r y\ t Lake City ^ U #%l^ ^ ^ sk ! , Lake City I :*w j Insurance Agency 3| /^N Insurance Agency f li(jvhs* (EdIt 11 til *j*^?u V We revert rullySo!i?ii a : > ^ *T W MJ /? / W''J^/ ! We respectfully solicit a share ol y??ur business.* W ( f >har?- your business. I ? ? ? >? ^ ??-? - ? ?? ? ?! J A OL. WML KINOSTKEL. SOTTH (L AROLINA, Till RSQAA. SlPmiBFU 23, 1001L NO. 28. jj|j S1^js501 ' LOCAL NEWS NOTES FROM LAKE CITY. FINE SCHOOL OPENING?SEBIOUS CUT TING AFFRAY?A PHOSPEROUS BJtNK?CHURCH NEWS. Lake City, September 22:?The Coast Line has a gang here extending the side tracks. These tracks are to be extended a half mile or more towards the south, and when y completed there will be no more switching north of Main street. This will be quite an improvement and one long ueeded. Very often crowds crossing the tracks at this street are 60 dense that it requires the constant care of a watchful policeman to prevent accident. The graded school opened Monday : with a very good attendauce of pu- j nila fnr th#? first dav. The ceneral I ? ?J- roll has not beeu made up at this writing, consequently the exact number is not known, but there! were about three hundred. Last year the attendance reached three hundred and fifty, and will certainly exceed those figures this session. It is estimated that the number will in all probability go to four hundred and fifty. Superintendent Seawell and ail the teachers were on hand except one, there being a vacancy in the corps occasioned by the resignation of a young lady teacher who gave up her position a few days ago to get married, and her place has not yet been filled. Several hundred patrons and other citizens attended the opening exercises and there was a good deal of speechmaking and so * 1 ? 1 i on, maKing me exercises pieusaui ^ and interesting. fall" B 'E.'vory Stetson w be?r? the Mri'/l/ffv' jf Stetson Nam# A I Thc w?rld waits each 1 Stetson k styles, and then it quickly bu of the factories. Every se< 9 wc get our share for your sel< S W? kar? tbc Stctaoa Soft uf Derby 1 =THE HIGF Hi l' riakes good"--the material fore finally cut; the workm shioning of bbbhbhhhhb[~{ e fit is perfect?as a try on arked by character, distinci s:e H. D. RE1 ^DvJ5v^^rCArCArC^A>vi>A^C-vA>v5>'-^>vG^ Messrs .T A Green and S W Gowdy were in Charleston a portion of this week. The peopie out on Lynch's river are saying that the enforcement of V*/* rrotvfc^ 1 o inc /Inrinnr tli?k nilfif f Wfl CiJ^ il?"0 uuilll^ ?I4V ftvww v., V years has already permitted the fish to increase to an extent that is easily appreciable. The law is still being violated by a few "trappers," but the number of these ns continually growing less as the people grasp the true idea that Gsh and game belong to oil the people and not to a few pot hunters and pot fishermen, aud tbat wilful aud persistent law-breakers are uot worthy of places in the as- ; semblies of good citizens. W L Bass, Esq., went to Charleston Tuesday night on professional business. Mrs G P Stalvey went to Conway Saturday to attend the funeral of her brother, Mr William Moore, who died Friday afternoon. The protracted meeting at the Baptist church came to a close last i week. The pastor, Rev L N (Jhappell, was assisted by Rev Mr BlanI.-i u nr.mnkae I'uuru Ui iuauuuig, n uu 10 a tauuti of more than ordinary power and magnetism. The outward results of the meeting were some fire or six additions to the church. The indirect results no man can tell. Mr Jack Wilkes, a young white man of the New Zion section, was committed to jail Monday by Magistrate Eaddy on the charge of cutting another white man named MatthewsIt is said that Matthews is seriously wounded and there are some fears of a fatal termination. Some kind friend Tuesday sent a bag of splendid potatoes to us. They "antTI vs up the entire ^output ison we make sure that sction. 1 ltd IB til lb* Utcsc Itylcf. B ., . v*? ib&ii >rV w&- :ivIBI ^^8S8S8S8?8S8!8SSS8S8 : NEW ! If vour suit be chos< 1 ART 'our money will have been (SMART of which it is made "make! is p-ood. because o ? ? o - ?y OH ART will readily convince you, ai tion and good taste. 3ECIAL PEIC Make the buying of vour HIGH j DDICK'S were sent by a little''darky*' who did not know the name of the sender. Hence we are ignorant of the uame of the thoughtfnl friend. All the same we heartily thank him or her who sent them, In all sincerity we say that we have seldom seen as Hne potatoes at any time and never before this early in the season. In size they were simply huge and in quality^ perfect. The bank of Lake City is making an interesting and even remarkable showing. Only a few months ago over half of its capital stock was stolen, yet today, September 21, it has on deposit one hundred and fiftyseven thousand dollars. This is cer-j tainly gratifying to all. W L B. t I I | Farmers & Me | LAKE CITY, ? begs to submit ?E COMPARATIVI 5~ which speak: Deposits September 18, S~ " " 18, 1900, ? " " 18, 1907. & " " 18,1908, | " "18,1909, H ^ 0 | YOUR ACCOUN PhuiUMUiUUUUUiiiUiliU! VINTF.F A stock of Merchandise to 1 worth of new and seasonable Goo ever been our pleasure to show < be seen to be appreciated. STETSON HATS. Tt )ut middle man's profit we can sa KABO CORSETS C< *mds. Full Line < Complete Stock shoes, inclu ;ee our handsome assortment. SILKS. 36-inch China Si four pocketbook. Don't fail to s< DRY GOODS. DRES :hoicest offerings. Nothing bette )atterns looked so tempting. But And don't forget that we art People' s , FALL S *n from our stock of n ftTK wisely and profitably sper?t CLOTHED 5 good," being chosen with < nly good tailors are perm CLOTHIN rid the style of a garment be ES IFOIB TOZCL^ \RT suit most timely right now. BARGAII^ ?? ; ? i SCRANTOfV SKETCHES. Case of Scarlet Fever Reportrd?local and Personal Items of Interest. Scranton, September 21:?Rev J W Truluck, assisted by Rev 0 C Vaughn of Darlington, is con| ducting a protracted meeting at ! the Baptist church. I Miss Allie McCullough left Tuesday morning for Leesville college, where she will pursue a course of study. Mr and Mrs Willie Graham of Indiantown visited Mr and Mrs Myers Graham of Scranton last ^veek. Mr and Mrs Winslow Wright j are living at Lake City for a, I " j tchants Bank, J > 8. 0., I the following 2 STATEMENT, 3 s for itself: 47,462.13 ^ - - - 45,499.113 - 88.941.08 3 - - 91,274 74 3 - - 172,313.36 1 T SOLICITED. | roooi keep pace with Greater Kingstree ds bought from the biggest marke ourcustomers* We merely mentic ie genuine John B, Stetson hat boi ve you money on these high class jmbine comfort and hygiene and t of Men's and B iding swell line Ladies Oxfords. Ik, 45c a yard. Japonika Silk, 35< ?e this beautiful line of Silks. s GOODS. In Dry Goods and r to be had. We really overstock that is your gain, as we must mar i headquarters for Pure Food Groc 's flercan Kingstree, UIT.= 11 N G I dS9. zritical eye and rigidly test itted to have a hand in tl ?o*?i nrr f ho HlfJ H ADT lahpl 'W 1 <^ Hiv S IIVJI 1 i~*l\ 1 IMR/VI IT. 1 5T0RE. while. It is reported that one of Mr G M Moore's children has scarlet fever. Mr Moore lives near Bass's bridge on Lynch's river. His home has been quarantined, Dr C U Pate went to Kingstree Monday. Messrs P M Lee and K P McKnight have returned from Georgia, where they had been on business. Mrs H C Kicliardson returned to Marion Tuesday, after a week's visit to relatives in Scranton. Mrs Mae McCullough and son, Mr L II McCullough, visited in Columbiaseveral days last week. i)r W E Whitlock will go to Baltimore in a few days to complete his medical studies. 'Bliss Mallie Kennedy of Sumter visited her sister,Miss Worth Kennedy, in Scranton last week. Rev W P Gause returned Monday Irom North Carolina, where he attended the annual conference of the Free Will Baptist denomination. W EC Mortuary' Died ? Wednesday alternoon, September 22, at 4:30 o'clock, at Mr B L Buffkin's boarding- house, Mr W B Howard, aged about 24 years. Mr Howard came here only a short while ago from Creedmore, N C, to buy tobacco and was taken sick shortly after his arrival. The remains were shipped this morning to his home in North Carolina. DS GAl . We have just opened up ove ts in the country?the ewellest li m a few of the new offerings. Tt frnm thp fnrtnrv. Bv J&ilt uutv-w W.v. J . _.J goods. he price is no higher than the old oys' Clothing. .tugs, Matting, Etc. It will pay c a yard. Taffeta Silks at prices Dress Goods we have all the s ed on these lines the new wea^ k thein down to a close margin c eries. tile Com] s. c. / jlj Peruna Tabids Tested. What are the Pemna Tablets good for? Has anybody used them enough to know what they will do? Read the following letter and see. If you have any doubt as to tko genuineness of the letter, write to Mrs. Lohr, enclose a Buimp iur irpij, uuu oto nciuci ugt testimonial is genuine or not: Ravenna, Mich., June 16, 1908. The Peruna Drug Co. In regard to the Peruna Tablets, X have used about ten boxes in all. f While I was in Ch'cago my oldest daughter was bothered with a cough all the time. She has had it for four years. Sometimes it would go away, and in the winter time it was so bad that tlio doctors and professors said that she had consumption, and the only way to give her any relief was to perform an operation. I spend so much money for different medicines, and f