."jv? ' \ 4 ' / *t t I . , I**. i.* f WASTEFUL LUXURY | AT NATIONAL CAPITOL jfe ;80W THE PEOPLE'S MOSEY IS SQUAN P DERED IN. MARBLE PALACES AND ORIENTAL SPLENDOR. The U S Senate is not considerably larger than it was in the days of Charles Sumner, L Q C Lamar, Roacoe Conkling and Jas G Blaine. One would suppose that Senatorial luxuries which satisfied Matt r^Carpenter, Dan voorhees, William A Clark and Leland P Stanford might content the souls of Joe Bailey, Bill Stoue, John Daniel, Nelson Aldrich and Steve Clay. But no! Times have changed. The marble palace which seemed . good iu the eyes of Senators, twenty k years ago. is now too cramped, too incommodious for the stately creatures who fill the seats of the mighty. They needed more room, better accomodations, surroundings commensurate with their lofty ideals of their own superlative importance. So they looked leisurely about on/1 colfWpH a ri?*flrhv lot. and VUVUi U Jv* ovivvwv? ?. ?.... ^ / , upon thi6 convenient spot began to build another palatial edifice, to be devoted entirely to Senatorial comfort, dtgaity, pomposity and selfindulgence. Our sympathies go out with a tumultuous rush, toward the man who would rather repose on the hearth* rug, or door-mat, than to sleep in the same bed with another man; but B we had not supposed that even a BUS Senator or Supreme Court B judge, would demand a bath room B which no other mortal but himself B should use. However, we find that B we have much to learn. Our sen B ate is composed of less than a bunW dred demi-gods, yet these semi-celestial creatures hare spent four million dollars of our money, in building for themselves a new home, in which each Senatorial demigou ^ ^ is to have a suite of maguificent apartments, a bath-room all to himself, a dining room which is finer than that of any king, barber shops that are a dream, and a restaurant tJU that will make Delmonico's resemble W by contrast a discarded sawmill. ? ? mi __ I R Four million aouars: laam a r pile of money isn't it? And it I came out of your pockets. No oth er legislative body on this planet has ever treated itselt to such an outlay for personal comfort. The work of the Senate did not require such a building. The expense of constructing; this marble palace and maintaining it, adds nothing whatsoever to the good of the public service. In fact, a Senator environed by luxuries is not apt to be a worker. Living like a lord, with his exclusive bath-room, and his exclusive this, that and the other, he will naturally and inevitably become aristocratic in his views, as well aa m his habits, and his votes in the Senate will reflect the subtle charge. Democratic principles have everything to fear from Senators who wrap themselves in Oriental seclusion and luxury. But they are not to blame. The fault is yours. Sovereign power to ' nAitntrv was nut into VOUT ^ (UIV wv - i -- ? T-- Rands, and yon have not used it to good purposes. | You have neglected your duty. You have not kept watch over your representatives. You have not called on them to account for extravagance, or other wrong doing. Hence they do what they please,? j> The Jeffersonian. Tom's Well Wisher. . In a Philadelphia club a member was met not long ago by the an: * nouncement from a fellow member that a friend of both had fallen ill. "1 understand fron* the physician,''said the first member, "that ^ VTom has brain fever. He'll recover, Ijfljut it's thought his mind will be a J "I hope the diagnosis is incor j rect," came in fervent tones from the R second member, "inasmuch as Tom 1| owes me a hundred dollars."?May E LippincotVs. i DeWitt*8 Little Early Risers, the best knowu pills and the best pills made, are easy to takeand act gently and are certain. We sell and recommend them. D C Scott, M D. 3 V. C. T. U. DEPAITHENT. ? (Contributed.) Mrs Mary Harris Armour, tbe best platform speaker since the days of Frances Willard, will address the Kiui;stree District conference on , Friday morning, April 30, at 11 o'clock in Lake City Methodist j church. On Saturday, May L, Mrs Ar? J1 mour will lecture at the May Day! picnic in Scranton, at 12 o'clock. j Dinner will be served immediately) after the lecture. Everybody is in- ' vited to come and bring well filled baskets. The local unions, Johnsonville, i Prospect, High Hili, Camp Branch, Ellin and Lake City are lequested to ] take part in this Temperance Rally. , The following Unions have contributed to the May Day Picuic expense fund: High Hill $ 1 00 ' Camp Branch 1 55 Johnsonville 7 50 ] Scran ton 5 00 ' Mrs Armour will speak twice in Williamsburg county on Sunday, j May 2. Announcement will be made | later. i Cone aod Hear Her. 1 Mrs Mary Harris Armour of Geor- , n.otn. nrimnnl I tUC UUUVUCI &J VI HbVly vn Friday, July 2, in the court house it Kingstree, at which time the mion hopes tc e able o decide and ict ou the bagg % ma* .?r. Her Dec; job ao His. An earnest stage .^nrant dramatcally announced to the manager that inless she could obtain an engagenent she would kill himself. To [uiet the lady the manager agreed to tear her recite. He listeued for a few minutes, rhen he unlocked a drawer in his [esk and handed her a revolver.? May Lippincctt's. The Record, the Semi Weeky News and Courier and a pair >f patent stiears tnat retail at >ne dollar?a three dollar value or $1.85, while the offer lasts. LOUIS C 232 rhe Largest Whol We Cut Fine Pie Your Nearesl TI Ladies' Costumes. White and colored Lingerie Prin:e3s dresses, elaborately trimmed in la.uu \ Ladies'skirts in finest quality Alt- \ man's Voile, black only, worth from , $15.00 to $20.00. 1 Sale each $10; DRESS GOODS We carry the greatest stocks i stock is overflowing with the best counter, in all the staple and fai here from the markets of the worl< We flake a Specialty of B! DIES HOME J0UMA 1 fw,: wi | )tflce over Singletarjr Building. Phone 46. M. A WOOD8. DENTIST. LAKE CITY, - - S.C CLAYTON & COOKE, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. LAKE CITY, ... SC. Office in Singletarr Building. Special Attention to Collections 2-25-00 W. Leland Taylor, DENTIST. Office over Dr W V Brockingtou's Store, KINGSTREE, - - S. C. i-21-tf. R. E. & E. N. BEATY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS leorgetown, - - - 5. C. Civil EooiieeiiBg Land Sorveytif i Railroad Snrveys aid Construction tompt alteatloo od not of Iota Wort 3-19-tf M. D. Nesmith DENTIST. LAKE CITY. - . - S. C. W, L. BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY. 8. C. Dr R J McCabe Dentist. LDJ&ST5EE, - S. C. J. D. MOUZON'S BARBER SHOP ?in the? Kellihai Hetel 3 equipped with up-to-date apiliances. Polite Service. Competent Workmen. 5?8-08. 1 KILL the COUGH w CURE thc LUNC8 w Dr. King's New Discovery FORCES" JSEL amd all throat amd lchqtkhjlt?*. guaranteed satiaraotori or monet refunded. Then are meet HoCaM eoM kMN Iku ( any MBif Hkl ?I patten*^ Thfc U ? ccoaat ( Ihdr acyk, fimf a?d linpHi ia?. sirrss' am Frc?t Sul>?cnlx> today. 9 . Li^rAifiuWutW. Hindww f""1""" 1 iVr.%1 cath torominion. Pattern Cataknm( ! to* D* i nel and Premium Cit?lo?u? (ihowinf e? pi tmtmm Kit (n?, Ad drew TUB McCAlX 00? Mot Y?fc ?Q SATI8FJ CHARLESTON, S ML ORDER HOt 5 in any Length at Wh Stores Right Next D< AN QRPE New Waists. White Lawn waists trimmed with jaces and Embroideries, the best aloes in the South > 89c to $10 each 1 Ladies' Lace waists in White and 1 Scru, all new models * $1.98 to $20 each 1 AND SILKS. ' n the South. Right now our ? values ever shown over any icy novelty effects. Gathered i. j ack Goods for Mourning L PATTERNS, 10 ^ . m t ' " rrr .? ' -1' ' . r .* - V. v> :j - ?W, ' j. FOLEY'S noNEr-TM The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. For coofh*. cold*, throat and taf trouble*. Mo opiates. Noa-aicoholic* fflTMM-rbodY. Sold aMrvohMa The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY end TAR la in a'Yellow package. Refuse substitute* Prepared only by Foley A Company* Cnieage* W. Li Wallace. 3E of IF. Kingstree Lodge ' Knights of Pgtfyias Regular Con vent too* Eve ted and 4th WedMJdajr alfhta Visiting brethren always welcome, Das tie Hall 3rd story Goordin Building. M. H. Jacobs, C. 0. rHOS. McCutchen, KR8^ ^[ F "jr ?j??????r . (7 JV/': fJnsurance > 4 ; . Fire Iftsurance, 9 * ?* . 4 % Tornado. Insurance', j Plate Glasslnsurance ? Life Insurants, Health Insurance^. 'j :v.? r Accident Insurance! -f., Burglary Insurance. We represent only 1 Companies of nnqnes- , tioned reliability and a policy is as good as a gold bond. We'll j Bond You,. As Cashier, Treasurer or any position of trust in any of the largest companies in America. * The Williamsburg 1 Insurance & Bonding Agency. 1 , office at bane of williamsburg. ! Kingstree, - S. C. ' Final DischargeTake notice, that on the 22nd day of Kay, AD 1909, I will apply to PM Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Wiliamsburg county, for a final discharge is administrator of the estate of Mrs M f Smith, deceased. T K Smith. 4-22- it Administrator. Trespass Notice. All Dersons are hereby warned not to trespass upon the lands of the estate of W J Singletary under the penalty of the law. S L Courtney, Administrator of the estate of W J Singletary. 4-15-4t vj _ 1CTI0N OE YOUR [OREY BACK. i.C. ISE in the 5outh. tolesale Prices, oor to You. IR. Ladies' Suits. Trim, Smart and theflost Wanted Fabrics Ladies' Suits in black and navy )lue Panama tastily tailored. Else* inhere you would have to pay $17.50 'or them. Our price Per Suit $13.50 Ladies' Suits in fine all-wool Pan ima in plain and shadow stripe >ffects, black and all the new colors, Suits worth $25.00, our price Per Suit $20 Ladies' Suits in all the leading Pastel shades, all chic models $27.50 to $60 Per Suit and 15 cents ?ach