The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 29, 1909, Image 5

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IMPERSONAL yi Mr and Mrs A C Swails are spending th ? -.v-?? ! : in Florence, visiting1 rela t i \ >. Capt John A Kelley has returned from a business trip of a week to Washington, D C. Mr E J Parker of Lane and Mr j J W Whittield of Salters Depot; Qofnr^Qtr were nuicu. ni u vaiuiuuj. Miss Deil Van Keuren left ' Tuesday morning- for Wrightsville. where she expects to spend I some time. Miss Bessie Swann is spending j this week as the guest ot her i friend. Miss Alice McConnell,j near Taft. Miss Mattie Vause left Sat-1 urday afternoon for Florence, where she will spend a week with relatives. Philip H Stoll, Esq, Mrs Stoll, and Philip, Jr. left yesterday for, a trip to Glenn Springs and oth-1 er summer resorts. I Messrs F LWillcoxand Henry! E Davis, of the Florence bar, were in town Saturday on professional business. Mr H E Tisdale of Benson, while in town yesterdaj*. took occasion to renew his subscription to The Record. Mr H A Miller has broken j ground in the Nelson Addition j to build a six room dwelling for himself and family. Mrs J T Brinkley and Mrs J T Matthews of Georgetown have been visiting Mrs C C Brinkleyj for the past few days. Mr and Mrs W E McConnell, from Taft, spent last Friday in town as the guests of their d.myhter Miss Lula McCon nellT Mr Marion Stutts, who has recently completed his studies at the Thornwell Orphanage, is spending some time here with his home-folk. Rev J E Mahaffey of Clinton visited Kingstree sev-eral days this week. His numerous friends are glid to welcome this good! man back here at any and all times. Rev A E McElwee of Columbia preached in the Presbyterian church Saturday at 11 a m and Sunday at 6 p m. Communion services were held Sunday afternoon. Mr Alex Wilson, who was in town yesterday, informed us that Mr Harvey Wilson was extremely ill at the home of his sister. Mrs Ervin. near Indiantown church. Messrs Cosmo and Charlie Oruv tilUkUU ui vuancaiuu paaacu through town Monday going to Indiantown to attend the Brockinton-Smith wedding which took place last evening. Mr and Mrs E J Jacobs of Macon, Ga. and Messrs Julian, Cecil and Louis Jacobs. Jr, of Charleston are spending this week with their parents, Mr and Mrs Louis Jacobs. Saturday afternoon looked like the fall season in town. There was a big crowd on the streets,and all the stores seemed to be doing good business. Tobacco money is already helping ri /I a XX cxV* V- . Mr and Mrs S B Wilkins of Athens, Ga, are visiting the family of the former's brother, Mr W T Wilkins. Mrs Wilkins, as Miss Adelaide Harper, was one of Kingstree's "fairest and dear| est,'' and her host of friends are delighted to welcome her back. * * We have just got in a splendid lot of all kinds of stationery fine bond papers,ruled headings 100,000 envelopes, and Dennison's shipping tags with brass eyelets and wire strings, the best made. See our samples before ordering elsewhere. tf t LOML^fnad}! # w The prohibition county cam- ! paign opened at Trio yesterdav. There will be preaching at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Read Stieff piano ad. These ads will interest prospective piano purchasers. If you haven't tax receipts for all taxes you are not a qualified voter under the law. The People's Mercantile Co. offer a big cut on all their lines nf ctmlo mprchnnHisp. J E Jones, a negro who lives | near Taft, has built himself a | neat cottage across the canal. A pleasant dance was enjoyed i by some of the youn-r^",Qi>" . | the Kellahan hotel uay evening. There was service in the Episcopal church last Sunday at G p ra. Rev Dr Wilson preached a very forcible sermon on the [ centurion Cornelius. The convenience of the public has been greatly increased by the baggage room recently added to our handsome new railroad I station building. Wilkins Wholesale Grocery I Co, in their half page space this week, enumerate the lines of merchandise they handle and I invite a comparison of values with any competitor. Tuesday was the first "dog day," according to local reck oning, and it rained, hence the popular superstition is that it 1 will continue raining until forty days shall have passed. Communications to receive notice in the current issue, must be signed by the writer and reach this office not later than Tuesday morning. Maybe some of our friends will catch onj after awhile. We are indelted to thecourte-1 sy of Hon J Preston Gibson, the! advertising manager for Glenn; Springs, tor an attractive folder! setting forth the manifold at-1 tractions of that celebrated re-1 sort. | Mr J M Xexsen has about the finest field of corn we have seen, also some very pretty cotton. The cotton on the Bush Nexsen place,along the road, from present appearances will average more than a bale to the acre. Manning- and Kings tree played tive innings of baseball yesterday afternoon in the rain. The I game resulted in a victory for I Kingstree,the score being 7 to bI Batteries: Manning, James and : Iseman; Kingstree,Jennings and i Arrowsmith and Singletary. The jsame teams will play again this afternoon. j Tobacco is rolling in every ;day and the Kingstree market is more than holding its own. ! Mr J Ed Brown, of the Cedar Swamp section, was a pleased . patron of the Banner warehouse ; last week, the proceeds of one i small barn netting him nearly ; $200. Mr Brown's tobacco I brought an average of fifteen j cents. A disastrous tire was narrowly averted Saturday. Athree-burn er kerosene stove in Jeff Fulton's I "pressing club," on the first floor of the Gourdin building.was left ignited when the owner went to dinner, only a small boy remaining in charge. The gasoline in some way came in contact with the tire causing an explosion and the flame shot up to the ceiling i nf f>io lifflo rnnm. FYirtnnatelv J VI VUV^ libV&V A VVU?? ? V* John Mouzon, the barber,passed along1 opportunely and by prompt work put out the incipient blaze. i GO-FLY keeps flies off Horses and Cattle. 25c and 50c. At all drug stores. 6 3 lOt | STATE AND GENERAL NtWS. * Louis Vaiitlerford, the 10-year-old sou of Mr Ashmore Yauderford of Uuiou county, killed himself Mouday, putting a rifle bullet through his heart. It is not known whether, the young man's death was suicide or accident. The committee to select speakers for the lied Shirt reunion to be held in Anderson August 25 has an nounced that Senator Tillmau, former Gov Sheppard and Judge Robert Aldrich had accepted invitations .to be present and make addresses. Each of these took prominent parts in organizing and leading Red Shirt companies in 1876. Auditor Charles W McCravy of Laurens county has tendered his resignation to Governor Ansel on i the pl?a of ill health. Fire damaged the Eddy Lake Lumber Go's plant,in Horry county, about $50,000 Suuday. President Taft has promised Representative Aiken to visit Anderson and Columbia in April. Two bales of this year's cotton crop j were sold Tuesday at Quitman and i Albany, Ga, respectively. The latter bale was sold by a negro man named Deal Jackson, who has held the "first bale" record for ten years. Noah R Marker, cashier of the First National Bank of Tipton, Ind, skipped Monday with between fifty and sixty thousand dollars of the bank's funds. The bank has closed. The Southern Mahogauy and the Standard Crosstie companies have been organized in Charleston, and will establish plants uear the city. The former has a capital stock of $200,000 and the latter $4,000. A Lancaster farmer reports signs of what he thiuks is the boll weevil's work in his cotton field. The State Farmers' Union met in Columbia yesterday. National President Charles S Barrett is attending the meeting. South Carolina leads in the production of cotton seed oil and meal, the manufacturers obtaining more " --"J 1 ? /"v ?-? A f .TAA/1 t k.l M CO 110II SCCU lu cm pci tun vi occvc buun those of any other State. From 46 to 47 gallons of oil and about 900 t pounds Ox ueal are obtained from a ton of cot ?> >ed. TO DISCUSS PROHIBITION. I County Campaign Meetings Scheduled ?Dispensary Advocates Invited. Editor County Record:? The special committee appointed by the prohibitionists j to arrange ' for a county i campaign for the purpose cf discussing before the people the great and important question of prohibition or dispensary has arranged for meetings at the following places and dates, and it is suggested that the friends of our cause, and those opposed, so far as that goes, carry out lunch and have a picnic; and we invite those who favor the dispensary to j meet with us and let's discuss this matter as friends and neighbors, as in this way it is to be hoped that we can settle this question once for all. The meetings will be as follows: Trio, Wednesday, July 28. Kingstree, Friday, August 6. Greelyville, Saturday, August 7. Morrisville, Tuesday, August 10. Johnsonville, Thursday, Au, gust 12. Lake City, Saturday, Au, gust 14. Signed T W Boyle, } WD Bryan, | T-V- TT f n . I UK ?1 Jj DAlVtn, j> VjUUJUiHigL! Dr J B DuRant | J Davis Carter J Leo, S C, July 10. 7-15-3t Foley '8 Honey and Tar not onlj stops chronic coughs that weaken the I constitution and develop into consumption, bat heals and strengthen* the lungs. It affords comfort and relief in the worst cases of chronic bronchitis, asthma, hay fever and ung trouble, D C Scott. y , i ! I as vr * wi* ! . I' Wanta Piano i i j for your own pleasure to pass i j the leisure hour in sweetest har- ; j mony, to ealm your ruffled soul, j and soften your duties when tired | i and lonely? = Do You Want a Piano , | | to hand down to your little | g*nd-daughter as a priceless j souvenir?a Piano that will stand I a storm of usage and still live? ! Then buy a Stieff, a long-lived, sweet-tooned Stieft. A thing of beauty and a joy forever. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and, Stieff Self-Player Pianos. I SOUTHERN WAREROOM: 5 W. Trade St. Charlotte, - N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. (Mention this paper.) innn/^T A T KTATTr'CC orc^iru- i iblj Transient Notices will be Published in This Column at the Rate of One Cert a Word for Each Issue. No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents. for rent?two 6-room houses on East Main street and one 9-room house on Brook street. Apply to .1 dgilland or 4-15-tf S L courtney. I WANTED?Li les & Liles of Orangeburg. S C, want a good hustling man in this County to write life insurance for the JEFFERSON, of Raleigh, N C , the strongest and leading Company in the South. Write to them, for it will mean money for you. 7-15-13t For Sale?Bull Terriers?pedigreed stock. Absolutely dead game. The best watchdog or companion, and fastest fighting dog on earth Correspondence solicited. burnett kennels, 7-29-lt Knoxville, Tenn. Final DischargeNotice is hereby given that on the 16th day of August. 1909, I will apply to P M Brockinton. Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for a final discharge as administrator of the estate of Martha A McClara, deceased. j W Mr clam, 7-15-4t Administrator. LADY WANTED To introduce<>?r large and complete Full lineo lieautiftil wool d resit goods, Silks and fancy waitings. The latest up to date New York City patterns. Handsomest line of materials on itlie market. Dealing direct with the mills you will lind our prices low. Profits $10.00 to $80.00 weekly. Samples and full instructions packed in a neat sample case, shipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. Write fbr jiarticulars. Be first to apply. Standard Dress Goods Co, DeptF 8, Bingham ton, N Y. 7-22-3t Bring Your Tobacco to KINGSTREE, the New Tobacco Market. TO B A( Don't wai We will c( store abou not be dar without c measure ir r I ; FARMERS _ 4 . y ' r Better 1 Dysp If you can help it Kod effectually helping Natur But don't trifle with Indig A great many people who have trifled with Indigestion, have been sorry for It?when nervous or chronic dyspepsia resulted, and they have not been able to cure It. Use Kodol and prevent having Dyspepsia. Everyone is subject to Indigestion. Stomach derangement follows stomach abuse, just as naturally and just as surely as a sound and healthy stomach results upon the taking of Kodol. When you experience sourness of etomach, belching of gas and nauseating fluid, bloated sensation, gnawing pain In the pit of the stomach, heart burn (so-called), diarrhoea, headaches, dullness or chronic tired feeling?you need Kodol. And then the quicker you take Kodol?the better. Eat what you want, let Kodol digest it. Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tablets," physics, etc., are not likely to be of much benefit to you, In digestive aliments. Pepsin Is only D. C. SC( r?\ ippnnn AN IDEAL HOME S< Piedmont belt of South Carolina. Gives ind ily limited to 10. Seven instructors. Conf( Education. Climate unsurpassed. 9136 pa; literary tuition. For catalogue address REV. B. Q. CLI 6-24-tt wsfiifiiauyaa EM.bfahed in ISfri. The aim of the schoc IIATTA. "Thorough instruction un MU1 IU: possible cost" The school wssestsblished by the Ifethc piece where girls can be riven thorough t cost. The object bss been so folly carried o r?rc I TI T. . Itie to-day. with its fact KLjUL 1 building and grounds, wc THE LEADING TRAINING SC A | rj A pays all charges for the year !h I JII heat laundry, medical attenl * ** except music and elocution. REV. JAMES CA1 SSTOPL^ W\ That's what we are working f< (A suitable for "WEDDXaTG W) STERLING SILVERWARE i y*RI(H CPT GLASS, W)CLOCKS and BRONZES. M IZZZZZZGold, Silver anc Ji A full line of OPTICAL GO 8 Remember we are WATCH INS Georgetown and Western Railroa f) ' WATCHES AND J J MAIL ORDERS RECEIV fl s. thioim:. ? 257 KI\G STREET :co f t too late to place your orders Dmmence making them up h t April 1st. In this way your naged in shipping. Cive us } laln? e/-v wra r>on milrp vnil ida y ju vy w wan iiiuuv ;vu 1 time. Prices guaranteed. > SUPPLY ? ?-? Mot Get .-H epsia |H ol prevents Dyspepsia, |^H| e to Relieve lndigestt<^^^^H ^^B a partial digester?and physics H not digesters at alL Kodol is a perfect digester. you could see Kodol digesting particle of food, of all klnds,*ia' glass test-tubes in our laboratoi I you would know this just as i as we Nature and Kodol win ahn^^HB^B| cure s sick stomach?but in to be cured, the stomach must That is what Kodol does?rests stomach, while the stomach well. Just as simple as A, B, Our Guarantee Oo to tout druggist today sad |flsiS> lar bottle. Then after too hare seed me 1 entire contents of the bottle U yoe eee honestly say, that It has not dona yes aeg 'J tHH rood, return the bbttle to thedrmggtai eil he will refund your money without eaaw? tion or delay. We will then pay the Slst for the bottle. Don't he4tats* ruggUto know that our guarantee Is goa^ ^ M iinisoner applies wue iim pohn and to but one in a family. The lim Wfr tie contain* SVi times ss mock as t?s Sflf cent bottle. Kodol U prepared at the labors II toriesofE.C.DeWitt ftCo,Chlcfl0fc )TT, M. M| seminary! :hool for girls ividual attention to each student. School fiun:rs A. B. degree accredited by State Board gf ys all charges for year?room, table board and^^^H| IF FORD, D. D? UNION, 5. C.jH "*H ffMnH||KnMM M8ES?3Q9?nHn|^n 9 ^ww^^3BK^^w?3BtE^8H8 I is cJearly set forth by its der positively Christian initaences at the lowaat 'Sfl| idist Church, not to nuke money, bat to furotah raining in body, mind, and heart at moderate ut that as a . H ilty of S2. its boarding patronage of 800. and Ua Bfl irth $140,000 S HOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA. . Including the table board, room. lights, steoa fl ion, physical culture, and tuition in all subjects Apply for catalogue and application blank to WON, Jit. M. A., Principal, Blackstone, Va. ?S9S9S9S9S9? I e\SE YOU.21S )r all the time. Good, salable good8^' ind SILVER-PLATED WIRE. 9) A large variety of * GOLD ana SILVER JEWELRV.W H I Nickel Watches. ODS. EVES FITTED FREE. Ji PECTORS for Southern Rail way, Wi (1 and Consolidated Street Railroad.rA EWELRY REPAIRED. E PROMPT ATTENTION. Jl , CHARLESTON, S. C. ?\ . 'i ill H U U Lr i > for Flues, ere in our Flues will ^our orders r Flues to JOMPANY, BB