The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 10, 1909, Image 3

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WILL FIGHT COUNTY I CUT ^TO BITTER END. SUCH IS SENTIMENT AT HAMPERS?NEW COUNTY NEEDED BUT NOT IN RUTLEDGE AREA. Harpers, June 7:?People of this community are watching; with much interest the movements of the Rut* - ? 11^ ?: _ ledge county promoters, vvenuuue that if this new county is laid off according to the amended petition it will put our county seat on the extreme edge of the county. As it now stands our people here at Harpers are 26 miles from the county seat. Lake City,the supposed capital of the new county, is only 15 miles from Kingstree and they now intend to ran the new countyftlines nearly to the town limits of Kingstree. I must think that auy reasonable-minded man in the old county would oppose this move of the new countyites. Your scribe believes that Williamsburg county is too large and should be cut, but it should be cut so as to benefit her citizens at large. I don't believe this new county will ever be created in the area where it is now expected, because it will make matters worse than at present. Let the people of our old county wake up and get busy and see that our county I be not cut to the injury of our people at large. It is no harder for our Lake City friends to travel 15 miles to the county seat than it is for our people here to travel 25 miles. Our people here stand ready to do their part in this matter, but think the citizens at the county seat should set the ball to rolling. If the people of this county sit in idleness our county will be completely demolished while we sleep. I voice the sentiments of the people of this lower part of the county when I say we will fight this move to the bitter end, and let's start the war by getting up and do ing something now. The farmers of this community have some fine crops of both corn and cotton, but the constant downfalls of rain and rapidly growing grass are costing extra expense aud labor. The bean crop i3 over and cucumbers will be shipped now, also melons will be on the market by June 20. It is reported here that Harpers and Rosemary will both go under one charter and be one town in the near futnre. The wi iter thinks this will be to the benefit of both towns. The name will be changed, but it is not yet settled what the new town will be called. Mr Jack liruorton, the competent Georgetown dispensary clerk, was visiting friends in town last Saturday and Sunday. The home of Mr and Mrs L Z King was made happy by the coming of a baby girl on May 27. By this visitatiou the writer becomes a "grand-pap," which makes a fellow look for gray hairs on his scalp. Subscriber. Cob Id Not Be Better. No one has ever made a salve, oiutment, lotion or balm to compare with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts,Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands it's supreme. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at D C Scott's. Death of John J. Clary. Died?On Monday afternooD, May 31, at 10:40 o'clock, at Greelyville, $ U, Mr Jofcn J uiary. Mr uiary was taken sick on Thursday before his death and continued to grow worse until the end came. He died of ptomaine poisoning. Mr Clary was 35 years of age. He was employed by the Mallard Lumber Co as engineer on a log train. The funeral services were held at Mt Hope cemetery on Tuesday, June 1, at 12 o'clock m. Everyone would be benelited by taking Foley's Oriuo Laxative for constipation,stomach and liyer trouble, as it sweetens the stomach and breath, gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and is much superior to pills and ordinary laxatives. Why not try Foley's Orino Laxative today? D C Scott, ?^p^p? THE NEVS JIT BENSON. Natters, Social, IRellglous, Industrial and Personal, Briefly Chronicled. Benson, June The third quarterly conference of this district was held at Cedar Swamp church on last Saturday and Sunday, Presiding Elder J E Carlisle was present and delivered each day a very forceful aud j instructive sermon. Mr and Mrs N I) Ixsesne, with j Mauldin, Marion aud little Miss Marguerite, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives here. *'Nabor" is one of our Cedar Swamp boys and his host of friends are always delighted to to see him. Miss Louise McGil! has returned from a visit to Florence. Miss Annie Phillips has returned home from a visit tofrieuds in Sumter and Manning, to the delight of her many admirers.' Msss Helen Scott of Kingstree is visiting in this vicinity. The Farmers' Union met j Friday and decided to give a picnic 011 Saturday, July 3. Eve* body remember the day and ,e with your baskeis heavy lad< A very enjoyable occcasion ! <ci pa ted. * Mrs V W Graham, who has beeu on an extended visit to relatives in Columbia, returned home this week. Prof Samuel A McCullough is home for a rest-up from the arduous duties of the school room. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mr Rob Bell and hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr Bell had the misfortune a week or so ago to have eighty acres of cotton entirely destroyed by a hail storm, the like has not occurred near here in the last fifteen years. This section can safely boast of fine corn and tobacco crops. WES Hebron Happenings. Hebron, June 7:?Mr and Mrs L T DuBose visited relatives in Darlington last week. Mr Chas D Baker of Lake City spent Saturday and Sunday in onr community. Mr Eddie McKnight,of Moore's X Uoads, spent Sunday with his (sister, Mrs II J Thomas, of this community, Mr Editor, our folks are r 1 saying anything, but sev of our farmers are testing t? corn crops this year. Perhay we will be able to give state , ments of some of their acres later. We have some good farmers in our section and the writer hopes to see several of our boys try next year for the different prizes. We appreciate the letter in the week before last issue of The Record from our farmer friend of Mouzons in regard to engag? -n r?_ ?1.~ ing conon; iui mc winci uclieves in anything that will be a betterment to the farmer. Last,but not least,we,like othjers, must make complaint of I roads to our supervisor. We would like to have him in our part of the county to see the condition of our roads. It is impossible almost to haul fertilizers every year. And as long as they are worked as they are, we will not have any better roads in our section, The writer, like others, has seen overseers take special care r ? 1? i.i: ?:ik 4.U/. Oi tneir piuuiauuus wim iuc road hands, when the work done has not benefited the public highway at all, only making it worse than ever. I desire to cast insinuations on no, one but let's do what is right. H. J. T. Women Who Are Envied. Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper are the envy of many, who might be like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipation or Kiduey poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. For all such, Electric Bitters work wonders. Thev regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pare breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion. Many charming women owe their health and beauty to them. 50c at D C Scott's. If yoi where you w .. r "MEN WHO WOKE IHt KtU. Call for Council ef Red Shirt Patriots to Be Held in Anderson. Anderson, June 5:?A call has been issued for a council of that patriotic army of men who wore the red shirts in 1870 to be held in Anderson on Tnursday, June 24, at 11 a m. ^is call by the men who stood impton tt^rrihc campaign t year 'Vbis leaderputting . ie infamarpetbagge scalawags that infested the E the days of Reconstruction has' ci.made for the purpose of arranging a date and place for holding a grand reunion of the Red Shirt men of the State some in A ncrnct tlUJC 111 XIU^UCV* This council at Anderson on the 24th will also appoint a committee to draft a constitution to place before the August meeting for the purpose of forming a survivors' association ot the "men who wore the red in 1876." The signers of this call trust that each county of the State will have a good delegation at the council in Anderson and that no Red Shirt veteran will feel slighted by the absence of his name from the call, as it was apparent from the beginning that a whole newspaper would scarcely contain the names of all those who wished to endorse this call. Card o( Thanks. Editor County Record:? Please allow us space in your valuable paper to thank our many kind friends for the help and sympathy "" * * iL tbey extended us during our momer's sickness and after her death. Respectfully, , S W McConnell, J V McConnell, WA McConnell, Fannie McConnell, Children. , oast pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous littie liver pills They are small, gentle pleasant, easy to take and act ! promptly. They are sold by D C I Scott. ( _ _ _. ZX7>C The Implement Co., RICHMOND, VA. It is very important both for effective and economical work to procure The best of ; CJIDU IMDI EHCtiTQ i [ Iftltlll lllll LLIItLIIIU j I Our New Descriptive Catalog I J just issued tells all about the best V 6 time and labor-saving machinery. C A It is one of the best and most in- A teresting Implement Catalogs issued. Mailed free on request. We are also headquarters for Farm Wagons. Buggies. Barb Wire. Fencing, V-Crimp and other Roofing, Gasoline Engines, Saw and Planing Mills. Write for prices and catalogs. The Implement Co., 1302 Main St., Richmond, Va. 1' I Depart ore of Passenger Trains at Kingstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following * 1 ' 1 ' i scneauie, wnicn ofuuiuc cuamc Monday, May 17, 1909. -NORTH BOUNDNo 80 7:31 a. m. No 40 11:42 a. m. No 78 5:58 p. m. ?SOUTH BOUNDNo 79 10:52 a. m. No 47 5:58 p. m. No 89 9:15 p. m. *DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Is^C 13L 3LI j want the latest style hat effe< = 0~3.1s Sz> rill find all the tine headwearo jj One of the | 3 Distinguishing \ $ * ^ Characteristics ^ ^ O^SaAT ninnn io 1^ fj Wi U1C outu piaiiv 7I its sympathetic tone. r fl To a pianist it responds ? to every demand of an ? af artistic nature. |? Every student should |? have such a piano. |? ^ One of the best recoin- |j> j mendations a college can i? ^ offer you as to its music p department is the use of ? Stieff pianos. P A cheap piano in a j) musical education has the same influence on a stuj dent as cheap literature k;' , in a literary education. ^ j Write Stieff before you ^1 buy a piano. * = K \ Chas. M. Stieff g a * <4 Maker of the J W ^ Artistic Stieff,Shaw and ? % Stieff Selfplayer Pianos fc h ? a = * a K i SOUTHERN WAREROOM: K * K 4 5 W. Trade St. ? * * a Charlotte, - N. C. K a fc H C. H. WILMOTH, & vj Manager. j /w\ /Is./Xs sk\ sw\ 7] " SUCCESSORS TO ' GEO. S. DICKER 8 SON CHARLESTON. S. C. /T ^_grrilli\ WE MANUFACTURE Doors, Sash and Blinds; Columns and Balusters; Grilles and Gable Ornaments; Screen Doors and WinI dows. WE DEAL IN Glass, Sash Cord and Weights. Notice to Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of J H Hanna, Sr. deceased,will present them duly attested, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment at the office of Hirsch & Hirsch, Kingstree, S C, to J H Hanna, Administrator of the estate of J H Hanna, Sr, deceased. 5-27-3t 7 FOR SALE~ Brick in any quantity to suit purchas er. The Best Dry Press Machine-made Special 9hanes made to order. Correpondence solicited before placing your orders. W. R. FUXK. I Registration Notice. { The office or the Supervisor of Reg istration will be open on the 1st Monday in each month for the purpose of registering any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers" vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, sis months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1895_submitted to him by the Supervisors "of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. Y. McGILL, Clerk of Board. Old papers for sale at this office. ZbT 3=2 IE3 -JL - 11 " ' :tively trimmed, be sure and call at I O-stle's I H f the season displayed at reasonable prices. I cee, S. C. ===== I | | KINGSTREE GRADED AND HIGH SCHOOL, }, | | Kings tree, S. C. > y I High School Department : % f Boys and Girls prepared for College or for Business Life. I i^jj X PURE WATER, EIGHT INSTRUCTORS. % \ HEALTHFUL LOCATION. FINE MUSIC DEPARTMENT.-S? ? HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX recently completed with beautiful J M f and spacious Auditorium. * .? \ AMPLE ROOM FOR BOARDING PUPILS. \ J l TERMS REASONABLE. {J | Fall Term Begins Mj f Monday, September 13. ij| Iror iniorujcLLiuu app.iv iv t^m E.C.EPPS, II Clerk Board Trustees. fl J. G. COLBERT, I Superintendent. ^ *< d^| Kingstree- S. C. iM STOLL BROTHtHS WE STOCKS | WE |B BUY BONDS BUV AND AND , AND JL j SELL LAND51 SELL [j | II It will pay you to always see us when you have I any business of this kind. OFFICE OVER BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG tftl I I m - " ?:?:?:?:?:?:?.?;?:?:?.@:@:@:@.?:@:@:?@ H ISTOP! LOOK! LISTEN B @ Have you bought your I | TOBACCO FLUES? (gj It not, why not? We are still making- them at the sair w place, so come in and give us your order. ? Ask to see our Bfl ? PARIS GREEN GUNS AND SPRATS- M ? Keep the flies out of the house by using I ?SCREEN DOORS, WINDOWS AND PLY TRA1 I I ? A full supply of @ REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FRXRa |^fl ?ERS. ICE TEA TUMBLERS AND COOLER H| ? . We have the goods. You should keep cool by using one of our | HAMMOCHS. ] ^ Ask to see them. | STOP! - @ Call and see the latest in FRUIT JARS* /si Jars are better. Si Not a bit of trouble to ring 35, so ring for what yo (?) or call and see for yourself. '$ OUR BUILDING MATERIAL ? I xj department is complete, such as Sash, Doors, Blinds, ? Cement, Nails and Roofing. I | COFFINS AND , H nlwavs on hand. Services rendered day or night. ) ? ber the place, ^Hingstree Hardware (?j Remember Kingstree as the coming tobacco mai @:@:;@:?@:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:@:?:?:@: *