Jl A ALFRED JENKINS HANGED (iecrgetowo Negro Rapist Paid Penalty h| tor His Heinous triroe lieorgetowi. At:_r >" 13:?Alfred Jenkins. the ?i-i:: ooy who was convicted of attempted tape and who v has siuce confessed fully as to his guilt, was hanged here today at 9:30 o'clock a ni. Life wa? pronounced extinct in sixteen minutes. The execution passed off promptly without a hitch. |Al There were about 200 witnesses. The crime was attempted upon the person of a lady school teacher on the rx>wer Waccamaw river on the 17th K. of June last. A special term of & court was held on July 27, Judge John S Wilson presiding, and Jenk ins was sentenced to be hanged AuW gust 13. Thus the crime has been expiated on the gallows, the law fnllu and the citizenship of Couwav, the home of the teacher, .? ' and of Georgetown, lemains without tile awful blot of a lynching, which at one time seemed immii:tnt. Following is the account of the execution given by the Georgetown Times: Quite a number of people were in town yesterday to see the brute, "Slippery Joint," pay the penalty of bie dark deeds. Everything was ^ peaceful and the noose titted tight. There was nothing slippery about that. The gallows on which this wretch was executed was simply made, consisting of two upright pieces aud a cross beam, from the centre of which . a rope dangled. Wheu the noose was adjusted around the doomed man's neck,the lever was pulled and?there you are, quicker'n Jack Robinson! Slippery was very calm and composed throughout, and while ou the platform, when his legs were being pinioned, looked all about him. Rev Hood (col) made a short prayer for the doomed wretch while on the -platform and under the dangliDg *noose: then, while the sheriff was putting on the black cap, the wretch uttered a prayer, but it was hardly | distinguishable ten feet away from scaffold. All of this took place about 9:30 o'clock. The scaffold looked like this, of a dull black color: y kj ?. 1 i The body of the man who was hanged was turned over to his relatives after the doctors had pronouno, ed life extinct. Sheriff Scrry a nd Deputy Ward managed the whole affair iu a very creditable manner. \ CITADEL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION. I Seven Young Men Compete for BeneC r flciary Cadetship from Ibis County. At the competitive examination held here last Friday for the beneficiary cadetship at the Citadel Academy, Charleston, seven applicants appeared, viz: Messrs Allard B Hemingway, Rome; Ottis G Hug\ gins, Venters; Robert N Lesesne, i^^Creelyville; Sam P Stackley, KingsHoward E Nettles, Almon C Turbeville and Eugene W Yates, Lake City. - This scholarship is good for four ' years and includes board, tuition, Olothmg, medical attention, etc, amounting to about $1,000 for the entire course. < ^ V The papers will be forwarded to - ? 4 i the superintendent ot the Acaueuiy be passed upon in order to select the applicant best qualified to represent the county at the Citadel. Seared m ith a Hot Iron, or scalded by overturned kettle?cut with a knife?bruised by slammed door?injured by gun or in any other way?the thing needed at once is Bucklen's Arnica Salve to subdue inflammation and kill the pain. It's earth's supreme healer, infallible for Boils, Ulcers, Fever-Sores, Eczema and Piles. 25c at D C Scott's. j THE HOUSE FLY NUISANCE. Rules for Dealing with Insect PestHow to Kilt Flies Realizing the menace to health i ! | caused by the bouse fly in dissemi( natiug disease the Merchants' Asso J iciatiou ??f New York has sent out j , all over the country a placard bear- j ling the title, "Rules for I>ealing| with the Fly Nuisance.'' It is ear-.1 nestly hoped that this war of exter-j mination by removing the conditions upon which it thrives will check the j ravagi a upon the lieulth and peace | ! of mind of mankind wrought by this j | pestiferous insect. The placard re-1 ferred to contains the following | rules: Keep the flies away from the sick, especially those ill with contagious diseases. Kill every fly that strays into the sick room. His body is j ! covered with disease germs. Do not allow decaying material of j any sort to accumulate on or near ' your premises. 1 All refuse which tends iu any way ' i to fermentation, such as bedding straw, paper waste and vegetable ! matter, should be disposed of or covered with lime or kerosene oil. oil u'tiafiior in the k?';iCCli ail lUVUj n uvvuv> ? house or exposed for sale. Keep all receptacles for garbage carefully covered and the caus clean- ( ed or sprinkled with oil or lime. < Keep all stable manure in vault or 1 pit screened or sprinkled with lime, oil or other cheap preparations, such 1 as are sold by a number^)f reliable manufacturers. i See that your sewage system is in good ordet; that it does not leak, is i up to date and not exposed to flies. Pour kerosene into the drains. j Bum or bury all table refuse. i Screen all windows and doors, especially in the kitchen and dining room. If you see flies, you may be sure j that their breeding placets in nearby filth. It may be behind the door, i under the table or in the cuspidor. If there is no dirt or filth there | will be no flies. If there is a nuisance write at s once to the health department. To Kill Flies: The Loudon "Laucet", the lead- * moflinal imirnal of the world. 4 lJb j -- ?- says that the best and simplest fly- { killer is a weak solution of formaldehyde in water (two teaspoonfuls to ' the pint). Place in plates or saucers throughout the house. Ten cents ' woith of formaldehyde will last au ordinary family all summer. It has ' j no offensive smell, is fatal to disease organisms and is practically non- ' poisonous except so insects. Pyrethrum powder, waich may be ' bought at any drug store, burned in the house will also kill the flies. ! For indigestion and all stomach * trouble take Foley's Orino Laxative, as it stimulates the stomach and liver i aud regulates the bowels and will positively cure habitual constipation. . D C Scott. | Nervous Collapse "I have traveled for thirty years continually. I lost a great deal of sleep, which together with constant worry left me in such a nervous state that finally, after having two collapses of nervous prostration, I was obliged to give up traveling altogether. I doctored continually but with no relief. Dr. Miles' Nervine came to my rescue?I cannot describe the suffering which this Nervine saved me. Whenever I am particularly nervous a few doses relieve me." A. G. C. LIBBY, Wells, Me. There are many nervous wrecks. There is nervous pros- j j tration of the stomach, of the i bowels, and other organs. The brain, the kidneys, the liver, the nerve centers are all exhausted. There is but one thing to dobuild up the nervous system by the use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. Its strengthening influence upon the nervous system restores normal action to the organs, and when they all work in harmony, health is assured. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it all according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. Matters at Moody. Moody, August 16: ? Farmers here ale about through gathering j tobacco and cotton picking will eoou begin. The con ract has been let for the! erection of the graded school build-1 i ing, which is good news to i who are interested in the great cause of education. Mr Kugetie MeCants of Zeb is visiting relatives here. Mias I'lmer Crooks, of this place is spending some time with relatives at Her.son. Miss Lottie Mercer of Sanipit sj*nt Saturday and Sunday here with friends. MrsElla W ilder and daughter?, Misses Ethel and Zinker of Brooke!,' Fla.f arrived here Saturday on a visit to relatives. A baby girl has gladdeued the holi>-ii*>>^f Mr and Mrs J L Johnson, j a "little stranger" of the masculine persuasion has taken up his abode at the home of Mr and Mrs C F McCants. Red Coon. Twas a Glorious Victory. There's rejoicing iu Fedora, Tenn. A man's life has been saved,and now Dr King's New Discovery is the talk of the town for curing 0 V Pepper of deadly lung hemorrhages. "I could not work nor get about," he writes, "and the doctors did me no good,but,after using Dr King's New Discovery three weeks, I feel like a new man, and can do good work again.'' For weak, sore or diseased lungs, Coughs and Colds, Hemorrhages, Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Asthma or any Brouchial affection it stands unrivaled. Price 50c and 51.00. Trial Bottle free. Sold aud guaranteed by D C Scott. m - ? Lite Id New York City. Every second four visitors arrive in New York. Every 42 seconds an immigrant arrives. Every 42 seconds a passenger train arrives. Every three minutes some one is arrested. Every six minutes a child is boru. Every seven minutes there is a Funeral. Every 13 minutes ''ere is a wedling. Every 42 minutes a business irm ctftrfca tin. ~?- ~r" Every 48 minutes a building latches fire. Every 48 minutes a ship leaves the harbor. Every 51 minutes a new building ,a erected. Every one and three-quarter aours some one is killed by accident. Every eight and one-half hours some pair is divorced. Every 10 houts some one commits micide. Every night $1,250,000 is spent :n restaurants for dinner. Every day 350 new citizens come jo New York to live.?Xew York ( Mail. OUR BIO BUSIN BROWS BIGGE1 CONSEQUENTLY we ha\ enlarge our buildings, an stores when completed wi five hundred feet long runni: Arcade form, right throug block from King to Meeting < giving us a floor space of thousand feet. ? M wkf I VWII IV H? 4 DOING THEIR DflTl. 1 | Scores of kingstree Readers Are Learning (be Duty of the kidneys. To (ilter the blood is the kidneys' < duty. j t When they fail to do this the kid- I neys are sick, I Backache and many kidney ills [ follow; 11 Urinary trouble, diabetes. L Doan's Kidney Pills cure them j 11 an. Kingstree people endorse our claim. Mrs R B Smith, Logan St,Kingstree, S C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have proven of great benefit to me and 1 therefore heartily recommend them. I had kidney trouble for some time and suffered a great deal from dull, nagging backaches. Headaches and pains in my kidneys were frequent and I always had a tired, worn out feeling. Recently I pro- 5 cured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at Scott's drug store aud taking them as directed, I was quickly relieved. My strength and energy returned aud my health was improved in every way." L For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, j New York,sole agents for the Unitea j States. . j Remember the name ? Doan's? ^ and take no other. OUR CLUBBING RATES 3 We offer cheap clubbing rates ^ with a number of popular news- _ papers arid periodicals. Read care fully the following list and select the one or more that you fancy and j f we shall be plea&d to send in yourj ^rder. These rates are of course all { cash in advance, which means that {. both The Record and the paper ^ ordered must be paid for, not 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, but twelve months ahead. Below ie the list of _ our best clubbing offers. The Record and News & Courier (Semi-weekly,) $1.85. The Record and Home & Farm (twice a month,) $1.35. The Record and New York World (3 times a week,) $1.75. m n..? ? .. 1 PahoH. 1 IVfiUUKU {IUU /ltiauia vuuow?- j tutioa (3 times a week) $1.85. The Record and Atlanta Constitution (weekly $1.50. 1 The Record and Bryan's Com- q' mouer, $1.75. 0) The Record and Cosmopolitan R Magazine $2 00. . 0*i The Record and Youth's Com- ol panion (New Subscribers) $2.50. c The Record Semi-Weekly State, ? $2.50. ai The Record and Lippincott's Magazine 1 year each $2.75. di The Record and National Magazine, 1 year each, $2.00. N. B. We do not club with any Tl daily papers. The first issue you receive of the paper or periodical is ol evidence that the money for same h has been forwarded by us. We are ? not responsible after that. THE COUNTY RECORD, H Kingstree, S. C. 7" Old papers for sale cheap by the hundred at the kecokd office. A i m Hi? Pfthfln * Jjuuiu uuuuii ft to d our 232 and 234 King St., II be ng in lit Instil Mailt u fa || n in you co \ \ - . ? mm ii I )ttlc? over Siaytat iry B litit i njf . Plion e M. A. WOODS, DENTIST. .AKE CITY, - S. Cj CLAYTON & COOKE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, AKE CITY, ... SC. Office in Singletarj- Building. Special Attention to ColleJtions 'i-'JS-OB W. Lcland Taylor, DENTIST. Office over Dr W V Brockington's Store ' ? KINGSTREE, - - S. C~ -21-tf. Vf. D. Nesmith DENTIST. -AKE CITY, - - - S. C. i < -1 t r n n rrcr W. L. 15 M. ZD ZD Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, S. C. )r H J McCabe , Dentist , INSSTm - S. C. | J. D. MOUZON'S 3ARBER SHOP ?in the? Kellthai Hotel I equipped with up-to-date ap- I liancea. Polite Service, t ompetent Workmen. ( 5?8-08. Summons for Belief(Complaint not served) 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ^ County of Williamsburg I C< urt of Common Pleas, ank of Lake City, a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of South Carolina, Plaintiff, against D E Motley, Defendant. 0 the Defendant, D E Motley You are hereby summoned and reuired to answer the complaint in this 1 :tion which has been filed in the ffice of the Clerk of Court of Common Jeas and General Sessions for the ountv of Williamsburg in the State 1 South Carolina, and to serve a copv r your answer to said complaint on 1 le subscribers at their office in Lake I ity, S. (\, within twenty days after re service hereof, exclusive of the 1 ly of such service; and if you fail to j rawer the complaint within the time ! foresaid, the plaintiff in this action ill apply to the Court for the relief emanaed in the complaint. Dated this July 1st, 1909. Bass a Stalvey, Plaintiff's Attorney, o theDefenr'ant, D E Motley:? Take notice that the complaint in lis action,together with the summons, f which the foregoing is a copy, was led in the office of the Clerk of the ourt of Common Pleas and General essions at Klngstree in the County of fUliamsburg and State of South Carona on the 3rd day of July, 1909. Bass & Stalvey. . 8-6t Plaintiff's Attorneys Old papers for sale at this ofce. * m n n WHILE TB .& L, * efit h Charleston, 5. C. ROOM ?Cost i i Retail Mail Drier hii fully as e South. ?ur?ib? to 1-2 on nu to C t I . v'-ij FOLEY'S HONEMAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds* throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholio, Good for every bod-. Sold arenr wham The genuine FOLEY'S HOMEY end TAR U la a Yellow package, zieftue substitutes* Prepared only by Foley A Company, Chloege* W. L. Wallace. UcCALL PATTERNS Celebrated for style, perfect fit, simplicity and reliability nearly 40 years. Sold in nearly every city and town in the United States and Canada, or by mail direct. More sold than any other make. Send for free catalogue. MeCALL'S MAGAZINE More subscribers than any other fashion magazine?million a month. Invaluable. Latest styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery, plain sewing, fancy needlework, liairdressing. etiquette, good stories, etc. Only 60 cents a year (worth double), including a free pattern. Subscribe today, or send for sample copy. WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS to Agents. Postal brings premium catalogue % and new cash prize offers. Address m KcCUL CO?2at?2ttW.37thSL. NIW TOM Paint Your Buggy! . We can make it look like new. ^ny MI, UK Wild ' >r other vehicle ImproTed 1011 Per Out. n appearance by painting. Also I Blacksmith, Wheelwright, Horsehoeing and General Repair Work on short notice. Bring TTs Your Work. w. m. Vause & Son 6-10-tf m mmw I SUCCKSSORS TO geo. s. mm s son CHARLESTON. S. C. A/F MANUFACTURE Doors. Sash and Blinds; Columns and Balusters; Grilles and Gable Ornaments; Screen Doors and Windows. NE DEAL IN Glass, Sash Cord and Weights. TH IESE ALTERATION SALES ARE GOING ON .na your friends can beny the richest money savices that ever came your WE MUST HAVE THE -Profit is not thought of s lost sight of. No mat: you want, write us an order, we'll fill it as careif you were standing at w, and save you from W : every purchase. krleston J