J Milliner (Everybody i I ?w^Tyvwvvvvvvvyvywvv' SUNSHINE AND SHADOW AT SGRANTON. HYMENEAL?THE GRIM REAPER?QUAITTEtiT CONFERENCE MEETS-OTHER HATTERS OF INTEREST. Scranton, April 20:?Mr Byrd Matthews and Miss Mary Collins were happily married Sunday. Con- j 0 gratulatians and t>est wishes. Mis3 Helen HaddoD, of the graded school faculty, spent Sunday with her friend,Mrs Newman of Florence. Mias Maude Parker is visitiDg relatives at Florence. Mr M H Mobley of Columbia was the guest of Mr J M Parker one day last week. Mr A G Kollock, of the capital city, spent several days in town recently on business. Miss Estelle Coward of Hartsville and Miss Ola Coward of Lake City spent Sunday with their parents, Mr and Mrs J M Coward. The writer attended the closing exercises of the poblic school at Oak Grove, in Florence county, Friday night A long and varied programme of rec:tations,dialogues and tableaui was presented aud carried out in perfect order by the school. This school, taught by Miss Randolph of LeeaOurg, Fla, has had a most suc' ceasful session. ( The second quarterly conference foe Serai ton charge, M E ehurch, South, was held with ??t John's * church on Saturday and Sunday. In 1 "the absence of the presiding elder, ilev J E Carlisle, who was prevented ' from being present on account of ' sickness, Rev W H Murphy, pastor in charge, officiated. Rev W L Wait, 1 paator of tte Methodist church at ] Lake City, preached a very strong 1 sermon on missions, after which a < splendid dinner wua served in picnic atyle. - j The business session was held in i the afternoon with Rev Mr Murphy i in the chair. Mr W Eugene Cooke i was elected secretary. The pastor submitted wrkteu reports on the various interests of the charge,which were very satisfactory, although they - - - ? ?i .r UiU not indicate tnat extent ui prvij- i resa that aught have been made. On Sunday Mrs W L Wait, president of the Home Missionary society, delivered an interesting leGture oa mission work. The next quarterly conference will be held with St Paul's church, at Coward '3. Mr Robert L Kennedy died Saturday afternoon after a long and wasting illness of tuberculosis. He was just 32 years old and prior to his fa tal illness was a young man of fine physique and robust health. He bore his suffering with marvelous patience and fortitude, and expressed his readiness to "meet his Pilot face to face when he had crossed the bar." The funeral serviee was heid at the Methodist church Sunday afternoun and was conducted by Rev W H Murphy, the pastor. The remains were interred in the adjoining cemetery beside his wife, who preceded j him to the grave several years ago. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: Messrs C P Johnson, J i M Parker, P M Lee, W E Cooke, > Dr C' H Pate and O B Carter. Mr Kennedy was a popular young ' man and had many friends. He is ' survived by his parents, three bro- ! there and a little son, Eugene, aged , four years. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the cornm unity in their sad affliction. W E C. I W>MMWAMWMAMAMA y, Dress ( r M?@d? WE ARE ALSO , WrYiVVVVVV^^ Dots from Dellwoed. Dellwood, April 16:?Well, M Editor, as your columns seem to b lacking any news items from tbi vicinity, I will try to encourage oth ers by writing a short letter. Everything is very quiet aroun< here and everybody as busy as possi ble. Farmers are making fine prog ress in planting. Most of them ar through with corn, and several hav begun to plant cotton. I think M Calvin Brown deserves the credit fo having the best field of corn in thii section, so far. Those refreshin| sbowers that we are having seem U be greatly beneficial, especially t< tobacco planters. The acreage ol this crop, by the way,has been great ly increased in this locality over lasl year. The chaingang has pitched iti tent near Dell wood and begun work on the Indiantown road,commencing at James swamp. We are pleased tc have the "gang" with us, as the hope of bettering the conditiou of our roads is encouraged by this movement. The home of Mr and Mrs H F Suowden was blessed with the coming of a little daughter on last Friday afternoon. Mr C B Cox has lately attached a planing mill to his machinery. This enterprise, we trust, will prove successful. \Tiafl Dai^e C!r?t ir snendine' a few ? ? J ~? ? -r o weeks oq a visit to friends and relatives at Cades. Mr J T Huggins of Healon paid a visit to his daughter, Mrs J W Baxley, one day last week. We are glad to note that our little Sunday-school at Midway school house, though organized but a few weeks ago, bids fair to attain an encouraging growth. Mr Editor,as there is so little news around here, I'll lay aside my pen, take up my fishing rod and go down to the creek to see what the fish are doing. , Juvenile. SCHOOLS RECEIVE AID. Sii Have Already Complied with Terns of the Harris Act. Superintendent of Education McCullough tells us that six schools in this county have taken advantage of the Ganis act and received $100 each to lengthen their terms to five mouths. Other schools are preparing to comply with the requirements of this act in order to obtain this aid. The terms of the act allow every school that does not run 100 clays $2 00 to every $1.00 that the patrons put up to lengthen the term to five scholastic mouths. Following are the schools that have already complied and received aid from the State: Scranton, High Hill, Turkey Creek, Prospect, Cedar Swamp and Indiantown. People past middle life usually have some kidney or bladder disorder that saps the vitality, which is naturally lower in old age. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects urinary troubles, stimulates the kidneys and restores strength and vigor. It cures uric acid troubles by strengthening the kidneys so they will strain out th* nrip Mfid that settles in the mus cles and joints, causing rheumatism. W L Wallace. Tributes of respect,obituaries cards of thanks and all communications of a personal nature, not flews, are charged for at the rate of one cent a word. If our friends would kindly remember this and write on one side of the paper, it would save us a lot of unnecessary work. " 1 MAWMMWAAAAWAWAW joods,Clo , (Set tlheM im iGENTS FOR TAILO m m a . 1VI fi FUUD ORDER ISSUES. * Charleston Negro Accused ot Running s Crooked Produce Business. _ | Washington, April 19:?The postoffice department to-day issued a j fiaud order against the Central .' Produce Company and the Fullwood J Produce Company of Charleston, e J conducted by W M Fullwood and J gIB Sanders. For some time these r concerns have been in operation at r 484 King street, and it is alleged , that numerous victims have been in3 duced to forward to them their counj try produce and never received any ) returns. . Fullwood is a nef^-^^-^ccording c r - ? , to the reports th:**. ' ?d with t the poatotiice ami. j is aa bhrewd aa operator a usually comes into the toils of the *. He knew the value of advertising and did a considerable amount of this in South ' Carolina, as well as Georgia, North Carolina and other nearby States. ! His plan was to advertise liberally as a commission merchant under the name of the Central Produce Company; he then opened accounts at the Dime Savings Bank, the State Sav* logs Bank, the Carolina Savings Bank and otner Cbarlestou concerns, all of which he gave considerable trouble before they got rid of him. He was arrested December 3, 1908. and although he promised the gov-' ernment agents that he would not operate his business again, he has s teen doing so; hence, upon the rec- * ommendation of Special Agent \ Smith, the postoffice department dea a nrHor All U1UCU bU IOOUC a nauu v?v?v* persons will be warned against him and all mail for these concerns will be held np. Paper Fran Cotton Stalks. Cordele, Ge, April 19:?Dirt will ? be broken here Monday morning on p the first cotton stalk paper mill ever & erected. The Southern Cotton Pulp j and Paper company has been chartered with a capital stock of $175,000 j and the material is on the ground for the erection of the buildings. The capacity of the plant will be 25 c tons per day. About 40 tons of ( cotton stalks will be consumed in making a day's output. Newsprint ' paper will be the principal product, t 4 Q Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe- t guard against serious results from r spring colds, which inflame the lungs and develop into pneumonia, j Avoid counterfeits by insisting upon having the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar, which contains no harmful drugs. W L Wallace. Final Discharge. I Take notice that on the 15th day of ' May, A D 1909. I will apply to 1* M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Wili li.raoKniw Knnnfv fnr n final riiVliarcp liouuvut^ WUUVJ f Wft ? 0 as executor of the estate of J H Tisdale, deceased. W A McCrea, 4-15-41 Executor. 11 I'l^TSSjSSi Real Estate Broker, I ? KINGSTREE. S. C. \ f For Sale -The resid- \ a ence of the late W W \ Grayson, Esq, on North \ Academy street. A hand- \ some bargain at a very \ low price. Call on me for \ price and terms. \ If you need a bond of i any kind let me secure i you with the American \ Security Company of \ New York. | Old papers for sale cheap by the hundred at The Record office. WMAfAAMMAWMMAAAAAW thing, Slip til? best qmli n -ma- 1 /NTrTTkmn A V K MAD*; Sill UTS AJJ k RC U rtvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvv^ (HEADACHE T?l? NEURALGIA ^ ' _ -Or. MUm'AjOof _ the Little Teblete !S?U.S Pein.ie "tu^c?< ' irtn----i N:T. Goag ?? MD1WPAMOT RHEUMATISM mmi SCIATICA . 25 uoaes; 25 cents t Your Dnjjjtw acflt Or. Mile*' Aao-PaM.POs tod hi is Authorised to return dM price er , ractice for balance of year 1909 at heir next regular meeting on May I th 1909. reserving the right to re- _ ect any and all bids. J N Ham met. Chairman. Lpril 12. 1909 4-15-2t. Notice It ate of South Carolina, 1 irnintv of Williamsburg. t Notice is hereby given that the conract to build a Wooden Draw Kridge iver Mingo Creek will be awarded to he lowest bidder by me at Mingo Jridge on Friday, April Both at 11 'clockam, 1909. Specifications will te furnished that day, reserving the ight to reject any and all bids. J J Graham, Road Engineer. Cingstree, S C, April 12, 1909. 4-15-3t. \\ U8VL1I HKXTIKM 1st *nd 3rd Mondnj "P and sit r>" a stump or hang about on the Thos. McCutchen, ? 127 12m. Con. Com. n A *! Final Discharge- j; Notice is hereby given that on the /j irstday of May, 1009. I will apply to P M ^ irockinton. Judge of Probate for Wil- jf iamsburg County, for a final disrharge . is the Administratrix of the Estate of ri i Van Keuren, deceased Maggik E Van Keuken, q 4-l-4t. Administratrix. Electricl Bitters | Succeed when everything else fails. > In nervous prostration and female C weaknesses they are the supreme r remedy, as thousands have testified. ri FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND A STOMACH TROUBLE ? it is the best medicine ever sold al over a druggist's counter. >pers and Notions'!! \tj masomaMe priG??0 *\m D W. & CORSETS. :p J rs. H YtWVTVtWVtyTWtVtVtVtVtYtVT'T>VfVtYTVtVTVA>A*,VWi? | ; < P*n U Cures ffij i JT m Rheumatism f| / ; Read what Nicholas Lang, the largest retail I grocer la Savannah sags about P. P. P. 1 r. V. LIPPMAN, Savannah. Ga., tj Dmt Sir;? 1 Tot many jretn I consumed much aiddM, and is fact tried trory OS sear ia I my power to ge* cured of that terrible disease, rheumatism, which had undermined j my health. I viiitad Mot Springj, Ark., without gaining relief, aad at laat ia shear j deiperation I took P. P. P. (Uppman's gresd remedy), and was la a short thee On* thely cured. In the eight years since that tbne I hare not had a symptom of sftaa* ' I mathm. ^ P. P. P. did the work to my satks satisfaction aad made a fddt tad ystatr J neat cum. J Yuan 1 MtehoUa Lttg. ;;;' H | YOUNQ HAN! | ;| j ? You are doubly welcome when you S ? carry a bo*x of ? . > | g HUYLER'S CANDY. 5 ' ? r 2 li g? We always carry a full line of?Jim ^ ^ ttS?.1 im/1 ^noL'ol'o S w l uniitun?, Junius aiiu I? ^ SERVICES RENDERED DAT OR NIGHT ^8 * |H w ? ? WHEN IN TOWN MAKE THIS STORE YOUR W HEADQUARTERS. * ?l I L. J. STACKLEY, | V k "The Furniture Man" j? | K1NGSTREE, S. C. ? . s * ~~ * 1 ?? ? ? ? MOM j SPRING JEWELRY ! j AND NOVELTIES. | I Everyone bays new clothes in the Spring, and a piece of Jewelry \ I ?a Wateb, a Ml, a Rflff or a Diaatld? giyes the finishing touch 4 ' I to smart apparel. f ' / j "WEIDIDXILTGr ^FZECESEXTTS * 1 i Spring and Snmmer call for presents. We have them in the J i latest and mest exclusive desfgis. ; | Special Attention Given to Mail Orders. I We appreciate onr Williamsburg customers and are always ready t a tn serve them to our beet abilitv. 4 ^_ I Stephen Thomas & Bro., i 1 j HI KINK STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. j l|New Drug Store11v * I I isi i M. L. ALLEN, Proprietor ? ? jgj Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Brushes, Combs, ^ Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles in great @ ^ variety. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully com- w J) pounded by experienced Pharmacist. Everything (g) > - @ ^ ^ N e w a n d Up-to-Date |! | Next to Postoffice | J & ^ I J