r I > 11 f be Counti) llcwtii. |g| j share of yo;;r busiiif s V . _JF V , ^ share of your business VOL XXIIL KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1009. NO. 22. J macEis w?? W i ? |j has been wide o 55 sold in Kingstre 1 /^^53S5^ ill Nee^lM.^^ttlc^ and BoM ? um in All Makes of Sewing M NUTtS m PUBLIl BUILDINGS NOT COLLECTIBLE IN CALHOl'N COUNTY ?MB. SMOKE WARNS NEW COUN TYITES OF PITFALLS. St Matthews, S C, August 8. 1909. i Mr C W Wolfe, Kingstree, S C. jF, Dear Sir:?Your letter duly > received, and would have been replied to earlier, but for press of business.. L I I wish it understood that 1 am r a new county advocate and have always been, but will point out some of the pitfalls into which I our county has fallen, in order that your people may profit by our experience and mistakes and not be too easily misled by rash 1 jf . campaign promises, the result of which may be to repent at1 f leisure. I? During our new county cam- j ^ paign when the issue was in the i balances, the citizens of St Mat-, thews petitioned the town coun- i yl to pledge the town to erect a \ H commodious and up-to-date { <5urt house and jail in every I B particular, without cost to the B county." The council on receivB ing this petition proceeded to pass a resolution binding the j town to do so. Several weeks , ? passed and it was found that \ 1^" such a promise did not satisfy i [ the voters in our territory, and j I it was orooosed and understood 1 [that certified checks to the' amount of $20,000 would be put up by the citizens as a guarantee that the court house and jail' would be furnished by the town.! In lieu of this, by some means : the following note form was1 substituted: "$100.00. On de- j mand I promise to pay to T A Amaker.treasurer Calhoun coun tv organization, one hundred dollars, value received, payable at St Matthews; S C, for the purpose of building a court I'MID SI - 5? Large line of Men's and I Goods bought before the K' Tl* No better made, Latest bi [;; Peoples 1 & "f*?? $????? SSSThe Kingst ipen all the summc - * i?n k e, at the most hua We invite ||\ for the sales. ' "j|;J All of 011 \ '? to make room 1 H bins lor ^ ^ lachines. I house and jail for the county of Calhoun, provided the town of St Matthews fails to build a court house and jail. Should the town of St Matthews build a: courthouse and jail, this obli-j gation is to become null and! void." 1 do not believe, nor have I heard a single note-giver express j the belief that he is legally bound to pay this note. We do hold that moral obligation but nothing more is involved, and the longer payment is deferred the weaker this obligation wUl become, as I pointed out in my article to which you refer. I think if vou will refer the: note to any good lawyer he will! tell you in substance that there are so many defects and loopholes, to say nothing of the consideration, that it could not he collected in any court. First of all, it is an agreement without consideration. There is no personal consideration to the maker of this note on paper, or whatever you may call it, and therefore he would not be bound on that ground. In the second place, the pay- ! ment is made on condition that I the town of St Matthews fails to! build a court house and jail. | Now, unfortunately, there is no time specified in which the work is to be done o* completed, and of course if suit were brought a complete answer would be that the town Of St Matthews has not failed to build a court house and jail, but that she pur-! posed doing so. I believe I am safe in saying that few. if any, who gave notes ever dreamed at the time that. they would be called upon for payment. They were told it was :i merH form, and that the town ' would go right forwaid and erect court house and jail. After the election, the note givers on j investigation found that certain) constitutional and legal requirements would have to be met, in&?< } ? h? h ? y sy *y .J. -> A UMMER Having placed lar CLC 3ovs' Clothing, all sizes, were c advance in price will sell at oh :yles. Trunks, Suit Cases, Har Complete riercanti 'f*??"f??'f? 'f8.?'f'?< <*V"4^V*"4??V^ V* ree Tobacco fl i D. RE ;r and many sumr SOXABLE PRICES. i~J**"tlic farmers to co ? 1 .ilso to coiiio and sec r SUMMER GOODS for Fall stock. .D Rede tv-i^vWvs5v-Ow5vWv^v^vOv^*vOv-OvA5\ volving, as it turns out, aJboutl five years of delay. The matter has been hanging ' about two years, and a few of J us wish to pa>' pur notes, buildj the court house and jail as we j promised the people prior to the 1 election, and let the town reim* i _i burse us wnen me legal anu constitutional requirements arei complied with and the bonds voted. However,this did not suit the majority of note givers, and a meeting was held about two weeks since, in which it was decided that the commissioners would not call for the collection of notes until the expiration of three years. The truth is, as they well know, the notes are not, and never qll be, collect-j ible legally, an ^ ^ A SING ;ve must have room and we off 3UT S A 20 per cent off every piece. I >ummer Underwear big cut to prices right. ny order delivered in corporate ny, k a ifj ?; ?; ?; g - - * .& . ' y. ^ - i I ng the best SI MMER (iOOJlS ever j| tore their resting place while waiting j| 1 we can make it interesting for them. |j OST for the next 30 DAYS 1 j irgain Store. 1 vX*v*2v-?A-,QvWvX*v?>v*3v*QvfcOY'($V'Ov^A*v?/v42vg grgt bale of. 1909 crop was following young gentlemen and la- sold in 1{arnwdl todav t0 Molair dies were present: Misses Ossie Cam- and porter hy Mr K H Lutz> The lin, Anna Flowers and Alma Swails;j ^aje we]g^8 455 pounds and grades Messrs Charlie Brockintou, Glenme ; good mjjdiiDg Camlin, Lester Blake and others. Mr Lutz go!d t0 Mo]air and por. Subscriber. ter drgt ^aje 0[ cottou for 1908. - '"l ?- -i- # / ? I? W lilt UUit *?tt? w X- M TRAGIC DEATH AT VOX. Wagner & Co of Charleston. Mr. Bascom Hanna Kills Himself with If y?u have rain3 in the back,weak n. ? , . . , ,. i back or any other indication or a 3 Pistol Supposed to be Accident, weakened or disordered condition of Vox, August 9:?A tragic death | kidneys or oladder, you should occurred at Vox Sunday evening) Sft DeWitt'a Kidney and Bladder , , ? , . , * TT . Pills right away when vou experiabout 8 o clock. Bascom Hanna, | ence t?e sign of kidney or a son of Mr Sam Hanna, killed, bladder complaints" but be sure that himself with a pistol atMrMor-j you get I)e Witt's Kidney and Bladgan Ham Carter's in the presence