ? \\ are style and quality. You cannot be w V/ if either element ii lacking. King Qua ft Bl are mailerpirccs of theshorman s craft 1 QjVHj deuil^ cut and finish teftecta the hii in Wh|I mentof the distinctive style that Mamps A raXgU Short. Ivor could this result be attaii WL the uae of the finest grade of shoe mate vT^WflOL class wotlunanahip. From the t Wm^-4 tanned leather to the finest grade NflMk quality u there. Inside arid out, i |KHL^ counters, box, etc. the parts yoi VTlWl. equal quality with the uppers s combinat.on^of^atyle, qudity ^ \ men. Union made. eed. I. X I n leaders this fail. $p hape I 11. I ORE. 1 ' Death of Mr. S. J. Tharpe. Another old veteran has answered the loiii; roll call and been mustered out of service in the battle of life. Mr S J Tharpe died at 10 o'clock Tuesday night at the home of his son, Mr .Tames E Tharpe, near Bo2gy Swamp,abont three miles east r?f f.-iu-n "Php fmiAP;?l eprvirps will 1 take place this morning at the Williamsburg cemetery, conducted by Rev W A Fairv. of the Methodirt church. Mr John Tharpe, as he was generally known, was born and reared iu Williamsburg county, in the Ced.?r Swamp Section. He was one of onr county's oldest citizens, being seventy-seven -earsold at the time of his death. He served four years in the Confederate army and was a gocd soldier. About fourteen months ago he was partially paralyzed and siuce then his condition has been almost helpless. Resides on- sou, Mr James Tharpe, the deceased is survived by two grandsons, Mr W W Ward, who lives iii Georgia, and Mr K F War.!, of this county. They All Uaed Him. This one comes rrom Missouri, where one editor "showed" them why: "An evangelist asked all the men present who were honest and paid their debts to stand up. All aro-e but one. He said he was the local editor and couldn't pay his debts because the men standing were his delinquent sub*, .ribers."?Atlanta 1 (/ IIII'll). nts. MJTY question IE ^ elldrr?d JityShoe, ts~^ WS and every gnesl art of J' i the attain- f^E?l K*tQ**toj H|L^y led except by IWlgr^/ rial, backed by oie of oak bark of liaeo lining, noer sole*, welts, \kS-w i cannot aee are of ind wits. ItuthiaV^K od workmanship that VII e "Shoe of Short "la