& UIIA4.0II LU|UJO . I Ml C Water aod Gaol mountain Breezes. Editor County Record:? I greet the arrival of The t Record each week with undis- s guised pleasure, as its news 1 keeps me informed of home i happening's and scenes to re- I kindle and keep warmly burning the love for my home and I the many friends, and some I warm ones, still within the bor- < ders of dear old Williamsburg, < whose people 1 esteem, and who i for hospitality and congeniality < stand among the first. This i can be fully and readily appreciated only after temporary < absence; such is the conviction j of your humble scribe, who with his now small family is sojourn- < ing for a time at the foot hills i of the mountains in the city of Greenville, noted tor its fine ed- i nrntinml advantages, fine wd- i 0 ( ter?no better flows?furnished i from Paris mountain by natural i gravitation. This mountain is I 11 miles distant. According to I government statistics and ac- i cording to population, this city, in point of health, ranks second < in the United States; having a i population of thirty thousand, j six factories besides other indus- i tries and stands well commercially, though I cannot say that it is a rushing town, rather a solid, easy mover. Its people, ] from my limited acquaintance i and knowledge, seem thorough- ! going, sober and peaceable. ^ fJhicora College, one of ! the leading institutions in the j State for girls, commandingly [ stands on the west side of Reedy I river, with the upbuilding of which Dr S R Preston had much . to do and was its president for j a period of 11 years. Dr S C Byrd is now president and under , his splendid management the ^ institution has become so popular that it could not accommodate for want of room the past season many seeking admission, but I understand that this trou- 1 ble will be overcome before 1 another school year by modern i improvement, which will no doubt add greatly to its appearance. ( In West End, as commonly f known,or properly, West Green- ] ville, Mr E G Mallard, whom ? many of the people of Williams- ( burg know in person and as a [ member of the Mallard Lumber f Co, has a beautiful let and mag . nificent residence and to him I feel very grateful for a drive 1 over the city soon after my arrival here. I consider ' that by far the most desirable < V residential part of Greenville, J ' but East Greenville is the bus iness part of the town. j Mr Editor, before closing this J communication, I can and do i i say that up to this time this j town has had fewer of the "most ? detestable disseminators of dis- I ease, the house-fly," than any J town I have ever stopped in, 1 p" and up to now I have had to [ have covering at night and have 1 only seen one mosquito, and he must have come in on a Pullman from Charleston, Columbia ? Kn *-rr Ui OJMI lauuui^. Yours truly, William Coopek, Greenville, May 3. j ~ < Children Who Are Sickly. < Mothers who value their own 1 comfort and the welfare of their f children, should never be without a *" box of Mother Gray's Sweet Pow- ( ders for Children, for use throughout the season. They break up Colds, Core Feverishness, Constipa- ! tion, Teething Disorders, Headache I . and Stomach Troubles. These pow- ( ders ueyer fail. Sold by all Drug Stores. 25c. Don't accept any snbstitute. A trial package will be sent free to any mother who will address Allen S Olmsted, Le Roy, N Y. 1 r Mortgage, real estate, title lien on crop, bill of sale, agricultural lease and lien, mortgage personal property, bill ot sale and lien on crop combined for sale at The Record office. i k ' EE L iu awjni?uuiayea trains sevea lours at Yorktowo, Pa, A di patch from Yorktown, Pa, X) the Philadelphia North American lays: Railroad traffic through the :own was delayed for seven hours yesterday by a huge omelet, which blocked the tracks. The omelet was caused by a lire. Several hundred thousand eggs had oeeu stored m a iefrigeratiug plant )n the main line. The building laught fire and early in the blaze the doors gave way, dropping all the ?ggs to the ground floor aud breaking all ot them. The intense beat caused them to 1 swell, and as the omelet grew it pushed its way upou the tracks. For a full hundred feet ou both sides d[ the burning structure this gigantic omelet filled the right of way. At first it might have been possible to push a locomotive through the mass, since the omelet was very light and frothy. But by the time the fire was extinguished the omelet had become sad and dropped into a heavy, solid mass, which was as tough as a rarebit. A wrecking crew was sent for, chains were attached to one end of the mas3 and a locomotive got into iction. The omelet was rolled up und shoved to the side of the tracks. Kills to Stop (he Flea*. The worst foe for 12 years of John Deye of Gladwin, Mich, was a run ?MAW) ^ IAW Arnr JlOg UOJCJ . I1C paiu uuv/Wio VIVA $400.00 without benefit. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve killed the ilcer and cured him. Cures FeverSores, Boils, Felons, Eczema, Salt Rheum. Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns. 25c at D C Scott's. A Dollar Bill vith your uame and address will 1 sring you both Jeffersonians for the lext six months. They are both live vires. You can't touch them without jettiDg a shock. The Jeffersonians, Thomson, Georgia. Our premium offer with the Sews and Courier expires June I, so if you want to take ad\an:age of it act at once. We have just got in a splenlid lot of all kinds of stationery, , ine bond papers,ruled headings, 100,000 envelopes, and Denni- j son's shipping- tags with brass ;yelets and wire strings, the jest made. See our samples beore ordering elsewhere. tf Weak >aua nor* troakla tku amy otkar otfta ft ba body. Tha fonotioa oftha kidaaya la ta aparata laorraale salt amd watar la tka pzaaaa of drcalatloa, ud to naora U?a u4 kalr attaodaatpolaoaw (ten tka body tkromph ka bladdar. Tbarafora vhaa tka kldaaya < iiocii dlaaaaad ud vatkUajiNBitnnliT imabla to parfom tkalr work proparly, ui talma lata*back, 1a(1awn*tloa of tkakfod*? ad mrlaarr dlaordara ara tka ranlt. It la naarattra that a proapt ral\af ba akordad, rhlck la lapoadbla aiTaaa yffa raaova tka IMNt DeWHt's Kidney tnd Bladder Pills rromptly allmlmta poiaona from tka ijkau 1 tad at tka aama tlaaa naka tba kldaays wall tad motfi For Waak Kldnaya. Baokaoha, lnlammaton of tka bladdar ana all irinarr troublas Da Witt's Kldnaw uad Bladdar PUla ara unaurpaaaad. A Week's Treatment for 25*. Manay baak If thay Call. For Sale by W L Wallace. Final Discharge. Take notice that on the 15th day of May, A D 1900, I will apply to 1' M , Uroekinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for a final discharge is executor of the estate of J H Tisdale, deceased. W A McCrea, 4-15~lt Executor. FOB SALE. 1 Briek in any quantity to suit purchas j ?r. The Best Dry Press Machine-made -x special shapes made to order. Corre- ; pondence solicited beiore placing your orders. W. R. FUNK. j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j I . V J W L Jf i I B I H| k H i UBjUHHHlUyHBbgf ] IPWOCURCD AND OCrENOEO. Send] drawing or photo. for expert search and true report. i advice, bow to obtain patents, trade mark*, . copyright*, etc., |N ALL COUNTRIES. . I Business direct ziith Washington so: es time, B 1 money and often the patent. I Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. B < Write or oome to u* et B lit Btstt Street. opp. UaltoA SUtea Patent OSte,B _ WASHINGTON, P. C. j 1 V V WW mu >av v?OV WMM ut**jf Aimtree People. Too many Kingstree citizens are handicapped with a bad back. The unceasing pain causes constant misery,making work a burden and stooping or lifting an impossibility. The back aches at night, preventing refreshing rest and in the morning is stiff and lame. Plasters aud liniments may give relief, but cannot reach the cause. To eliminate the pains and aches you must cure the kidney. 1 loan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cuie them permanently. The following statement should convince every Kingstree reader of their efticieucv. Silas Bounds, 15 W Pine St, Florence, S,C,says; ''Doaa's Kidney Pills gave me great lelief and I do not hesitate to recommend them. The kidnev secretions were highly colored, often deposited a dark sediment and were too frequent and painful in passage. My back ached nearly all the time and I had sharp, shooting twinges through my hips. I finally read about Doan's Kidney Pills anil began taking them according to directions. They lived up to representations, soon stopping the btckaches and pains and restoring my kidneys to their normal condition. 1 am more than pleased wiih the results I obtained from Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,sole agents for the United States. Remember the nan;e?Doan's? and take no other. A Dollar Bill With your name and address, will also bring you Trie Weekly Jeffersonian for the next twelve months. Larger, brighter and better, it contains each week nine columns of editorials by Mr Wat3Q?'?Nummary of Events as they Hap ' * Crated by cartoons, by To Public Opinion througnoiu ?nion; Under the Vine and j. tree, a Home Department, com ^ted by Grace Kirkland; a shorts .ryof enthralling interest; Poetry, Humor and Things Worth Knowing. The Implement Co., RICHMOND, VA. It is very important both for effective and economical work to procure The best of Hi IMPLEMENTS Our New Descriptive Catalog v just issued tells all tbout the best v Q time and labor-saving machinery. ^ It is one of the best and roost in- / teresting Implement Catalogs issued. .Mailed free on request. We are also headquarters for Farm Wagons, Buggies, Barb Wire, Fencing, V-Crimp and other Roofing, Gasoline Engines, Saw and Planing Mills. Write for prices and catalogs. The Implement Co., 1302 Main Stn Richmond, Va. Citation NoticeSTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. By P M Brockinton, Esq, Probate Judge. Whereas, J H Hannah, Jr. made suit to me to grant him letters of administration on the estate and effects of J H Hannah, Sr. These are therefor*' to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said J H Hannah, Sr, deceased,that they be and appear before me, in the court of probate, to be held at Kingstree, S C. on the 8th day of May next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my har d thie 24 th day of April, Anno Domini 1909. Published on the 29th day of April, 1909, in the County Record. P M Brockinton, 4-29-2t Probate Judge. Notice. To Tru>tees and Others Concerned in the Advancement of Our Educational Interests. On the first day of July the County Board of Education will appoint trustees of the several school districts to serve for the next two years. I have given this matter considerable thought iind have decided to give the people of each district an opportunity to nominate their trustees. 1 therefore designate Saturday, ilay 29. eleven o'clock a m, as the time for all patrons and qualified electors in the various school districts to meet at some suitable place in each district for the purpose of nominating trustees and discussing such other matters of educational interest as they see proper. I hereby request the present trustees af the several districts to name the place of meeting in their district, and to advertise said meetings by posting in public places not fewer than three aotices for the small districts and not fewer than five for the large districts, and that one of the trustees act as chairman of the meeting. If no trustee should be present a chairman may be elected. Nominations may be sent to me as soon as practicable after the meeting. J G McCullough, Supt of Education, Williamsburg Co. 4-22-4t J - J ?V? hand yon free advice. Old age comes in a canter to the man who makes the pace. Don't make the mistake of picking a quarrel before it is ripe. Among other pipe lines are those written in favor of smoking. An ex-husband is apt to think that alimony means all the money. By standing up for yourself others may be pi evented from sitting down on you. If some women haven't anyone to talk to they chew gum so their jaws get rusty. A woman who wants to make soap has no kick coming if her neighbors give her the lye. About the man who thinks he knows it all the worst thing is his inability to keep his month shut. The coat may not make the man, but it certainly helps some when the mtrcury is flirting with the zero mark. Perhaps nothing makes a girl so angry as i he thought that a young 1- l.i ..... man iniuitss sue wuuiu jiui icaiot uc? ing kissed. TSrT7/^V^ This is to certify thi. gists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure the cough 01 cold. It stops the cough, heals the luugs and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is la a yellow package. D C Scott. 3 A PROTECTION [ THAT PROTECTS, jj 1 < \C__ I ^ Three Policies in One: 1$ ?! Fire, Wind and Lightning- % H * 51 K vj From the visitation of these un- ^ ^ certain elements we protect your ) ?! stock by paying you, in case ef ^ ?| death or a broken limb, caused by $ l| any one or all three of the above |? J disasters. ? J Wouldn't you have felt easier ? j early Thursday morning, during ? (J that awful storm. If you had ? ?! held a polioy In our Company? n H Write to as d'*vct for application |? blanks or any f 'nation you may ^ y desire. Deal dire '^1 tsave Lagent's ^ f( commissions. * * P j Our rate is t' on th basis of ? (j $1.25 for an I. of $i00, ? ?! for a period of .weiW months. r 5| This gives 0 u protAtion by the only bondedS* >? Stock Co in ? the State. |? k ? ; K k FARMERS Ll/^STOCK L J LIFE INSURANCO CO. ? vj Rock Hill, S. C. p y./Vs ry . /WN Registration Notice. The office ot the Supervisor of Reg istration will be opened on the 1st day of July and will remain open continnously every day, except Sundays, through the months of July and August for the purpose of the re-registering of any person who is qualifiedas follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers' vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitun' 1B05 cnhmit.ti>ri tn himhvthp Supervisors "of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. Y. McGILL, Clerk of Board The Largest and Most Complete Establishment South. GEO. S. HACKER & SON -mancfactl'a :rs of? Sash, Doors, Blinds Moulding and Building Material, Sash Weights and Cords CHARLESTON, S. C. Better ? Dysp If you can help it Ko< effectually helping Natu But don't trifle with Indij A great many people who have trifled with Indigestion, have beei aorry for It?when nervous 01 chronic dyspepsia resulted, anc they have not been able to cure It Use Kodol and prevent havinj Dyspepsia. Everyone Is subject to lndlges tlon. Stomach derangement follow: stomach abuse, just as naturallj and just as surely as a sound anc healthy stomach results upon the taking of Kodol. When you experience sourness of stomach, belching of gas anc nauseating fluid, bloated sensation gnawing pain In the pit of the stomach, heart burn (so-called), diarrhoea, headaches, dullness o chronic tired feeling?you need Ko . doL And then the quicker you tak< Kodol?the better. Eat what yoi want, let Kodol digest it. Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tab lets," physics, etc., are not likel: to be of much benefit to you, ii digestive ailments. Pepsin is onl: D. C. SC< i i cn J Lit tD i Lake C EXCLUSIVELY A nice bunch of always on hand. E trade your stock i show. Yours foi iJ? JL ST Ty n wSS"> epsia 1 iol prevents Dyspepsia, by re to Relieve Indigestion* gestion. ) a partial digester?and physics are i not digesters at all. . r Kodol Is a perfect digester. II ' * I you could see Kodol digesting every . particle of food, of all kinds, in tha ; glass test-tubes in oar laboratories, j you would know this Just as well . as we do. , Nature and Kodol will always j r cure a sick stomach?but in order I to be cured, the stomach must rest. 3 That Is what Kodol does?rests the stomach, while the stomach gets , well. Just as simple as A, B, C. L Our Guarantee > Go to your druggist today and get a dot* lar bottle. Then alter you have usod the entire contests of tbe Dottle If yon can r bonestly say, that it baa not done yon any ^ good, return tbe bottle to tbe druggist and 1 " be will refund your money without anew J 5 tion or delay. We will tben pay the drug- \ gist for tbe bottle. Don't hesitate, all J druggists know that our guarantee is good. This offer applies to tbe large bottle only and to but one in a family. The large bottle contains times as much aa the fifty 7 cent bottle. i Kodol is prepared at the laborer . \f f toriesof E.C.DeWItt&Co.,Chlca?ow * * DTT, M. D. rUCKEY, 4 4ty, S, G | r LIVE.STOCK. HORSES and MULES lon't buy or sell or ' '*.?* without giving me a ' i) * < v* * business, UCKEY. Spectacles HyeHasse^ *" A srECiALn $ * : T77" setts. ? rfore purchasing. J ' & PAGE, for Municipal'Work Concrete Sidewalks. RENOES Jharleston, S. C.; Thomasvi'.le, Ga.; son, S. C.; Kingstree, S. C. -th St., Charleston, S. C. i-a Series of 12 Free to You ie flower language? Can you read the e a lover of souvenir post cards this tlful flower cards; you may have them will send ine only 10 cents for a four ithern Agriculturist. These post cards d represents a beautiful scenic view language worked out most beautifully ns. To Illustrate, in this series the 4 ? earn of thee," the lilies "peace," the Yfl violets "faithfulness," eta You won't are really different from the ordinary ittractlve in appearance. These cards d are reproduced on excellent coated lly soiled. and I'll lose no time In sending- them er this also; every one that answers Don't forget to ask about It. My 3elay. D. R. OSBORNE, Nashville, Team.