The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 21, 1909, Image 2

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THE TWIN TOWN I ANDREWS. ( (illE DOES DMMGE-MIMiSVED STOCK ' liAS UGH1 PUJiUNfl B.t\K , FOR MORELS. i i i :i! j 'vi-, uuluU'l i 0:?i m? ."'l - tiort suffered ;< considerable* gale or ' 6 to no Tnursday night of last week. ' } and considerable* damage w;t<doue< beiow he-ro :rA (Georgetown county to i( crops and timber. !: 11 Enclosed. Mr Editor, you will tind ;' devvral peach blossoms. Peach blooms uear Nuveuiber is something 1 have i1 nefer seen be-foic. This shows that j' our seasons are now changing. Last j sDnnir in May 1 saw the cockle-bun | with grown burrs on the bush. The writer has JO beautiful Berkshire pigs in one farrow. The progenitors of these pigs were bought ! at the State Fair last October. The pigs are now about one week old. The hogs will be taken back to the fair to show that the lower part of old Williamsburg is fully adapted to racing fine stock. Also a fine fullblooded Jersey cow may be on exhib- ' ition from tue same farm. We can . raise as fine stock, even in the lower part of this county, as cau be raised 1 anywhere in the State. The writer finds the only successful way of * * ? f I.L tanning is by providing me zaiui wnu a plexitv of live-stock aud that of 1 * < the thorough-bred strain. Both hogs aud cattle will succeed nicely and if properly housed and fed will furnish enough barnyard manure to improve ( the farm to f&ise all the feed aud , grain needed to maintain these stock. The stock aud the farm are twin necessities, oue depends on the other, i The day will soon come when every 1 farmer will fully realize the fact and : stock-raisiug will be increased one ' hundredfold. You will se-> the farms , all stocked with improved breeds and , plenty of bacon raised for home use . and milk aud butter in abundance. ; The Audrews Gas-Light Co has ( scld its entire stock issue and will 1 within the next few weeks iustall in : the town of Andrews an up-to-date 1 gas-light plant; also the Secretary of j Stutt- will within a few days issue a charter for a bank, with a capital ] stock of $25,000. ) We believe the wheel of progress , "iq p<.vnlrino in r.iir litHf. frr?u*n ,a * v" - - J Subscriber. 1 Lost His Coin. The banks lost agoodoppor- j tunity to have a knock-out ad- j vertisement recently when they ] did not drive home the lesson j taught by the loss of a year's '< savings by a Western man who 1 kept his money in a stocking. He started out to buy a factory , that he had always coveted and saved money for, but there had < been a thin place worn in the ( stocking by long use as a de- j pository for silver coin and when ] the poor man got where he was going his money had all leaked out. Two miles of road were covered with quarters, dimes' and dollars, but he never gotback a tenth of his loss. Ai{ savings bank would have | brought him the realization of j1 his ambition in half the time, j and he would not have spilled ( his savings if he had drawn a i * check. Banks should be as j1 >...A]./V ivi QC I ' \viut" tiwutvc in auvci U01115 c*o viiv dry goods men, those who get ' the business.?Florence Times. 1 1 $100 Reward $100. I Tae readers of this paper will be j pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis'-ase that science has ' been able to cure in all its stages, i and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh \ Cure is the only positive cure now ( known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis- 1 .-joie. reouireo a constitutional treat- j ' -~7 1 merit. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken . internally, acting directly upoa the i Mood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in 1 its curative powers that they offer < One Hundred Dollars for any case 1 that it fails to cure. Send for list . of testimonals. Address ] F J CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0. 1 Sold by all Druggists. 75c. < Take Hall's Family Pills for con- 1 stipation. < Mrs Mary H Gordon. The remains of Mrs Mary H Gordon, a brief announcement >f whose death was made in last week's issue, were brought to :his county and interred at Union church, near her old home, on Thursday at noon, October 14. in the presence of a large concourse of the friends and former neighbors of the deceased, also a number of friends of the family from Sumter who came over to pay the last tribute that mortal man can pay to those he loves. The Dbsequies were conducted by Rev F M Satterwhite, pastor of the Raptist church at Sumter. Mrs Gordon was universally esteemed in the community where she lived for so many years and her death is sincerely mourned by all who knew her. As hostess of the Gordon House at Lanes for several years after the death of her husband, she became acquainted with many people all over the country and her death brings sorrow to the hearts of all who remember her uniform kindness and generous hospitality. Besides her own children and their families whose names are ? CATITO C given UCIVVV, 1UIO VIU1 uvu riuo step-mother to Mr A M Gordon, of our town, and Mr D E Gordon of Gourdins. The following notice of her death appeared in the News and Courier last week under a Georgetown date line: Georgetown, October 13:?Mrs D E Gordon, wife of the late Capt D E Gordon, of Lanes, S C., died suddenly of heart affection at the home of her daughter, Mrs J L Merriman, this morning at 2 o'clock, where she was a visitor during the recent sickness of Mrs Merriman. Mrs Gordon returned last night in her usual health and spirits, but awoke during the night complaining of a difficulty in breathing. The doctor was sent for, but before he could arrive the end came. She remained perfectly conscious to the last. Mrs Gordon was a lady of great force of character and gracious manners, and her friends are numerous. The entire community here, where she is well known, was shocked and grieved immeasurably when the sad news was reported this morning. Mrs Gordon was a Miss Nettles, of Privateer, and was 65 years of ige at the time of her death. She was most happily married to the chivalric and brave Capt David E Gordon, whose record is a soldier in the Civil war and is a citizen is a proud inheri tance to his children. Mrs Gordon leaves a number )f children to keep green her nemory, namely: Mrs Laurens Mouzon and Mrs J L Merriman, >f this city; Mrs L BMcCutchen, )f Charleston, and Mrs Geo B DeMedicis, of Sumter, at which ast place Mrs Gordon has made ner home for the past several pear. McKnight McDonald. Mauried?At Cordesville, in the ifternoon of October 13, IS G McDonald-, Esq, of Williamsburg county, to Miss Susuu K McKuight of Berkeley, formerly of Clarendon jounty. Rev E E Ervin of Kingstree jfficiated. The wedding took place at the home of Mr Eugene Philips, svhose wife is sister to the bride. Friends from the neighborhood, also From Williamsburg and Clarendon, were there, aud, after the ceremony, gathered around a table bounteously spread with barbecued shote, roast hen and all suitable accompaniments, besides sweetmeats and generous coffee, that so well betoken good housekeeping. There are many friends of die contracting parties who wish them much happiness. Mr and Mrs McDonald will be "at home" at Lanes to their friends next week. [The Manning Times is requested io copy this item. J Frightful Fate Averted. "I would have been a cripple for life, from a terrible cut on my knee ;ap,'' writes Frank Disberry, Kelliher, Minn, "without Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which sdon cured me." Infallible for wounds, cuts and orusies it soon cures Burns, Scalds, [)ld Sores, Boils, Skin Erupting. World's best for Piles. 25c. at f) 0 Scott's, f Died in Wilmington. FriJay afternoon Mr W H Carr . was called to Wilmington. N C., #bv a telegram announcing the death of his uncle. Mr Samuel Northrop, an aged and-highly respected citizen of that city, of whom the Wilmington Dispatch of October 15 had to say the ! following: The community was grieved and saddened last night when it was learned that Mr Samuel Northron. one of Wilmington's most venerable and highly re| spected citizens, had passed awav j at his home, No 506 Dock street. ! Mr Northrop suffered a stroke 1 of paralysis several days ago and I from the first his condition was 1 deemed extremely , critical. ! Yesterday morning he suffered ; a second stroke and it was then j realized that his death was only i a matter of a short while. Mr Northrop was a remarkably active man for one of his years and he was able to engage in business pursuits until ;a very short while before his : demise. The deceased was a son of the | late Mr Isaac and Mrs Susan I Northrop. He was born in Wiljmington 76 years ago next : February. In 1861, he and Miss ' Mary Houston, of this city, were married and Mr Northrop was ! preceded to the grave only twenty months z.go by his beloved wife. Surviving the deceased there are three brothers, Capt W HNorttoop, of Wilmington, Mr Johir Northrop, of Charleston, S C., and Mr James S Northrop, of Birmingham, Ala., one sister, Mrs Kate T Cumming, ofi Wilmington, three daughters, Misses Mary and Lizzie Northrop and Mrs Howard McClintock, and Messrs Robert H Northrop and Harris Northrop, sons, of this city. Mr Northrop was engaged in the lumber business in Wilmington for more than 50 years. Succeeding his father in the j lumber business, the firm name changed 20 years ago to that of the S & W H Northrop Lumber Company, the business being continued with Mr Northrop as manager until he was stricken with paralysis. Mr Northrop was at one time a member of the Board of Aldermen, a member f Ai ;?I r XT 01 me commission ui n<tvi);auvn and Pilotage, a ruling elder of the first Presbyterian church, of j whidh he was a member for more than a half century, a school committeeman, and for 20 years a director of the Clarendon Water Works Company, which was recently purchased by the city. During his term as alderman Mr Northrop could have been elected mayor, but his vote gave the office to his opponent. Mr Northrop was the founder of Immanuel Presbyterian church, in which he j had always displayed a deep and I abiding interest. Possessed of a genial, cheerful i disposition, with a character I noted for its unfailing generosity and charitableness, Mr Northrop always endaered himself to those with whom he came in contact and a distinct feeling of sadness pervades the community now that this truly good man is no more. It was always a pleasure for Mr Northrop to aid the poor and during his life he cheered the hearts of hundreds of destitute with his kindly gifts and ministrations of friendship. He was a God fearing, high toned Christian gentleman, universally respected by everyone who knew him and his passing from life unto death brings sadness to many hearts. The tenderest sympathy of friends will be extended the bereaved relatives in their great bereavement. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, from the first Presbyterian church. The services will be conducted by the Rev J M Wells, and the interment will be made in Oak dale cemetery. ?? -j Innniinnpmeiil. We have placed an order for over SI 00 worth of new job type, which includes the latest up-to-date faces for all kinds of commercial and soi cial forms of printing. We are now | prepared also to do catalogue and ; pamphlet work of every description, | including lawyers' briefs, in the most j approved style. We have a special j lot of new type faces that will be [ used only for wedding invitations, j visiting cards, etc. Call and see samples of work or let us send them to you. Our job department is equipped better than any other in this partvof the State. ' tf if : \i ! A i i ; Piano > i> an in-t t umtMii bought once in a litctimc- In txiyini: one V (In Ik t (It'| end upen 1< ok* I merely?inquire as to it* in- ? mo*t part>, its tone. volume, ? its uetion and general eon- C struction?have a n expert V play it tor you. bring out its /( >weetne-* and strength of ? tone, and test it in everj way. ? We invite you to visit our t salesrooms ? give our Pianos V your most rigid examination J and you will be our^^tomer. ? for the StiefT always whs ? out. C Chas. M. Stieff, ? Manufacturer of the ^ Artistic Stieff, Shaw and / Stieff Self-Player Pianos SOUTHERN WAREROOM: 5 West Trade Street, ^ Charlotte, N. C. ? C. H. WILMOTH, 5 Manager. r (Mention this paper) V V. I ? / : J, D. GDLLAND, 1 > : Real Estate Broker: c | KINGSTREE, S C. | 2 t I have a list Lf great bargains I L in city and country property. V Call umL make your selection. J V t Easy on large and small ? X farm! city lots and residences. r \ / Tax Notice. The tax books will be open for col- ? lection of taxes the loth day of October ~ next for the year 1900. Tax levy as follows: For State, :~>\4 mills ' Ordinary County, 2% " ' Special Roads, 1 ' Roads, 1 ' Constitutional School, 8 " A capitation tax of $1.00 on all male persons between the ages of 21 and GO years, also SOcenYs per head on all dogs, also 2 mills for retiring bonds in Kingstree t;>wnship.4 mills for retiring bonds in Lake City township and 2 mills for retiring bonds in Greelyville school district, No 22. Commutation (Road) tax. $2.00. Levy for special school districts as follows: NV 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 35,36. 4 mills; Nos 15. 24,31. 3 mills; Nos 10, 20. 21.. 22, 25, 32, 2 mills; No 18, 1 mill; Kingstree, No 1?, 4 mills special, 2 mills High school. 1 will be at the following places mentioned below for collection of said taxes: | Oct. Kingstree, 15, 16, 18,10. 20 and 21 Hebron, J L Gowdy's store, 22 Salters, 23 Greelyville, ' 23 and 26 Gourd in*. 27 Suttons. 28 ? Trio, 29 Harpers. 30 _ Nov. Benson, V W Graham's store. 1 Bloominffvale, 2 Morrisville, :i Rhems, 4 Church P 0, W R Graham's store, 5 Rome, fi Lamberts, 8 Ards X Roads, Eaddy'* store. 9 Johnsonville. 10 VoxPO, 11 Prospect, 12 Leo, 13 Scranton. 17 and 18 Lake City. 19 and 20 Cade*. * 22 Lake City. 23 rt/f O- OC? nnrl 'JO Kin^Str66, ?1, *u, ??, a11u iiv Dec. Kingstree, J. 2.3, 4 and 6 Lake City. 7 Kingstree. From Stli to 23rd and from 2*th to 31st December, inclusive. Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail would expedite matters by dropping the Treasurer a postal asking for the amount of their taxes so as to avoid sending the wrong amount, also stating the township or townships, (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible give school district wh?re property is located, also state whether poll or road tax, or both, are wanted. Alter paying taxes examine your receipts and see if ad of your property Is covered. If not, see about it at once, i J?y following the above suggestions j complications and additional cost may I bo avoided .1 WESLKY ' OOK, I 1-1-10 County Treasurer, i x>ooooooooooooooooooooooqS CHARLESTON 8^ H?' M Will 11 [ OCTOBER. 25-30. g " ! R"jjLSslaiiDi SymnipliioMy- o-(t > OECHESTEA, X .. * ) The best organized and most uniform X , j C in talent in the United States, X* : supported by a splendid chorus of x A j two hundred male and female voices, v *; SPECIAL KATJiiW g ; 1 from all points in South Carolina, g j Ask the Preacher, Ask the Doctor; Q I Ask the Lawyer, Ask the Banker. MM Sxx)boooooooooooooooo<xxx?jM CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | I SALE, g I J BRICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS! g j 5 1,000,000 Bricks of X ( "Vex^r nxxe Qvialitjr X I s Brick Kilns on Black Mingo Creek. X | { Can deliver at almost any river landings. ? j > Reasonable Prices, $ j % CASH OR ON TIME. X '] ? Write for information and samples. ^8 F. RHEM & SONS, f ( RHEMS.' S. C. _ ? ' ____ B a n. k! m g Bnastaess? lrnn have more or less ol it. Possibly it is with us. 9 I 1111 If sucli is the case you know something of our fl * service. If not already one of our patrons, why II not consider the advisability of becoming one? y OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 1 is calculated to serve all classes. It receives deposits 9 from $1 up, and allows 4 per cent interest compounded fl quarterlj*. 19 Bank of Williamsburg;, M KINGSTREE, S. C. * ; Rugs and Art squares, p We have just received a large shipment of the II HANDSOMEST LINE OF RUGS AND ART SQUARES that has ffl Ever Been Shown in Kingstree. j Call and look at them. Jjfk | We also have iHI else ill needed for the home. .. f COFFINS AND CASKETS. Services rendered day or night. m L J. STACKLEY, 1 ; "THE FURNITURE MAN." j|| ' l r" H