The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 03, 1908, Image 8

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?trommnmmmmmmmm ? I King ?UaliunmiiUhininUUiUUH Local and Personal. Think it: say it: do it. Vote for Stoll for Solicitor. < Water, water everywhere and 1 not a pound of ice. ( Postmaster Jacobs went to j >' ieorgetown yestsrday. Mr E C Epps had business in bake City vesterdav. I( Born, unto Mr and Mr> T H;] Stell, on Monday. August -iI., j J a >on. | ( Miss llosa Thompson went to: Effingham last Friday on a vNit / to relatives and friends. |' i 1 Rev J 11 MahatTey has return-1J -0 home after several weeks of rest and recreation in the up country. |1 The .Juvenile Missionary society will meet at the Methodist ( * i . ' < churcii next Minuav aiternoon at ?>:.?'* o Ci?*Ck. Mr and Mrs LeKoy Lee arriv- 1 ed home this week, having spent, ( Mjnif reeks in the mountains of [, .North Caroliua. i, * Mr- J S Eron has returned from New York, where she hash I J been spending some time on bus- i. iness and pleasure. ; Miss Mollie Kpps, who has i oeec away some weeks visiting < relatives in Georgia and Florida. returned home last week. .ijie JLiryan campaign tuna is growing. The tirst remittance was forwarded yesterday. Have you given anything? If not, why not? The money is needed now. I Rev E E Ervin and daughters, Misses Lily and Belle, Mrs D C Scott and Miss Helen Scott have returned from Montreat, , i ' * N C, where thev spent several weeks quite pleasantly. Our friends, the candidates, both county and State, will please bear in mind that all political notices, cards of thanks, etc., are charged for at one cent a word. The election on the question of a high school in connection with Kingstree graded school was voted on last Friday, being carried affirmatively by a vote of 50 to 0. The Kingstree graded school has an advertisement this week With the new high school feature this splendid institution bids fair to excel even its former record of efficiency and excellence. Miss Mabel Lifrage, the popular and obliging manager of the local Western Union office, returned last week after a vacation of several weeks spent pleasantly with her sister, Mrs Barbara Bannister, in Raleigh, N 0. I Rev E C Bailey, pastor of | Timmonsville Presbyterian church, preached in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Mr Bailey is a forceful and tluent speaker and his sermon was i much enjojed by the congrega\ WA' ;stree UWUWWUWUUUUMlWllUUl tion present. J j The cement side-walks are being rapidly laid and they speak volumes for the public' spirit of the town council and ' the property owners. Several jf the latter who had already ! put them in at their own expense j lad them torn up and replaced r lo conform to the new side-walk.1 c Managers of piecincts are re- * juested to call on Dr A II \Vi 1 -1 * iams at Lake City for tickets 1 or the second primary, or to 0 j \Y Wolfe at Thk IIecokd office. j1 Hi is is important as the time is r diort and with the railroads all v i, ;orn up there is 110 way to get ,j .iie ticketdistributed except r >y hand. ! * I>e>!gn> for the Confederate nouument to be erected in. j Kings tree are new beingconsidered by the committee in charge' ?f the funds. Already about 11 d.."on ha> been raided, but it1 c ivill require considerably more liian tliat to pay lilting tribute . Lo those knightly souls who j '.vent for til to battle to uphold Lhe banner of the "Lost Cause." . Mr S L Courtney and family g liave moved to Kingstree and are e it home to their friends in the i singletary house across the ca- t rial. Mr Courtney will in a few t ilays begin business in the build- t ing next to Stackley's Lur- j niture Store, carrying aline ofjc general merchandise. We are t glad to welcome these good peo-j r pie to town and hope that their j \ sojourn here will be both long r and pleasant. ' r Another new firm will open its y doors to the public in the near ? future, the Butler Dry Goods Co., t whose place of business will be ' the concrete building on Acad-, 1 emy street. The business will be 1 in charge of Mr B \Y Butler, until recently the popular rnana- \ ger of the Kingstree Dry Goods ; j po., who will go North in a few , i * i 1 TT ?_ I 1 days to buy nis siock. neresi hoping long life and prosperity 1 to Brother Butler. Once more we beg to emplia-1 size the fact that obituaries, cards of thanks, resolutions and i everything that is* not news, is 1 charged for at the rate of one cent a word. Please bear this in mind, friends, and save us ^ ' > the embarrassment of having to j decline publishing free articles . of this nature. It costs money ( to set type and no one should < expect us to foot the bill when j the matter is purely personal 1 and not news. \ Mr. Reckling Is ComingMr W A Heckling, Columbia's leading photographer, is coining to t e Kingstree to stay for a few days j2 lie will be prepared to do his very!; highest grade work here aud those! >t who appreciate the best there is in , } the photographic art will be pleased j; to learn of his coming, lie expects j to be here by the 15th inst. See: j further announcements next week. j? Fanners' Supply Co. invites you to i make their two stores headquarters j < when in Kingstree. IJ TCH T] Dry lUUiUiUiUiiUiUUUUUUtiUilii BOUNTY DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS AND DECLARES RESULT OF FIRST PRIMARY?OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS COME CP. The county executive comnittee met Thursday at l'-i o':lock to tabulate the votes of he p imary and declare he result, before proceeding o canvass th eturns several >ther matters en a^ed the atention of the committee. The eturns from Earls came in rithout the box containing the mllots. The committee after eferrinef to the rules decided o accept the returns, which aroe sealed in an envelope. Trio, Oak Hidtfe and Earls ast a sort of side vote on the luestion of establishing a dis>ensary at Harper. The coinlitteedecided that it was with>ut authority to pass on the natter and it was referred to he county dispensary board. It was then brought to tho ommittee's attention that two andidates, viz, Messrs S J Sin(rletary and W A Fitch had fai 1 d to tile their expense accounts mtil Tuesday during the elecion, when the statutes provide hat these accounts shall be fil d before the election. Anticipating that this matter would :ome up, as Mr Singletary was bought to be in the second ace, Chairman Williams had vritten (Jen Wilie Jones, chairnan of the State committee,who eplied that under the statutes ,'otes could not be counted for iny candidate who failed to file his account belore the election. L'hat part of the act referred to JCtll iiij; uu tuc uiauci i cauo aa ollows: I, the undersigned, of the county of and State of South Carolina, hereby pledge hat I will not give nor spend noney, or use intoxicating iquors of any kind for the puroose of obtaining or influencing votes, and that I shall, at the :onclusion of the campaign and letore the primary elections, ender to the clerk of court, unler oath, an itemized statement >f all money spent or provided iy me during the campaign for :ampaign purposes up to that :ime, and I further pledge that [ will, immediately alter the primary election or elections ;hat 1 am a candidate in, render in itemized statement, under lath, showing all further inon?ys spent or promised by me in said eiection Provided, that a ailure to comply with this provision shall render such elec:ion null and void, so far as the :andidate who fails to tile the statement herein required, etc. Tnis matter provoked considerable discussion and finally on i motion to allow the votes for VIr Singletary to oe counted an lye and no vote was demanded, jrhich resulted as follows: ayes [2; noes 8, by which Mr Single:ary is admitted to the second primary, the official tabulation showing'that he received next lighest vote to Mr J J Graham, vho led the ticket for road ens fineer. A motion to count Mr Pitch's votes also prevailed, HIS SPt Goods luiuttuuuumuuuiui imam ! The vote tor 'untv candi f dates at Bloom' -j1 *cinct ! had to be thro vn the | managers had neglected in-1 i elude return sheet certit to | the number of votes cas lc. J j Gourdins also could no counted, as the returns ; to be delivered within 4" 1. after the election. A motion t.) count the Bloom- 1 inji"vale vote was carried but , reconsidered. I The result of the election was I - - ^ ! declared as announced last ! wrelc in Tin-: K'ixoko. On motion of Mr Wolte the sum of s-.'.j was contributed I i i from the funds of the committee to Hie National Democratic committee. Tiie committee was pleasanti lv surprised by Auditor Mont-, |yomery with a box of tine ci-i ; yars. ! 1 ?~i | A mm P. H. STOLL, Tbe Next Solicitor of tbe Third Circuit. SENDE. D. SMITH TO THE SENATE. Some Good Reasons Why He Should Represent South Carolina. i Some of the politicians have charged that Hon E D Smith has used the Southern Cotton associatian as a means of riding into office} but the thinking man, the farmer? the real producer of wealth and even the business man must admit that the work done by E D Smith through out the South and in South Carolina particularly, has brought more money to the farmer, the merchant, the doctor, the lawyer and every other class than that of any other man who has espoused the cause of the South. His work has brought results: the increased price of cotton which Mr Smith and his associates are largely responsible for bringing about, has made the people of South Carolina?all of them more prosperous than they have ever beeu before. Mr Smith attended the University of South Carolina and is an alumnus of Wofford college. He received his Master's degree at Yauderbilt University, the great Methodist institution of the South. He comes of distinguished ancestors, being a brother of the lamented Bishop A Coke Smith. Mr Smith is an orator of national repute and would be able to hold bis own with the "giants" of the Senate. <CF.. n tpbh? ? Comp MUUUiUUttUUiiUUUUUUUUi In order to make roo offer our entire stock o CLOTH !ISt a AIS UK ! BELO1 T ! M? l i i Special line of white to go below cost. Also a full line of voi made skirts. wwwvv I J ,Q ! 3bz$ W i imr-w^rrffaarr- Tr KIN6STREE 61 Kingstree, High School Boys and Girls l're] for Business Life. Pure Water. Healthful Loc n? .1.1. f - ragiu insi Fine I High School Ai pleted with Beautiful torium. AMPLE ROOM 1 PUF TERMS RE; Fall Term Begii ber 14. For Information A intendent, or to t. u 9-Mf Cle With Smith in the United States Senate, South Carolina would again come into her own and be heard from by the rest of the country. Mr Smith has a world of energy; he would not only hold his own on the floor of the SeDate, but his energetic work in the committee room would count for South Carolina. Adv. It A Card. Editor County Record:? Please allow me space in your paper to thank my friends for the support they ga/e me in the recent primary and to say to the voters of the county that I was elected; but on account of some irregularity of the managers, the votes from two of the polls were not tabulated. Not imrnmrnmrnmrnminm* I 3 >anv. 1 WMUWIHMMiMUilWmW? m ror our fall stock we f j, SHOES Y GOODS | w \ Cost. ] silk and lingerie waists ile and Panama ready- ' wwww $ ERON I . n V IADED SCHOOL*' ---SC. ? Department. pared for College or ation. tructors. ilusic Department. f mex Recently Comand Spacious AudiFOR BOARDING | ASONABLE. A is Monaay, Septem- fl| Lpply to the Super- H rk Bd. Trustees. B withstanding that,I lacked only 1 nine votes of having a majority. ^ Now, Mr Gourdin and I &ill be in the second primary and it is up to you to say who shall represent you in the next *gislature. , Thanking you in advance for the support you will give me, I "am, respectfully, Jno S Graham. h DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made. They are well known, pleasant, gentle, prompt little liver pills. Insist upon Early Risers. iVe sell and recommend it. Sold byD C Scott, M D. 4 Call at Farmers' Supply Co's two stores and supply your wants in Groceries and Hardware. v