The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 25, 1909, Image 5

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PROCEEDINGS OF COURT ' OF GENERAL SESSIONS. i ; NG SESSION' MONDAY SEVERAL CASES 1 r DISPOSE:* OF TUESDAY A\D i HEDXESBAV. 1 Jlonday beinif Washington's ' 1 birthday, a lejrai holiday. thejl ,,f u-PDMnl sessions met! i rx.v ? v.. 1'uesdav morning it 10 o clock,I Judge Ki-r.f>t Gary presiding.1; Solicitor St >;iand Stenographer' i Wood, with the other court at-, i taches, were in their respective?i d^piaces. The commission of P II ! <. K Stoll, Esq, as solicitor for the! third judicial circuit was read M ana ordered to be entered upon minuses of the court,and the! i .gular order of business was ^ c proceeded with. I * Judge Gary's charge to the ^ grand jury was decidedly out of the ordinary. Instead of the perfunctory charge clothed in 1 dry legal phraseology, he ad- * inonished them in plain, homely j language as to the importance ] of their duties,interspersing his j remarks with humor and satire, Ji in every instance driving- home] j a point of law and morals. "It t is a positive relief," began His t Honor, "to look over the crimi- f ual docket of Williamsburg .county and not tind it burdened with homicidal cases, as I have ) found it in so many other coun- c ties. This speaks well for the I citizenship of your county and c you are deserving of congratuJation upon such a condition of affairs." The grand jury, he marked then, is the right arm of t ihe court and when it fails in * its duty the whole fabric falls. J He then explained how they ( were to sift the evidence and c tind a true bill in each case t J where the testimony warranted, r tile testimony 01 one wuness being sufficient to send it into the court to be tried. He then took up the plea of self-defense and illustrated how often it made a mockery of law in murder cases, thus abusing the God-given privilege of a mar. if to defend his life even at the 1^, sacrifice of another's. < When the criminal docket was P without a single entry it could ' be handled with white gloves and he honed they would >o fill- , fill their duties as to bring j about that much desired condi- < tion of society. Judge Gary's charge was plain, practical and impressive and those who heard it were* struck bv its force and simplici-l ty* i I p to the time of going to press the following cases have; y been disposed of: n State vs Stephen O Byrd; as-1 sault and battery with intent to j kill and resisting an officer. j l*lead guilt}', sentenced to $75! line or 4 months on public works, i Pine paid, llepresented by Lee j <fc Askins. State vs Lizzie Fagin and i Willie Fagin; larceny of live- i stock. Not guilt\*. Defendants represented by Lee it Askins. State assisted by Geo Stalvey, Esq, andllirsch & llirsch. State vs Ilenry George; assault and battery with intent to kill and violating dispensary law. |Plead guilty; sentenced to C months for tirstcase; 3 months on chaingang or ^100 tine as to : second case. State vs Willie Gardner; house breaking and larceny. Plead guilty and sentenced to fi months on public wonts. state vs Amos Williams; privily stealing1 from person. Case j nol prossed. Defence represent- I edjby Hirsch & Hirsch. fI ?State vs Jane Wilson and Ad- i ' eline Scott; stealing from field. < Plead guilty; 6 months on chain- , /gang or $i!0 tine each. State vs Wilkes Osborne: as- j V sault and battery with intent to ( kill. Verdict guilty. Sealed j sentence. State vs Nelson and Hester Flagler; larceny; not guilty. State vs James Williams, Charlie Graham,Ed More, Simon Burgess. Willi am Burgess; grand larceny. Plead guilty and senI] L I tenced to 5 years on public works or in penitentiary. The case of the State vs Doiier Sin^letary et al, murder, a-as postponed < n account <?1 the absence ?>f ( oiirt Sten-?ura- j r>her L K Wood. who received a ;elevrram on Tuesday calling dm to Sumter because of vckK'<s in his family. The crand jury found no bill igamst K K l>ax cy cnargeu with violating the dispensary aw by sell lug'"bounce" contain nji" too large a percentage of a!;ohol. Court adjourned, sine die, \X e d nesd a y a 11 e r n oo n. The novelist tells us of the kin. I ling eye. He says, 'His eye kinlied as he beheld her beauteous orm," and after uiariiuge she had o kindle the tires. C Iv Kluger, the Jeweler, l(?6u Virginia Ave, Indianapolis, Ind, vrites: "I was so weak from kidney rouble that I could hardly walk a tuudred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my coin ilexion, cured my backache and the regularities disappeared, and I can iow atteud to business every day.and recommend Foley s txiuuey itemeuy o all sufferers, as it cured me after he doctors and other remedies had ailed." W L Wallace. So live that when age comes upon ou, yon will be like the mighty ?ak, soundat the heart, rather than ike the hollow linden, rotten at the lore. k Cellar Bill With your name and address, will iring you Watson's Jeffersonian Magazine for the next twelve nonths. In every issue throughout .900 will be one of these inimitable, hatty, personal, historical and bi(graphical sketches by Mr Watson?i ;he little things that bring history j igbt home to you and make you ive with the great personages and ! ake part in the mighty pageantries j >f vanished days. The History of he life and Times of Andrew jackon will re commence in the Januaiy lumber. The Educational Departnent will also be resumed. i Vocal Vases. , "i": n Iviaii< must have j x-mcthing of the laws I d ;f n -.- he:ic pressure, else how ' mil titcv have constructed some >f the curious jars and vases! ihev left behind tliein ? One of; these pieces of pottery was orna-1! ineiiled with the figures of two j' monkeys, anil when water was pour- j ed into or out of the vessel sounds j1 like the screeching of monkeys 1 were heard. Another similar vessel j had the figure of a hird. which uttered appropriate notes; another 1 was ornamented with a eat which mewed, and another with snakes which hissed. A most ingenious wa-; l?r -iar hnrn thf? form of an aL'eJ J"' """v C) I woman, upon whose cheeks tears j were seen to trickle, while sobs were ! heard, when water was poured from j the jar. An Excuse. Little Dick, the village "bad boy." was wading through a ehal lowswamp catching frogs with a small landing net. He had just caught ;t fine specimen and transferred it to his bucket, when a young lack who was out for a walk happened along. "Little bov," she said, "don't you know it's very cruel to catch tho>e poor little froggies?" Dick straightened up and looked at her. She wore a gorgeous "creation" on her head, and something in its trimmings attracted his attention. "I want 'em to wear on my hat," he said.?Youth's Cojnpanion. ! Plant Wo-js's Seeds ?*T Oh1? S^ea&fann. [ i Thirty 5 rirv business, with I a sturdily !pg eTery I I ........ ..... > t.w'lTT ftnp j oi v ; *.?\s in seeds 11 in this ecu: tiiS best of 1 evidence ?. * to v Tns s'jo^r'.cr quality y X of WV: Qs :>.5ds. X V/ ; c:~ i: fcr Grass anu C. r CJeeds, Seed PolAtc-ii \:edOat3, Cov/ Peas, foj.'. .'jaansand ail Farin Seeds. Wood's Ceser'pil ; Catalog the most a-eiui ani ve'uable of Garden aad Parrs z: 1 Catalogs mailed free on rectva--. T, W. WOOD 2> SfflS, Scecicnci^, W'n. , t / I ATTENTION | ETIWAN se p | HIGH-GRADE F F01 > Cotton, Coin, < AM) ALL .Made from the higheM ^ra ^ be induced to buy other ler > nothing about because they ? are the cheapest. ? ETIWAN and PLOW BI ^ You know it?S > M.ISM'An i ETIWAN FER1 | Charlesto > A STRICTLY INDEPEf ? Insist upon your dealer pr I Etiwan P ^ and then see how much bett ^ your neighbor's. @AAM*AMMAAMAMAAAAAAM' J5TOLL BR WE ! STDC BUY BON and | ftnd SELL LAN !l I It will pay you to always any business of this kind. T OFFICE OVER BANK O TRUTH AND FICTION. ~ j How Certain Novelists Have Mixed the Two In Their Portraits. The method <>f certain novelists feenis to be to take a single facet of the character of some one they know, group around it other traits collected elsewhere and then sub* stanilftc and personify the whole, says the Manchester (iuardian. , They give it legs to stand on and ; a mouth to talk with. They put a , hat on its head and a cane in its \ hand, and then?who shall say that, j Harold Skimpole is Leigh Hunt?; Others again transfer the charac-; ter bodily. That was James Pavn's; practice. In one of those delight- . ful volumes in which he admits us ' nto library workshop he tells ! us that he found most of his char-1 acters among his acquaintances, j The person represented, he assures , us, never recognizes his own por- 1 trait. But then his friends do, so ; sundry expedients to put people off , the scent have to be adopted. If; the original is tall he is pictured as j Fhort; if dark, a' fair. Indeed Payn ; recommends the keeping of a list j of dramatis pcrsouae, with the real j names placed opposite the fictitious j I ones, to keep the novelist in mind i as he works. Sometimes, when the original is i a publie person, a writer of fiction < will transfer liirn to his page with- j rmf mnoh dismiise and much to the I gratification of the reader. Who is ! not charmed to meet, in Meredith,! Lesie Stephen in the "Egotist,"' Mrs. Norton in "Dinna," La Salle in the "Tragic Comedians" and Robert Louis Stevenson in "The Amazing Marriage?" Alphonse Daudet's practice in such cases was less genial. "It was a constant and growing tendency," says Saintsbury, speaking in a recent book of Daudet, "to drag in royal persons and especially royal persons in scandalous aspects. Moray himself and other not too immaculate members of the imperial entourage appeared in 'Le Nabab.' The characters of *Les Rois en ExiT were as obviously divers ill starred and not always well behaved refugees, from the i king and queen of Naples downward. Numa Rouinestan was Gambetta almost without concealment. The sordid hero and heroine of T/Immortel' were fullv identified with an academic personage of a former generation and his wife." Old papers for sale cheap by the hundred at The Record office. ^FARMERS! | LOW BRAND f :ERTILIZERS % r? 3 Tobacco 3. CROPS. J | .de materials only. Don t tililizeis that you know 5 are cheap. The Best < tAND are the BEST. ^ tick to them. < ^(iti:i> Bl' < flLIZER CO., | m, S. C. I *IDENT FACTORY. 5 ovidm? you with ^ low Brand | er your crops are than J ^maaaaamwaaaamam! OTHERS I KS weT J 5 BUY! I AND; | D 5 SELL | see U3 when you have 2j F WILLI AXSBUKG "SH $ ???J $1.75 The Bos' THE TRI-WE1 ! together with the supe magazine; or THE paper; or TALKS FRO of farm wisdom, worth The Tri-Weekl brightest, and biggest South* Almost a Dally, yet at the price or The Weekly Constitu The Weekly Constitution is The Tri-Weekly Constitutic news of the country, state, i the departments of Farm an ers' Union, Rural Free Deli appeal directly to those add The Weekly Constitution c and The Tri-Weekly is that -? - . 1_ otner tnree times a weeK? If you want the Constitutio Constitution at $i per year, Atlanta, Ga. One sample c THE CON FOR RURJ A club of 40 or 50 or more \ for daily mail service. It is the gulf states as on the At! Clubbed with The Atla from which you may make ) (1) Talks From Farmi should be in the hands of ev peared in Tri-Weekly Const this splendid farmers' paper. (2) The Southern Rui semi-monthly edited by a fa (3) Paris Medes, a wc indicates, and they are righ clothes-pin styles of the ext are all pretty and becoming the style who follow them, storyettes, incidents of travcare of the person, sanitatio a monthly feast for the busy finds charm in the ever-vai OUR Ol Remember, our paper 01 day, Wednesday and Friday from the three alternate free Weekly Constitution is sub: Send at once. Get righ bination to THE f TlliliS 0|E X OXE WEEK | Monday, 1 the hemorest X A Repertoire of Q Succes: IX MONDAY NIGHT?' Tht | A four-act Com< 8 PRICES: 25, 35 X Seats on Sale at S Q "The Furnitu Cbooooooooooooc ?:@:?:@:@:@:@?:?::@:?:? I New Dru ? i 1 M. L. ALLEN, @ Drugs, Medicines, (.'hemic! @ R Perfumery and Fancy Toi S variety. Physicians' Prescri '42) 8 pounded by experienced Phi @ | Newand |'| Next to Pq > 1909 Subscription Of I Offer Mado for the N EKLY ATLANTA CO! AND The County Record rb FREE OFFERS of PARR SOUTHERN RURALIST; a >M FARMERS TO FARMER its weight in gold. All for on y Constitution ,7 .* one p tion ? once a week, with each o substituted for the Tri-Weekly)?all >n presents at one sweeping view the lation, and the world is given in each d Farmers, Woman's Kingdom, Great ivery, Poultry and others of wide ir ressed. ontains all these special features and the one is issued once a week (on -Monday, Wednesday and Friday, n alone, without any clubbing offers,; or The Weekly at 50c per year, by a< :opy sent free on request, giving wit! STiTUTIOlM IS TH i rncc nci mcov IL rucc l/CLIfKI\l vill keep an R. F. D. route above the i the great news purveyor of the wh lantic seaboard. ,nta Constitution, we have the superb rour choice of one: ers to Farmers, a symposium of Sout 'ery practical farmer, young or old. itution under same title and made on< It will be mailed to you immediatel; ralist, one of the best agricultural pa rmer on his own farm, and is intense )'s magazine, monthly. There an t up to date. Do not think they are s reme devotees of the changeable flir and up to date, so that the ladies ma But you get more than mere fashions el, seasonable articles for entertainmei n and hygiene, plate culture and all t woman who reads as she works, whc ying features of woman's work that REAT KKUKUJ le year, and THE TRI-WEEKLY three times a week, for one year, : offers, all for $1.75; or the whole cor stituted for the Tri-Weekly) for only ,t on. Don't miss a copy. Address COUNTY RECORD, Kingstree i'ilwl L'om mowing X Vlarch 1 | <<?ii;i>y co. x i I it Iv d~ i 9 J O Latter-najBLiiy A : /liner's Daughter" X ?dy-Diama A and 50 cents O TACKLEY'S Q re Han" X 4 ... ?*/? '/? /? 7Rt'<R\7St'*Rt 7?7R\ mammmmmmmmmmm @ ig Store 1 Proprietor ? ? lis, Brushes, Combs, W lft Articles in great (Q) ptu us carefully com- W irmaclst Everything \Q) @ Up-to-Date ? , ? @ istoffice 1 ?:?:?:?:?:?.??:@'@ $1.75 I ISTITUTIOW I 3 MODES, a woman's fa* splendid agricultural I f S, an epitome Of 7C ly ... 51.13 I 4 V >u rrlrfjw. thru a fl "II - - ?#. ? I week. Th? nmlHt, bHV B 'f pilar a Year ft r f the above' (except that for 'one year for only $1.40 whole area of eventa. The complete issue. Eacn week :'Agricultural South, Farm- * iterest, edited by experts, < % v - r* the di'fference between if '- ' Monday ohly) and the ' ? ?. .. iv 1 ,);? , you can get the Tri-Weekly idressing The Constitution, 1 it six of your neighbors. E PAPER ROUTES minimum average required ole Southland, as good in 1 FREE OFFERS shown :hern farm knowledge that The articles have all ap- S 2 of the greatest features of B y upon receipt of order. 1 ipers in the south. It is a 1' ly practical and helpful. ? XoitlAMA ?n If OP flia flfla 1. C IddillUIld lil it, ao uiv iuiw ? ill of the sylph-like, hipless, I fc called "Fashion." They u y feel well-dressed and in S . There are stories, poems, g ? ? - -1 I ' its, nome Keeping, cooxery, he rest that go to make up i relaxes from one task and is said to be never done. SITION CONSTITUTION, Monand your selection of one nbination (except that The : * 9140 If all orders for above com- f , s. c. ,L" L 1M11' i