The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 01, 1908, Image 1

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|L I - "" " " " : \ mT&ER I ^ ^ VOL XXII KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER 1, 1908. NO. 29 xywwvvvtvvvwvwvvvf I\ I ORLESS 5 C.OON 5 j W 0LLAR5 5 I CLOTHING i KING S QUALITY . < L-Mg?_ SH01 T.AD1ES' JACKET < A SHAWLS ^ D AND < jlbS' h I A A K J POINTER BRAND HA -<* ?are? L Peerless in Quality and S PEOPLE! WAAMWMWM VARIETY OF NEWS j; ^ -fROM LAKE CITY. I MN KATE*" Be flON COMMISSIONERS -LOCAL jl BB > Ml PERSONAL. ike Citv. SeDtember 29:?l! l^ss Ruth Williams has re- j (turned to Columbia Female ( College for her second year, i i Mr Tracy Askins b*s gone to ^ Furman University, Greenville. 1 ' 1 M* Chas Green, Eustace r i rmond Rodgers and ( Morris have gone to s ^Toirord Fitting school, Bamberg. , Mr Walter McEachern is I spending a week with relatives s in Marion. ? The infant boy of Mr and | Mrs M E King died Monday. The child was about two months j old. Mr .T .T Snnw and hi * daughter. Miss Emmie, visited in town last week. Mr and Mrs Fripp and children have returned from a ^ summer spent in the mountains. Mrs J L Bass was in Columbia last Thursday. 2 - DrWE Hall of New York [ lectured in the auditorium last ^ Friday night for the benefit of the school library. The lecture ( was well attended and thorough- j ly enjoyed. Mrs S L Courtney came np c from Kingstree Friday and t spent the day with relatives, r Messrs D M and H V Epps, 2 L H Howie and W L Bass spent c Mnnriav in Florence countv on 1 business. c Mr J C McElveen has gone "on the road," being traveling salesman for Well brock Bros j Co., of Charleston. j iir E M Lowman has resigned 1 his position as cashier of the \ Farmers and Merchants bank t and Mr G L Dickson has been ] a i .1 ^ - 1 u: ? _ I II eiecieu IU suttccu mui. ifji j Dickson has assumed the duties s Df the office. The Jewish new year was "fittingly celebrated by all the p Israelites in town. After the item with regard to a the appointments of commission c ers of election was in the hands t of the printer it was found \ necessary to make three changes a in the list as published, on ac- a count of the fact that it was a then learned that Messrs J E i Davis, E F Prosser and J R Cox t t? ?>y? >y> "t Y ? ??= ? ^ 5 4* ? CD X Q. 2 (& 5s 03 S? r S ? Q. : f Jr )RS ? 5 ^?bs 2. I \ , ^ p L 3 1 m 9 11 TS S9 tyle 3 MERCANTII MMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAA ire members of the board of equalization. As a member of :his board and a commissioner )f election are both officers and 3robably come within that provision of the constitution prolibiting any person from holdng two offices at the same :ime, it was deemed wisest to ollow the law strictly and not :ake any chances of a contest. 3n ihat ground therefore Messrs W F Rodgers Lane,W E Sanna, Cades, and W S Eaddy ray, were appointed instead ot :he gentlemen first above named, rhis was the only reason for the hiniro Th*? frpntlf?mf?n first selected were selected unarnilously, and so also were the last. This explanation is made so that Messrs Davis, Chandler ind Cox wi'l understand why they have not received notice Df appointment and why those lamed were substituted in their stead. Last Thursday Magistrate Raskins had up before him two legroes charged with calling a vhite man, Mr J M Lyerly, cut )f his house at night and beatng him terribly, and that too n the presence of his terrified vife. Mr Lyerby is a trail man man 11 n it q nH luu ui pv/ui li^auii) ui^uiuiAj MUM >hysically, and so far as we iave ever heard, is a quiet, lonest law-abiding and hard vorking citizen and man, No :harge is made against ninr 3is only "crime" seems to be hat he is poor and weak. If >ld Williamsburg has come to hat depth of shame that a white nan, simply because he is poor rnd feeble, can be beaten and dubbed and lynched by black legro scoundrels, may God help mr country! W L B. Mr Reckling, Columbia's leadng photographer, will be in Lake City on October 8, 9 and .0. Those who appreciate the i_ x.?j i x ;r-i . ery latesi anu uesi lijcjc j? m :he art of photography will be ^leased to learn of his coming. Remember that he will only ;tay a few days. Nomas Interrupts Political Speaker A well dressed woman interrupted k political speaker recently by :ontinually coughing. If she had aken Foley's Honey and Tar it vould have cured her cough quickly md expelled the cold from her ystem. The genuine Foley's Honey md Tar contains no opiates and is n a yellow package- Refuse substiutes. wvwwwvwwvwwwww - WE STAR BRAND SHOES 1 st/tr sp BFMND 1 shoes -'wvHSn\ tire iTTJ^L BETTER A/IWf* || f| IT i, ^ -E CO., Kingstr MAMMAMMAAMAMAMAAM STATE AND GENERAL NEWS. Events of Current Interest Worth: of Mention. Mr John Graham, who SUS' taioed injury by falling from th< rear platform of a train on th< G & W railroad, died Thursday September 24, at the Georgetown inlirmary, where he was taken for treatment. The de ceased was a stranger, whost home is said to have been it Horry county. Night Riders in Georgia Tasl Saturday night burned 13 churct es and school houses near Alba ny, Ga. Haddock Shackelford, aged sixteen years, of Georgetown was killed Saturday by being struck by a ballrsi a game ol base-ball. The fatal blow was from a foul ball struck bj I Shackelford himself. I * Herman Ridder, of New York editor of the Staats Zeitung and vice chairman of the publicity bureau of the Democratic National committee, has been appointed by National uhairmar Mack as treasur _*r of the nation al committee to succeed C N Haskell, whose resignation was recently accepted. There is on deposit in 8outt Carolina savings banks ovei $25,000,000, according to the report of Bank Examiner Wil son. Mr A 6 Koliock has moved to ^********** | BUGGIES m . ? I THEY HAVI * l o make to GOODS. <f> Buggy in th ft percent, abc ff\ Come in a ft self some m ft ft I ft ft F. 3s r?WW WrVWVVWVVVWVVVY O: 77ie 2C > Master >1 l?|X =V' Hand ^ in . is revealed in r3 P\ / X the manner In ? W \ clothes art ? P'J fashioned. 5 jff J 1 Garments are _ fjfjli ! M most certain to fit and please pjfca m you and vital 2 jr parts so well JT1 i 1 that the gar- i ^ \\ menti will O frflWW U \ wear and hold O HWf up- s Hr A1 Vil THE GLOBE "U Wreme H TAILORING r a C ' v CO. clothti 2 f m I ? ee, S. C. kL / ????P Columbia whe' .je will eng"ag? in the insuran e business, hav y ing purchased the insurance de partment of the real estate an< . insurance business, Ravenel ? Walker & Co ?Darlington News. Death at Scranton. 9 Scranton, September 28,; Mrs Mary Poston, who wai . striken with apoplexy two week? ? ago and lingered until yester i day. passed away at 6 o'clocl on the farm of R E McKnight about three miles from town t She was about 45 years of ag< i and is survived by several smal! . children. Her husband diec five years ago. The funeral services will be held this after 1 noon and the body buried al , the Baptist church cemetery, sb< r being a member of this churct ' for several years. r Mr LaPierre's rendition of tb< "Toreador's Song-," as also his singing of "La donnai e mobile,' from Verdi's "Rigoletto," in th< [ "Tavern Scene," in last night's r representation of "Carmen" was . a special feature of the occasioi and received several encores.? j Cincinnati Enquirer. Don't forget to see the latest Nel Brinkly ladies' hats with veils v/bil ' attending the S Marcos milliner opening. Farmers' Supply Co have jus received a solid car load of O h r cook stoves. Don't fail to se< them before buying. Big line staple Dry uooos am Notions. Give me a look. Will sav your money. Wilkins. i CHEAP i | ??? ai '^ EG0TT0G6 iS m om for FALL (p Will sell any ? e house for 10 /f\ >ve cost. 2 ind save youroney. ? II jj ttffltitMWitWiiWlittii Rj w ^c 1(^ca^ ^ootwc. ^Ks*. . P^ ft* soft and easy on tf H | I Iv// sknnkable, and made of Kalf a dozen pair u montks?tkink of it?tw touflr ?a wkole kalf year. If a kc jj^^r tear comes in a pair in tkat time, you have to do is to send them back and get a new pair absolutely free ?they're guaranteed to last. box of six pair?guaranteed :ompanyle ^je9g|fi^ WKAAMAAAAAAAA^AAAAAAAAAAAA e TOBACCO WAREHOUSES A CERTAINTY. - N)re Tb^n Half Capital Slock Subi scribed?Soon to Begin Building. ? The Kingstree warehouses are no longer a speculation, but a nty. The promoters have j 1 over fifty per cent of pital stock and have pro5 -u suitable sites for the ereci tion of the buildings. As soon - as the books ot subscription can c be legally opened, the stfbscrip- I tions le^allv made and the re , quired amount paid in, a meet? ing of the subscribers will be I held for the purpose of electing 1 officers and appointing a board of directors, so that the charter . may be secured. The building ; committee hopes to begin the ? erection of the buildings within, i the next sixty days. With Oar Advertisers. * Mr P S Courtney has opened ? an up-to-date cafe, where he will serve meals to order at all - hours. An experienced chef is ? in charge?see his ad. * Attention is called to "Impor1 tant Notice" to stock-holders of the Kingstree Tobacco "Warehouse Co. I 1 The Kingstree Dry Goods Co.,i e 8 Marcus and Gale & Gale all f announce their millinery openings this week. Read their ads. t Mr J M Truluck of Lake City ? has bought the buggy and wagefon stock and good-will of the I II ? ->*. T T.Rtiiclrflu well uuunu 1111X1 Ul U'UUIUVUVJI j Mr Truluck is one of Lake City's g most progressive young business men and we are glad to note this expansion of his business. The People's Mercantile Co , have new and attractive ad. this week embracing clothing, Corless Coon collars, shoes, hats and ever-wear hosiery. It is worth your while to investigate that ever-wear hosiery. Mr L J Stackley advertises up-to-date furniture, big stock, all styles, also undertakers' supplies. coffins and caskets. j The Butler Dry Goods Co. ! makes a strong bid for patronage through onr advertising columns this week. This business is under the management of Mr 1-1 W TK-Xl ?.l, ? ? r<r iw D ?V DUliCi', nnu as au aggiw sive and progressive exponent of modern business ideas needs no introduction to our people. The Williamsburg Live Stock Co. tells about a car-load of horses and mules just arrived, also buggies, wagons and surreys. The Dixie Lyceum Co has put / / ymvymyr 'y'vtvw x ?*hosiery | ir for men or women VJ le feet, absolutely non- ^ in fast colors. A box M ^ guaranteed for six S ^Cl^a*maaaaax in an attractive course of fine select attractions for the season, the first of which is the Morpliet Stevenson Co., which will exhibit at the school auditorium Monday night, October 12. Mf Lamar Montgomery is* the manager and he will be pleased to sell you a season ticket. HARMONY PRESBYTERY Coareoes at Willlansharg Presijrteriao Church Tuesday, Octaher 6 Harmony Presbytery will convene it the Williamsburg Presbyterian church in Kimgstree on next Toeslay, October 6, at 12 m. The meeting will open with a sermon by the retiring moderator, after which Presbytery will be called to order lud constituted with prayer and the election of officers for this session. There will be preaching service also it 8 o'clock the first evening, the next two evenings are usually devoted to the consideration of home ind foreign missions. Preaching probably at 11 o'clock each day. Probably the Presbytery will adjourn Friday morniug. The meetings will ill be open to the public, who are cordially invited, not only to the meetings for worship, but also for business. .Harried Mai la Trtifcle. A married man who permits any mom her nf thp familv tn lalro ftnv. thing except Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds and lang trouble, is gailty of neglect. Nothing else is as good for all pulmonary troubles. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and is in a yellow package. W L Wallace. Important Notice The stockholders of the Kingstree Tobacco Ware house Co will meet at the Oprea house Kingstree, S C., Monday, October 5,11 a tti., for the purpose of organizing. Every subscriber and all who wish to subscribe art earnestly requested to attend this meeting. IIugh McCutchenI ; W H Carr [ Corporators. E C Epps ) o-1-11 4 ? Trespass Notice. >J All persons are hereby warned and forbidden to trespass on my lands by hunting game of any kind, fishing, cutin cr wood, haulincroff pine straw and letting stock run at large. W E Nesmith, Cade-, S C. l0-l-3t ' - ' Rye seed at Wilkins'. Bagging and Ties at Wilkins'. 100 Sks coffee, any grade, price to suit vou, at Wilkins'. " Best line Case Goods in town and prices right, at Wilkins', Bead the Farmers A Mercians Balk's ad. tils tssie. a -a .yj