?hf (f cnimt] flctorl ' KINGSTREE. S. C * C. W. WOLFE. 4 EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. 1 TERMS SUBSCRIPTION KATES: I' One copy, one year I i |' One copy, six mowus ?u t One copy, three roonts 50 One oopy, one year in advance ? 1 00 Obituaries, Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of 'l'hanks, ?.ards of Thanks and ail other reading notices, not ( News, will be chargeo for at the rate of one cent a word for ea-'h insertion, j THURSDAY.SEPT. 17.1908. . & - . l. JIB. 1 < I Some Shop Talk, The editor is able to be out i again atter a week's painful ill- ( ness, last week's paper beiug edited fram a sick-bed. Enfeebled by suffering and discouraged by ( lack of fiuancial support and other , conditions, we take up the bur- j dtn again and will strive all the c harder to give our readers the best that we are capable of producing. 1 Last week our pay roll was c $32.91, while the cash receipts t amounted to $6 50. Our regular * weekly pay-roll is $30, which j must come Saturday night or the 1 ^ a business stops. For weeks and f months the office expense has been greater than the revenue and t yet we have on our books, due and past due about $3,000. Friends, do you realize what J this means? It means that day i in, day out, 6ick or well, we \ gre bending every energy to give c a good couuty newspaper?one 1 tftat will compare favorably with ? any weekly iD the State?and we ? have done so. And what is our t reward? People read the paper t 1? % J I ? and say nice tilings aooui u auu i allow ns the privilege of sending r it on indefiuately without pay. i It means that for all our work f and energy put forth we realize i not a cent personally, but have to borrow money for actual snblistence and to meet the deficit I for current expenses to keep the 1 business going. It means that * we get no interest on an in. ( vestment of $3,000 in a printiog 1 plant that experience shows deteriorates at the rate of ten per ^ Cent a year. Now, this is not as it should be, and if those who owe will oome forward and pay, our financial troubles would quickly be relieved. In many cases the delay is caused by mere thoughtlessness. We cannot find time, nor can we afford the postage, to he continually sending bills to subscribers. The price ef sub- J scription is very low and the ( terms are cash in advance. When ( in doubt send a dollar and if 1 it overpays what you owe and j you don't want the paper contin- J ued, we will cheerfully refund J the difference. < c Many are already paid in ad- ( yance, some away ahead; but the ^ proportion is too small. Remem- Z ber, we are sending out about eighteen hundred papers a week ? md iffrv per ceDt unpaid means i dead loss of nearly oue thousmd dollars, which wipes out very cent of the profit on what s collected. We are makiug no bid for sympathy, bat we feel that we save hones) ly earned the money hat is owing the paper and should have it. 'Weep No More, My Lady" Yesterday we were weepiDg jver the defeat of P H Stoll c - - - v7 ? l [Or solicitor. *\ow is uur jauicu:atatiou changed to joy, for Stoll is safe over the fence, his own *011 nty having stood to him so aobly. And the precedent of not dectiDg a man the second time ail road commissioner has been broken in Caughman's case and t could not have been broken ?or a more faithful, conscientious >r hard working official. It was i bad precedent, to some extent, md left a man without the in:entive that a man ought to have 0 serve the people faithfully. ?Flore we Times. Now let all the candidates, wth elected and defeated, look ileasant and come across with 1 dollar to help elect a Demo- i ;ratic president. We congratulate the victors and < ;oudole with the vanquished. Yet j vho can say that the so called ( ucky ones are not more in need s ?f sympathy ? * The Kingstree Reeoki) thinks or the sake of truth the con- C ;radictory statements as to wheth- 1 t ED Smith was a member of j he Haskell convention in 1890 hould now be settled. There ? vere probably two E D Smiths n Sumter in 1890 and it was ^ he other E D Smith who was i delegate from Sumter. ? Xrtrier ry Herald and 1Stic*. For the sake of all the par- t ies concerned we hope so. The successful issue of Mr 4 >hilip Stoll's candidacy 13 a fair i lluetration of the efficacy of ad ertising. Comparatively unknown C ?ver the circuit, except in Wiliamsburg, he took pattern after 'Little Joe Brown" of Georgia ind inaugurated a campaign of lewspaper advertising and elecioneering by means of personal I etters and circulars runling into tens of thousands. We ^ night point a moral but for the !act that already eterybody knows t pays to advertise. I 1 John Gary Evans and his cam. j ?monairare CWm hftVft had i JBlgU MiOUUgVi B WVVM* i positive genius for making ] ilunders in the recent senatorial < campaign and it is no wonder ? hat Smith was elected by so iverwhelming a majority. Between die primaries it looked as though ( Evans had a fair show to win, i jut the eleventh hour charges igainst Smith and the "black 1 ;ype" tickets, added to the vin- ( lictive hostility of a number of j lews-papers, were enough to deeat a much stronger candidate ( ,han Evans. How to get Strong. { > T r. .r mm W 8 f J U&1V, 01 1/6'l< IT v/vu^icoa ^ St., Chicago, tells of a way to be- i :ome strong: He says: "My mother, who is old and was very feeble, is leriving so much benefit from Eleo- t ric Bitters, that I feel it's my duty ,0 tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about it [n my mother's case a marked gain n flesh has resulted, insomnia has >een overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger." Electric Bitters juickly remedy stomach, liver and ridney complaints. Sold under guarantee at D C Scott's drug store. >0c. I 100 sacks cofiee any grade and cheap ] it W T Wilkins". ] WE'RE AF "You are the indiv The above is intended of individuals who are usir bank for a depository, an< receiving no interest on their We pay interest on cer 013 savings accounts, and wc all present "sock bank" p; the "real thing'' banking pro Farmers and Bai of Lake Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Scranton, ScrarJtpn, S. C. M the clo^e of bnsNess, September 11, j 190-^v DatANM>k noouui r4oans and Discounts $20,741 <14 . Overdrafts 16 751, Furniture and Fixtures 251 001 Due from Hanks and Bankers, 1,325 29 j Jurrencv, 2.448 <>0 I iold, ' 55 00 , >ilver, Nickels and Pennies 163 861, Checks and Cash Items. 345 89 Total $25,340 *2 Liabilities Capita) Stock Paid in. $10,000 On j Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Pd. 910 72 ; dividual Deposits Subject to Check 11,742 79 iavings Deposits 2,687 31 , Total $25,340 82 ,' jTATE OF SCl'TH CAROLINA, f County of Williamsburg. \ ' Before uie cameJno M Myers, Jr, I, ashier of the above named bank, who, ' icing dulv sworn, says that the above md foregoing statement is a rue condition of said Bank, as ' hown hv the books of said bank. < JNO >1 MYERS, JR, Cashier, j 1 Sworn to and subscribed before i [ e, this 11th day of September, 1908. Wm R Singletaky ,rL. S.] .Notary ruouc ior i. i Correct Attest: j i L 0 HINSON. WINSLOW WRIGHT. RB CANNON, " j, Directors. Stateneot of toe CosdttiOB ef The Bank of Williamsburg, Kingstree, S. C. It the Close of Business September 11, 1908. Resources ' ^oans and Discounts, $96,393 03 Demand Loans, 6,719 11 )verdrafts 2,540 56 ] tanking House, 8,984 86 < furniture and Fixtures, 3,393 56 )ther Real Estate, 1.000 00 Du$ from Banks and Bankers, 8,895 17 ; Currency, 5,875 00 i rOld, 2,345 00 ( Jihrer, Nickels and Pennies, 356 82 i Jheckg and Cash Items, 943 73 I Total $137,446 84 ' EilABlLlTlBS Capital Stock Paid in, $40,000 00 < Surplus Fund, 8,000 00 j Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid, 2,006 05 )ue to Banks and Bankers, 1,252 94 j ndividual Deposits Subject to Check, 64,011 25 Cashier's Checks, 64 60 j tfotes and Bills Rediscoun ted, 2,120 00 i Jills Payable 25,000 00 i'otal $137,446 84 ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Before me came E C Epps, Cashier , if the above named bank, who ( eing duly sworn, says that the above . md foregoing statement is a true con- j lition of said Bank, as shown by the , looks of said bank. E C EPPS, ('ashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, j his 14th day of September, 1908. CHAS W STOLL, [L S] Notary hiblic for S C. Correct Attest : Wm T Wilkins, Peter G Gourdin, Chas W Stoll, Directors. ] For Sale. < One J2-borse power boiler, a 10-horse ] ?ower engine, a 60-saw Vanwinkle ] Sin with Press, shafting etc., also a , Srist Mill. Tertns easy. Part cash, j Balance to suit purchaser. Apply to! D M Ekyin, Kingstree, S C. 8-6-tfj1 1 k TER YOU ! | idual we require"' r" i ' i to attract the attention ig the sock instead of the i who in consequence are savings. tihcates of deposit; also >uld be delighted to have atrons call and talk over position vrith us. T 1 Mercha its ik : City. Statement of tbe Condition ot | The Bank of Greelyville, Grcelyvillc, S. C. At the Close ol Business September 11, 1908. Iteseorces Loans and Discounts $38,617 75 Overdrafts, 632 96 Banking House 978 69 Furniture and Fixtures 1.396 86 Due from Banks and Bankers 7.<'81 98 Currency 1.568 U0 Bold 126 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies 413 48 Total *50.*05 70 liabilities Capita.' Stock Paid in 15,000 On Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 1,534 79 \ Individual Deposits, Subject to Check 12,771 371 Savings I.Vposits 2,4% 15' Cashier's Checks 4 39 Hills Payable 19,000 00 Total $50,806 70 STATE OK SOI TH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Before me came C E Register.Cashier i)f the above named bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition ?f said bank, as shown by'the books of fr?r? The Tired Feelli* is cured by Lippman's Great Remedy. It also cures Neuralgia and Violent Headache. It feeds the nerves, Makes the blood rich and the patient 3trong. If you would be well and happy use P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, @ :?:?:@:?:?:?:?:@:?:?:?:@ I III BT ?5E* GOO ? @ ? | Walk-Ovt $ ~ \ ^ and ? } --Brown's Shi ? i l L, STACK 9 THE OLD RELIA ?:?:@ :@:@:?:@:@:?:@:@:?.@ Lake < Messrs D E Motley & Co, Lake City, S. C. Gentlemen I am this day in receipt of draft R surance Co. in payment of loss sustained on August 4th,inst. to say the adjustment was isfactory, and I wish to for your courteous treati the prompt manner which this claf^'wr* You and the comp. sent shall have the be ance in the future. 1 shall take great pleasure in ret tirm to those who wish to be insur Cnrrmanies. knowinf vou would ret>: ? L , ? 0 j ? r to be had. With warm persor Yours \ S 6-27-4t Per S KST0V1 Think How Much r* 1/ n t ?/ vi DT DUIIH O K COOK STOV Stoves that are OK with an abs buy in car lots, therefore you will g range for less money than you can ge are the times the prudent buyer sho COUNT. Give us the opportunit; you the economy. COnPLETE LINE OF h We have in addition to the abov hardware of all kinds, but for lack ol give you a list of what we do carry, we have one of the most up-to-date ] found anywhere, and invite you to < self. A welcome to ALL at our T W FiiHiBnn 6969696969693662 WCH1C0RA CC 'WWW^WAor'wt ^ LEY. I BLE ? :@:?:?:@:@:@:?:@ / City, S. C. August 17,1908. v i i . i } I oyal Exchange Ashy tire which I I am pleased entirely satthank you 9 nent and 9 with handled. H zommendingydur . ed in good honest resent only the best < flfl T I ?'"*)***-* * ial regards, I * B| :ery truly, "" L Courtney & Co., jA L Courtney Manager . . ) * \ ~7T\ * 8 ES You Save ? N Es olute guarantee. We , r |fl et a better stove or t elsewhere. These aid make every cent y of PROVING to H IARDWARE. H e a complete line of : space are unable to Just remember that ^9 hardware stores to be ._ii 1 ...... VI ;a.n n in Music. Art or Expro? Mb ns September 17th. For RD.D. D.,Pres. 6-25-10t (? M iJ