?he (f ountn Afford. KINGSTREE. S. C C. W. WOLFE. / COITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Entered at the postoflice at Kingstree. S C, as second class mail matter. TERMS UAlLd: One copy, one year $1 25 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three monts 50 One copy, one year in advance ? 1 00 Obituaries, Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks and all other reading notices, not News, will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for each insertion. THURSDAY, APRIL 22,1909. "A Blowing Straw" Gather the following item from i l _ T-i i? r>? i ??? tne rungaivee xveuviu, *?c aic hvi criticising Mr Graham, he is ouly following the first law of nature, but when there is a new county anda smaller county there will be some work done on the roads up this way The bridge money comes out of the county general fund and not the road fund now, and when there are bridges built in the south end, we north end folks have the major part of the bill to foot. The good road issue alone is suffi- 1 ient to rally around and solidify the north end lor a division ci tne great county of William-burg. The Record item is as follows "Road Engineer Graham says that the road from htre to Padding Swamp will be put in apple pie order in time for the tobocco qpou. Kings- ( tree wants that Pudding Swamp tobocco '*?Rut ltdge Co. Xem. ' Before undertaking to criticise or appeal to prejudice our "Rut- 1 ledge countv" contemporary should get at the facts. The work promised by Road Engineer Graham 1 on the road from Pudding Swamp to Kiugotree is by no means a 1 new undertaking. If we remember * aright, the causeway over Pudding 1 Swamp, on this road, was built ' by the then supervisor (Mr Sin- 1 oWirm npsrlv i vA?r .lao. in rv- J J, J ? J 3-7 ? Bponie to the? presentment of the ( grand jury Mr Graham's promise, ' as we understand it. is merely to complete the good work left un- i finished at the close of Mr Sir.- i gletaiy'3 administration. In so do- . ing we do not exactly see how ( Mr Graham is "following the first j daw of nature," which we presume $ our friend means is "self-preserv* , ation " ( Without having Mr Graham's , word for it, we venture tae opin- j ion that aince his election to the . office cf road engineer more work < has been done and more money i spent iu the proposed "Rutledge" j area than all the rest of the , county combined. ( "The bridge money comes from , the ccunty general fund * * * and when bridges are built in the south 1 mh! w? noilh end folks have the ma- i jar part of the bill tc foot.'* Will the editor of JVf.w explain why and. how ';we noith-end folks ' pav more for bridges :u the count? than south-end or westend oi east-end folks? Rather Interesting. Messrs Eamby and Oliver who has leen working on the survey of Rutledge county 3ince March 17, finished their field work last Thursday. The area has been calculated and Rutledge coines within the requiree a. iiienc or tiie oousniutiwu ^l?uie where it belongs. The general rejoicing over the L" S supreme court decision in :hc* dispensary case is marred by i note of discord. The fly in the >iutment?to vary the metaphor? ,'s the possibility which has been suggested that the liquor houses will move for a re-hearing of the >aae. Should this motion be granted the whole matter will r.ave to be gone over again ind the hands of the "winding-up" commmission will be tied hard and fast for an mdefluite period. Verily, the ways of the law are devious and equally verily, with a pleuty of money to grease them, the wheels of justice may keep turning indefinitely while the "malefactors of great wealth'' look on aud laugh with complacent glee. Senator Tillman called at the White House Tuesday to pay his respects to President Taft. It is the first time in seven yeara that the senior Senator from South Carolina has darkened the portals of the Chief Executive's office and his visit occasioned a bit of surprise among those who knew of the strained relations existing between Senator Tillman and President Taft's predecessor. Tillman's reply to the newspaper Aimefinnc U'IW oTlfir UUi rcspuuucuio i|ui.suvu? .. ? acteristic: "I waited until a gentleman got there," said the knight of the pitchfork, as he entered the presidential dwelling. We often wonder how any person can be persuaded into taking anything but Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble. Do not be fooled into accepting "own make" or other substitute. The genuine contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. VV L Wallace. Tobacco Flues 5c per lb at Kingstree Hardware Co. 's. 4-23-3t V r-TT:v'I> x ~ - it ? . , * STATE AND GENERAL NEWS. * ^7r7r^7rrr7r7r7r7r7^^rr Major J C Hemphill, editor of the Charleston News & Courier, has ii 1.^1 ^ ?i j oeeu aeieutea as jeuiurer un juumoiI ism at Yale University next year. Dr Kosa Monish, au Atlanta wo! man physician, committed suicide by 'prison Monday, having been convicted of using the mails for immoral purposes and sentenced to a term of two years in the Federal prison/ John A Ziegler, a business mau of Summerville, was taken sick Monday afternoon at the Cbaileston baseball park during the CharlestonColumbia game and died 15 minntes after the conclusion of the game. At Ada, Oklahoma, four prisoners charged with killing United j State3 Deputy Marshal, A L Bob bitt, were dragged from the jail by a mob of 200 citizens and hanged. The men who were hanged were wealthy land-owners, viz: J P Miller, Fort Worth, Texas; B B Burrell, Duncan, Okla; Jesse West and Joseph Allen, Canadian Texas. The cause of the lynching is said to have been the law's delay. Thomas C Aughtry died in the penitentiary Saturday. Anghtry had served 12 years on a life sentence when death reprieved him. The trial of Aughtry, who was a Columbia man, was~&, cause cemrct tbe evidence aga* ^eing entirely circumsta, Mayor Gilbert- ; riorence was re-elected last weet by a majority of 58 over three opponents. W G Bazelle, a white man, shot and killed bis brother Melton Bazelle, at Horrell Hill, near Columbia Saturday night. Bazelle claims that he shot in defence of his wife's honor. Turkey is in a state of turmoil bordering on political revolution. The abdication of Sultan Abdul Hamid is said to be probable Meantime in the rioting Christians are being slain by thousands. Children especially like Kennedy's Laxative Coogh Syrup, as it tastes ao iorvla onnrar / Tf. ileal IJ ??D g\J\7\jL aO UiO^/tV DU^MA . J XV not ouly heals irritation and allays inflammation, thereby stoppiug the cough, but it also moves the bowels gently and in that way drives the cold from the system. It contains no opiates. Sold by D C Scott, M D. A Trying Position. Mrs. Oldwoman was seriously ill and found herself in a trying position. This is how she described her trouble to a friend: "You see, my daughter, Harriet, married one of those homypath doctors and my daughter Kate an allypath. If I call the homypath my allypath son-in-law and his wife will get mad, an' if I call my allypath son-in-law then my homypath sonin-law and his wife will get mad, an' if I go ahead and get well without either of 'em then they'll both get mad. So I don't see but I've got to die outright."?London Answers. Man's Contrariness. One of the most curious traits of that most curious creature, man, is the fact that the very things he most admires in a sweetheart he condemns or ignores in a wife. Before they were married when she coquettishly stuck a flower in her pretty curls he went into rhapsodies of romantic fervor. After the honeymoon when she tries the same little Cupid's trick he most likely does not even see that she has adorned herself with a floral wreath to win a compliment or a kiss.? Annesley Kenealy in Woman's Life. The Largest and Most Complete Establishment South. ecn $ mm ? m QLU. U. iiHuni.il u vun -MANCFACTUB IRS OF? Sash, Doors, Blinds Moulding and Building Material, Sash Weights and Cords CHARLESTON, 8. C. WHEW HER BACK ACHES A Wonai Fiiis All Her Eiergy ail Anbitioi Slippiig Away. Kingstree women know how the aches and pains that come when the kidneys fail make life a harden. Backacke, hip pains, headaches, dizzy spells, distressing urinary troubles, all tell of sick kidneys and warn you of the stealthy approach of dropsy, fliahotoa And Rriohfc's disease. Doan's Kidnev Pills permanently cure all these disorders. Here's proof of it is a Kmgstree woman's words: Mrs E E King, W Main St, Kingstree, S C, says: "I found Doan's Kidney Pills a valuable remedy. 1 was afflicted for some time with dull, nagging backaches, often accompanied by paius in my loins and kidneys. I did not rest well and mornings upon arising, I felt tired and languid and had no ambition to honrin the rluv'a wnrlf. The kidneV "%b'" ' w ; j secretions were so irregular in passage that I concluded that my kidneys must be out of order and hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured a box at Scott's drug store. I used tbem as directedand they helped me in every way. I am now free fram the pains in r*~^?ck ?'d my kidneys are norma' For sale by all ^0 cents. Foster-Mil , New York,sole agents toi uiv ;d States. Remember the name ? Doan's? and take no other. Tributes of respect,obituaries cards of thanks and all communications of a personal nature, not news, are charged for at the rate of one cent a word. If our friends would kindly remember this and write on one side of the paper, it would save us a lot of unnecessary work. The Implement Co., RICHMOND, VA. It is very important both for effective and economical work to procure The best of Our New Descriptive Catalog I y just issued tells all about the best V 6 time and labor-saviup machinery. 0 A It is one of tne best and most in- A terestinjr Implement Cafalojrs issued. Mailed free on request. We are also headquarters for Farm Wagons, Buggies, Barb Wire, Fencing, V-Crimp and other Roofing. Gasoline Engines, S^.vr and D!aning Mills. Writ tor pr ana cuiatuij*. | Th ement Co., 1302 tain St. - Richmond, Va. | SPECIAL NOTICES Transient Notices will be Pubiished in This Column at the Rate of One Cenc a Word for Each Issue. No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents. For Rent?Two 6-room houses on East Main street and one 9-room house on Brook street. Apply to J DGilland or 4-15-tf S L Courtney. For Sale?Two story brick store, plate glass front,on Main street,Kingstree, S C, next to court house. Building 30 feet front by 80 feet deep; building lot 30 feet front by 105 deep. Nine rooms on upper story Good entrance. Also one lot adjoining building lot 52%, feet in court hour.e yard by 52% on Jail street 105 feet deep. Two Pool Tables and outfit and soft drink outfit for sale cheap, Store on ground floor. For terms apply to R J McCabe, or 1-14-tf Philip Stoll, Kingstree, S C. Notice. To Trustees and Others Concerned in the Advancement of Our Educational Interests. On the first day of July the County Board of Education will appoint trustrees of the several school districts to serve for the next two years. I have given this matter considerable thought and have decided to give the people of each district an opportunity to nominate their trustees. I therefore designate Saturday, May 29, eleven o'clock a m, as the time for all patrons and tjualified electors in the various school districts to meet at some suitable place in each district lor the purpose of nominating .trustees and discussing such other matters of educational interest as they see proper. I hereby request the present trustees of the several districts to name the place of meeting in their district, and to advertise said meetings by posting in public places not fewer than three * * ^11 nn/1 r?nf notices i<>r ine smau