t _______ I PRIZES OFFERED FOR i BEST ACHE OF CORN, j f' COMPETITION o: a TO ALL FARMERS Of S THE STALE WILLIAMSBURG SHOULD WIN PKIZE. The announcement that there Would be another corn contest; a, this year has been received with much interest by the farmers of the State. The previous records j made by South Carolina along1 ^ this line attracted much atten ^ tion throughout the country and therefore some of the points inW Tolved will be of value to those who contemplate entering the; contest. They are giver below: i. "This competition nas been! inaugurated with a view to in i crease grain growers' protit.s by | increasing the yield per acre, j and also the quantity of corn; and oats through simple metli-! 3ds of seed selection and proper! - ir culture. It is so named irom me fact that it cannot but result in H adding thousands in the aggre gate to the protits of those en gaged in agriculture in this I State. The contest will be conducted by the State department of agriculture of South Carolina. Objects of the Contest. 4,1. To encourage the proper v selection of seed and better care |tv of soils. R 2. To centre attention upon K varieties that are superior foi B each section, to introduce seed R of such varieties that are pure and true to name, and to prove B that when such varieties are grown under normal conditions, it is not necessary to so fre quently change seed. "3. To encourage better methI ods of culture and harvesting,so f as largely to increase average b yields per acre and improve I; quality. u4. To show that such results L can be had at less expense of |l. time,money and labor than poor-1 er crops wneu mucasc m ^ B.i is considered. IT . "5. To improve methods of jp* marketing, and conversion of V crop into largest possible cash ! " returns. "6. To increase grain growers' prolits on each bushel and each j acre every year. 4 7. To promote the keeping of intelligent records and the use of business principles in farming, to foster the farmers' prosperity and the welfare of the whole people. Nature of the Contest. ! **1. Each grower will be required to grow one acre of crop. "2. Each contestant can follow his own best judgment as to the selection of seed and soil and mode of culture, harvesting and marketing. "3. Each contestant must reV* 11 valofinrr fA OUTl <111 pai iiLuiaio i viutiu^ fcv growth, tillage, etc, on forms in contestants' manual. I Rules of the Contest. "1. Any person may compete. There are no fees or dues. "2. Each contestant is to furnish one sample bushel ot corn in the ear from each acre grown (except in cases of five-acre contests, for which one bushel is sufficient), to be judged and then sold for benefit of expenses of conducting contest. "3. Each contestant will mail a pint of sample seGd from his crop to chemist designated for analysis. B *'4. .fcacn compeuiur must ?cH cure the contestants' manual. H "5. To enter contest, simply V notify the commissioner of agriH culture and order contestants manual as preceding paragraph. "6. Reports must be made on forms prescribed in contestants' manual. W "7. This contest to improve I grain growers' profits is to cov1 er the crops of corn planted in I 1 909. R Scale of Points. I "Each contestant's work, in eluding sample of crop, record I and report, will be judged acR cording to the following scale i' of points: Points. {,1. Parity ami selection of seed 10 Methods of culture. . 25 "3. Record or report its clearness, completeness, accuracy, care bestowed upon it, etc 13 ;i4. Yield of contest acre 25 u5. Quality of crop, market jjrade, saialility. feeding value, etc 10 "6. Profits resulting from the entire operation 15 "Total points 100 "The scale of points offers every inducement to truthfulness, and by means both apparent and secret the judges will beenabled to exercise righteous judgment. There is no need or inducement for misrepresentation, and anything of the sort will be detrimental to the contestant. The Prizes Offered. "The prizes offered are as fol-. lows: "Prize or. scale of points for one acre $125 "Prize on scale ot points tor five acres ....... 125 "Prize on yield per acre for one acre 50 "Prize on yield per acre for five acres 75 "Second prize on scale of points for one acre 50 "Second prize on yield per acre on five acres . 50 "Boys' prize for yield per acre on one acre 25 "Total.. $500 Mr Watson's Statement. Regarding the contest Mr Watson said: "The contests that we have already held under legislative appropriations have proved of such immense value to the State iu dollars and cents, as has been demonstrated by their inJ fluence upon the remarkable advance made in the value of the corn crop in South Carolina in the last two years, that I am exceedingly hopeful of far better results from this year's contest than we have yet obtained from any of them. The change in the form of the appropriation bill adopted by the General Assemjbly this year leaves the matter of the conduct ot this contest entirely in the hands of the State department instead of in t^e commission of which I was a member in the past two contests. This I regret, but I wish to say that the gentlemen who have acted heretofore on the commission will be requested by myself to act with me as previously. 'An active interest is being manifested by the farmers in all parts of the State in this year's contest,and a considerable number of entries have already reached this department. I sincerely trust that ambitious farmers and farm boys of ever}' township in South Carolina will enter the contest this year. It costs th?m nothing to enter. I want to see as large a number as possible participating in this work, for even if there were no other consideration the lessons they will learn in the keeping of daily records,'as required by the manual, will be of immense value* thpm .inrl thpir n#?irrhhnrs as well. "In the general announcement that I have issued it will be seen that, instead of confining this year's contest to merely one acre, provision is also made for competition on live acres as well. Further provision is made for prizes for farmers' boys who bend their energies to the growing of corn on one acre. "I trust that the arrangement of prizes will stimulate not only the farmers of the State but their sons to enter this year's contest freely, and stimulate them to enter with a determination to win or be well up in the list of those who obtain the maximum yield." Foley's Kidney Remedy will can any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach ol medicine. Cures backache and irregularities that if neglected might result in Bright's disease or diabetes. W L Wallace. THE FISH AND GAME LAWS. I ?? ! Many Who Would Obey the law are Confused as to Its Provisions. Editor Corntv IIecokd.? I would like a small space in | your valuable paper 'o rr^ke n ! : little inquiry concerning I' >..1) law. In conversation with the j jram.e warden for this county 1 asked, when is nsmng pronmu-j | ee? His answer was, from Sat-1 iurdav, 1" o'clock p m, until! j " ! Tuesday after sunrise. Now, II notice in Charleston News and j Courier that tishin.*r is prohibited i from sunset Thursday until sunrise Monday. Which is correct? I believe in obey ng the laws of | the countrv, but these laws should be made public. Our people would like to be informed on these laws. If it is not asking | too much ot you, Mr Editor. ! trnnlfl^Mi mind oublishing the | ^"^verns these game | j wardens. r people are not a ! j lawless pe pie,but are generally law abiding. Hut how can peo| pie be expected to obey the law when they don't know the law? Respectfully, A Citizen. Mouzons, S C, March 20, 1909. Our Lake City correspondent, Hon W L Bass, who was actively concerned in the fish and game legislation at the recent session ot the Legislature, can probably give this correspondent the desired information. The new acts and joint resolutions have not yet been published, and we would not know where to find the fish and game law as amended to date, unless Mr Bass can help us. Editor The Record. You should not delay under any circumstances in cases of Kidney and Bladder trouble. You should take something promptly that you know is reliable, something like DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are unequaled for weak back, backache, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatic pains, etc. When you tm- n^WitVa KiHnev and Blad aca ivi A/V ?* ?w w j der Pill6, be sure you get them. They are antiseptic. Accept no substitutes; insist upon getting the right kind. Sold by D C Scott, M D. I Tne r-.'Stion for happiness is never sue ul until1 one gets away from I. f and se< is to help his fellows by ioe. Simple Remedr >rLt Grippe. La grippe cdtTghs are dangerous as they frequently develop into pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey aud Tar contains no harmful diugs and is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. W L Wallace. If you want engTaved visiting cards or wedding invitations we are prepared to fill your order guaranteeing satisfaction and price. See our samples before ordering. INeiimltfia HEADACHE Take [BACKACHE '"Bdort 1 togiaio Mte ^ Mlle9 Antl" WAthe. Little Ptia ptUs I auflered for day* and week* 1 Tablets dthKunllir Now MT I rarefy trtr have the en4 Hyi headache. I will never andjge N wtthom ^ - DTl.'L Mtss hJeaaor waae ram^n l&2S N.ea w*. !J St Joseph, Mlwouri Gone Jl AM> THE PAWS OP l ! r RHEUMATISM | and SCIATICA 2S[ Doses! 25lCents b IE. Yoor Dranltt Mils Dr.' MOe?^ A wJ-Ptin Pfflsj and be is authorted ? Wl ii price af the first packift (only) if it ME beaefh you. AIT QllfKLY. Delay Das Been Daogerons In kiogstree Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in times of danger. ttuukaehe is kidney danger. Doati'- Knluet LJtna act quickly. Cure all distressing, dangerous kidney ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Mrs li L Logan, living on Depot Ave, Manning, S C, sajs: "I suffered a great deal from kidney trouble. 1 could not rest well at night on account of the too frequent action of the kidney secretions and my back ached and pained me constantly. There was also an aching through my kidneys and 1 could not find a position that was comfortable. I used plasters and liniments, but did not find relief. The secietion^ from my kidneys were highly colored, and contained a brick dust sediment. It was finally my good fortune to learn of Doan's Kidney Pills, aud I procured a-box and began their use. They banished the backaches and pains and regulated the action of my iiidueys. I feel a great deal better and can/ say that Doan's Kiduey Pills acted up to all claims made for them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, New York,sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Mr Tuft will please bear in mind that the freezing out he got on the day of his inauguration was alto* gether a Northern affair, with which the Sou had nothiug to do. THE THRU E-A-WEEK WORLD, The Greatest Newspaper of its Type. It Always Tells the Truth as It Is, Promptly and Fully. Read in Every English-Speaking Country. It has invariably been the gTeat effort of the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World to publish the news impartially in order that it may be an accurate reporter of what has happened. It tells the truth, irrespective of party, and for that J reason has achieved a position with the public unique among papers of its class. If you want the news as it really is, subscribe to the ThriceaWeek edition of the New York World, which comes to you every other day,except Sunday,and is;thus oractically a daily at the price of a weekly. The Thnce-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers.- We offer this unequalled newspaper and The County Record together for one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.25. OUR CLUBBING RATES We offer cheap clnbbing rates with a number of popular newspapers and periodicals. Read care fully the following list and select the one or more that you fancy and we shall be pleased to send in your order. These rates are of course all cash in advance, which means that both The Record and the paper ordered must be paid for, not 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, but twelve months ahead. Below is the list of * - * -l- Li.: our De8l C1UUU1U? uucio. The Record and News & Courier (Semi-weekly,) $1.85. The Record and Home & Farm (twice a month,) $1.35. The Record and New York World (3 times a week,) $1.75. The Record and Atlanta Constitution (3 times a week) $1.85. The Record and Atlanta Constitution (weekly $1.50. The Record and Bryan's Commoner, $1.75. The Record and Cosmopoliton Magazine $1.75. The Record and Youth's Companion*(New Subscribers) $2.50. The Record Semi-Weekly State, $2.50. The Record and Lippincott's Magazine 1 year each $2.75. The Record and National Magazine, 1 year each, $2.00, N. B. We do not clnb with any daily papers. The first issue you receive of the paper or periodical is evidence that the money for same has been forwarded by us. We are not responsible after that. THE COUNTY RECORD, Kings tree, S. C / > 1 _ IfMI CIS 1 ^LMm^^OOKE^ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LAKE CITY, - - - SC.;| office in Sinjrletary Building. Special Attention to (Collections '2-2V0D | i/ n ADMrrrr i( r, u( nunl. ? ? * , NOTARY PUBLIC. j Special attention given to the Preparation of Allidavirs. Titles to Real Es- 1 tate, Mortgages, Etc. OKFict: The Wilson Lumber Co., CADES, S. C. 2-14-lm W. Lcland Taylor, DENTIST, OfBcu over Dr W V Brockington' s Store. KINGSTREE. - S. C. 5-21-tf. R. E. & E. N. BEATY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Georgetown, - - - S. C. Civil Engineering Land Surveying Kallroad Surveys and Construction Pronpt attention on oot of Tom Work. a-19-tf M. JJ. Nesmith DENTIST. I All P CITY. - . - S C I W. L, BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY. 8. C. I Dr HJ McCabe Dentist masTasE. - s. o. j J. D. MOUZON'S BARBER SHOP in the Kell&han Hotel is equipped with up-to-date appliances. Polite Service. Competent Workmen. . 5-8-08. Departure ef Passenger Trains at Kingstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following schedule, which became effective Monday,September 7, 1908. NORTH BOUNDNo 80 7:26 a. m. *No 46 11:42 a. m. , No 78 5:53 p. m. -SOUTi^ BOUNDNo 79 10:52 a. m. I *No 47 5:53 p. m. ! No 89 9:06 p. m. < DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. j i Free adrice, how to obtain p*t?ik trade mark* copyright* etc., (N ALL COUNTRIES. Business direct vnik Washington saves time, money and often the patent. B Mart and Infrfmwwrt Practice Exclusively. I Write or ooo* to ua at I MS Bmtfe BtTMt, opp. Veiled Stelae Tntmt OSt.,1 WASHINGTON. D. C. I 4 Trail *Urt There nre more If c''n i I r?attrrna "-M int*"Wr'??* Statee tn?n of any oturr roeke tlw itini. i iu? i? oo a.tuunf of tMr ?:y!e, ?cciv~-ry and ?implt<.i??. Mr''nP'v 31 :?uu/in?" Tl?e<,? riff I ??h!on) h?> more ?uri-.< nueri tn-.n vMlier Laiiir*'Mafwifle. Una v ? . '>rt ? f V *" * **r? f* Ct 0 crn* *. T nf**? r . i. . > i'<*i . ,, > ?*\ ? .li.< .il>er^ft%A .V.v aSi t ail :cn. fr rii . r t?.Jak IiH#!v A * ?? * Wauled. Handwne premiums oi f>-- * ' f?? ,i* (?'u'V ( j; ?t< w f 'TUi.um# t. j.C . AJ.ii.'. | ti|.; AlcCAJ.i. CO.. Ntw Yoefc KILLthc cough and CURE tub LUNC8 w Dr. King's New Discovery mCWSP A. AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED 8ATIB7A0T0BT Oa HONEY BPWTO FILEn KIDNEY CODE WILL CURE YOU of any c*?se of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes. There ii T nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles* REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. W. L. Wallace. v rm ' V * Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold a Jmivmfit'R rfttlTtiFf. I . ~ ' m - The Largest and Most Cjmplete Establishment South. BED. S. WEI ! SW VItt c * -MANUFACTCB :RS OFSash, Doors! Blinds v Moulding and Building Material, ^ Sash Weights and Cords : CHARLESTON. S.C. : A ' 'y>3. Registration Notice. ' The office of the Supervisor of Beg* istration will be opened on the lit day of July and will remain open continuously every day, except Sundays* through the months of July ana August for the purpose of the re-registering of any person who is qualifleoas ' follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of tlM > county one fear, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers'" vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then doe and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all , taxes collectable on during tha % present year, pioperty in this Stata assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. Y. McGILL, Clerk of Board. fl S7 1 tJnsurance ^ Fire Insurance, Tornado Insurance, Plate Glass Insurance Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Accident Insurance, Burglary Insurance. it We represent only Companies of unquestioned reliability and a policy is as good as a gold bond. Well ;1 Bond You,. I As Cashier, TreasI urer or any position of trust in any of the largest companies in ' t $ America. The WilliamsburgN Insurance & Bonding flgencg, OFFICE AT BANK OF WTT, ILIAMSBURG, I Kingstree, - S. C. I BHnSBORMCII ftMht ^MMMI^ANSHWS k , : Jr-i