@ntnTntmntt!tmnwn?n?fi Iking: i ?? & ithurs Imtuiuiiiiiiuiiiimiiuiiiiii |LOCA["?lTEMaf' Watch Fayssoux's subject. April 11 is Easter Sunday. Watch for Fayssoux's peerless blindfold drive at 3 p m tomorrow. The Williamsburg Live Stock Co have a new ad this issue. Kead it. Secure your seats for the Quaker Male Quartette. You can't afford to miss it. Spring syles in men's clothing, j HHioc' Hrpcc DAY an nr. . TTtt liAlCHU i laiiiiimauimmiiiimumtiittii Anybody who sees the Quaker Quartette and honestly believes their performance is not worth the money, may havehis money refunded. This is a safe prom* ^ ise, as the management knows everybody will be not only satisfied but highly delighted. * Some of the goods stolen from the Farmers' Supply Co's store, i which was broken open last week, were found in the river t swamp. Several parties are under suspicion and the toils are j. tightening- around the guilty ? ~ nones. The Ladies' Missionary Union c will convene in the Williamsburg Jj Presbyterian church on Friday, April 9, the services to be continued through Sunday. A num. 2 ber of delegates and visitors are * expected and the exercises each day will be both interesting and o instructive. i A game of ball played between the graded school boys and a j team from Salters Depot Mon- j day resulted in a victory for the visitors by a score of 6 to 5. The game was a snappy exhibition, 1 replete with exciting plays, I Batteries: For Kingstree?Kiblor Rn/lrrorc- Snlt#?rc?\1nn- t zon, Brown and Salters. t Death of 5u-r. M NesmltfaNews was received here last Fri- c day of the sudden death of Mr 1 Frank M Nesmith on Monday night, March 22, at Elmodel, Ga. C '*Capt Frank," as the deceased was s familiarly known, was about 60 years of age and leaves a wife and sev- t eral children?three girls and a boy, ii we are informed. He left here f something over a year ago to make his home at Elmodel, Ga, and lived j there up to the time of his death. j Mr Nesmith was a man of high j principles, straight-forward in his dealings with his fellow-man, and g was a consistent member of the a church. He was held in high es- j teem by all who knew him and the j news of his death was a great shock to his many friends in this county. We feel a personal loss in the death of "Capt Frank," as he was 1 for many years our true and loyal * friend, ever ready to prove his friendship both by word and deed. When he lived at Beuson, the year ^ or two before going to Georgia, he I seldom came to town without re- e membenng to bring the editor * fruits or vegetables from his garden 1 and what he brought was always of the choicest quality. * 1 A good man has gone?one who i in the final accounting for the works, t done in the flesh will, no doubt, t receive the Master's, "Well done, ] good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." ( Send your loved ones -a 1 beautiful Easter token, we have { them, the latest no7elties. 1 People's Mercantile Co. i 1 2t WAI 7- t-! ujT^-nn' E PERCALES WDE CAflBRIC CALICO _ PIQUE? Sutler SLIPPERS. \ \ I 1 Witttwttiititmmmfwtimfw DRY j Millii d FRID; n special invitation t( iiiiiimaiiniimiiuiiaiiiiaiuu; iflfPlSlALffa Dr and Mrs W L Taylor spent be week-end at Greelyville. Miss Liia Hammett is visiting riends in Columbia. Mrs M F Heller is on a visit to elatives in Charleston. Mrs Patrick ot Barnwell is /isiting her son, Mr 0 H Patrick. Mr W M O'Bryan of Ileinemann iad business in Kingstree Monlay. Miss Lula McConnell enjoyed Sunday with her parents at Taft. Mrs H G Askins and children ire visiting- relatives in Georgeown. .X Mr S L Courtney who now ojourns at Single,sp tt the day n town Tuesday. Mr A R Mosely of Salters De)Ot was in town Monday mornng between trains. ? L Hirsch, Esq, was in Manring Saturday of last week on jrofessional business. Mrs R J Kirk will leave the later part of the week for a visit o relatives in Charleston. Mr Harry Riff and Mrs S Mar:us visited Mr and Mrs H Nachnan at Lake City Sunday. Thos M Gilland, Esq, went to Charleston Saturday to spend everal days in the city. Mr E M Hirsch, who is now on he road as traveling salesman, s spending this week with his tome folk. Miss Mary Emma Kirk of St rohns. Berkeley county, who tas been visiting her uncle, Mr IJ Kirk, has returned borne. Miss Florrie Jacobs will give i linen shower this (Thur^play) ifternoon in honor of Miss Adeaide Harper, who is one of the Saster brides. Next Sunday will be Palm Junday, and it is reported that iiore palms are being shipped o Northern cities for church lArnrafinn than f?vpr h#?fnr#?. " I A tenant house on Capt Wm Hooper's place, near Cooper >ostoffice, was destroyed by fire :arly Monday morning. The louse was occupied by a negro lamed Jim Anderson. Miss Carrie Onslow returned rom Darlington Saturday evenng and resumed her duties at ;he graded school Monday, to he delight not only of her pupils but also of the community. Solicitor Stoll is attending :ourt in Sumter this week. This s the last session for this term 5f court. Mr Stoll is accompa aied by Mrs Stoll and the "young man," who are spending the week with relatives. SjTE_ TD~1Z~ TO 8c Yard 9c Yard 5c Yard 8 l-3c Yd Dry G< * \ good! A, ICiy \J\ \Y, APR] ) every lady to attend Mr H Witcovei of Marion v as in town several days this week representing1 the Neely Compress Co of Richmond, Va. Mr Witcover's proposition is to sell! to owners of ginneries a compress attachment at a reasonable price, whereby ordinary bale of cotton reciation of her efforts t please ' 'ustomers. At Gale d Ogle's, .e pretty and tasty arrang ment their hats and millinery dis 'ays them to the best advantage ana certainly any one would be hard to please not to find here something to suit her fancy. These ladies, after a busy day, were enthusiastic m speaking of their opening, which was largely attended and in all respects satisfactory beyond their expectations. These openings wifl continue several days and every lady who fails to ? - - Uof o rlionlorn/1 see lilt? llMCIjr punu nam umyiujwu will miss a sight well worth the time it takes to visit these places. Swept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman ignores the river's warnings growing ripples and faster current - Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns |you the Kidneys need attention if you would escape fatal maladies Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's disease. Take Electric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your best feelings return. "After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes .T R Blankenship, of Belk, Tenn. Only 50c at D C Scott's. Youth, indignation and hope are the first steps on the ladder of fame. AT ON< aET OXT 7c GINGHAMS _ 12 1.2c and 15c SUI1 8 l-3c LAWNS | 12 l-2c WHITE LINE >ods Cc Agents for CLUi V I COMPANYL pening 1 [1 1 ct anH in/1 1 11^ 1 471^ U.11U ^fUM 5 this opening*. 3 iittiiUUliUUiiUiUiUUiiUiUiUUUUiUiUtUamiiiiUiUiUiUiiii^^ I we taire pleasure m announcing tne n opening of our up-to-date line of Q FANCY SPRING DRESS ROODS f 1 AND SLIPPERS. 8 | We invite the public to give us a call X and look through our line' X J ,1 S FRON If ?MM Of llllMBS Mil!- | We invite you to see our line of ,/ .Piedmont, Durham, Qoldsboro and Carolina N :m BUGGIES AND SURREYS. 4 The famous and well known 1 RUSSELL AND WEBER WAGONS, jjjj None better than the j $9 McCormick Mowers and Hakes J? A large and select line of HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS AND SUMMER ROBES. / PRICES AND TERMS REASONABLE. Yours to please, Williamsburg Live Stock Co, Kingstrce, S. C. 1 < , Organized, Developed and conducted on Principle of Conservative Banking Along Progressive Lines, the BANK OF WILLIAMSBURG "" ?? KINCSTREE, - - 80UTH CAROLINA RESOURCES $150,000 | Solicits a share of your banking ' jl business, feeling confident that our ample resources and supe, rior facilities will render association with us permanently agreeable and profitable. : : C, W, Stoll, Pres. E. C. Epps, Cashier, I E. L. Montgomery. Asst. Cashier, F. Rhem, V, Pres. ^ F I It;; ? PRICES |J 5c Yard jjlflH riNQS , 10c Yard g| ^ 5c Yard !? ] 2N ? ?- 9c Yard | | % J impany. ||