The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 21, 1909, Image 2

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! Just received f iSTRA I riea?ures take s i I I ' FORESS SEARCH FOR MISSING WIFE. | Mrs.C E.Brockingion Mysteriously Disappears-Husband from This County. The following "special" from Charleston to the Columbia State will interest mauy of the readers of Thk Kecoui>, Mr Brockington being from this county: Charleston, January 14:?After a fruitless search for his missing wife in Jacksonville. Mr C E Brockiugton 6f Charleston,a freight conductor on the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, has returned to Charleston, but not to give up his ^uest. He will give $100 for information of the whereabouts cf his wife, Mrs Emily l'oty Brockington. and believing that she has gone to Aew \ork, will tuK? steps to discover her there. The lust time that Mr Brockiugton saw his wife was on Wednesday afternoon, January (5, when he left her at their home, No 5 Charlotte street, with their {J months-old girl, to take up his run to'Savar.r.ah. Mrs Brockir.gton the next day wditto her mother's house at No Ida Calhoun street and left the baby, saying [ she was going to King street to shop.! < She has not beer, seen by a: y of he:! family since that time. When Mr Brockingtou returned to! his home he fouud i.t deserted and a: addressed to him from his | told him that she had gone I away, tut did not say where she hud gone. Her reasous for doing this were rot very clear, and Mr Brock- j iogtcn believes that her mind has. been affected by ill health. It. the' letter, which was left at his horn*. Mr Krockiogion read caretui erections from his wife as the care of the babv. She advised him to r!a?e the child with the Church Orphanage llouie. With tears ii. his eyes, Mr Brock- ; ington declared this morning that , he would give all his possessions to fiud his wife,and said that she would be gladly welcomed home should she be found. The baby is now with Mrs Brockiugtotfs mother, in Calhoun! street. Mr Brockington has had 1,.">00 circulars printed,giving a description 1 and offering a reward for any information about his wife. She is live! feet, five inches in height and has 1 brown eyes and hair, weighs about 145 pounds, has a double chin. Her I upper front teeth have gold fillings,1 which show. \\ hen she was last Seen heu- she were a blue skirt, a black I cloak, a black silk waist and a bat trimmed with black ribbon. Mr and Mrs Brockington have beat inai ried for several years, and > i ?i ... lutvt. always iivcu uiusv tugcther. Ik-ha- practically paiil for a pretty heme 11. Charlotte street, ami said today that he was just beginning to get on his feet, with a goud position. v.heii this sad blow came. Iklias r.o other theory to advance than that his wife is suffering from nui tal weakness. Any information that may lead to discovering her where abouts will be most joyfully received.' Mrjhockington's present address is 125 Calhouii street. Later. Mi Cosmo* K lirockingten, tin. Atlantic Coast Line freight conduc ' tor, v. lie has been searching for his wife sli ce January 7, stated this morning that she had been located, but 1 e did not say where she wa-\ lie was h-aviug the city v.hey caught by telephone,and he declared that lie had no time to explain tlu details, but wished the fact published that Mrs lirockington had been found. J B?bhi hiii 111 mm?? ?TO GOC roni I IQQPPl II ana i n GUARANTEED. YOURS AlliULMA- SHOOTING. Mr- Jim Epps Wounds His Brdher io the Arm While Out iinnting Cades, January i<>:?Mr Jim Kpps | of Cade? was accidental;) shot by his brothel',Mr John Kpps,* hi; after- j noon while out hunting near here. The two brothers were standing near each other, and Mr John Kpps hav-' iiiir shot at a bird, was reloa ling his i i* guu when it was accidentally dis- , I charged, m.>st of the load entering ! J his brother's right side and arm While his injuries are very painful, I it is hoped that h- is not seriously hurt. * If you v\ill take Foley's Orinoj [ LiU\au\e uiiiu uie uu?eis uaumt I regular you will not have to take purgatives constantly, as Foley's Unno Laxative positively cures chronic constipation and sluggish liver. Pleasant to take. W L Wallace. The good foim displayed by ihany a woman is due to her dressmaker. Simple Remedy for LaGrippe. Hacking la grippe coughs that may develop into pneumonia o\er night are quickly cured bv Foley's Honey and Tar. 1 he sore and inllamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and a d:ingeroi:s c-oudit: on is quickly averted. Take Foley's Honey and Tar in the vellow package. W L Wallace. A. . rule tU.-w- diaz-'.aV Iiijrt discretion than honest nu-n do. A great many ;. q !e have kidney and bladder troubl-, ma! lv dm* to neglect of tIk* occasional } aii.s in the l ack, slight rheumatic pa:i.e. urinary disorders, etc. Delay such cases is dangerous. Take IXAVirt's Kidney ami Bladder Pill-. Ti.-v are for w ak back, backache, rheumatic pain? and all kidney at.d bladder trouble. Scathing and antiseptic, and act promptly. Don't fail to get PeWitt's Kidney a d. Bladder Pills. Accept 1.0 substitute. l.Vguhtr si/e hoc. Stjl.l by D C trcott. M I>. Somebody wants to kn -w.-WLo is the most important p-rsu;. u. the world?" Anybody can poiut him out if he will just stay still for the twohundredth part of u second. Always have Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup handv, especially for the chilren. It tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. It cures the cold by gently moving the bo avis through its laxative principle, and at tile same time it is soothing for throat irritation, thereby step] ing the cough, There is nothir.:: as good. Sold by D C Scott. M D. Old papers for sale cheap by tlie hundred at Thk l?Kcolii> office. Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden 6 Farm. Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every year?until we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country?is the best of evidence as to / The Superior Quality V j of Wood's Seeds. < We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog the most useful and valuable of Garden and Farm seed Catalogs mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. ^ >D CLOTI :)S. apuuuse Also have samples of i'ailor ma V coi u wk m w m m * TO PLEASE, snmawBHi ?& KINGSTREE GI Kingstree, High School Boy? and Girls Pre} for Business Life. Pure Water. Healthful Loc: Eight Inst; Fine M High School An pleted with Beautiful toriuin. AMPLE KOOM F I ^ . PUPI TERMS REA Fall Term Begin ber 14. For Information A intendent, or to E. C. 9-Mf Cler i BANKOFK Kingstree. Sou CAPITAL- 8 30000~S ===== DIRECT Jas F Cooper D C Scott Collections made promptly. LOANS, large or small, mat mammmammammmammmmmmmm _STOLL BR WE 5T0C BUY BON AND AND SELL LAN It will pay you to always I any business of this kind. | tar office over bank c ' ntar^F The only National Mag -^-.*1 : tnre, Art, Science, His tor ? ^ - -i f It contains the finest' - p the most pregnant expres! aSjuj^Mj \> Price: $1.50 pe: P5p2E?P,? CLUDBI: ^ good fortune c ?S?J i"'! I Southern Magazine, in o <y-. gp j for one year tor the low 1 M 'SJc?'/ fiur paper will give yc 9 The Taylor-Trot woe PR\T3?dI^<~ >V.-H whole Soutii?its patriot jg ,3^1 afiord to miss cither ore. The Count; 11NG WE/ SPRIN m SKIRTS. > tADED SCHOOL . --sc. 8 ? 41 Department. | )ared lor College or' 49 I 41 4H ^ 41 41 ition. 41 41 rue tors. 4J 4q usic Department. ? 49 nex Ivecentlv CV j 4? ' I fi and Spacioiv ! 41 41 41 :OR F DING 49 11 < ? I Lb. 41 41 iSONABLE. J s Monaay, Septem- ^ 49 49 pp!V to the Super Epps, O k Bd. Trustees, X INGSTREE 8 ith Carolina. O lURPLUS, 8 10"000 8 ORS f X R, H Kellahan Q J A Kelley X ? 1s ie on approved ^ '-v (OTHERS [ :ks f WE nsi BUY ! AND } DS SELL , see us when you have ^ }F WILLIAMSBURG f 1 | itJim9B\ t leasure and Profit I ' J azine devoted to the South?her Litera- I . ^ y, lit sources and Progress. ?* work of Southern Artists and Writers; Kj rionsof Southern Loaders and Statesmen. H ^ r Year; 15 Cents per Copy | I j-j VG ARRANGF.MF.NTS I C if this paper to be able to offer this great E innection with our own periodical, both iriceof H | 5 >1.90 I t in all the local news and topics of the day. id Magazine gives you the story of the |j ism, its uplift, its courage. You cannot L. Better subscribe now. Address ; y Record. I / i \RERS:ra G SAM MEASURES TAKEN FOR SAME 5. MAF 2o?o?o ?o ?o ?o ^ ?o ?*5 ?o ?o -?o ?o ?o SHEET Instrumental , All the Late Popular In Fur we offer something1 for every 1 to the most luxurious. We di Coffins, Caskets and Ui Services day or night c We are exclusiv Huyler's It's a pleasure to she L. J. STA "The Furnit KINQSTREI iff 99999999999999 xxxxxxxxxxxx* SPORTING GET READY FOR THE BIR HEADQUARTERS FOR GU ALS( Buggy and Waj Harness, Build! and Shelf Hard1 AGEiN T FOR HcCORMI HA RVE5TERS A> LAKE CITY HARD! LAKE CIT <XXXXX>OOOOOOC 190' CATALQ T-Cist Off tl: MAILED F EVERY 0\E SHOIL We list at the lowest prices a jgoods. Be convinced that we are tht the United .States and will aiw* NOW READY ANL WEITE '3 Stephen Thoin JEWELLI 257 KI\Cw STREET, CM Young Let us help you." You w 1ARNESS. We have a lar ou at close prices and on libe 'ou future trouble by selling} - r is a trial. It is a pleasure lor For the older folks we ha1 :OMFORT and WEAR. We nent of harness at all times. his of standard makes. HORSES AND MULES eason opens up. Give us at I oMAKE IT PLEASANT and! At the old stand ot Thor W. P. HAW! KINGSTRE / , ?cus. MUSIC | and Vocal ? ' Selections at 10c ? < ? a niture s iome, from the humblest vide profits with you. idertakers Supplies :heerfully rendered ? e agents for Candies j? oP >w you our goods. &P iCKLEY, \r ure Man" ? s, s. c. ? aooooooooooci JMBSj D SEASON. WE ARE X > NS and AMMUNITION O gon Material X < ing Materials ware, 8 , CK MOWERS AND 0 - J ID HAY RAKE. X I Md | 9" | 3>GUE ie IPresal < | REE. \ D HAVE 0\E. > 1 full line of the beat I 'lowest price house in ) iva save you mouev. ) ) MAIL FREE. } zo-iD^rsr* i nas & Bro., I EPS. ) IARLESTOX, S. V. i Man ! -ant a new BUGGY AND ge stock on hand to sell ral terms. We try to save 'ou reliable goods. Give us to show you through. vt buggies bnilt for SOLID ^ carry also a fine assort- \ One- and two-horse wag- X V will be on hand when the east a look and we will try PROFITABLE for you. nas & Bradham. SINS & CO. :e, s. c.