/ * - -?* "7" zsktskt ejplL . 11 ii.\ "HSSST Pfc.i^o>nN:.w ^.aninuHjofiuiur# y B/^ Bm B ^B^B B ^B^^ 0m L^ Iv fl" B^ fl fl Hies (bat afford absolite pftUAW 11/11 ill ILIJ 2[IlLI)L JLI ?is?.r y.-laciple*<>i i ji- ri>ni|t.i: Shoes once invariably buj ^ >: again. He knows they ^ ? their shape longer than ^ i other shoes. XMMAAAMMMAAAMA.V LAKE CITY LOCALS. Ic ? m ti| Cioud Burst?Election Connissieiers?Persoul Items. Lake Gyty, September 16: tBm The biggest rain of the year, some say the biggest in tiftj HW years, fell here on the night of I the 7th instant. After a day of intense heat the clouds opened fe.nd the floods descended. The water literally fell in sheets, in [torrents, and figuratively it icame down as if the bottom had dropped out. Yet next morning the streets were dry and in r seventy-two hours were dusty. The sewers simply carried away the flood as by magic, and not a seam parted; not a tap choked. The system tar exceeds in efficiency the contract requirements. There is no malaria in the town and nothing else that can be attributed to lack of drainage or to filth. The Williamsburg delegation held a meeting Monday and selected the following commissioners of election: State, Messrs E F Prosser, J L Gowdy and Jas E Davis. Federal, Messrs J J Morris, J R Cox and C M Hinds. Dr A H Williams spent the early part of the week in Charleston on business. Mrs S Brooks is in the "City by the Sea" for some days. P T? i-innrf An n nrl O XV x% vv > 1U^ Wil uuv* Hiaton James of Laurinburg, N C., were here the first of the week looking after farms with the object of investing. Mr J C McElveen went to Charleston Monday on business. On one of the lots sold last week the frame of a dwelling I was up by Saturday night. I The farmers are bending H every effort now to getting out B their cotton. Last Monday and Tuesday the weather was of a character to cause them to fear I the approach of a storm similar to that of September 17,1906. Miss Olive DuRant is at home from an extended visit. Governor Ansel has awarded the scholarship of this district in the S C Medical College to Mr Floyd Rodgers, of this town. W LB | Repair your window blinds for five cents at Farmers' Supply Let us show you how to fix your broken spoke for only 10 cents?FarmeTs' Supply Co. Vr>VrVT>yV?VrV?WrVyyWVM QualiWt TOR MEN look well and they ent that rare quality m yle an