ITF you have had trouble cracked, you will apprec reliable that we can guarant< of shoes if the patent Icath Vn-ool-c Kpfnrp v 15 L/i\j uvivi v i..v . I WARRANTE ? B URT 5. f iffiQR BB38BS838S83B8S8388838 The l'OxtOjfl(' lteparUHCM reymic* us to discontinue all papers sent to subscribers one year or longer in arrears. We have deferred revising our mailing list thoroughly partly by reason of lark of ttme and partly because ice kept on hoping that all delinquents would come up and pay what they are owing us. H> regret to sag, howevery that it looks now as though quite u large proportion of those whose names are on our list do not intend to pay what is due on the paper and we are forced, in self-defence. to rut them off on the principle that it is jHMjr not icy to send yood money after l>ad. Hence, we hereby give notice (1) that after January l, . 1909, not a single copy of The Conn-1 ty Record will be sent to any jterson \ j:i longer man a gear on mutt. (2) That to every subscriber who doe* not pag for the paper for a full year in advance the subscription prire J is $1 .25 a year. (3) That ang person mar getting the paper who does not care to fake it ang longer upon fheee terms trill confer a favfrf- by paying up what he Owes ami notifying us to take his \ name off our mailing list. Local and Personal.! I Read Trespass Notices. \Trc a Ollif* Eons is visiting ^ ?rr relatives in Foreston. Mr and Mrs D M Ervin have been visiting" friends in Darlington. Mr J Hamp Flynn of Florence county was notecLon our streets Tuesday. Attention is called to the announcement of new lunch room in the McCabe building. The pool room at the Kellahan Hotel is now open and ready for business. The Thomas opera house lessees have good grounds for several breach of promise suits. Several land sales are aaver^ tised in this issue. Here is a chance to buy a nice lot of real estate cheap. E BUI t I with patent leather that split and iate a patent leather so absolutely :e it. We will give you a new pair cr in B. & P. Korrect Shape shoes rears out. D BURROJAPS id Dull Leathers for these shoes, /i :annot do better y them, for if you /^SXr ill always wear ?AC KARD OftrtftOOOOOOOOO^ i MBWBwMTO W C DuRant.Esq, of the Manning bar, paid Kingstree a visit Thursday of last week. Mr DuRant is one of the rising young attorneys in this section of the State. Mr H J Burgess of Mouzon favored us with a call today Mr Burgess says that if you want your bird dop trained according to Hoyle, he is prepared to do it lor you. The Woodmen "goat" got * lively scrimmage Tuesday n the neophytes being M Woodrow Gamble and McCants. The exercises are sa to have been enjoyed?by tin lookers on. W F Clayton. Esq, of the Florence bar, attended court here Monday. The "Bishop" is the same genial, affable gentleman and has many friends here to whom his presence brings pleasure. One of our bright little school girls is reported to have inquired what wefe the best nights. She couldn't go all ten nights, ! but mignt manage ner nuances ! to meet the demands of "Three l Nights in a Bar-room." f * i The good housewives of ! Kingstree are loud in their complaint about the scarcity of "raw material" to keep the p >t boiling. At times it is almost impossible to get fresh meat ot any kind and poultry and eggs are literally "out of sight." Rev Dr Robert Wilson last Sunday announced that hereafter services will be held in the Episcopal church on the second Sunday of each month. The membership of this church is increasing rapidly, and it will probably have a resident minister before very long. The money for the managers of the recent election has been received and is ready to be disbursed by Mr N D Lesesne at Bank of Kings tree for the State and Mr H O Britton for the Fed erai ejection, jno money win ue paid to parties representing managers without a written order. MOI JIG R Get Ou LER E ? y' ' ~ u&ei#2&&&ZA, ATI /^Vueen V^Juality Korr H. C. GODWIN SH find a fit for the lit With these lin< fiuarc Protect your healtl doctors. Style, lei ' K ? smsm fc What vrit^ "sick'^aso. wehav/ebad\ of trouble, an any apparent n> perfection in thk attributed ta^ ! stances and fusion and a* | thereby. , We like all parts f ex all in, Tuescu.^ , i o'clo* alarm of firh< nous. eg .ons pay irom r month to beginn< .ictnal Telegraph In 5 mbia, S C, and is operated un of R. K. Officials,; ; are placed w rite them for par 11 15 va. to ?et ' ~ * s who Cotton is quoted today a lents. and seed S19.25. for CTIQN [iOING 0 s Before ;oods TREE, S. C. NC. . i . ilPK ien 4. It's hard to ~ ; problem. iction. lese shoes are corn and bunion luirements. Goods Coir "i Horses & $50 CAR JUST A1 stt Nice drivers and J Tr Extra Heavy, IV 5? Light M ?* Buggies, Surr< pli j ons, Harness, ipnl A nice line "of wj Come and get y ses ? Mr YOURS TO PI The Williamsburg I mia ? Hie KINGSTREE AND G ins, sottth claj :ut-, ? idy lorper ?.4,????4-??-t?^ 11 NEW 1 md 4, ing l m w ? < "I; J Fall and V Stt CLOTHING for Me ,B -L Children. The Late uu" : I r A and Fabric. All tl 1 C* it and Stripes. Rev j Dry Goods, Dress Goo rdi "|* Everything for Ladies' wear, ie's 4* ? rf J. S. E A K1NQSTRF.E, SOUTt t Ml 11*'?~t?;?-r?? [ *?-? { '?H "I you. I &ALC N Buying. COMPAP ipany. I , fluies. j *R1VED food workers. ledium and j lules. |; eys, Wag- I Saddles,&c [ . inter robes. f; our choice. ; LEANE, m Ave Stock Co., ; J iREELYVILLE. BOLIITA. j" ^1 fl JNE ' /inter {r . I n, Youths and T. ist Styles in Fit f te new Shades c * ds, Notions, -Shoes, ^ Prices to suit all. 4RON J \ i CAROLINA. ^ * p?*?-??$ '?T??"f??"f3? \ i >L ' I i!V w. ; i