The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 01, 1909, Image 5

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Some Are Good, Others Chestnuts? See How Many You Can Guess. Why do most of the Chinese people have to walk? Because there is only one Cochin China. Why do birds in their little nests agree? Because they'd fail out if * didn't. Why is a night key like a full moon? Because there's a b in both. What is the difference between a man who lives at a hotel and has occasional twinges of rheumatism and a man who is perfectly healthy and lives at home? One is well some days and lias rheumatism others, and the other is well every day and and has a room at his mothers, too. What nude the fly flv? Because the spider spied her. What made the quail quail? For fear the woodpecker would peck her. What made the tart tart? Because she didn't want to let the baker bake her. What herb is most injurious to ladies' beauty? Thyme. Why is the letter A liko honeysuckle? Because B follows it. Why is a woman's age like a tiorai wedding bell? It is never told. When is a note of hand like a rosebush? When it is matured by falling due. What did Jack Frost say when he kissed her? Wilt thou? and she wilted. Why is a widow like a gardener? Because she tries to get rid of her weeds. What is the queer thing about flowers? They shoot before they have pistils. What trade does the sun follow in the month of May? The trade of mason (May sun.) Why is asparagus like most sermons? The end is the part the people enjoy the most. At what age may a mad be said to belong to the vegetable kingdom? When long experience iias made him sage. What is the difference between a dog's tail and a rich man? One keeps a-wagging and the other keeps a carriage. How did Henry VIII differ from most men as a suitor? He married his wives first and axed them afterwards. The name of what person in history does a person mention when asking the servant to put coal od the fire? Philip the Great. "What is the difference between the Prince of Wales and a bombshell? One is heir to the throne and the other is thrown to the air.?Selected. Cbatfrom Chapman. Chapman, June 28:?Farmers of this section are rushing their crops with all force. A good rain is very much needed and without a shower in a few days the crops will suffer. I note this morning that many ~ l?. .u:. ? uuuauuu piamcie vi tuis ccuuuii axe ready to fill their barns with tobacco. Mrs C'allie Huggins of Sahipit is the guest of Mrs M A Huggins of this place. Dr H L Baker of Lambert has just received an up-to-date auto mobile. MrClarence audMissClaudie Davis returned home a few days ago from the recent session of school in Georgetown, Mr Sam J Cannon, who has worked with Mr Mur.nerlyn of Choppee for the past six years, has changed his position and is now with Mr S B Postonof Johnaouville. F. Firs! Bale of Cotton. Houston, Texas, June 28:? ''Before the war" prices were received on the floor of the Cotton exchange today when the first bale of tiie season's cotton sold at auction at $425. The . bale came irom Mercedes, Hidalgo county, aud weighed 368 pounds. The first bale last year arrived on dune 20. Tributes of respect.otutnaries, I cards of thanks and all comtnu- ! nications of a personal nature, ; not news, are charged for at the j crate of one cent a word. THE TBRJCE-A-WEER WORLD, The Greatest Newspaper of its Type. it Always Tells the Truth as It Is, Promptly and Fully, R<al in Every English-Speaking Country. I ! It has invariably been the i i great effort of the Thrice-a-Week c j edition'of the New York World 1 ; to publish the news impartially ( I in order that it may be an accu- t j rate repr ter of what lias hap- f ipened. It tells the truth, irrespective of party, and for thai ( reason has achieved a position with the public unique among 1 papers of its class. * f If you want the news as it really is, subscribe to the Thrice- j aWeek edition of the New York i T World, which comes to you eve- ?] ry other day.except Sunday,and ^ is,thus practically a daily at the g price of a weekly. The Thnce-a-Week World's |e regular subscription price is 1^ only $1.00 per year, and tlj>r^ pays for 15G papers. We o^ this unequalled newspaper The County Record togeti. for one year for $1.75. The regular subscription prict J of the two papers is $2.25. We have just | d id lot of all kinds v. j tine bond papers,rutt , j j 100,000 envelopes^ \ j I son's shipping" ta?^ s j | eyelets and wire^ the j t best made. See o X^i- | * fore ordering elsew Old papers for sale e. ^ t the hundred at The Eecord ^ office. Statement of the Condition of * The Bank of Greelyville, i LOCATKD AT I Greelyville, S. C. C At the Close ol Business June 2:j, 19<>9. n Resources g Loans ami Discounts $3*,851 53 Demand Loans, 250 00 Overdrafts, 1,476 is < Banking House 97S 69 d Furniture ami Fixtures 1,395 85 g Due from Banks ami Trust s Companies, 8,306 46 s Currency ; 1,115 00 Gold * 141 00 Silver ami other Coin. 1,427 17 t Checks and Cash Items 6 00 Total $53,947 88 Liabilities Capital Stock Paid in 15,000 00 Surplus Fund, 300 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 1,544 16 Individual Deposits, Subject to Cheek 17,882 48 T Savings Deposits 4,221 24 Bills Payable, including Certificates for Money Borrowed 15,000 00 Total $53,947 88 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I A County of Williamsburg. Before me came C E Register, Cash- l ier of the above named bank,who,being j: duly sworn, says that the .above and c foregoing statement is a trtie condition p of said bank, as shown by the books of f said bank. 0 C E REGISTER, p Cashier. I Sworn to and subscribed before me, q this 28th day of June, 1909. : J b\REGISTER, js Notary Public South Carolina. 1 (j Correct- A ttest^ T W Boyle, T F Register. S J Taylor, Directors. C Statement of the Condition of ? The Bank of Scranton, D LOCATE I) Scranton, S. C. c At the close of business June 23, 1909. Reseurcas Loans and Discounts $20,375 07 Overdrafts 21 30 Furniture and Fixtures? 251 00 o: Other Real Estate 1,000 00 b Due from Ranks and Trust a Companies, 4,008 47 d: Currency, 995 00 b Gold 55 00 Silver ami other Coin 69 77 tl Total $27,460 57 Liabilities Capital Stock Raid in $10,000 00 Surplus Fund 1,000 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes I'd. 550 34 Individual Deposits Subject to Check 11,0x6 11 Savings Deposits 4,823 62 " ' ??? fji casmer s v necKs w . 1: Total, ' $27,406 67 d STATE OF SCCTII CAROLINA, ( fl County of Williamsburg. \ Before uie cunieJno >1 Myers, Jr, 11 Cashier of the above named bank, who, c being duly sworn, says that the above c aud foregoing statement is a v true condition of said bank, as e shown 'w the books of said bank. n J NO M MYERS, JR, Cashier. a Sworn to and subscribed before * me, this 26th day of June, 1909. o W.M R SlNGLKTARY f L. S.J, ? Notary rublic for South Carolina. Correct?Attest: , WINSLOW WRIGHT. R 11 CANNON, ? L 0 HINSON, j Directors. A BOB? IIUDS. A snbscnber once received a dan hrough the postoffice, and it made lim mad. He went to see the edtor about it. and the editor showed lim a few duns of his own, one for laper, one for tvpe, one for fuel and leveral others. "Now" said the alitor, "I didn't get mad when these :;tme because I knew that all I had o do was to ask several reliable gen .It-men like you to come and help me mt, then I could settle all of them.'' When the subscriber saw how it was ic relented, paid up and renewed or another year. (let I)eWitt's Carbolized Witch lazel Salve when you ask for it. ["here are a great many imitations, >ut there is just one original. This alve is good for anything where a alve is needed to be used, but it is specially good for Piles. Sold by D MdlOtt. ^ statement of the Londition of -.he Bank of Kingstree, located at ^ Kingstree, S. C. .ue Close of business June23,1009. Resources .oans and Discounts. *153.903 3(i Itimnnrl I.iinnu ?(10 (kl herd rafts, 3,352 68 tanking House, 2,155 TJ 'urniture and Fixtures, 1,958 7# )ue from Banks and Trust Companies, 12.750 G6 Currency, 5,975 "0 yd. 120 00 aver and other < oin. 618 73 .'hecks and Cash Items, 815 53 \)tal, $185,459 45 Li abilities Capital Stock Paid in, $30,000 (X) 'urplus Fund. 12,000 00 Jml. Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid, 5,967 75 )ue to Banks and Trust Companies, ' 35 98 ndividual Deposits Subject tot heck, 137,268 22 'ashier's Checks, 187 50 'otal, $185,459 45 >TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, f County of Williamsburg. f Before me came F W Fairev, Cashier >f the above named bank, who, being uly sworn,says that the above and foresting statement is a true condition of aid bank, as shown by the books of aid bank. F W FAIREY. Sworn to and subscribed before me, his 28th day of June, 1909. LkRoy Lee [L SJ, Notary Public for South Carolina. Corrkct?Attest: D C Scott, John A Kelley, R H Kellahan, Directors. Statement of the Condition of he Bank of Williamsburg, ; located at in?stree, S. C. .t thv business June 23, 1909. J iOURCES roans ak junts, $107,610 97 emand bSoSis, 2,896 41 iverdrafts 2.387 40 tanking House, 8,984 86 'urniture and Fixtures, 3,609 81 >ther Real Estate, 1,000 00 lue from Banks and Trust Companies, 6,231 05 urrency, 4,463 00 old, 1,645 00 ilver and other Coin. 1,816 96 hecks and Cash Items, 93 64 Total $140,739 16 Liabilities apital Stock Paid in, $40,000 00 urplus Fund, 5,000 00 indiviaea fronts. less current Expenses and Taxes Paid, 2,505 16 >ue to Banks a^id Trust Companies. 100 45 idividual Deposits Subject to Check, 95,108 55 ashier's Checks, 25 00 otal $140,789 16 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Before me came E C Epps, Cashier f the above named bank, who eing duly sworn, says that the above nd foregoing statement is a true conition of said Bank, as show?) by the ooks of said bank. EC EPPS. Sworn to and subscribed before me, tiis 28th day of June, 1909. J I) Gilland, [LS] Notary Public. Correct?Attest : W V Strong, Obas W Stoll, P G Gourdin, Directors. Registration Notice. The oflice ot the Supervisor of Regstration will be open on the 1st Monay in each month for the purpose of egistering any person who is qualiied as follows: Who shall have been a resident of he State for two years, and of the ounty one year, and of the polling preinct in which the elector offers* A? ? knf/Miii f Ln t\ q *r OIC lour IIJ U LI t> 113 UC1V/1C Cue vie*J vr*. lection, and shall have paid, six jonths before, any poll tax then due nd payable, and who can both read nd write any section of the constituion of 18l>r> submitted to him by the u per visors of Registration, or who an show that he owns, and has pafo II taxes collectable on during: the resent year, pioperty in this .State vessed at three hundred dollars or lore. J. Y. McGILL, (.lerk of Board Alcohol to Children Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, "Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will probably answer, "Very, very frequently." Then ask him about Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla as a tonic for the I yOUng. Follow his advice. He knOWS. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. I The first great rule of health?"Daily movement of the bowels." Ask your doctorif i XUS IS not so. Then ask him about Ayer s mis. doia lor nearly sixty years, j | KINQSTREE GRADED AND HIGH SCHOOL, j | Kingstree, S. C. j | High School Department! ? Boys and Girls prepared for College or for Business Life. * I S PURE WATER. EIGHT INSTRUCTORS. ? ^ HEALTHFUL LOCATION, FINE MUSIC DEPARTMENT. | | ? HIGH SCHOOL AXXEX recently completed with beautilul c ? and spacious Auditorium. ^ } AMPLE ROOM FOR BOARDING PUPILS. i J TERMS REASONABLE, j I Fall Term Begins j } Monday, September 13. j ? For information apply to ) r r* i nnno ) } n. L/. nrro, j < Clerk Board Trustees, i j. G. COLBERT, j | f Superintendent. < | Kingstree. S. C. j STOLL BROTHERS -pi stocks H BUY BONDS BUY i AND AND AND SELL LANDS SELL j It will pay you to always see us when you have I any business of this kind. | I OFFICE OVER BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG -?? | I ?:?:?:?:@:?:?:?:?:?:@:?:@:?:@.@:@:?:?@?@ I STOP! LOOK! LISTEN!| @ Have you bought your jg I TOBACCO FLUES? ?j (gj Ii not, why not? We are still making thein at the same^ ?j place, so come in and give us your order. J? ? Ask to see our ? 1 ?? * ??*m ? t* ? rr *T/>i a wi> n a *rn |^ I'Aitis ixuna J?nv sritiixa- <g; ? C the flies out of the house by using @ ?SCREEN DOORS, WINDOWS AND.'FLY TRAPS? ? A full supply of @ {^REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZ-? ?ERS. ICE TEA TUMBLERS AND COOLERS- @ BALL! ? ? We have the goods. ' ? ( @ You should keep cool by using one of our @ ? HAMMOCKS. ? ? Ask to see them. ? | STOP! | ? Call and see the latest in FRUIT JARS" Patent top j?j I @Jdl3 die UCHCi. Not a bit of trouble to ring 35, so ring for what you want @ @or call and see for yourself. , @ OUR BUILDING MATERIAL @: ?department is complete, such as Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime,? ? Cement, Nails and Roofing. jgj ? COFFINS AND CASKETS @ iJN 1 always on hand. Services rendered day or night. liemem-? ? ber the place, jgj ^ HinsstreeHardware- Co..? ? s ? (g) Remember Kingstree as the corning tobacco market. V' i FOR SAFE j Poland-China Pigs Also a few \oiwi-r Boars and Sows: full-blooded stock entitj.-d to registration; ages from .j vstla to (t months. Prices from $5.00 to 110.00. Prlcw quoted are less than one-half what the same < grade of hogs will e"st you in Virginia or r?nucsm'c. These are tine ?|ocimeus of ho)??, from my experience far >ii|n-i-i<?r to the Berkshire i Though I have a few Berkshire* for sale too, bdt IlOl IUII-OKNMIt->l. .r-M Coine jiihI -of me or send in your order. I will please you. J. J. H. GRAHAM, Cades, 5. C. ue mnnic SUCCESSORS TO GEO. S. HACKER I SON CHARLESTON. S. C. WE MANUFACTURE J Doors, Sash and Blinds; Columns and Balusters; Grilles and Gable Ornaments; Screen Doors and Windows. WE DEAL IN Class, Sash Cord and Weights. Paint Your EJuggyl | We can make it look like new, ? Any Iffl. UK H : or other vehicle lsproired 1 Per Cent. I in appearance by painting. Also Blacksmith, Wheel- -'JS wright, Horsehoeing and General Repair M Work on short notice, Bring Us Your Work, 'n W. M. Vause &SoBm Mr Samuel Leviu-'l wishes to announce that he 'Ji will be pleased to give mu- #1 sic lessons to anyone on, the CORNET, CLARINET ail M other BRASS INSTRUMENTS. m For terms and other infor-vjl mation apply at THE RECORD OFFICE | From 8 a m to 6 p m. t #S Of IE3. ;|S * King stree Lodge ^ .jj Knights of Pythias Regular Conventions Every Jj 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights Visiting brethren always welcome, < Castle Hall 3rd story Gourd in Building. J8 M. h. Jacobs, Thos. McCutchex, KRS&MF FOR SALE. .J Briek in any quantity to suit purchtt er. The Best Dry Press Machine-made A:sieics.3r j| Special shapes made tocrder. Cone^lS pondence solicited before placing your Va orders. W. E. FUXK. rM Foreclosure SaleSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, i . ^j County of Williamsburg _ ? tlj John A Kelley Aaron G Dennis By virtue of a judgment of foreclteure to me directed and filed in this cause, I will offer for sele at public j auction in front of the Court House '^1 iloorinKingstree.SC, within the le- a gal hours of sale to t ne highest bidder' ^ for cash on the first Monday In July next, 1909, Ml that certain piece, parcel rract of land lying, being and situate in f the County of Williamsburg and .State % of>outh Carolina containing sixty (00) : ? aores, moro ur hss, ; jttingand bonna- A ing as follows: North by lands of 8 ?T I>ennis; East by lands ot' A T Rodgers; ,-!j| South by lands of W 0 Coker and E t> ' ygg (? ray and West by k is of D Coker. ^ Purchaser to pay for >apers. 1 , , Geo.jge J Gkaham. ->31 b-iT-st sw c. :JS