f ne dollar know that ^ m. t j A 3ds, IN otic ,N FACT EVERY OUR if ** / 1bbin-j * ' Machines.. up there and accidentally set the tire from i match or cigar, ette. and becoming frightened ran away. They are small I chaps, something like fourteen and sixteen years of age. and live in or near Kingstree. MrRddden McGee tired a pis, tol in his face last Friday night, | but sustained nothing more serious than severe burns. He i was lying on the lloor of the | piazza of his dwelling house. ; The pistol was directly in his i face when it was tired, but in some unaccountable way the bullet did not strike him. On account of the burns it is difficult to say positively that the Iball did notstrike him, but if it did, it certainly did no more i than graze the skin. Messrs Ft' Thomas of Man' ning and H C Thomas of Florence visited their sister, Mrs Delia I) Carter Tuesday. When Mr W E Hanna moved | his crowd of children from Lake | City to Ins old home, one of | our trustees remarked that the staff of teachers of the graded | school could be reduced one, but at that time this trustee did not know that Mr Gravely would become a citizen of the town. W L B. Prof. Sheridaa Gobs to Walterboro. i A dispatch from Walterboro to i the State says Prof Hugo G j Sheridan was elected principal cf the Walterboro Graded school. | There were a number of applicants for the position, but Prof Sheridan secured the place. He is one of the best known educators in the State and will doubtless prove popular and successful in his work there. Prof Sheridan has been at Lake City the past year but will move his family to Walterboro in a few weeks. The school bids fair to be in a prosperous condition this year, as an election has been ordered for a high school for next year, and also the town has been bonded to erect a new school building. Here Is Relief for Women. If you have pains in the back, Urinary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant , herb relief from Women's ills, try Mother Gray's "Australian-Leaf." It is a safe, reliable regulator, and relieves all Female Weaknesses, including inflammations and ulcerations. Mother Grav's Australian lieaf is sold bv Druggists or sent, by mail for 50 cts. Sample sent free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, NY 2 eseMsesgmmmsm EY T ifford to trade elsewhei lliex can always get it \ *^IIVV47 i. j NEEDED FOR DRES % * \ .RTERED SHOES HIGH GRAJ 3. Redd {does the northern or pat two-t STATEMENT SHOWING THE TOTAL ASSESS VARIOUS TOWNSHIPS OF THE CO FACTS AND FIGURES 1 When the ilutledge count} m ol its promoters?to give impeti isorts of extravagant statement: taxable property and wonderful eluded in the proposed new cc rich northern section of the cou icut off was sneeringly referred and the boast was made that t over two thirds of taxes levied and reckless claims having beei time by people who knew bette i the exhilaration and excitement j bringing forth of an infant coi ; downier- glittering prospects, the s rs for it admitted th i ?* same claim stil that that many peopl auditors ~s, have given cred absolutely "without foundation ii The tigures given below tel than words. The only satisfact l in dispute is to refer to the hi ject, and in this case there is ' the auditor's books. The figur we defy anyone to dispute then gives us some interesting inforr The total property value $5,013,695, of which amount $3,2 ; included in the Rutledge area a thern one-third area that (as ? I the taxes." .Somewhat surprising As a matter of lact, if any I he will llnd that the ohl county, 1 in the Rutiedge area, will pay this the Rutledge portion will pay 2 present levy of 13 mills. Quite tween these tigures and the countyites. These are facts to consider i n-int 4/-> ttr\ HUnrllir into a Sfh | ? all I IV/ ^V/ WiiilMIJ 1M?V V. promises and assurances of int ' to read and inform themselves j themselves to a proposition tha | experiment. Total Property in "Old County" Area: Ti ! Hope Township $ 369,475 y | Laws 181,397 ^ j Penn 210,547 'Suttons 89,459 j; I Anderson 208,222 j i Mouzon's (approx^ 104,740 j King- 192,890 i ! Turkey 179,503 j ! Mingo) 176,417 x Ridge (approx).. 67 150 j Indian " 22,180 j Kingstree .. 472,070 NERR (approx) 660,246 G & W R R 91,250 Paroda R R 1,000 Central RR 148,040 i ! G & W Logging R R 23,500 ; Pullman Car Co, Telegraph, Expiess, etc (appro.x) 67,793 $3,272,679 I hereby certify that the ab | showing the assessed value of ; I 0 BU re, but those who wa ; here. We have in: , Dress ' S; ALSO A FULL SUPPL' lRE still going )e shoes are g1 lick's Be 2s! CTIRD ABE1 HIRUS OF THE TAXES?: i ED VALUE Of ALL PROPERTY IN THE I I'NTY FOR THE YEAR 1908- j fO PONDER OVER. lovement tirst took form some is to the enterprise?made all 5 as to the vast amount of resources of the section in-, mnty. In contrast with the nty the lower part not to be J to as the "pauper section," he upper one-third area paid in the county. These wild a contradicted from time to r, might have been pardoned in attendant upon the early inty with such a grand en- j had the boast stopped when ey had exaggerated the facts 1 being made? We are told e, not having access to the f ence to a statement that is I 1 fact. I the truth more eloquently1 ory way to settle a matter) ghest authority on the sub- j but one authority, which is es speak for themselves and; i. A glance at these figures [ nation. Let us see: in Williamsburg county is; 72,679 is in the territory not nd $1,741,210 is in the "norclaimed) pays two thirds of' , isn't it? one wants to figure it out, j i. e., the part not included j year $42,544.82 in taxes, while 2,635.80 on the basis of the, a considerable difference be-1 boastful claims of the new I and the voters who do not' erae merely on the alluring' erested parties will do well j before irrevocably committing; t at best is a very doubtful | otal Property to Proposed Rutledge Co umter $ 142,371 louzon's Township (approx) 34,913 lidge (approx) 144,320 ndian " 133 078 ohnson 252,469 jee 113,294 ,ake 153,382 j.ake City 367,836 f EER (approx) 395,278 oilman Car Co, Telegraph, Express, etc (approx^ 4,275 $1,741,216 'otal value of property in whole county, $5,013,895. j 1 I I ove is a correct statement ! ill nrnnertv. real and per-! * i f RN. nt one hundred cent: stock a complete line i Goods, Cl< Y OF HARDWARE, AND F/* AT OUT PRICES. r-r * TTk A "mrmTlTl T\ UAKAJJ'muu. irgain 5 sonal, in Williamsburg county 1 records of Auditor's office. tl Kingstree, S C, June 28, 19 KINGSTREE MARKET WILL HAVE BUYERS. BOTH THE AMERICAN AND 1HE IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANIES WILL BE REPRESENTED HERE. A party interested in the King- 1 stree tobacco warehouses ha3 handed us a letter written him by a triend ' I- -L -L..L ?U?i. I to me ivingsiree niurKei sutuug umt certain persons at Lake City are in- , dustriously circulating the report that there will be no buyers on the , Kingstree market except "pinhookers" and that the American j Tobacco Co will not have a buyer , on Kingstree market I If the parties circulating this re- , port honestly believe what they are , telling, they are simply mistaken, aad should at once seek to correct ( the wrong impression they may have created. If they really know better , and are seeking to injure the Kingstree market, such methods will only j recoil upon themselves and hurt their own market instead of building it lip at the expense of another. The buyer* will be here. The Imperial Tobacco Co has a buyer already assigned to this point and the American Tobacco Co will have a buyer on Kingstree market just as soon as they put one at Lake City or auy other market in the State. We 1 have this information from those who are in a position to know and when the season formally opens 1909 RE REO Roadster roade trip froi worth of gasoline and oil,distan Ask to be shown. WOODS & CC lake a: s' worth for ?j of j| othing, I iRn IMPLEMENTS. |j ALL OF OUR I Jtore. J ] :or the year 1908, copied from r J B MONTGOMERY, . County Auditor. 09. Kingstrte will be found right iu the band wagon, ready to pay top-of-themarket prices for all of the toba