The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 04, 1909, Image 5

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1 SENATOR TILLMAN ! REPLIES TO TAFT. 0 MENACE OF IGHriiSSKV EDUCATION- ! 1? REPUBLICANS .'RE MNIERE REPEAL F1FTEIV1H AMENDMENT. Washington, January 50:?When } 'Senator Tillman heard today that j President-* lect Taft had made a speech in Augusta, in which he re-1 ferred to public men w lio were lack- j B ing i'j sympatoy for the negroes ii. j B then efforts i0 secure an education, became thoroughly aroused, audi ^^Uid not hesitate to express his opin- I BP ioo. sayiug: "This is directly trace- j able to the misstatements and mali j P cious editorials emanating from the' Vfv leading newspapers in South Catolina, in which my attitude was not correctly stated. ' In the first place 1 am not op posed to negro education at all, proW Tided it is of the right kind, knowB iug that* education increases the intelligence and usefulness of the Wa citizen. What I said and meant, and by which I stick, is this: That I the Republican policy of the last forty years has been to compel the South to recognize the political equality of the negro. That iu its |essence would mean the domination (of the negro in South Carolina and [Mississippi, aud many parts of other Southern States. "We have disfranchised every negro we could uuder the fifteenth amendment and the only instrumentality available was to require an educational qualification. There is |iow an agitation in South I'aroliuu for compulsory education. That r would mean a heavy burden to provide more schools, which the white taxpayers won Id have to bear, and ii i] L- j! ; : i_ | i mere couia De no uiseniuiuauuu \ 1 Against the negro on account of race mr or color. Hence we would present I the spectacle of educating the negro at a very heavv expense to hurry forward the contest for supremacy I between the two races as soon as we should have given them the necesfl^kary qualifications to vote, and be B^nndoing what we found necessary j preserve our civilation. * Hj^B "We never intend to be governed HER negroes, whether educated or nnMH ucated. The Republican party i" HH * seeking to debauch the South HB ough Mr Taft, who offers us two If CCS III C?CX> UKHIjaUU VI VUI g wlation, and a pretended adI iicement of our material interests j I join that party. If the Kepubli- J I .us will throw down and abandon J I :ce for all their efforts to compel j I le South to recognize the equality j I f the Caucasian and th^ African bv i Repealing the fifteenth amendment, j I e can then have the control of our j Liate affairs and can then train thim; fco make better citizens and aid in Itfiat 'npltft* which Mr Tafi is so Inxious to see brought about. Bat I/e never expect to'lift'them high enough ourselves or allow anybody pise to' lift them high euough to put [their heels on our necks, or govern us again, and the conflict of the laces which seems to me inevitable, mill only be .fastened by such talk ks Mr Taft indulges in.'! Pneumonia Fellows La Grippe. Pneumonia often follows la grippe but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar,for la grippe coughs aud deep seated colds. Kefuse any ' ' *? iL. 11 ^1. ?OUl cue geniiHie in uie yewuw |mu&age. VV L Wallace. Dwelling House Burned. Monday, about 11 o'clock the alarm of ire was given and be* H| fore sufficient help could t>e oomL tained Mr S C Anderson's cotfiH tage in the eastern suburbs of H town was burned to the ground. The building was occupied by H Mr B B Mouzon and family, who lost practically all their house\ bold furniture and personal belongings. The fire is supposed to ^ffave caught from the chimney. >The building was partially cov^ ered by insurance. Childreu especially like Kennedy's Laxative Congh Syrup, as it tastes nearly a3 good as maple sugar. It not only heals irritation and allays inflammation, thereby stopping the cough, but it also moves the bowels gently and in that way drives the cold from the system. It contains no opiates. ^ Sold by D C Scott, M D, Lanes Locals. U< ceivod to<> lute for lust work's i&*ur. i Banes, January 2n: ? There ^ were a j?'ot?d many visitors here' Sundav, liourdins bein^ represented by Messrs t*rover I'ar- a sons, [.ex MeUary and John J a Ileinemann. u ! Miss Bessie Orvin of lieor^e-jB town is visiting friends and rel-, t ativeshere. s Miss Ilennie May Bradford,]* who is teaching at buttons,spent j " ? ?i ^?i 11 i?iiiuruuy anu ouuuay muii iriends in town. | ^ Mrs C Mitchein has returned j3 home from a visit of a week to 1 |*i her daughter, Mrs J C Neal of Georgetown. c Miss Beulali Galman, who is P teaching at Trio,spent Saturday ^ and Sunday at Lanes. Mrs Manson Brown of Tatt s was in town Sunday afternoon. v Miss Mabel Hudnal has re- F turned to her home near (ireelyville after an extended visit to t friends at this place. t! Messrs Frank Baggett and ii Jimmie Bass spent Sunday alter- n noou at Taft. Doubtless there is some attraction down there, for they go very often. Mr R L Holliday and two j sons, Masters Johnnie and ^ Guynn, spent Sunday in Greely- I vilie with relatives. a 1 Quite a number of our young ^ folks attended services at Union j Presbyterian church Sunday ? A rr 1 o II1UI Lllll^. LCI laju > UUU^ iau ot Lanes took more than his share of young ladies (which was two) and by some means his horse got loose (or seme one turned it loose for a joke) and he came very near having to escort the two young ladies infantry style the live miles back to town. Mr Frank Byrd of Lanes, who is employed by the Carolina Fibre Co, unfortunately got hurt by the "skidder" Saturday afternoon. Am glad to say his injuries were not serious. Our town has been incorporated and we are looking forward to more improvements being made. There is some talk of erecting a graded school building here in the near future,which is veiy much needed. Mr Editor, if this escapes that ...... awful waste basket .1 will come: again. Jot. ! (Will be glad to have you ''come again"' and post your letter earlier next time. ?Editor1 The Kecokd.) ' ^ be Secret of I,on? Life. A French scientist has discovered one secret of long life. His method : deals with the blood. Hut long ago ! millions of Americans had proved Electric Bitters prolongs life and makes it worth living. It purifies, j enriches and vitalizes the blood, re- j builds wasted nerve cells, imparts; life and tone to the entire system. It's a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. "Kidney trouble had blighted my life for months,'' writes W M Sherman of Cushing, Me, "but Electric Bitters cured me entirely." Only 50c at D (I Scott's. Teachers' Association Meeting. The next regular meeting of the Williamsburg County Teachers' association will be held in n the graded school building at ' Lake City on Saturday,February 6. If possible, let every teacher! and trustee in the county be present at that meeting, and indeed we trust that there will be many patrons of the school and friends of education present, tor ^ Dr Mann of Florence will have Q charge of the meeting, and we q feel sure he will have something . interesting and instructive. So let us give him a full house. It is not often that we have the pleasure of listening to such as E he. J Groves Colbert, 8: President W C T A. ii Foley's Honey and Tar clears the air passages, stops the irritation in _ the throat, soothos the inflamed membranes, and the most obstinate cough disappears. Sore and inflamed lnngs are healed nnd strengthened, i andi the cold is expelled from the system. Refuse any but the genuine c in the yellow package. a W L Wallace. POLICEMAN SHOT TO DEATH. cDuffie Stone ot Laurens Killed While oo Duty. McDuffie Stone, a policeman t Laurens, was shot to death t 2:15 Friday morning by an nknown man, supposed to he a urglar, as a burglars kit of' ools was found on him. The j layer of Stone was killed by! 'oliceman Walker while resist-! ' ig arrest after shooting" Stone. ; t is supposed that the burglar i ras prowling around laying ilans to rob a bank. When I'oiceimn Stone undertook to arest him as a suspicious charac-1 er the latter pulled out a 45 alibre magazine pistol and mumped five bullets into the ofeer's body. Stone was taken to he hospital and everything posible done to save his life but in ain and he expired at 8:30 p m 'riday. There is no clue to the identiV of the "^ead murderer except be name L ?J Parker or Porter, ^distinctly traced on an old ewspaper. Revolts at Cold Steel. "Your only hope," said three docors to Mrs M E Fisher, Detroit, ilich, suft'eriio^ from severe rectal rouble, "lies* ,an operation," "then used Dr King's New Life Pills,'' he writes, "till wholly cured." rhey prevent Appendicitis, cure 3ouetipation, Headache. 25c at D C Scott's. ?YYYYYYYYYYYYYYtYYYmYYt I ETIWAN FE I FOR ALL i ANI I Per 33i| ^ The Fertilili ^ Been Known I ? Years and Prol ? Two Ueneratu ^ ?The Fertilizer: ^ the Ri^ht Mat< ? Your Crops Gr | ETIWAN FEB tl * m I --j. I onanesi % Ask for "1 ?MAAAMAMMMMMAAAMA, LOUISO 232 ? r? V A II ri_ _ fl ine Largest wnoi We Cut Fine Pi CLI Get under this Golden 1 re gatheringgoodly shares, an f the preat savine over regulai ;OHEN& COMPANY'S. SALE OF FURS. lalance of our stock of FURS con-, isting of shawls, throws and scarfs, i all the popular skins. Choice of rhat is left at exactly half price. BLANKET SPECIAL. 0-4 All-Wool Plaid Blankets, all olors. Regular Value $5.50. Clear,nce price $3.59. GROUNDHOG SAW HIS SHADOW ' C! And Scuttled Back into Bis Underground Retreat. ! k j 11 Tuesd;?y, February was " "groundhog day." According}^ to popular superstition tlie, (|, ground hog, who among animals .m is something of a weather sharp, j ^ emerges from his subterranean j ^ bondoir, where he ensconced k himself at the first approach of cold weather, and took a squint - at the elements. Seeing li's (J shadow distinctly silhouetted ^ on the frozen ground he hied jc him back to his snug retreat to suck his paws or chew his cud, " whichever be his favored recre-1 6 ation, for six weeks longer be-[^ fore he fares forth again. Had % the day been cloudy the wise lit- . tie beast would not have cast a ^ shadow and by that token know- (j ing the backbone of winter to be (S broken, he would have gone V about the every day affairs of ? his above ground life. " The ground hog may not be ( infallible as a weather prophet, (j but many there be who bank J strongly 011 his sagacity as a meteorological forecaster even J - - - . . / at tlie risk of being classed as v "nature fakers" by one Mr The- . odore Roosevelt. DeVYitt's Little Early Risers, the | best knowu pills and the best pills ( made, are ?^ay to take and act gently ( and are certain. We sell and recom- , mend them. <*> C Scott, M 0.% i wiimwmmwi? iRTILIZERS | . CROPS I % Cr?]t>s. | zers That Have j For Over Forty $ , fitably Used#By ^ Dns of Farmers. ^ 5 That Contain ? i irials and Make ^ ow. ^ iTILIZER CO., | on, S. C. 11 ETIWAN." 1? kkkkkkkkkkkki\kkkkkkkikkk(o) nrvvTnnv~v-,nrvnnrTnr V"?Y?VVVY i-w OHEN <sT ind 234 King Street, esaleand Retail M ece Goods in any lengt zARANCE SALE Bconomy shower. Put out youi H it ic vnnr Hup tn n?an tnmp of ** '* J ?. ' and "other store" prices that ai SALE OF SUITS At big reductiou. Ladies' Tailored 1 Suits in good quality Broad Cloth I and Mannish Mixtures. Regular \ price $15.00. Clearance price$10.98. ( Ladies' Suits, perfectly Tailored, made of best quality Chiffon Broad 1 Cloth and Mannish Mixtures. Regular price $25.00. Sale Suit $16.75. 1 j . You should not delay under any iicumsiances in cases of Kidney ad Bladder trouble. You should ike something promptly that you now is reliable, something: like De/itt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, 'hey are unequaled for weak back, ;k kache, inflammation of the blader, rheumatic pains, etc. When you >1; for De Witt's Kidney and Binder Pilis, be sure you ?et them, 'hey are antiseptic. Accept nc subitutes; insist upon getting the right ind. Sold by D C Scott, M D. 11 New Dr I M. L. ALLS gj ? Drugs, Medicines, (hei 9) Perfumery and Fancy variety. Physicians' Pr< g) pounded by experienced 9 " ? N e w and ?> ? 1 Next to P d ? 2) @:?:?:@:@:?:?:@:@:?: i 111! JEWELBT 511 *Q *j AT KI.NGSTIEE, S. C. Jj WATTS a. WAT! 2 49 We have opened up with 49 extra fine Stock of Watc 49 Diamonds, Clocks, Silvers and Novelties, Wedding- Ri 4? Wedding and Christmas pres of all kinds in the Jewelry ? We are also prepared to do kinds of ? WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY Wl ALL WORK WARRANTED IT77" a/tts ? 49 49 Give us a call b p. p. p. Read what Nicholas L grocer in Savannah ? V. LIPPMAN, Savannah, Ga., Dear Sir:? For many years I consumed much me >y power to get cured of that terrible disc iy health. I visited Hot Springs, Ark., w esperafion I took P. P. P. (Lippman's j rely cured. In the eight years since that latism. P. P. P. did the work to my entire i ent cure. CO. SATIS CHARLESTON, AIL ORDER HC h for Merchants at \ EXTRAORDINA hands for some of the spleni the harvest. Read every iter re made possible by this CL SALE OF SUITS' lare Bargains. Ladies' Strictl ^Ian-Tailored Suits, in fine qualit Chiffon Broad Cloth and stripe Mannish effects, $30.00 and $32.5 qualities. Clearance price $21.99. Ladies' Suits perfectly Tailored made of best quality Chiffon Broa Cloth. Regular price $45.00 Cleai ance price $32.98. f ------ - - - _ V ' $3- f , j C R Kluger, the Jeweler, 1060 | Virginia Ave, Indianapolis, Ind, writes: "I was eo weak from kidney 1 trouble that I could hardly walk a " -j| I huudred fret. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my cornel plexion. cured my backache and the | irregularities disappeared, and i can ! now attend to business every day,and I I recomnnnd Foley's Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, as it cured me after .' the doctors and other remedies had 'jfailed." W L Wallace. ug Store 5 , | ? N, Proprietor ? ? micals, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Articles in ?reat ? iscriptu ns carefully com- Vjf Pharmacist Everyihing ? ' i W = @ > Up-to-Date ? ? ostoffice | <?j ?:?:?:?:@:?:?.@@:?*? -^r Spectacles SEyeGlasses^ *"" A SPECIALTY* ? Z "^SLttS-il! I Jw -j eforc purchasing. ^ Cures i Rheumatism ang, the largest retail \ays about P. P. P. J dicine, and in fact tried every means in iase, rheumatism, which had undermined ithout gaining relief, and at last in sheer great remedy), and was in a short time en* : time I have not had a symptom of rheu* latiifaction and made a quick and permar Yours truly. V Mud FACTION" OR YOUR MONEY BACK. s. c. >USE in the 5outh. Wholesale Prices. RY did savings. All yonr neighbors n_printed,and then think?think .EARANCE SALE at LOUIS 1 SALE OF CLOAKS. y State what size and color you want y when ordering?Balance of our d Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks go on sale ^ to close out at exactly half price. ' I, - BLANKET SPECIAL. d One Lot Dixie made Wool Blankow r- 10-4 wide. Regular Value $5.00 Clearance price $3.59.