M V. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. ji | 'Cirtitrjl-utii . AIL ft. L T I'MfiXS Are Beouested to Meet at Prospect thurch Thursday, May 20 EditorCocxty Record:? lnere u iil be a meeting of all the I Woman's Christian Temperance Unions on Thursday, May 20, -it Prospect civwrch. Those who attend j are asked to briug their luncheon with them, so the day's work may; have no serious interruptions. This meeting is to map out plans of work to be done before the coming election of August 17. Let every local union be well represented. All ministers of the gospel and true nieu and women who want the liquor j traffic overthrown are most earnestly requested to attend. Let us come prayerfully luto the presence of the Lord on that day, seeking 10 kuow His will and then to d*> it. A Member op TV t- T l\ -Scrantcn/S C, May S. Temperance Timber. The saloon supplies the weapons for the uuceasing and deadly war upon-the home. Wheu liquor dealers are busy, the devil is glad. Driuk revenue is wet with tears . and stained with blood. Many a man has drifted into the drink habit through the advice of a ^Kphysician. ! "There is no plague that scourges ^Bao lash that stings, no fire that ^^>uras with such baneful heat as the P legalized ram traffic?this blot of blots upon a civilized nation.'' Wbett the American conscience is \ . no longer stifled at the baliot box,! the American saloon will no longer exist. "Poverty never drives a man to driuk unless be wants to go; bat drink drives a man to poverty whether he wants to go or not,"' It would be like dynamite under; the saloon, if just where he is the' I. minister would begiu active work W against it; if, just where he is, the J voter would cast his ballot for Pro-! hibition. k The liquor question is the douiinant question in American politics . and the partv that deals not with it >;s born blind. When saloon-meu are pratiug to x voters about the vast good done by license money they forget to tell bow much it costs to support the magistrates, the courts and the jails. "The making, selling or using of intoxicating beverages is a wrong against the public welfare, and all; the legislation in the world can not' change the fact one way or the oth-; er*" I The mistake of the State is iuj | locking up the drinker instead of1 ' the drink. "The devil soon gets a mortgage upon the man who drinks?and he: already owns the man who sells."' Every dollar spent *at the saloon ( bar comes out of the grocer, baker, butcher, dry goods man, and such others as are ministering to the; needs of life. ' The 'almighty dollar' still rules. It is that which upholds the liquor traffic and shuts the mouths of hosts m of Christiau voters. It is time for Moses to descend fiom the mount and waken the conscience of Israel promenading around tiic golden calf." "The way on t of the liquor curse, aaa the way out of every social course is through an enlarged conception of the dignity and destiny of man.'' The saloou by its political influence, is a peril to every free and sacred institution of our natiou. Instead of the revenue from the liquor traffic supporting the government, the government must support the traffic. All other kinds of poisouiug are L few in comparison with those ocHkigsioned by the habitual use of W strong drink. I Tiie "personal liberty of oue I man should not spell personal slavI ery for another. I The Bible presents u stronger 8 Prohibitory Law than was ever 8 written on the statute books of any 8 commonwealth. It is the law of Christian Brotherhood and makes . . . y**z --'V ; ',UK . the Christian a Prohibitionist, iu! spite of society or busiuess or pol-1 itics. The whisky business is forever, j undent he ban of Christ. Temper! aucc work is Cbristly work. 5>o the | Christian cannot compromise here and remain a Christian. The great danger which threatens the American people is not the armies of Eurofie, or a Chinese boy-' ' cott, or au excessive high tariff, or | impure food-stuffs, but the legalized 1 Honor traffic. Saloons may go oh, like the brook, forever. Men may die in them like tlies and hell grow fat on ! drunkards. Girls may be betraved and l>oys baited hellward. Homes J may be destroyed and women and children beggared, but you can an- ' wer, 'Xot by my vote* '* Take the sanction of law and the ! protection of government away from the liquor traffic, and the people will | soon trample the vile thing into the very dust. "The world never knew a worse iniquity than lutemperauce, neither! nnrally, socially nor financially." The pearl that sparkles in the bot- ( torn of a wiue-glass is ouly the bubble called "Disappointment." Drink's grip can uever close on mm who closes nis lipsag*mst urinK.; There may be 110 bread at home: J but there is always beer and whisky! at the bar. All monopolies sink into insignificance when compared with the whisky mouopoly. ' The Christian man who prays for God to sweep intemperance from the land don't mean it nnless he is will, ing that God should use him as the broom with which to do the sweeping." "The rum-hole must be closed or the rum hell will engulf Christendom." "If every flask of wiue produced should be taxed $1,000, it would not be enough to pay for the tears it has! wrung from the eyes of widows aud ' orphaus, uor for the blood it has; dashed ou the Christian church, nor J for the catastrophe of the millions it has destroyed forever." Do you want to take a census to enumerate your children and say, "1 will so regulate this evii that this child shall be mine and that one the saloon-keeper's?'' The curse of Cain is resting c this nation, and as sure as righteou ness is right and sin is sin, thei. must come a day of reckoning. Ix>ok to yourself, voter: ar? vou carrying J the brand of Cain? "A river of rum. a mountaiu of : gold, a cloud of tears, a boulevard of j broken hearts, a ic-d Niagara, down I which the best blood ot the nationjis pouring, a valley of dry boues, white with a million ruui-made skeletons. '* This is the terrific indictment against this infernal liquor traffic. War is terrible, and many of our best men have gone to their graves' through wai; but strong drink has carried more victims to the grave in America than has war. "Break down the American home,! and the fabric of free government goes down with it. There is no foun-' tain of influence so pure as the' Christian home. Corrupt that, and every artery of national life will be ! tainted. For its own safety this government must build around its homes all possible safe-guards,and by every means i in its power protect these nurseries i of their future statesmen and rulers.*' "Prohibition is in the air. The j nation'8 heart is beginning to throb j to its music. The rising tide breaks; all along the shore and each succeeding white-fringed billow washes further up the strand.'* Georgia is added to the list oft prohibition States and the whole! Southland is moving toward prohib- J ition. "Let the work for prohibition go on until every patriot who loves his country, every Christian who loves i his God, every philanthropist who loves his race, every father who loves his child, every son of the republic will march to the ballot boxes of the land and under an avalanche of freemen's ballots bury beyond resurrec-1 tion the American saloon." "Where is the citizen. Whose hand shall grasp the patriot pen I And write the edict strong and grand i Which shall emancipate the land. And crush the oligarch of drit k? When men shall act as now they think, * nd all united [ed." Shall chase away the curse afTrightKINGSTREEVKISS VERSE. A Little Tardy but Not tbe Less Appreciative of Oscutatory Exercise. As is customary during the dull season some news scribbler, to till out a column, sets the ball a-rolling ?n/l flic nthpN ehin in. This time the subject is "kissing" an J we present a few of the many clever "getoffs" of budding rhymesters, with a concluding stanza of our own, giving Kmgstree a place in the picture. By the way,the sentiments of the editors of the Abbeville Medium and the Branchville Journal would be illuminating on this particular subject. A little kissing V Now and then * Is enjoye-l by ^ The be>t of mi A little kis-i We pass" ItigJJaaj^ jr \, Oi \ .4ti^uUrv. .-es An* the best Our little misses Have made the test. ? Bit- *hnr>i .1-, You must tiptoe If vou reach Tlie lips of any Richmond peach. ?Richmond \< tcs-Leader. A little kissing Here, of course. And not a chance Of a divorce. ?Columbia Reronl Stoop to the low, Tiptoe to the tall. But Union kis ses Beat them all. ? I'mion Timet. Kingstree kissers, Fall in line: To kiss is human: To be kissed, divine. R?>v I II' VlllltauaN letter. Rev I W Williamson, Huutiug ton, W Va, writes: "This is tocer tify that I used Foley's Kidne\ Remedy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble and am free to saj that ft will do all that you claim foi it." Foley's Kidney Remedy luu restored health and s'rength tc thousands to weak, run dowu people, Contaius no harmful drug? and is pleasant to take, i) C Scott { Real " "roker, I ( Kir >. c. \ } For . e resid- \ nee of -WW i %",vson, n North \ ny 5 A hand- i a very \ on me tor j } ~ . bond of i ranv k. e secure i r vou Wi^_^V S Moore, deceased. L 0 Hot LOWAY, 5-6-41 Administrator. LOUIS C 232 The Largest Whol We Cut Fine Piec Your Nearesl TI Ladies' Costumes. White and colored Lingerie Princess dresses, elaborately trimmed in Laces and Embroideries $2.50 to $35.00 each bame m line quality Messaune silk $12.75 to $50 each White and colored Jumper suits in Lineue, English Repp and AllLinen $2.50 to $20 a Suit New line ol floor coverings just in. Write for prices. Agents for HE IF WOMEXOXLf KXEW What a Hraaef Happlifss It woild Rriu to kiigstree Htaes. Hard to do housework with an aching back. Brings you hours of misery at leisure or at wt^k^ If women only knew the cause? that Backache pains come from sick j kidneys, Twould save much ueedless woe. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick L'i J noro nui iiv ? c. Kingstree people endorse this: Miss Tolly Yause, Logan St, Kingstree, S C, says: "I used Doau's Kidney Pills and they benefited me more than auything else I ever tried. My back and kidueys caused me a great deal of trouble for years.Headaches and dizzy spells were frequent and I was bothered at all times by irregulai passages of the kidney secretions. Doan's Kidney Pills which I procured at Scott's drug store help^Vd me at once and since then I have ieen in the bestot health.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. Old papers for sale cheap by the hundred at The Recore office. OUR CLUBBING RATES We offer cheap clubbing rates with a number of popular newspajiers am*- eriodicala. Read care fully the) owing list aod select i the one or tore that you fancy and we shaJ4"' Pleased to send in yonr order. ie rates are of course all cash in .. .ance, which means that both The Record and the paper ordered must be paid for, not 1, 2. 3, . 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, but twelve months ahead. Below is the list of our beet clubbing offers, r The Record and News & Courier I (Semi-weekly,) $1.85. The Record and Home & Farm (twice a month,) $1.35. The Record and New York World >: . (3 times a week,) $1.75. 1 The Record and Atlanta Consti' tution (3 times a week) $1.85. The Record and Atlanta Constitution (weekly $1.50. The Record and Bryan's Commoner, $1.75. The Record auJ Cosmopolitan i Magazine $1.75. Th* Record and Youth's Com; panion,(New Subscribers) $2.50. The Record Serai-Weekly State, ; $2.50. The Record and Lippracott's Magaziue 1 year each *2.75. The Record and National Magazine, 1 year each, $2 00. N. B. We do not club with atfy daily papers. The first issue you receive of the paper or periodical is evidence that the money for same has been forwarded by us. We are ; uot responsible after that. j THE COUNTY RECORD Kingstree. S. C. FOIIYSHOhTMAR Cures Colds) Prevents Pneuwosla OHEN & and 234 King Street, lesaleand Retail iV :e Goods for Merchant t Mail Box Places Oui R.Y US ON | Walking Skirts. TWO GRAND SPECIALS l Ladies' skirts in tine quality black Voile, trimmed in Satin Bands, i Value $7.50. Sale each $5.00 'I Ladies' skirts in finest quality Altman's Voile, black onlv, worth from $15.00 to $20.00. i Sale each $10 I DRESS GOOD We carry the greatest stock stock is overflowing with the be: counter, in all the staple and 1 here from the markets of the wo We Hake a Specialty of I LADIES HOME JOE I If lill CIS I Offiw over Slngletary Building. Phone 46 M. A. WOOD8. DENTIST. LAKE CITY, - S. C CLAYTON & COOKE, ATTORNEYc-AT-LAW. .LAKE CITY, ... SC. Office in SincloUry Building. Special Atuutioa l?> Collc.nions "i-iS-OB W. Leland Taylor, DENTIST. Office over Br W V Brockiugton's store. KINGSTREE. - - S. C. 5-21-tf. R. E. & E. N. BEATY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Georgetown, - - - 5. C. i Civil Engineering Land Surf eying i Railroad Surreys and Construction Proapt attention on ont of Town Work. 3-19-tf M. D. Nesmith ' DENTIST. LAKE CITY, - - - S. C. W, L. BASS 1 Attorney at Law LAKE CITY. S. C. j Dr H J McCabe Dentist : masTm s. c. : J. D. MOUZON'S BARBER SHOP .' ?in the? Kellakai Betel is equipped with up-to-date ap1 pliances. Polite Service, l ompetent j Workmen. j f>?8-08. KILL tmi COUCH md CURE TH? LUWC8 l w,th Dr. King's New Discovery i mCZItWJrah. AMD ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLE!. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY | OB MONEY REFUNDED. j 1>w xre mrtr Sr:tr? ih?a ai ?r,y o:arr n-^c clfiitewv cvj jnt tf Shtir ?tr!c. ?<*vacr ard Mrfclt'a ^Ingazlue'Thj'O.ir^o# PaaMoaJhaa l ! r.!..r r?v-% torn ?-ir o?Sar Lj<*? Mac"*1*-. Oo* i . <- . \ s i.^cn on; ij ncTil?c*?) 30 Cf nt#? !-* **' J { n .. -.iS-r. .1 CfBtrt. F?cry nibMnke |ltt * Mm" ' tun Fit-*. Sjiwerfte icJay. <0 I. Wnofert. ? ( | I*- . :?h . ..f?>?. 1 cm i a-?lccue,oJ Coo i?. | . .'It n Citato* ( hawiiic too premium^ j ' V;il '.fit). A^rtu I HK UcCAlX CO-New Y?k. ] qq satisfj CHARLESTON, S 1AIL ORDER iiOL s in any Length at Whc Stores Right Next D( AN ORPE New Waists. ' White Lawn waista trimmed with Lacea and Embroideries, the beat values in the South I 89c to $10 each 1 ! Ladiea'Lace waists in White aud 1 jEcru. all new models ^ 'I $1.98 to 520 each IS AND SILKS. ! s in the South. Right now our < st values ever shown over any :'ancv novelty effects. Gathered rid. , Slack Goods for Mourning RNAL PAERNS, 10 FOLEY'S HMEMM TL? HID Ullglliai LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coughs, colds, throat and lnf troubles. No opiates. Noa-alcohollo. Good for everybody. Bold ererywhsre. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR is in a Yollow package. Refuse substitutes. Prepared only by Foley A Company, Ohiom. W. L. Wallace. 3? of 3?. y at v Kingstree Lodge Knights of Pythias r xjf ^ Relesaie Prices. >or to You. ]R. Ladies' Suits. Trim, Smart and the Host Wanted Fabrics Ladies' Suits in black and navy blue Panama tastily tailored. Elsewhere you would have to pay $17.50 for them. Our price Per Suit $13.50 TjnUpa' Suits in fine all-wool Pan una in plaiu and shadow stripe ?ffects, black and all the new colo.-s, Suits worth $25.00, our price Per Suit $20 Ladies' Suits in all the leading Pastel shades, all chic models $27.50 to $60 Per Suit and 15 cents Each