$hr (fount]) ffterotij KINGSTREE. S. C C. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS SUilSrliimoN KATES: One copy, one year $i 25 One copy, six mom lis 75 One copy, three monts 50 One copy, one year in advance ? 1 00 Obituaries. Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks and all other reading notices, not News, will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for each insertion. THURSDAY. NOV. 19. 1908. That the new law divorcing the court of genera! sessions from the common pleas court in Williamsburg county is impractical and a useless expense litis been conclusively demonstrated by the last two terms of court held at Kingstiee. Only a few weeks ago we Had the sessions court lasting about five hours and on Monday the common pleas court exhausted itself in three hours. Both terms of court, under the old law, might have been held the same week and all business despatched in two days with the same set of jurors. The experiment at law making has cost the county at least two hundred dollars at the outset of the opeia tion of tbe new arrangement and it seems to us the best thing for our representatives in tbe legislature to do is to put us back uuder the old system as speedily as possibly. The friendly rivalry amoug our farmer friends as to big potatoes is a good sign and we are glad to give prominence to anything that advertises the fertility of i soil or in any way exploits the resources of our countv. Hither* to Williamsburg people .have been very modest about letting the world know what they are capable of doing and while we would not in any sense be a party to an exaggerated story of the pro ductiveness of our soil aud climate, the bare facts backed up by tangible, visible eyidence, are ? 1- i- ???vArukl^ uf. tJ!JOU^Q IU illU ilt'V ia? vi c* c*v. uvtention to our cou.ity. We have the best country and the best people, taking everything in consideration, in the world aud the editor of The Record never lacks time or space or willingness to enumerate and emphasize the wonderful resources and advantages of our favored land. v ??????? Brother Ayer, of the Florence Daily Times, is wrestling with a linotype recently installed in his office. If he has more trouble wilh it than we have bad with gasoline engines operated by people who don't know anything about them, he certainly has our sincere sympathy. I Order of tbe Eastern Star. Kingstree Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star was organized here Tuesday night, November 10, by Kev W L L Cahill of Georgetown, assisted by Mrs D M Brinkley, of the same place. This is a branch of Free Masonry qf which the wives and daughters of Master Masons are eligible. Following are the ladies who are charter members of Kingstree chapter: Mrs Louis Jacobs, Mrs W H Carr, Mrs S Marcus,Mrs Edward Epps and Mrs G O Epps and Misses Barbara and Florrie Jacobs and Miss Lorena Ross. All of the Masons in town are x eligible for membership, and quite a number became charter members. * V HMf*i'n HM \ j| Graded School Notes. | Two of our lady teachers,Miss I Lorena Uoss and Miss Carrie I Onslow, went down to Charlesj ton last Friday on business. ] Their places were tilled by Misses 1'earle Montgomery and I Mary Gordon, former pupiig of ! our school, but now members of jWinthrop College, w.ho are at {home on account of the sickness I there. We were very fflad to have visit us on Monday morning, Miss Mamie Montgomery, who is also home from Winthrop because of typhoid fever in the school. Mamie was one of last ! years graduates and it seems I natural and pleasant to have I her among" u.-> once more, if onl}' as a visitor. Being indisposed and feeling that lie could not do himself justice. Mr Kirk who was to speak to us in the auditorium last Friday, did not deliver his address. But if nothing again prevents, Mr Kirk will give us his speech on next Friday at the usual hour, 1:30 o'clock p m. The Wgenee Literary Society held a regular meeting on Friday afternoon, November 13, 1908, Miss Brockinton in the chair and Miss Hinds secretary. The meeting- was a very interesting-one, the only draw-back being- that none of our honorary members were present. We hope this will not occur again, as their presence is very much desired by all the members. The debate for the afternoon > ''Resolved, That Ki* re needs a sewerage syste than she needs electric ,.8i. added much to the interest the meeting. Finally the d cision was rendered in favor * the affirmative. The member of the society appreciate the interest of our trustees in our [society. Although they cannot be with us at our meetings ^we learn that they think about lie nffon Wo qrp aler> rlpliss. Lucas County. ) Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J cheney& Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. 1 . ?... f r KA > i* O Vtlb^C.) . Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Oth day of December, A D 188G. (Seal.) A W Gleason, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surface . of the system. Seud for testimonials free. FrJ Cheney &'Co., Toledo, 0. Sold "by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Prills for consumption. We have a nice assortment of Wool Blankets at low prices call and look them over. People's Mercantile Co. 11-12-tf I j v*%%v*wv*v*v I I ? Union Hig Rome, Xoveml 1 Francis Marion Lit ty held its regular Friday afternoon, Xovembt, The regular work was postponed on the account of the election of new officers' which resulted as follows: Allaid Hemingway, Presii dent: Luther Johnson, Vice Pres, i ident; Pressley Thomas, Secre'tar}-; Thomas Chandler, First i censor; Florence Hemingway, , I Second censor; Ainmie Eaddy, Treasurer; Capers Marshall,Literary Editor. On Friday afternoon. November Id, they were duty installed, the outgoing and incoming presidents deli r' t;ring >hort speeches, as is customary. On Thursday night, Xovem! ber 2(5, the play "Topsy Turvy," .i will be given in the new audij tort' "S The cast of characters IiS' j Topsy Sissoi* * ; May Gc s* Mrs Clan ' > ers. | Miss Sprij*. | Lord Claretf 1 Frank Goi# j Deacon JqI VT?2 XT' D I ^CU, JCi IV ''Topsj' Ti evening" ar brigbtesl KJ' s,^ht, h 1 ai?for J P iv. ,^-conu l *" Fii Distinguished. 2nd ura.. ? Vema Ard, Harris Cribb, Louise Snow. 3rd Grade?D I Wilson, Anna Cribb, Lillian Cribb, Martie Owens. 4th Grade?Bertha Ard, Ethel Johnson, Isla Cooper, Docia Bruorton, DuHant Rhem. 5th Grade?James Goodwin, Edna Eaddy, Myrtle Cooper, Mary Goodwin. Oth Grade?Annie Wilson, Willie Snow, LeRoy Bobbins. 7th Grade?Ma lie Hemingway. 10th Grade?Capers Marshall-. Highly Distinguished. 6th Grade?Marie Eaddy. ***? ?A 1Hhnndler^ ? 111 uiaut-?ivuvv , Leta Carraway, Pauline Munnerlyn, Rosa Bruorton, Maude Goodwin, Laura Rhem, Charlie Thomas. * 8th Grade?Amrnie Eaddy,. Florence Hemingway, Emilie Brockinton, Louise Wilson, Emmie Snow, Carl Goodwin. 10th Grade?Daisie Brockinton, Allard Hemingway, Myrtle j Price, Daisie Munnerlyn, Walter; Robbins. Second Month?Distinguished. 2nd Grade?Vema Ard, Thomas Fenters,Harris Cribb, Louise Snow. 3rd Grade?Winston Eaddy, Willie Hemingway, D I Wilson, Anna Cribb, Lucy Robbins, Helen Wilder, Martie Owens. 4th Grade?Isla Cooper, Ethel Johnson. 5th Grade?Mary Goodwin. 6th Grade?Marie Eaddy, Annie Wilson, Willie Snow, LeKoy Robbins. 7th Grade?Laura Rhem, Maude Goodwin, Pauline Mun nerlyn. 8th Grade?Carl Goodwin. 10th Grade?Allard Hemingway; Capers Marshall, Daisie Munnerlyn, Walter Robbins. Highly Distinguished. 3rd Grade?Lillian Cribb. 4th Grade?Bertha Ard. 7th Grade?Ailce Chandler, Leta Carraway, Rosa Bruorton. 8th Grade?Annie Eaddy,Florence Hemingway, Emilie Brock-1 / / t . _ . P V. ....jafdfci'Lkc. .<. ... . 1 yoiu trouble . keep out of li if you tike I j Pills. They i malaria and iauuv. i system. 2oc. at ' j store, t Big line sta, Notions. Give 1 your money. ^ I There will be & Hill school house v night, November 'io, j to aid in purchasing. jrar> the school. Everybody ?ited. Pet ha B .otss, .nton, S C. j If yon suffer ? roni costipation ( land liver troii? : ^ ' ' ' Oriuo1 ; Laxajyve cun ?ou permanently! j by . nluting tk '-'igeslive organs !so_' will i permanently, i r J?0 I ? does not! v "* and you ixatives Orino. ?. slave of \ I > kins'. .-fa Honey and Tar clears the ! ssages, stops the irritation in h^oat. soothes the inflamed es, and the most obstinate ippears. Sore and inflamed ; healed and strengthened, ;jold is expelled from the Refuse any but the genuine I low package. VV L Wal* j Ifeetuter Metropolitan he love letters of George Sand Alfred de Musset disclosing the ecret history of this dramatic and j hitherto unexplained literary lovej: affair are givei to America through' ( the Metropolitan Magazine. The f.rst instalment appears in the Christmas number. "The Real Panama and Its People" by Bteanor Yorke Bell, gives the reader the results of a careful study of Panama and its inhabitants and the conditions onder which onr men are working, simply uMirrg facts without sensational charges such as have , characterized the majority of the other artieles oj the canal. "The Christmas Hunting" by Charle6 Livingtou Bull, is ? delightful recrudescence of the medieval atmose phere strikingly illustrated in color. Helen Zimmern writes on'Swn\ famous picitms and their romantic histories' which is? a particularly pleasing article for the Christmas i time. Among the exceptionally good short stories in the Christmas number are: "The Arab" by Thornton Oakley;"The Djinkwater Romance" by Authur Morrison; "Three Dollars and Hash" by Glen Ford Mott; "The Smart ?>et of Caribou Crossing" by Charles Federick Holder, aud "Applied Romance" by Wood Le vette Wilson. There are many Christmas features. SPECI/lL NOTICES. Transient Notices will be Published In This Column at the Rate of One Cent a Word for Each Issue. No advertisement token for less than 25 cents. Lost?Between Ben Buffkin's dwelling and Kinjstree. on Tuesday, November 3. two ladies' black cloaks. Liberal reward will be paid if returned to W P McGill. ll-19-2t. t Kingstree, S. C. ? -- ** i for v?ALE.?seveij- rUWIIl U'juac mwi cne-acre lot. Situated in desirable neighborhood on Main street. Terms reasonable. Address Lock Box 41, ll-19-2t Lake City, S C For Sale?Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock Cockerels, best all-round chickens ' for the yard. H J Brown, 11-19-2t Cades, S. C. Lost?One large setter dog named { I'an. Last seen Thursday, November ~ ttmvanrl fur recovery. , ' I) E McCutchen, 11-19-lt Church, S C. Bird Dogs?Owners of bird dogs ruav have them properly trained by applying to the undersigned. Satisfaction guaranteed. II J Bl'rgess, ll-19-3t Mowray, S C. For Sai.e or Rent-One store and dwelling at Benson postoffice. F. Rhem & Sons, ll-5-4t Rhems, S. C. For Sale?Good, four room house six miles East of Kingstree, with good outbuilding; 93 acres fine land, nearly one horse crop cleared. Price $1,700. s. J. McConnkll, 11-3-41 Blooraingvale, S. C. Wanted. Several loads of stove { wood, tf The County Record 3 4^?:?:@:?:@:?:?:? Wga IMG, B MAT I ml . e IN U * < flust Be SoI< Prices as I ro continue this 1 , STACK Daylight ?:?:? :@:?:?:?:@:?:@:?: Organized, Developed Principle of Conser Along Progressiv< BANK OF WIL: IKINCSTREE. RE50URCES Solicits a share of business, feeling- c our ample resoun rior facilities will ciation with us agreeable and pro C, W, Stolif Pres. E E. Lv Montgomery, Asst. Cat o o M , K v... STO> Think How Mu BY B U1 A u 1/ r COOK ST Stoves that are O K with a buy in car lots, therefore you "w range for less money than you c are the times the prudent buyer COUNT. Give us the oppor you the economy. COHPLETE LINE ( We have jn addition to the hardware ot all kinds, but for la give you a list of what we do c; we have one of the most up-to d found anywhere, and invite you self. A welcome to ALL at our FARMERSS Q Tom Watson's X Are Read By Al, R THE WEEKLY PGOPt X JEFFERSONIAN X Price $1.00 BOTHTOGE * Per Year. $2.00 Per Y Q Wliile these have the same ] different in make-up. T^ey ma * nig and advocating true Jefferso contain choice stories, serials ar l) interest every member of the fa Q At the time, when a Preside: and all citizens are keenly int< iv questions, no one should be with K Address THOS. E. WATSON > 2xxx>oooooooooo mf' < iJSk Is A ti&A t t Cost! % ? lOYS* f!l ftTHIMP. ! ' V/ V/ ? V IV w ^ ERIAL. | tTEST STYLE. jg i at Sacrifice @ lean to Ois- @ f line.