The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 30, 1909, Image 1

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IF*'" w . .,,? o '3 . ? - -? - ? '.InsuranceAgency: /''i^ . i * Insurance^cencyj f ' i-gii! qljc (?ottnti) Uccoro. y?i j V0L XXItl KIXflSTREK, SOUTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1000. NO. j EX-GovHR1/ - IcSWEENEY. ^ MILES B McSWEEMEY DEAD. Passed Away Yesterday Afternoon at Baltimore After Long Illness Ex-Governor Miles B McSweeney, the editor of the Hampton Guardian, died at Mt Hope Ketreat, Baltimore, yester afternoon at T) o'clock. lie Had been ill for about two months and had been taken to Baltimore for treatment. He is survived by his wife and six children. 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ I I I # # # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : AUTUMN OPENING OF j | MILLINERY, j j WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, \ OCTOBER <i AND 7. i 1 I I GALE GALE, t MISS B. W. CUPP, Trimmer. * mr # 0 Every Stetson B bears tho /%///:'( ' B Stetson Kimo f'\ //, The r?ld ^ season x S Stetson styles, and then it quickly bu I of the factories. Every se we get our share for your sel W? kiT? ibc Slcltca Suit ?nd Dcrbr The e: HIGH v You are getting the bes You are getting the wor You are getting cloths a You are getting that fit You are getting them a monplace clothing Vre particularly prou The Hi H. [ BIG ENTERPRISE FOR GEORGETOWN. Wlnyab City to Have Wood Alcobol Plant Costing $150,000. Georgetown, September 27:?The plant mentioned as likely to be established here by the DuPont, E I de Nemours Powder company for the! production of wood alcohol and by products from the refuse lumber of the Atlantic Coast Lumber corpora- j tion mills, is now an assured fact. A I plant costing in th? neighborhood of one hundred aud fifty thousand doll""5 will crvnn hp profited. Hfld ODera la.o " ww~ , i tions will begin as soon as same is completed. Mr Raymond S Farr, general manager of the Atlantic Coast Lumber corporation ,is now negotiating with the DuPont-de Nemoura people for the location of the plant in close proximity to the mill?, and will be iu position to give further details regarding the new industry to be started here, within a short time. It is a matter of congratulation to the people of Georgetown to have this plant locate here, as it means much to the commercial and industrial life of the city. The making of wood alcohol by the big DnPont Powder company is no experiment with them, since other plants are being operated by ihetn over the country, the alcohol produced being a necessary ingredient in the powder manufactuiing business. 1 When you come to town put a copy of The Kecord in your pocket and consult its business directory?the advertising- columns iu making your purchases. 1 A ND 1 vs up the entire output ason \vc make sure that ection. Hats is all tbc lateit ttr!cs. Ktraordin f AR1 t models that the highest p k of the best tailors that or ind^TTTings and trimmings < equal to any the most skil t prices the custom tailor c r for. id of our S20.0C orcd perfectly,, gh Art Label Means ( ). Reddi Attention, Veterans! j Attend meeting of our camp on Saturday,October 9,at 11 o'clock a m. A full attendance of members requested, as officers for the camp., together with members of the pension board, will be elected on that dav. Members of the U DC chapter are cordially invited to meet with us. II II Kinder, Commander. H 0 Britton, Adjutant. Dr Abernethy, the great English ! physician, says: "Watch your' kidj neys. When they are affected, life is J in danger." Foley's Kidney Remedy j makes healthy kidneys, corrects uri| nary irregularities and tones up the ' whole system. D C Scott. ! i MmmfwmmnK immmmm | )n))un>?u)ui?i tt 1111111111 * 11 i| Omr Mettlkoc SZ Must suit the peop) SZ ^rowinjL,'- all the time | Omit ResdMf gp Protect your deposit | Omit Expert Leads us to believe gp business satisfactori I THE FARMERS S R E Lake Cit | WANTS YOU ^iUiUUlUaUiiiiUiUiUlUUiUi iVINTEF A stock of Merchandise to 1 worth of new and seasonable fioo< ?ver been our pleasure to show ( oe seen to be appreciated. STETSON HATS. Tb )ut middle man's profit we can sa KABO CORSETS Cc finds. Full Line < Complete Stock shoes, inclu >ee our handsome assortment. SILKS. 30-inch China Si four pocketbook. Don't fail to st r\ rv t r /->aai\p rvr?nf> UKY UUUL>2>. L?KC3 :hoicest offerings. Nothing bette salterns looked so tempting. But And don't lorget that we art People j ary value r cu mnHunm iriced designers in the cnur ft ? ? ? ? le of the biggest concerns i squal to any that go into fii led custom tailors can give annot begin to match?pri ) Suits?made of best just right in every pa Correct in Fashion, ck's Bar; Once Was Enough Magistrate (discharging prisoner) : 'Now, then, I would advise yon to keep away from bad company." Prisoner (feelingly) : "Thank you, sir. Yon won't see me here I again."?October LippincotVs I Loans. The Kingsiree Insurance, Real Estate and Jx>an company is in a position to m ike loans to citizens of Williamsburg county on approved security. Apply to E 0 Epps, President, or .1 W Umstead, SecretaryTreasurer. 0-9-4t e, because cur business is zSt ?? 1 ts against anv loss. suae? 3 that we can handle your ~3 lERCHANTS BANK, 1 ;y, S. 0. | R BUSINESS| uauiuuiiuiuiuuiiuiuiuiui ( GOO) reep pace with Greater Kingstre< ds bought from the biggest mark< :>urcustomers* We merely mentii ie genuine John B. Stetson hat be ve you money on these high clasi >mbine comfort and hygiene and of Men's and E ding" swell line Ladies Oxfords. Ik, 45c a yard. Japonika Silk, 31 ie this beautiful line of Silks. S GOODS. In Dry Goods and. r to be had. We really overstocl that is your gain, as we must ma i headquarters for Pure Food Gro 's fiercar Kingstree % . ^ P. '. j4: /-v*^ <^Vv? v^ ^v-* v^* %/*?* V~>? v?* > you get i OTHN itry are capable of producing n the country is able to emf ie custom-made clothes. : you. ces that are as low as oth cloths in handsomest rticular. iterial and Tailoring. gain Stoi I THE WAY OF THE TSANSGRESSOB. i ' | Geo. V. Murray, Black Ex Congressman : from this State, Must Serve Sentence. Sumter, September 24:? Sheriff W H Epperson has received Dotice i from a detective agency in Chicago I ? i n i if .1.^ j mai txeorge vvasuiugiun ;uurray,Lue i negro Ex-Congressmau from the 7th South Carolina district, who is a fugitive from justice, has been arrested : in that city. The telegram stated j that Murray refuses to return to | South Carolina without extradition i papers, and that he is being held! ! pending the arrival of an officer and j the proper papers. 1 Murray, who at the time lie was! I indicted was one of the largest land j owners in Sumter couuty, was con-! i victed of forgery and sentenced to | i serve three years on the public works ! of the county or a like time in the State penitentiary. Murray was a'bly defended and no effort or expeuse was {spared to save him. The case was taken on appeal to the supreme court,! and he was released on $3,000 bond. ; He remained in this county until itj became known that the verdict of' the lower court had been affirmed by j the supreme court and then disap- { Ipeared.His bond was estreated by the' I .AUnifni* .iti.l rn.ia tin.llv r,ui<l TPnr ! iVtl'.l ?f lltiuilj A IM more than two years it has been kuown ' that Murray was living in Chicago, but for some reason he was not ar- j ' rested, and the news of his arrest at! ! this time comes with some surprise.; j In addition to the charge of forgery ! Ion which he was convicted, there is a| charge of perjury still pending again-t j Murray, and he may be tried on this charge when he has served the sen-' I DS GA1 e. We have just opened up over ets in the country?the swellest Iin on a few of the new offerings. Th< mght direct from the factory. By 5 goods. the price is no higher than the old ?oys' Clothing. Pnnri? \f nltinrr r* T f -n'11 1 v\i*r aiiuiuu^, int. a l ? iii pay ic a yard. Taffeta Silks at prices Dress Goods we have all the s ked on these lines the new weav rk thein down to a close margin ol ceries. itile Comp , s. c. *' L" *'?' * / v* ^ ' * ' ' -v'y v * / . ' .i : . . ^ . - > " ?& in | JG. 1 i I | Aoy. I j er stores sell com- |g 4 noHavnc "foil. I {Mltllt'l ElCj VUUre. 1 tence in the former ease. Deputy Sheriff Sykes is in Colombia today for the purpose of seeming the necessary requisition papers, and from there will go on to Illinois for .1 Murray. MAKES RESTITUTION Liquor Firm Volastarily Offers ts Return tn Statu (30 nfift ftvomtiQMioc IUIU IV VIUIU f UVtUUU u J bl l/IIUI uuu* Columbia, September 27:?Following a conference last week between ? ^ the winding-up commission of the old State dispensary and the representatives of the Bernheim Distilling Co., of Louisville, Kv, the company today announced tout it wiW refund to the '"ftate over-charges on : liquor amounting to $30,00(1. The company, which was represented before the old State board of control by James S Farnum, acquitted Saturday of bribing Jos B Wylie, then a member of tb? purchasing board, to give the concerns represented by Far mini 'he preference in purchasing liquors, admits the cverchrages and says it ;s willing to make good this much of the State's loss. The refund is voluntary on'the part of the company, as the old State dispensary board of control had effected a complete settlement with the concern before the winding-up commission took charge of tiie affairs of the dispensary when the institution was legislated out of existence, and tti? company never has put iu a claim lor money due it for the liquors sold to the dispensary, as has been done by many of the other houses, which had h~m awarded contracts for liquors. joreT" te ^ ^as t31 ?y must SgEpSpP >any,