The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 23, 1909, Image 2

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fv ' SALE OF TOBACCO DURING AUGUST. MULL1NS LED WITH LAKE CITY SECOND FOR NEW MARKET KINGSTREE MAKES EXCELLENT SHOWING. Commissioner Watson has kindly furnished us a copy of his report for August, issued September 15, on tobacco sales in the State which embraces a summary of the seasou. The total number of pounds sold " * * ? vuln. during f??iM ed at $l,12t>,704.38. There are 13 tobacco markets in the State. The commissioner states in his report that the reports have been slow in coming in and have nearly all been incomplete and full of inaccuracies in the matter of calculations of totals from the detailed items. Since the tobacco season opened in July and up to September 1, there have been marketed 17,525, K42 pounds. The following is the report issued by the commissioner: The summary of the season s re ports filed. under the law makes an interesting showing. The reports have been slow in comiug in and have nearly all been incomplete and fall of inaccuracies in the matter of calculation of totals from the detailed items, making it a matter of days of arduous work to check them up in the form presented herewith. In some instances errors of calculation involving large figures were made by the warehouse clerks which had to be sought out and detected and corrected. The requirement as to reporting grades has been shown to be almost useless and certainly valueless, as the >-1 i. L ? . U . graues are worxeu uut, uy iuc manufacturers at the factories, all having different systems of grading, and the warehousemen find it impossible to intelligently report gradings even in the crudest manner. All attempts have differed widely. The statement as to grades is, therefore, merely indicative of the classes, and the attempt is made to classify by grades merely because the law requires it. Because of requests for the 'nformation the report also embraces a statement by markets which is of interest and value. The only figures in the report herewith which show the production are those given in the statement of tobacco sold at first hand for producers; the other statements covering resales. The statement of sales for producers shows ^he amount of tobacco the faruier briugs to the market and what he receives for it. Since the season opened in July, and up to September 1, 17,525,842 pounds of tobacco have been marketed, for which tne farmers received $1 ,152,107.44. As is thus seen the average price per pound has been much below last season. In July 4,63<r>,423 pounds found their way to market and brought $205,331,70: in August 12,870,419 pounds were marketed by the growers in the 29 warehouses of the 13 markets in the State, bringing to the producers the sum of $940, 835.74. These figures would indicate a J crop for the 1909 sesaou of at least ' 32,500,009 pounds, and even a larger; one perhaps, as there will very like-1 ly be not less than 10,000,000 j pounds marketed in September and ) about 5,000,000 pounds in October.j This will perhaps be the largest crop 1 of tobacco raised in the history of j the State. Early in the growing seasou predictions of over 40,000, 000 pounds were freely made. The l3te rains, however, greatly injured the crop aud tore some fields up badly. The crop has not been a good body crop aud the tobacco has * 1 v i. *. ! .J not carried tne weignt it pruunsru. Mullius has become the leading market in the State with a long lead, with Lake City ranking next from the staudpoiut of producers' sales and grand total of transactions as well. The following is the detailed August statement: iGr'd total, <i'd total lb* *old. ! price i >aid King*t re. ! I aki- < itv 2.360 r,Sl1 19-..23:' 90 j conwa\ 3:1.*.:! 24.^ ?| Partington ' ;'1 ! Kichi>1* ' ?u,026: 19.Mb '<? Timmonsvi'lie093 lol.M? <;< Florence ' '".,1, -I Loris <? ?,.92': .K8U M L..m 7V{,318! 56,1 S3 06 Manon.:::.::.: ?; !;; %\ ..... O 7?1 .11? K i R .til Manning 061.633 3*775 3?> IVVon MW. a>-W0 71 TotaN j ! *>.263,1*93 1.1->6.7<?4 W j The above report is supposed to | cover the month of August only,; since which date a great deal of to- j bacco has been sold in the State. Up j to last week we are iuformed the-1 two Kingstree warehouses had handled more than a million and a half pounds and the other markets also j have doubtless increased pro- j portionatelv. LETTER FROM A SOIOIEB BOY. fine Record in Target Practice?Hon- j oring a Japanese Prince and Princess. EJitor Countv Record:? Please allow me space in your valuable paper to give a few of the happenings up here. We have just got back from Ft Greeley, where we had our target practice. We certainly had a nice time over there; did not stay but two weeks. Our company made a tine percentage on the 10inch guns; loaded and fired two shoots in 54 4-5 seconds. I think , this beat the world's record for swittntss. Would like to tell you more about our fun up here, but it would take too much space. Will tell your readers about our fine time Tuesday, September 14. We had our full dress parade m honor of a Japanese prince and princess. The Priuce and Princess Kuril of Japau were busy at Newport from morning until late last night with sight, o seeiner. The Driuce. accompanied bv O J I J Charge d'Affaires Kuri Matsu, Col Kurita, military aid to the prince, Col Thompeon, .Jen Pierson aud Lieut-Commander Vogal Gesang, U S N, motored to Fort Adams, while the princess and her suite, with Mrs Pierson, saw something of Newporr in an automobile. Arriving at Ft Adams, the prince and his suite were welcomed by Col Howe, USA, and his officers with a salute of 21 guns. Col Howe detailed Lieut Otto H Schroeder as military aid to the prince tor the day. The troops executed a battalion drill and a passing review. In frout of the stand stood the prince (weariug the conventional dress and high silk hat), Col Howe's staff officers at Fort Adams, Capt William W Fullmer, of the Naval Training station, LieutCommander Gesang, U S N, and three officers from the German cruisers. Visitors from the cottagers' colon v and others watched the man Olivers. Wish you had been here, too, Mr Editor, I am sure you would have enjoyed the fun. Hoping to receive the ever welcome County Record in due time, will ring off for this time. I am having lots of fun up here but want to see the Kingstiee people' very badly. Best wishes for your paper. Yours respectfully, L S Dennis. Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Adams, Rhode Island, September lb. p Wood's Descriptive Q 1 Fall Seed Catalog now ready, gives the fullest information about all Seeds for the Farm and Garden, Grasses and Clovers, Vetches, Alfalfa, Seed Wheat, Oats. Rye, Barley, etc. Also tells all about Vegetable & Flower Seeds that can be planted in tbe fall to advantage and profit, and about j Hyacinths, Tulips and other Flowering Bulbs, Vegetable and i Strawberry Plants, Poultry Supplies and Fertilizers. Every Fanner and Gardener ihoald have this catalog. It Is Invaluable In Its helpfulness and suggestive Ideas for a profitable and satisfactory Farm or Garden. Catalogue mailed free on requeat. Write for it. I T. W. WOOD & SONS, I O Seedsmen, . Richmond, Va. CJ GOOD ROADS BONDS Are at a Premium -Most Banks Eager * to Lend Money on Them. Good roads art- an asset upon * which banks in many communities ( are anxious to lend money. Dis- t patches announce ea "- coup*, f tition for an issue of good roads 1 bonds by the town of Bristol and ' Sullivan county, Tennessee, amount- ' ' ClOAA AAA u'It.aK \i ont tn ?i ' I J Iir IV vJWVjWV) ?? U1VU ??VUV kv V* Cincinnati bank at a price above par. The fact that this was the I second issue of good roads bonds by ^ the same community caused no ap-|* parent diminution in the rivalry | for the purchase. But in any comuiuuity good roads bonds constitute an investment whose safety and soundness cannot be questioned. This fact is self-evident, since the proceeds from good roads bonds are at once expended in a manner to enhance, often by more thau double, the value of the security. For the security back of a county bond issue is. at last, the property of its citizens; aud when a splendid system " ? 1 - ?t 1 - f it. . *. oi roaas ennauces me vaiue 01 mat i property, as it always does, the security of the investor is thereby strengthened. There can be no better testimonial to the value of road building thau the confidence of the investor. The average tax-levying coifmunity consumes what revenue it can raise under present conditions practically altogether in maintenance. It must look to quick and positive accretions in value from which to derive funds for expensive yet needed extensions ?for income with which to pay both interest and principal of bond issues devoted to such improvements. There is no improvement which will come nearer to doublicg the value of the taxable property of a county than a system of good roads. From the annual taxes upon such increment ii is soon possible to extinguish the debt so created. Authority was extended to saveral Georgia counties at the recent session of the Legislature to negotiate bond issues for building roads; other counties are contemplating similar steps. Experience ha3 shown that it is not difficult to find a market tor bonds ihe proceeds of which are to be put iutc a paying investment Good roads building is thus a simple busi- ness proposition. It is a moneymaking investment which not only soon pays back principal and interest r of first cost, but at the same time ' I and throughout the future yields a haudsome return to the community which is sufficiently enterprising and progressive to expend the effort necessary to attain the result. It [ is something every Georgia county ? can do in one way or another, and those which neglect it must inevitab- r ly fall behind in the running.?At- ( lanta Constitution. f Nesmttb News- i Nesmith, September 20:?Folks i around here are verv busv harvesting 11 their crops. t Messrs Arthur Cooper and Jim Moulds of Lake City visited here Monday and Tuesday. School will begin Monday, but most of the pupils who attended here last session are now going to Union High school. .Miss Carrie Cooper will leave here September 27 for Clifford seminary, Union, S C, the following session. Miss Iva Eaddy will leave on Thursday for Winthrop college, this being her second year at that institution. blrii Fves. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Keward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F J CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, 3 and believe him perfectly honorable t in oil knoitiaoj t ro nonotinna un/1 ? ill ail uuoiucor iiauoav/iiuua uuu I, financially able to carry out any a obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, * Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. a Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- p ternally, acting directly upon the P blood and mucous surfaces of the c< system. Testimonials sen- free. o< Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Announcement. We huve placed an order for over >100 worth of new job type, which ncludes the latest up to-date faces for all kinds of commercial and social forms of printing. We are now prepared also to do catalogue and lamphlet work of every description, ( ix.ln.lii.rt l.i urirara* ttri0t.1i. 111 the TTlOSt, I UV,1UU1IJ^ mn jvio wnvkwj ... ? ipproved style. We have a special ot of new type faces that will be ised only for wedding invitations, | /isiting cards, etc. (Jail and see sam-1 _ lies of work or let us send them to! 7011. Our job department is equipped letter than any other in this part of ;he State. tf Just as Good as The Stieff is getting to he one of the great talking p<?int< tor many dealers and agent*. It's a great advertisement for the artistic Stieff . piano, but we feel sorry I for the leiiow wuo imn^ '.ie is getting just as good I " when he buys the other I r' piano. Buyer, don't be fooled into taking the piano said ^ to be just as go >d as the Stieff. Get the artistic J Stieff and you will have > the best piano made with- ( out running any risk f Write Today, | Chas. M. Stieff j Manufacturer of the 3 Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and ? Sticff Self-Player Pianos- 1 SOUTHERN WAREROOM: ( 5 W. Trade St. C Charlotte, - N. C- 5 C. H. WILMOTH, |1 < Imager. I j Tax Notice- ; The tax books will be open for col- i ectionof taxes the 15th day of October J lex t for the year 1900. < Tax levy as follows: j "or State, 5V4 mills J " Ordinary County. 2\ " ] " Special Roads, 1 " j '* Roads, 1 " 3 " Constitutional School, 3 " < A capitation tax of $1.00 on all male i * ? r\f >! unH 1U) J persons utiwtuii mc o^uo u* ??uu w ears, also 50ceut> per head on all dogs, 4 lso 2 mills for retiring bonds in King"- j ree township,4 mills for retiring bonds J n Lake City township and 2 mills for < etiring bonds in Greelyville school 5 listrict, No 22. J Commutation (Road) tax, $2.00. < Levy for special school districts as 5 ollows: No? 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 35,36. J mills; Nos 15. 24, 31, 3 mills; Nos 19, < 0, 21, 22, 25. 32, 2 mills; No 18,1 mill; q Cingstree, No 16, 4 mills special, 2 J uiUs High school. A 1 will be at the following places men- j ior.ed below 'or collection of said taxes: j Oct. ^ Cingstree, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21 l lebron, J L Gowdy's store, 22 J alters, 28 j Ireelyville, 25 and 26 j iourdin", 27 } iuttons, 28 ' I'rio, 29 larpers, 30 Nov. lenson, V W Graham's store. 1 3loomingvale, 2 Uorrisville, 3 thems, 4 Jhurcli 1' 0, W R Graham's store, 5 Jume, 6 jamberts, 8 ^rds X Roads, EaddyN store, 9 fohnsonville, 10 J ox P O, 11 .^rospect, 12 jeo, 13 icranton, 17 and 18 ,ake Citv. 1? and 20 )ades. " 22 jakeCity, ' 23 \ingstree, 24, 26, 27, 29 and 30 Dec. Cingstree, 1, 2. 3, 4 and 6 .Hke City, 7 Cingstree, From 8th to 23rd and from 28th to 1st December, inclusive. Those who desire to pay their taxes h rough the mail would expedite maters by dropping the Treasurer a postal sking for the amount of their taxes so s to avoid sending the wrong amount, lso stating the township or townships, if property is owned in more than one) nd if possible give school district wh-?re roperty is located, also state whether oil or road tax, or Doth, are wanted, .tter paying taxes examine your reiipts and see if all of your property is jvered. If not, see about it atonce. By following the above suggestions raplieations and additional cost may e avoided. J Weslky ' ook, 1-1-10 County Treasurer. '"X OMV*. I p. p. p. 1 Makes Marvelous Cores io Blood Poisoo, Bleuatia and Scrofula. J P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds up the weak and debilitated. p:vw B stiength to weakened nerves, expels disease, giving the patient health and V happiness, where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. H In bjood poison, mercurial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all biood mm and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old ehi'iiic ulcers, tetter bead, we say without fear of contradiction that P P. P is the best blood B purifier in the world. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whoso Mood i-i in an impure eondition due to menstrual irregularities, are pei u!i:ir!y l>eiv!ittcd t?v the won- > derful tonic and blood cleansing properties oi P. P P., Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassium. F. V. LIPPMAN, SAVANPAH, CA. Wofford College Fitting School, 1 SPARTANBURG, S. C. | High grade school. Small classes. Personal oversight of students. Limbed number. Six teachers. Large library. Excellent gymnasim. Charges 'fil easonable. For catalogue address 8 I9 6t A. MASON DuPRE, Head Master. * 1 <XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X J !~F?3R SALE1, BRICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS! g K 1,000,000 Bricks of X T7"er37- Fine Qmalit^r X iffl Brick Kilns on Black Mingo Creek. X Can deliver at almost any river landings. O | Reasonable Rrices, o <J CASH OR ON TIME. X i Write for information and samples. * F. RHEM & SONS. IH RHE3IS, S. C. X <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i We Are Prepared to Give You | J First Class Service in < INSURANCE: 5 Life, Fire, Plate Glass, Health, Accident, ^ Burglary, Live Stock. ^ We represent only the best and most reliable companies. ^ We will Rent your Houses and collect Rents. ^ We will Sell your Real Estate for you. ^ We will Loan Money on Improved Real Estate. < WE WILL BOND YOU ^ as Cashier, Treasurer or any position of trust in ^ the most reliable companies in the country. ^ t Kingstree Insurance, Real Estate and ? i Loan Company, | J Office at Bank of Williamsburg. Kingstree, S. C. ^ A <fMWAMAMMAAWMAAMAAMAAMMAAMAMAAAMAR 1 mbetmeat I ST A?K LET'S, "THE FURNITURE MAN." He lias the most complete and up-to-date line of ^TT^iNrrT-criESE in town and at the most reasonable prices and terms. ilE We are at your service every minute in the year, day or night, with the largest and finest stock of COFFINS AND CASKETS H in Williamsburg county. Don't hesitate to call us on ac- fjf count of the lateness of the hour. We never sleep. Bj Zv. J. STACK LEY. if Meet me at Stanley's. Meet me at Stackley's