The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 19, 1908, Image 3

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SHOT INTO MAN'S HOUSE j< Aclo! Lawlessness Near Harpers? j Trouble over Stock Supposed Cause. ' Harpers, November 1(>:; J Browser's bouse was shot into last Tuesday night. Your correspondent is informed that the suppov-d cause; grew out of Mr. Browder's taking i up stock on his land under the stork* law. The writer has known Mr; Browder for a number of years and had considerable business dealings j j&tiii him and has found him honest I and upright in all business relations., 1 do cot know him as a neighbor,nor I* " T ' - 1! ,u.. <10 1 voucn lor HIS i ignis hi me su-j>o | he has taken, bat 1 am truly sorry j that an occurrence of this sort should ;: happen in our neighborhood and hope that tlie trouble may beadjusted to the sat.sfactiou of all peo->' pie concern- 1. The time is not ripe I for the op-radon of the stock la a in i he lower part ot Williamsburg j County, but it is to be hoped that I any hardship or injustice it brings I about to individuals may be settled! peaceably, without resort to lawless I methods of iutiinidation. Changing the subj x-t, Mr Editor, j' I am informed that Mr Graham Alt- ' man, a farmer living near Harper, I has a biucli of twenty-three potatoes, each ot which would average 1 the size of a quart measure, making in all nearly three pecks of potatoes ' in rttiD luinoh Who r>nn h#?at: it? 1 Our sister town Rosemary is laying tlu' foundation for an up to-date : carriage shop for the repair of vehi- 1 ^Jes, also the ground will be broken for an ice factory in a few day*. These two enterprises will be put m operation at once, and we expect to see an oil mill at or near Rosemary ( within twelve months We hope to | see Harper and Rosemary join hands ] and be one town in thrift and oner- ] gy- | Another special school district will <t be laid off 011 the ?V llliamsburg side 1 ?\ f ? T a U7 ranoo i U1 Ilitl pci3 at I'iltC. 4UI IJAiiguvt MoCullough will make a survey at an early date. Our people are nmk- j j 1.g great strides in an educational j ( way. Subscriber. ( ? ^ Hoi Springs Ark., Ms nocompetition against Lippmun'sj Great Remedy for the cure of Rheumatism. , James Newton, Abeideen, Ohioi says P. P. P. did him mote good; v than three months treatment at Hot j Spring--, Ark, \V. T. Timmons, of Waxahatchie Tex., says his rheumatism was so}' bad that tie was coutined to his bed :j for month-. Physicians advised Both Springs, Ark., and Mineral Wells'* 1 Texas,at which place he spent seven j; weeks in vain, with knees so budlvv swollen that his tortures were beyond ' ] endurance. P. P. P. made the cure! I and proved itself as in thousands of j' /MU'uC! I ha KLsirl 1\11 ri fiiar 111 M ^VIIICI I HV Kfi\'\S\A I'ltliUVI ? ] The world, and superior to all Sarsa-11 parillasand the so-called Rheumatic ! Springs. (.rand Farmers' Rally. There will be a grand farmers'| rally at Kingstree 011 December 15, j 1908. Distinguished speakers are ex-! pecLed to be there, among whom are : President llairis of the State Farmers' Union, U S Senator-Fleet E I) Smith and Senator F 11 Weston. Also the Williamsburg Countv Farmers'Union will meet on that day. Everybody is invited to come and hear something that will do them good. Come one, come all, and especially members of the Farmers' Union, aDd let's have a big time, J D Daniel, Pies, i W C F U. | J T Fkiekson, Sycty. ll-19-3t How is your Digestion. Mrs Mary Dowliug of No 22S 8th Ave,, San Francisco, recommends a remedy foi stomach trouble. She says: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute indigestion, promotes this testimonial. I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best t remedy on the market to-dav." This 1 great tonic and alterative mediciue M^rgoratea the system, purities the ] Ifcrfblood and is especially helpful in forms of female weakness. 50c. at D C Scotts drug store. Old papers for sale cheap by J the hundred at The Record * office. Do not forget that DeWitt's Lit- ] tie Early Risers are the best pills s made. They are pleasant little pills s that are easy to take and are prompt 1 ?. and gentle. We sell and recom. mend them. Sold by D C Scott, M D. E % % f NEW^ I f k' % ' fk ; * Our Big Offer. Subscriptions are no in on our offer announc. week Only we made an ei. in tliat announcement, but tl error is- in our subscribers* favo The farm paper we offer, T' Southern Agriculturist, is pe shed semi monthly instead monthly as was stated. Tf refore you s,ret -J 4 papers a year instead of as advertised.. Think* of it! Kiltv-tvro coj)ies of the Record, your county paper, i and 24 copies of a liijjfh class j Southern agricultural paper ? 7i> papers all told?for only one dollar, while they last. Uemeraber, we have only 100 of the copies of the .Southern Agriculturist to give away and 'tirst come, first served." Also bear in mind that to take advantage of this offer your subscription'must be paid for one vhoie year?12 months? in advance. New, let us have your subscription, tf A Jeweler's Experience. C R Kluger, The Jeweler, lUGO Virginia Ave., IndiaiiufK>lis, Ind., "1 was so weak from kiduev :rouble that I could hardly walk a rut ml red feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidnev Remedy cleared my complexion, cured my backache and the irregularities disappeared, and I can low attend to business every day, iud recommend Foley's Kidney Heniedy to all other remedies had tiled. W L Wallace. We make a specialty of handing .Staple Groceries in larjje; juantiiies at Farmers' Supply! 3o's. Sheriffs Sale. ! STATE "K SOUTH CAROLINA, ) ! County <?i Williamsburg, j Coirt of Common Pleas. ) V M Gordon, Plaintiff, Again>t Alice I la'by, Ervin Darby. In-irs-atlaw of .lack Darby, deceased; Yanikie 1 >avis. '< e r.. I'avis, neorge i/avis. i Mary Co?y?*rs. Collins Davis, Louella ! Frasier, heir?>-at-law oi George Davis, leeeased; Mackey Davis, Morgan Dav- : is. George, Levalve Davis, heirs- i it-law of Friday Davis, deceased; For- ! tune Darby. Harry Darby. Daphuey! McCants. Tena I ox won h, James Dar- j y, hvirs-a:-law of Caesar I leased; Docia < ohen. James Cohen,,' Philip Cohen. Mary Richard<un. Sarah I Epp>, Solomon Cohen, Pirket Cohen, i ieir>-al law of Windsor < ohen, deceas- j I; Fed Darby, Mose Darbv, Bonus j Darby. John Darby. Jacob Chandler.1 irir? it-law of Daphney Darby, decea? ?d: Carrie Lee Dingle, tephus Darby, j Lizzie Darby, heir>-at-!a\v of Lisbon; Darby, de eased: lb n Major. Sam Ma- } ior, Jacob Major,Fortune Major, heirsit-law of Matilda Major, deceased: Sa- j ah Darby, heir-at-law of I-aa<- Darby, ieceased; Louisa Boyd,Frances James, | ralvin Darby. R<>>anna Darby, heirs- ' it-law of Calvin Darby, deceased: Loran Gamble, William Gamble, Wesley I Jumble. heirs-at-law of Sarah Gamble, I Innmuro Danhnpv icvcaocu, ^ut?.i? . V| ? ?j- j Hose, heirs-at-law of Clara Dunmore, leceased, and Jacob Chandler, l>elending. By virtue <>f a decree of the Common ! ^leas Court in the above stated case in he county and State aforesaid, I, ileorue J. Graham, Sheriff of William.* >urg, S C, will sell at public auction to he highest bidder before the Court douse door at Kingstree, S C, on sales lay in December, viz. Monday, Decem>er 7, 1908, during the legal hours of (ale, the following described real estate >n the following terms: That certain tract of land situate in J he county and State aforesaid,coniainngone hundred and sixty acres, more or ess, bounded by the lands of McDonild and of the estate of Theodore L. Jourdin, being the tract conveyed to ;he said Jack Darby by the executors >f the last will of the said Theodore L. Jourdin in December, 186'J, the deed hereof being recorded in the oflice of egister of mense conveyance for the aid county in Hook L, at pages 152 and 53. Terms of Sale-.?Cash, purchaser to >ay for papers. George J. Graham, l-19-3t Sheriff. Notice of Application For Homestead Notice is hereby given that J \lurion Barrineau has applied to me ,o have his homestead exemption issigned and set off to hirn according ;o law and in his petition has shown lis intention and has actually applied for an assignment of his homestead in lands and personal property i situated iu the county of Williamsill rg and State of South Carolina. II O Bkitton, Clerk of Court, j ll-l2-4t -U I ROMP' "5 & cn I ears 'have watched ;len's Arnica ,v.*r failed to cure or burn to .plied. It has*saved .tor hill,*' says A K it Wilton, Maine 23c. jC b drug store. OUR CL ^BING RATES We offer eh. p. clubbing rates with aT~ s' 1 popular newspapers and perio* nils, *Md>srare tully tne roiii" i *ifuu | the one or tne Vt Jou *jtd . we shall h?-^ )rder. " V** cash in both Tiii. ordered tint 1, 5, 6, 7, S months a* our best c i The Rev, and Xe (Semi-weekly,) $1.60. The Record and Home & (twice a month,) $1.35. The Record and New Y (3 times a week,) $1.75. The Record and Atlan' % tution (3 times a week) $1 The Record and Atlanta tution (weekly $1.50. The Record and Bryan's v mouer, $1.75. 'IVt r. ...wt IVCmnn?i;f,. i n D ilti v/nj/ aiiu woauv|M/u v</ Magazine $1.75. Th* Record anil Youth's Companion (New Subscribers) $2.50. The Record Semi-Weekly State, $2.50. The Record and Lippincott's Magazine 1 year each *2.75. The Record and National Magazine, 1 year each, $1 00. N. 13. We do not club with any daily papers. The first issue you receive of the paper U* periodical is evidence that the money for same has been forwarded by us. We are not responsible after that. THE COUNTY RECORD Kingstree, S. C. | Woman Interrupts Political Speaker A well dressed woman interrupted a political speak r recently bv continually coughing. If she had taken Foley's Money and Tar it would have cured her cough (juickly and expelled the cold fiom her system. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and is in a yellow package* Refuse substitutes. W. L. Wallace. I LOUIS SAT 2*& 234 KING 5 The Largest Wholt ? We Cut Fine Piece Warm Winter Underwear. Gents' Heavy Cotton and Wool 1 Mixed Vest and Drawers, Value $1.25. Special, each 98c. Gents' all Wool Vests and Drawers (Natural Color) each $1.48. Ladies'Cotton and Wool Mixed Ribbed Vests, Medium and Ilea- ; vy weight each 75c, Ladies' Cotton Ribbed Vests and j Drawers, light, medium and j heavy weight, each 49c, Ladies' light weight silk and ; wool Vests and Drawers, each $1.00. oKLES. BEST MUIH TLY FILLED AT GALE'S (i $5. T( SlilUil - ? r vi IC ( >mobi vem lal )on'l ?re in jrma | t Hi. rvk .v w1 ?,i:*>r.vV2n HI (Prickly Ash, Poke 1 ? -- TAKES POSITIVE CURES 0? . v j v.-nMBHamaav. n i. sjj en dcrse P. P. P. as a splen>n, and prescribe it with pg ( .jf.w.uon for the cures of all %g . ci^tes of Primary, Secondary ' a Prphilis, Syphilitic Eheu- I ... Scrofulous Uleors and Sores, i .. Swclhajs, Rhcnmatism, Eld^ ; ..lints, old Chronic Ulcers that 0^ llfiRRH n - C 7..? '>1 all treatment. Catarrh, 81dn EBi * _ Eczema, Chronic Female 0*1 C-. iiarcurlal Poiaon, Tetter, I- -.a i, otc., etc. 0Kk P. it a powerful tonlo and an ?\< client appitizer, building up the * rt ru rapiilly. If you are weak and lochia, and feel badly try P. P. P., and HEUM COHEN ISFACTION or STREET. : : isale and Retail M Goods in any leng Xew Waist Styles. n 1?1 - _ 11 i.i i. :i ????:uu oiyje?yes, an mat it l&pussiuic to put into a correctly made waist, but there's service too, and lowness of price, that quality considered, is little short of astonishing and most pleasing as well. New Taffeta Silk Waists in Black . and a full line of colors each $6.00. Ladies' Lace Waists, trimmed with Medalions and Val edgings. Price $2.50, 3.00, 3.75 up to 25.00. Ladies' White Linen Waists, some plain tucked, others trimmed with colored embroideiy, $2.50 to 10.00. i I ] in inuirnT nnmro if, luntdi imto. 0 i > Bs 75 I 3 Quit Cptnrii e , Will llUlUlli a j c a tee * Mc 20AST LINE i in 1 <laj ? I w est le Races. Tickets {?1 ber 21st to 25th, j J"! return limit Nov- y jJ t miss this opportatest Auto Raqe on America. ition call cn Ticket 1 dre lei' wi 1 C. WHITE, g Gen. Pass. Aet. I wa >N, N. C. | | 1 " M < cammHBBHBr of 1 S tEsT" jun . to ATT m tr> loot and Potassium.) ILL FOKlfQ . A>'D STAQE9 OP ?? raBaHBMHMHHBnn yon will regain fleah and strength. DtVaateofenergyandallliscases resulting f ?. from 07ertaxing thesyetem arecurtd by J the nae of P. P. P. Ladieswhoee systems arofvisonc.Iar.d SwhoMbloodiEin&nimpureconditicndue i tomcnetru&l irregularities are peculiarly benefited by the wonderful tcnio and . :! MRflMlfi III fcf WVIIVI Wkff 1 ; II 3 blood cle^Mlng properties of P. P. P., Prickly Aih, Poko Boot ABd PoUMlnm. _ . Sold by All DruggUU. | I I F. V. LIPPMAN Proprietor *? _ - trc Savannah, - Ca. Go IATISM r; CON Your Money B; : : : : C AIL ORDER HOUf th for Merchants at Fascinating Fall and Winter Fi Fabrics. I l3 44 inch satin striped Poplin,,^ Black and all colors, per yard, i I? 45 inch Imported Fillet Voiles,' j,a in Blue, Grey - and Brown, yard g^ | M; 40 inch Satin Viola, Black and ; ^ all the new colors, yd 1.75. At We carry a large assortment of F Dress Goods in Plain weaves 1R and Fancy Mixtures in all the newest colors, 124c, 15, 25, 29, 39, Hjj 48 up to $3.50 yd. Th Special. fhr( Ladies' Taffeta Silk Waists, ? Black and Colors, value $4.00 "e Special, each $3.00. 10' Lunch Room. NEXT TO < OURT HOUSE. 3en 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. I I Oysters from Suffolk, Va. 'y ef Steak. Ham and Eggs, COME AND SEE U.S. R WHITE PEOPLE ONLY. LM2-tf Foreclosure Sale TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Williamsburg. < ourt el ' ommon fleas 'armors ami Merchants Bank, a coration duly created and chartered unthe laws of the State of South Car1a, Plaintiff, AGAINST ! McElveen ami A H Williams, Trusin bankruptcy of the estate of J C Elveen. bankrupt. Defendant. Inder and by virtue of a decree of eclosure issued out of the court of imon pleas of Williamsburg county :he above stated case, dated the lfith of November.1908, to me directed, ill sell at public auction to the highbidder, for cash, before the court ise door in Kingstree, S C, during legal hours of sale, on Monday, Denber 7th, 1908, the following describre d estate, to wit: ? U1 that certain piece, parcel or lot of d lying, being and situate on the st side of Acline avenue (formerly ilroad avenue) in the town of Lake y, and in Sumter township, in the inty of Williamsburg and State of ith Carolina, containing fourthouiH l? not A snnarp fppt and measuring IV said Acline avenue forty (40) feet nt, and measuring in depth one bnn>d feet. and being in form a paral>gram, and bounded as follows, to t: North by lot of land ot'<> E fcin- I itarv: East by lands of 0 E Mngle y; South by lot ol land of 0 E Sin?tary, being the lot upon which the ible now stands; West by said A? line enue. which runs upon the right of >y of the Atlantic ? oast Line RailPurehaser to pay for papers. II 0 Brixton. Herk of the Court of \'ommon Pleas Williamsburg Connty. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that til further notice the Kings?e (linneries. will run three ys in the week ? Tuesdays, ursdays and Fridays. Vgj (>ko. A. MoElvlkn, Mgr. 1-11' - L" I inurv.unTAD fUKlLIAnu IHR | The original | \XATIVE cough remedy. r coughs, colds, throat and lung mbles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic, od for everybody. Sold everywhere. The genuine )LEY'S HONEY and TAR is in 'ellow package. Refuse substitute*. Prepared only by Foley & Company, Chicago. W. L. Wallace. IPANY, ick I HAKLESTOX, S. C. 5E in the South. Wholesale Prices. K nest Display of Ladles' and blisses' Suits in the State. [dies' Strictly Tailored Suits Fancy Mixtures. Would sell sily at $12.00, our price, suit 0.00. dies' and Misses' Tailor Made lits in plain Broad Cloth and innisli Mixtures. Suits tfiat mid retail easily at $20.00, r price, suit $15.00. $25.00?We have an assort- ? :nt of Ladies'and Misses' suits plain and fancy striped Broad oths, Plain and Fancy Panais and Herringbone stripes in I the staple and fancy shades, le largest assortment and the eatest values in the South at e price. Suit $25.CO. autiful line of finer suits up $125.00 suit