The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 28, 1909, Image 7

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I SOON NAME WILL BE | , CHANGED TO ANDREWS. OFFICERS l.HilSi". FUR TWIN TOWN? DESTRUCTIVE COifliN USE-POSTMJSTER SFS)ti.O LOCAL ITEMS. li upers, Oc;n!kT -a: ?Postmaster J N\ Poston of Harpers having resign*;!. patrol)? of the office have petitioned for the appointment of his successor. The new postmaster will doubtless be named in a few days. H An iMv'ion was held in the town H of Andrew* lust Saturday on the fol lowing wit: The change of name of the town front Harpers to Andrews; for or against the reincorporation of tiie town, and for the election of four aldermen and an in- j1 teudant. The result was unanimous- I ly it: favor of the change of name and 1 fc-r re-incorporatiou. and the follow- 5 ing-named gentlemen were elected as 1 aldermen: D R Rogers and Frank Isocriet of East End: L A Rogerson and ! E K McKnight of West End. Mr 11 G G Davis of East End was chosen as intendant. Tile above-named gen- 1 tleiuen were elected without opposi- ' tioc. and some of them without nom- 1 ination. This is one town, so said, but each end of our one town is sup- ' I posed to elect its own officers. ' U Mr G G Davis, our popular intt tendant, is a good man, having been B train-and road-master of the G & W ' V railroad for several years. He has ' H the congratulations of the entire W town on the high honor that has "tf l_ _ I beta bestowed upon nim "tie woo wins his spurs should wear theni" with full honor. Mr D R Rogers, alderman-elect, is foreman of the A C L Co's blacksmith shops. Mr Frank Isocriet is head clerk of Commissary No 2 of the A C L Co at East End. Mr E K McKnight is one of the most successful farmers in our town, also Mr i LA Rogerson is one of the progres- 1 sive farmers of the West End of Andrews. With this corps of city fathers at the helm we expect to see the wheels 1 L^olprogress revolve at once, provided ] ^r)Tr people support them with their ( ndivided efforts. The writer pledges his every effort as a private citizen, ( all his energy and influence to build up and govern this little town, and , believes the council will have the full co-operation of the entire towu. A box-car on the G & W railroad, , loaded with baled cotton, became ig- ( nited from a spark from the engine one day last week and burned 40 , bales of cotton. i The writer has 10 acres of corn, i planted after a successful crop ef oats, which will be gathered this week. E?eryoue who has seen this oorn says it will yield 50 bushels per acre. When gathered will report the yield with estimate of expense of producing this crop. Last May there was gathered from this same land 50 bushels of oats. ?A few acres of this land will be transplanted in cabbage i> in November and the remainder of I the plot will be put in beans in Feb ruary of next year. L-- Mr R S Tisdale,an old Confederate li .soldier of this town, is still suffering from the ravages of an incurable disease. He has the sympathy of this community and all hope that he may at least obtain relief and be spared for a while longer to his loved ones and friends. Subscriber. 0, The Beet Food for Workers. The best food for those who work with hand or brain is never high priced. The best example of this is found in Quaker Oats. It stands at the top among foods that supply nourishment and vigor, without taxing the diges-' lion and vet it is the least expensive I food one can eat. This great food value and low cost make it an ideal food for families who 4 want to get the greatest good from what they eat. laborers, factory or farm hands, fed plentifully on Quaker Oats will work better and with less fatigue than if fed on almost any other kind of food. All of these facts were proved and A very interesting information about r human foods were gathered by Professor Fisher of Yale University in llhfS. You'll find Quaker Oats in regular size packages, and hermetically sealed tins; the latter is best for hot climates. 8 ^ By helping us you help your^ self. Buy from the houses \vho K advertise' in The Record and W m ention the paper. tf S 4 " :4k ? t KINGSTREE liRADED AND j : HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. : We are ^lad to have with Miss !'?es>ie McKenzie of Olanta, in Florence county, as .-v 4 1,.. 4.iwt h (rr-xlo a mem i m wi uk uiuu We hope that this will be a successful year for her. The Wee Nee Literary society held it? regular meeting on Friday, October 22, at d:di pin. The secretary, Mr James Vause. being absent, the pre>ilient appointed Mr Frank Rodgers secretary /? > frinj*>n The exercises were short but interesting. The debate was emitted on account ot some mistakes in the secretary's books. We were glad to welcome the following as new members ot our society: Misses Florence Mcintosh, Louise Wheeler and Mr William Epps. We hope that the society will prove benficial tc them. W4_> i rrlnrl tn have OUT '* U-'V. ? - friend, Theo Hoaxers, a member of the tenth grade back with as. He was sick last week. We were glad to have with us an Monday morning to coniuct the opening exercises the presiding elder, Mr Carlisle. He made some very interesting remarks about the late Dr Carlisle of Wofford college. This is his first time to conduct the opening exercises of our school, but we sincerely hope that he will be with us many times in the near future. Miss Beckham, our efficient fifth and sixth grade teacher, spent the week-end with friends in Charleston. DEATH OF ANDREW BRADLEY. Was Father ef The Record's Pressman and a Respected Colored Hao. Andrew Bradley,a well-known and respectable colored man in town, died at liis Home Monday night and was buried Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. He was about sixty-five years old and his death resulted fro'm a complication of diseases. He was the father of "Bunk" Bradley, who has been the faithful pressman for The Record during the past seven or eight years. The deceased was fair type of the ante-bellum colored man that is so rapidly passing away. The whole office sympathizes with Bunk in his bereavement. Mr F G Fritz, Oneonta, N Y, writes: "My little girl was greatly benefited by taking Foley's Orino Laxative, and I think it is the best remedy for constipation and liver trouble." Foley's Orino Laxative i? mild, pleasant and effective, and cnris habitual constipation. D C Scott. Epilepsy, Fits "My son was cured of a very; bad case of epilepsy with Dr. Miles' Nervine." MRS. D. BAKER, Cleveland, O. 'My little daughter who was afflicted with St. Vitus' Dance is now entirely well after taking Dr. Miles' Nervine only four months." MRS. C. G. BENNETT, Alma, Mich. Epilepsy, Fits, St. Vitus' Dance and Spasms, arc all nervine HUeasft;. Thev have been cured in so many instances with Dr. Miles* Nervine that it is reasonable to conclude that it is almost sure to cure you. With nervous diseases of a severe type, persistent use has almost invariably resulted in a complete cure or lasting benefits, worth many times the cost of the remedy. The best evidence you can get of its merits Is to write to those who have used it. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it all according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. IF frOMEX OXLY KXEH T Hbat a Heap of Happiness it M ould Briiis? to kingstree Homes. llanl to <!<? housework with an p aching back. ! Brings you hours of misery at J leisure or at work. > If women only kntw the cause? ^ that e Backache pains come from sick t( ' kidneys. ' "Twould save much needless woe. r 1 ,i Doan's Kitnev Pills cure sick p kid uevs. s ' i KiiiL'stree oeojde endorse this: ri .Miss Pol IH- Yause. Logan St. v Kingstree, S ('.says: "1 ust-d Doan's p Kidney I'ills and they bellelited llle more than any thing else 1 evei tried. : a. .My hack and kidneys caused nie a a great deal of trouble for years. V Headaches and dizzy spells were fre- r fjiient and 1 was botheiedat all tunes B : by irregular passages of the kidney p . secretions. Doun's Kidney Pills which I j?rocured at Scott's drug r< store he^TI me at ouce aud since o then I have been in the best of P i health." t , For sale by all dealers. Price 50 1 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, f< New York,sole agents for the United States. o Remember the name? Roan's? and take no other. When you come to town put a copy of The Record in your pocket and consult its business direc tory?the advertising 'columns in making your purchases. tf g OUR CLUBBING RATES * We offer cheap clubbing rates with a number of popular news- papers and periodicals. Read care fully the following list and select the one or more that you fancy and [ we shall be pleased to send in your order. These rates are of course all j , cash in advance, which means that I both The Record and the paper j ordered must be paid for, uot 1, 2. 3,, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, but twelve months ahead. Below is the list of A our best clubbing offers. L The Record and News 4 Courier (Semi-weekly,) $1.85. The Record and Home 4 Farm J se (twice a month,) $1.35. j jjj The Record and New York World i ti (3 times a week,) $1.75. j ^ I The Record and Atlanta Consti-j ** tution (3 times a week) $1.85. ; ^ The Record and A.'anta Const' - j111 tution (weekly $1.50. The Record and Br\ id's Com- i ai moner, $1.75. fil The Record and Cosmopoliton ^ Magazine $2 00. The Record and Youth's Companion (New Subscribers) $2.50. The Record Semi-Weekly State, g $2.50. The Record and Lippiucott's Magazine 1 year each 12.75. The Record and National Magazine, 1 year each, $2.00. N. B. We do not club with any daily papers. The first issue you ^ receive of the paper or periodical is ^ ; evidence that the money for same & has been forwarded by us. We are M 1 not responsible after that. ' THE COUNTY RECORD, Kingstree, S. C I ntH i ivmvrT liiliMlili OUR BIG BUSINI GROWS BIGGER (CONSEQUENTLY we hav< ^enlarge our buildings, and stores when completed will five hundred feet long runnin Arcade form, right through frnm k'ina tn MppfinP" "si i.u.i. .x...h ^ giving us a floor space of 1 thousand feet. Call wbe THE THRU E-A-WEEK WORLD. he Greatest Newspaper oi its Type. j It Always Tells the Truth as It Is, Promptly and Fully. [cad in Every English Speaking , Country. It has invariant tiic reat elVort of the ' -Week dition of the New York World < u publish the news impartially 1 order that it may be an accuate reporter of wliat has hap ened. Jt tells the truth, irrepective of party, and for that ea>on ha> achieved a position ritli the public unique amony apers of its clas?. If you want the news as it re lly is, subscribe to the ThriceWeek edition of the New York forld, which comes to you evey other day.except Sunday,and s.thus practically a daily at the rice of a weekly. .: The Thrice-a-Week World's * egular subscription price is nly $1.Go per year, and this ays for 15G papers. We ofer his unequalled newspaper and 'lie County Recoup together ' :>r one year for $1.75. The reg ular subscription price t the two papers is $2.25. I a ckdak swamp cam p. no 43.-, . Reftulur mecti in^|rv or -tdrd soho?l Hennon. Summons for Belief j (complaint served.) \ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county ok williamsburg. Court of Common l'leas. Rhem and D D Rhem, co-partners trading under the firm nann- of F Rhem & Son-, Plaintifl's. against S Green ami M L Lewis, Defendants. > To the Defendants A S Green and M 4 l^ewis: ' You are hereby .summoned and re- ' aired to answer the complaint in this ?tion of which a copy is herewith 1 irved uj on you, and to serve a C9P.V of c >ur answer to the said complaint on f ie subscribe-s at their office in King- * ee. S C. within twenty days after the * irvice hereof; exclusive of the day of r ic'li service; and if you fail to answer 1 ie complaint within the time afore- a lid, the plaintiffs in thi< action will 1 pplyto the court for the relief de- * landed in the complaint. c Kelley & Hinds, ? Plaintiffs' Attorneys, I Take Notice: That a copy of the " linmons and complaint herein was 11 led in the office of the clerk of court of j MXimon pleas for Williamsburg county i the 18th dav of October 1909. Kelley & Hinds, 10-21-61 Plaintiffs' Attorneys. I i lale to Enforce Her-1 chandise Lien STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ) County of Williamsburg. f S R Mouzcn vs i George Wood-. Pursuant to an order issued to me in . le above entitled case by R K Walce. Esq, magistrate. I will offer for tie for cash in front of the court house i oor in Kingstree, S C, on the first [onday in November next during the < gal hours of sale, one bale of cotton , Blunging to George Woods. George J Graham, s 10-14-3t S W C f Hi " Lib CiIii ; to our 232 and 234 King St. be g in :r?the ^ ^ Wholesale a: forty louse li 11 i yon ci rifni cms > II i ;1 :n*v' j? i i! I; i ; I* !l.? i ? M. A. WOOS>S, utn i'lo I , LAKE CITY, - S. C CLAYTON & COOKE, ATTORN EYf-AT-LAW. .AKK CITY, ... SC. tK'-f i:i Siinjlrtiiry BulM Sjwia! Att i <* *ciou? W. Leland Taylor, DENTIST. <>rtiivi?viTl?r W V UrcfKin^ton'.' store KINGSTREE. - S. C M. ID. Nesmith DENTIST, LAKE CITY, - - - S. C. W. Li BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY. S. C. Dr R J McCabe Dentist miasTiEE. - s. c. J. D. MOUZON'S BARBER SHOP ?in the? Kellahan Hotel s equipped with up-to-date apaion/iua PnliU Sprvirp c nmmtimt Workmen. 5?8-08. Registration Notice. The office ot the Supervisor of Reg stration will be open on the 1st Moolay in each month for the purpose of egistering any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of he State for two years, and of the sounty one year, and of the polling pre:inct in which the elector offers to ote four months before the day of lection, and shall have paid, six nonths before, any poll tax then due md payable, and who can both read md write any section of the constitn* ion of 1895#submitted to him by the Supervisors "of Registration, or who an show that he owns, and has rand ill taxes collectable on during toe >resent year, pioperty in this State ssessed at three hundred dollars or nore. J. Y. McGILL, ( Jerk of Board. Kingstree CAMP NO< 27. imouji uarvm 3rd KoM?) vviw^BIwKy vi,,itin8 choppen cor\ 'yfflKSMvy dially invited to com* \\ fTsyiV<?**/' up and alt on aittunp or h*n* about on the Thos. McCutchen, 27 18m. Con. Com. Mortgage, real estate, title ien on crop, bill of sale, agrirultural lease and lien, mortgage personal property, bill ol .ale and lien on crop combined or sale at The Record office. EST 0 Pn Iw* a uii. Y0U I efit , Charleston, 5. C. ROOM ?Cosi id Mail ill Order lenr0wp5 . fully a is mil fu?; en to 1-2 < me to I / | FOLEY'S HONEY The original i LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lunf ! troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholio. Good for everybody. Sold everywhere The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is is a Yellow package. Refuse substitutes. DronarnH onltf hv Foley A Company,'chlooffe. j 11. L. Wallace. ! vff/ McCAL? : '.TTZn^S C. i - . : r | -r'cct fit, -.n hUuU.. 7 r : v Id >4 : i"' -i !a 1 c r.- . i. .4.1 i t.?- i ri ' U"-'- ! S:.-v> ai..! C h/ 1 ! 1 V "1 -o <1 |h::i 3.:;, i> 4 .* r.i..!.c. ijr (ice uUlngi.4, :.:acaz:\e Slorc ; ;! n y o'Ver f 1 >!?' * 1 r. U 1 !! -:i a i >?>:--. 1... cat .'Its, |., >t' ia;.l.i:,-, 1 1 r |-.'a:n icw ? v M-tJiitvO 1:1: l".i<J'Jf!!Pt I -i. ?, ?rf. Oi: v ' .. 1 v orth <i. it', it r'- i -<r :t f" c | - . > !.'>. t ?t' i*'t or I i r t . wo::r.:sr?L i\nvers*zxrz t .V _ ! *. I ??fir*a,s j <:4i:-| c .lalo- ut : ' 1. '1 ; .. .V. r>i sicc.'.i'. n.. n t?;?;v. :r:n St.. r.zr; yojt Paint Your Buggyl I We can make it look like new. ~ Any M. CHI, HI - or other vehicle 'fapvri 1 Per Cent. 1 in appearance by painting. Also Bring Us Yonr Work. W. M. Vause & Son 6-10-tf Hacker Mfg. Co., St'CCKSSOllS TO GEO, S. HACKER 8r SON CHARLESTON, S. C. t f FACTURE Doors. Sash and Blinds; Columns and Balusters; Grilles and Gable Ornaments; Screen Doors and Windows. WE DEAL IN Glass, Sash Cord and Weights. Ill ITOElifERJITIoT SALES ABE GOING ON ana your friends can benby the richest money savmces that ever came your WE MUST HAVE THE 1 It- nnf tliniiirht nf i~riuiii to UVM uiuu^m t is lost sight of. No matat you want, write us an n order, we'll fill it as cares if you were standing at )ow, and save you from 1-3 3n every purchase. Uston # - ' " - - "lyji-rf