; Lake City * 1 ik * Lake City ^n?lir;TKKi-:. SOT1IUMUOLIXA. TlintSPAV. OCTOsSKIi H. 1000. y"o.:n. c';9Siv,f c -?- *** ?v ill i ^ 5WP i , ; m ;0> ^ ;'- n A. < > . | \'x ' I i x II ' LAKE CITY NEWS NOTES. Good Prices for Tobacco- Big Bank Deposits-Other Local NewsLake City, October 12:?Mr A C Tobias, president of Lake City Hardware Co.. was Vim-*, cet-^r-il rlnvM last week turn ing over the stock of goods of his company to Messrs R F Taylor & Co., the purchasers of ? the business. Mr J J Morris had his right shoulder dislocated a few days ago by an accidental fall. He is yMg?tting 011 very well and going ^ about. Rev \V J Truluck of Bethel was in town Monday last. Several of our people visited the Sells-Floto circus in Florence last Friday, and with one accord they declared it the l>est show of its kind they ever saw. Mr J E Brunson, who was the manager of the Lake City Hard^ ware Co. from its organization to its dissolution, has accepted a position with Marshall-Wescoat Co, Charleston, as traveling salesman, with headquarters at Florence* Mr S L Courtney has purchased Mr K \V Yates's residence on Thomas street and will, we understand, soon move there with the intention of making it his home. As has already l>een announced, Mr Yates will move to his farm near Rome the first of December. Last week there was on deposit in the two local banks more than four hundred thousand dollars. This week a farm near Lake City j |FALL~ li 5 Every Station be?r? the M%MWA Stetson N^ne The World . season 1 Stetson styles, and then it quickly bu of the factories. Every ses we get our share for your sell We k*v? ihc Sicuoa loll ill Derby 1 dXCX' > * .V iv vw - OSO V%* . ? f*.+ V . *. a* v'?? ?-V* f .* i>V ri & * ui3 A' I av u i r i O 1 Ui Yoi: are ^ettin? ilie b Yocare ireUin? the \\ You arc getting clothi You are getting that ] You are getting them monplace clothi We're particularly |?i*< I The 1 H. I changed hands at a little more than $66 per acre, for the entire tract. Mr J J Snow came up from Rome one day last week. Mr Snow is rapidly gaining the reputation of being an expert farmer. Hon \V L Bass has been invited by tlit* Florence Board of Trade to become a nieml>er of the committee to receive President Taft when he visits Florence on November 8. There was a sale of tobacco at Graveley's warehouse M o n d a v which we doubt has even been excelled in the State for both quality and price. The quality was splendid and the prices ranged from 16 to 45 cents per pound, with an average of over 23 cents per pound ! for the entire lot. And the lot was not simply a handful but several J hundred pounds. News was received here Tuesday that Mr Kugene McCutchen died at his home in Latta Monday night. His boyhood days were spent in town,he being a son of Mr J B McCutchen, who was one of our citi /.ens many years. \V L B j If people with symptoms of kidney ! or bladder trouble could realize their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foley's Kidney Keinedv. This great remedy stops the pains and the irregularities, strengthens and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Bright's disease or other serious disorder. Do not neglect the early symptoms. D C Scott j The Farmers' Supply Co has one of the most up-to-date stocks of Hardware and Ciockeryware to be found anywhere. It AND \ vs up the entire output ison we make sure that ection. Haw mail the lauac^trU*. VrVV* * " v 9" ......... fvA. >v A f* ^M^wfv\fw;vvfv\ rv. ? \ v t^* v t O^-O 'j O c o * i o ^ O O-G ^^^-osono'OSO^O ey^ - o xtraordinarv value " rv' A r^lU. .*?. '**' 1 .-> >_ sryr? i g 4 O H # ' I jT f& re 1 li * -IbN I tL UW li ?k JL JcLaAfci jjjz. .nxL^rr. zj&zttiznzrszsaBssBSSKiA est models that the highest priced designers in the coi ork 01 the best tailors that one of the biggest concerns 5 aniJJinings and trimmings equal to any that go into f fit equal to any the most skilled custom tailors can gi\ at prices the custom tailor cannot begin to match~*pi ng for. >11(1 of Oil I' S20.00 Suits?made of lies ored perfectly, just right in every j>; [igh Art Label Means Correct in Fashion, 31 fN Pfc l 1* 1 9 n U. Keddicks car \A VOvsA'H *vi *v*2 | aiBH?H?H???H??t?H?Wan \ ?z until your ousiness has assumed great proportions ^5 I ,? before opening an account. Do so today. 3 | Our patrons, regardless of the amount of business 3 ' done, receive every courtesy in all matters of zS \ZZZ business entrusted to us. and there is nothing in ZZZ \tZZ safe banking we cannot perform. zS, EE Deposits over $250,000.00 3 I THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK, |1 ;| . Lake City, S. C. ? j < fmmmmu I SunncEd Ann Miurc '> '11UU0JJ0 l&llll lUUWIIJi R| (k I have iust returned from the West with a carload of 7k i m\ ! \W) Horses and a carload of Mules, the W) !g Finest That Ever Set Foot n \W) in old Williamsburg. W { ^PRICES REASON A B L E.fi ! (p [M ! Call and see them and get tirst pick. ^ I m. fTheller. J VINTER GOOI A stock of Merchandise to keep pace with Greater Kingstree. ?orth of new and seasonable Goods bought from the biggest market ver been our pleasure to show ourcustomers- We merely mentior e seen to be appreciated. STETSON HATS. The genuine John B. Stetson hat bou, ut middle man's profit we can save you money on these high class j KABO CORSETS Combine comfort and hygiene and th inds. Full Line of Men's and B< Complete Stock shoes, inc uding swell line Ladies Oxfords. I ee our handsome assortment. SILKS. 30-inch China Silk, 45c a yard, Japonika Silk, 3oc our pocketbook. Don't fail to see this beautiful line of Silks. DRY GOODS. DRESS OOODS. In Dry Goods and J hoicest offerings. Nothing better to be had. We really overstocke alterns looked so tempting. But that is your gain, as we must marl And don't lorget that we a re headquarters for Pure Food Groc< People's riercan Kingstree o .* ON o'- r/'rt'- d^ .D'- o' c^s*> o'?'r.'ov c 51 VOll o"pt I C?J I ..li"^ l j S2SS35' intry are capable of produci in the country is able to er me custom-made ciotnes. e you. rices that are as low as 01 1 cloths in. handsome iirticular. aterial and Tailoring. gain Sto A lard from Auditor West. Kditor County Record: a*. ;? u.._ ? vi ioj/v. i inn i v auviiiv/i , iw uv. comes my duty under an act of the General Assembly of 1909: "To provide for the closing of the several county dispensaries in this State and for the sale, of all stocks of liquors, beverages, fixtures and other property belonging to the several dispensaries,' to make investigations as to the conduct of of these dispensaries and to approve all claims against the dispensaries before same are paid. It is my earnest desire to have these dispensaries closed in strict compliance with the law. and in order to lo so, I hereby request that all persons having claims against the county dispensary boards shall report same to me before the 15th day of Nov-; ember, 1909. I also desire that j any and all persons who know of j any irregularities or wrong doings j in the management of any dispen- j sary to report same to me in order; that a thorough investigation of all ' such matters may be made prior to j November 15, at which time the f t : u.. t t LJUMIJCMl IIIIIM liC UUXTU. 1 dlJi j sending this request to all of the counties which have recently voted against the sale of whisky, that I may have the assistance of all per sons who may be in position to aid ' in such matters. Yours respectfully, W. B. West, Dispensary Auditor. Don't fail to see the O K line of Cook Stoves and Ranges at It Farmers' Supply Co's. )SGAI We have just opened up over .1 A Al 11 A. I ' s in tne couniry?xne swenest nn< i a few of the new offerings. The ght direct from the factory. By ? goods. ie price is no higher than the old i oys' Clothing. lugs, Matting, Etc. It will pay a yard. Taffeta Silks at prices t )ress Goods we have all the s< id on these lines the new weav< ? them down to a close margin of iries. tile Com]: , s. c. o in I fp <*o: BY *y ><1 :;r Sk .1 # ? - ^ \s ll 4, ? ,eL ^3 ^i a* O >o; I *vV' & nploy.. ;?> . ; o i -i'l