The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 03, 1908, Image 6

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I ; ^ t A POPULAR CANDIDATE^ Prof Stiles R Mellichamp, who "is making- a popular run for the office of State Superintendent of Education, and who will receive a flattering vote in Greenville county, his former home, isgiv-en a tine endorsement in the following editorial, which appear ed in a recent issue of the Orangeburg Times and Democrat. "While on a recent trip to the upper part of the State we met and conversed with a number of gentlemen from different counties, and we were delighted to find that the Hon Stiles R Melli cbamp, candidate for State Superintendent of Education, would run well everywhere. We believe that Prof Mellichamp will be the next State Superintendent of Education. He is the best man running for the position and will possibly win in the ; tirst primary. Orangeburg county should do her full share to <nake this possible by giving k!m a practically unanimous vote. We appeal to the voters i -df Orangeburg county to stand by him, not only because he is a ( home man, but because he is the oeit man for the position in the field. He has served Orange- i burg county well and ably in her educational affairs and he will do the same for the State. See to it that his name is on! | your ballot when you vote in the primary. 1 ' * ~~T 1 "State Superintendent of jj Education." 1 Editor the Greenville News: I 1 want to call the attention of 1 )'our readers to the candidacy J of Prof Stiles R Mellichamp. of ] 11 Orangeburg, for the responsible T office of State Superintendent of Education. While I know noth-1 ing to the discredit of either of j ^ the other candidates for the office t ;and hence make no reflection on 1 them, I do know Prof Mellichamp * ^ well, and it gives me great pleas- s ure to speak of his entire capa- 5 bilitv and general fitness for the place. A gentleman of culture < and high tone, naving ripe * knowledge of educational affairs ? -and active experience in teaching during his entire life career and a Christian of the purest stamp, Mr Mellichamp is in every way qualified for the office, and I take it as a matter of good fortune to the people of South Carolina that he is offering his 1 services. Prof Mellichamp is 5 *? 1 / !-it-pll tnnwn to m,inV of J <l:iCUU^ 1I?.H uuv < u ... J our people in (Jreenville, he hav- 1 ing been a member of the facul- j< ty of Furman University tor: some time. He has spent his life in educational work, being at this time Superintendent of Education of Orangeburg county. J repeat, it is fortunate for the people of the State to have the privilege of voting for such | a man for an office, which I consider one of the most important that exists under our present government. Yours very truly, H H Prixce. They Take The kinks Out. "I have used Dr Kiug's New Life Pills for many years, wjth increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stomach, liver and bowels, without fuss or friction," says N II Brown, of Pittsfield, Vt. ^Guaranteed satisfactory at DC Scott's drug store. 25c. ?w York Most ev< ? ACT QUICKLY. Delay Has Been Uangerois ii Kligstree. Do the right thiug at the right' time. Act quickly in times of danger. Backache is kidney danger. Doan'a Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all distressing, dangerous kidney ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. Mrs R L Logau, living on Depot Avenue, Manning, S C, says: "I suffered a great deal from kidnev trouble. 1 could not rest wed at night on account of the too frequent action of the kidney secretions and my back ached and pained me constantly. There was also an aching through my kidneys and I could not [ find a position that was comfortable. I used plasters and liniments, but , did not tind relief. The secretions ! from my kidneys were highly color-' ed, and contained a brick dust sedi- j ment. It was finally my good fortune to learn of Doati's Kidney Tills, and I procured a box and began: their use. They banished the backaches and pai us and regulated the actions of my kidneys. 1 felt a J great deal better and can say that j Ooan's Kidney Pills acted lip to all i claims made for them." F col^ lu- -ill iliHiLr; T-^ripp :><) cents. Foster-Mil burn Co, Buffalo.' New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? i and take no other. j A HOUSE PARTY AT MOUZON Celebrating the Birth-day of Mrs S. R. Houzod. Mrs S R Mouzon celebrated tier sixtieth birthday last week) !n a most interesting and unus- j jal manner. Instead of celebra-1 ting one day, as is usually done, | the whole week was made mer-' -y in the entertainment of a J 1 number of young friends and elatives. No more suitable place could i lave been chosen for an "all-' veek-party"than this ideal coun-, ry home with its wide, shady f awn stretching almost to the; >anks of the Wee Nee, which ;erved the pleasure-seekers as >url, boating lake and fishpond. STor could a more thoughtful ind untiring hostess have been ound to plan in detail the imusements for each day. If j :here were no picnic, straw-ride | Dr fishing expedition on hand,1 ihere would at least be a "bee! iree cutting'' or something equal y interesting to make the time pass pleasantly. Those who composed the parly were: Mr and Mrs S K Moucon, Misses Loulie, l'attie, and Addie Mouzon, Inez and Rosalie Montgomery and Mamie King }f Greelyville; Inez and Annie White of Manning; Nellie Mae, Pearle and Clara Montgomery Df Kingstree; Carrie and Donnie Flagler of Cades; Messrs Edward, John Henry, and Barron Mouzon, W D Fulton, Sidney King, Cleve Flagler of Cades; Ben Iludnall, Anthony and Rob White of Manning. Besides these were the young people of the neighborhood, who called in the afternoons and evenings throughout the week. Although the house party is now a thing cf the past it will always be a fragrant memory to those who participated in its many pleasures. Purple Pansy. Read the Farmers & Merchants Bank's ad. ibis issue. : Styles I iry lady is wearing < You can get them i >. riA Great Hagazioe Otter. The Charleston News and Conri ier in offering upon extraordinarily \ liberal terms, several clubs of highgrade monthly magazines. They are postivelv the greatest money-saving clubbing offers ever pat out by any newspaper in South Carolina and are naturally attracting attension all over the State. All propositions are open for a short time ouly to new and old subscribers. Write the MHCTAzihp Denartment. The News and Courier, Charleston, S 0., at j once for full particulars and prices. ; Some of the Magazines represented J are: The OutiiT^Magaline, Boherui- j an Magazine, 1. iman Life, Paris f Modes, Spare M, ^jts, Mothers" Magazine, National onie Journal anil the Uncle Remus lagazine. Splendid magazines i wv be secured very cheaply in connection with The Weekly News and Courier and Sunday News. For example, a years subscription to The Weekly j News and Courier and a years subscription to six standard magazines j will cost every old and new subscrib- j i ea only S3.50. i \7 Young Let us help you. You ' HARNESS. We have a la . you at close prices and on lib you future trouble by sellingus a trial. It is a pleasure fo For the older folks we h; COMFORT and WEAR. W ment of harness at all times, ons of standard makes. HORSES AND MULES season opens up. Give us at M A l/C IX or C A C A NT n ?rl iu mm\c, 11 i Li-njniTi auu At the old stand of The W. P. HAW] KINGSTRJ > jj University of S H Wide range of choice in S< andProfessional Courses leadi j Bachelor of Arts, Ba n Licentiate of Instru< Laws, Master of Arl * -t i ^ auu jjictn aai uli^iii H Well equipped Laboratoi* ?4 volumes. <4 Expenses moderate?man; <4 expenses. J Next session (104th) begins j For announcement write t 3 S. C. I NEW " Of the reliable an cock, Piedmont, Di and Carolina -wDB XT O-1 One and Twp-Hors The Famous Russell and Webber McCormick Mower A new lot of nice, and double. A pretty assortmei YOURS TM The Wllliamsburj KINGSTREE AN south: Gu JpToT i Linen Suit. Why in all rnlnrs from RCU? Dtpirtire tf Passenger Trains at Kligstree. The Atlantic Coast Line vilroad baa promulgated the fr owing achednle, which became .ffective Sunday, April 19, l&Of ?NORTH BCjyi* No 80 *No 46 11:42 a. No 50 6:36 p. " ?SUL'TJH. .BUUaU? No 51 10:52 a. m. *No 47 5:40 p. m. No 89 9:13 p. m. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR SALE. Brkk in any quantity to suit purchas er. The Best Dry Press Machine-made .\beicz:. v Special shaps made to order. Corr?? pondenc* solicited before placing your orders. W. R. FUSE. * For nails and all kinds of builders' Hardware go to Farmers* Supply / Co. Man ! 1 want a new BUGGY AND irge stock on hand to sell eral terms. We try to save you reliable goods. Give r us to show you through, ave buggies bniIt for SO LSD e carry also a fine assortOne and two-horse wagwill be on hand whpn the least a look and we will try PROFITABLE for you. >mas & Bradham. KINS & CO. EE, S. C. outh Carolina * f. zientitic,. Literary, Graduate ? ng to degrees- of L chelor of Science, :tion, Bachelor of . * ts, Civil Engineer r leer. ? ies, Library of over 40,000 H y students make their own ? z I O *. 1 iVJJ IftAO I oepicniuci law. ^ ;o the President, Columbia, ? 7-2-10t. p ?? i STOCK d warranted Baburham, Barnesville a- x e j e Surreys. 1 Wagons. ijm n /4 r> O L- A r O anu i\arv^^. select Harness?Single ' it of Summer Robes. 0 PLEASE, 1 Live Stock Co,, D GREELYVILLE, he Minul not you? r 1. 9 Tom Watson's a Are Read Ah O THE WEEKLY X JEFFERSONIAN X Price $1.00 BOTH TOGE1 V Per Year. $2.00 Per Y X While these have the same f \ different in make-up. They mal ing and advocating true Jeffersoi contain choice stories, serials an Viterest every member of the fax At the time, when a Presiden inrl nil f i 7pns arp V i n yv questions, no one should be withi 0 Address THOS. E. WATSON 1 GETM 1 of 49 49 Goin*: to L ,J Stackley's when y< ture at reasonable prices. We coi 49 house, price and quality conside 49 J? Furniture, ? Rugs a] Edison ' ? ALSC Jj Coffins ^ and *2 I T_ . A-i unaerxaKers < 40 ^ Services Rendered Day and N ? L. J. STA< ?* KINGSTREE, COTTON Ii -AM THE PRIME TOBA( There will be a number of subje Fa)l and we are ready to serve th splendid crop prospect we are repai enlarge our floor space, and rather t Queen Stoves and Ranges from wan price SO IFex C We have just received a carload fered at a low price. Remember we min Moore & Co's Paint. Also, we Cutlery and^Razors. The Robeson preciate our friends' patronage and tmued confidence. L, City Ha LAKE CIT1 | Elegant B FOR WED S~ We are showing the most de ?? Gifts. Beautiful Chests of Tabl 5^ Bowls, Gravy Bowls, Butter Dishes 5T Salt Stands, Salt and Pepper Sets, p Large Assortment of Jew?r elry on Hand. | STEPHEN THOf H 257 KI.V?i STREET, (Hi S= MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE C ^UUUUUttUUiUUiiUiUUUiUiiUl ; te! HMUHH T v ;' ' 0 *? "* ^ ^ _ Periodicals y I Intelligent X El WATSON'S X TPFTTPPSmSTTA W X rHE |mAQAZINE Price! V >urpose they are wliolly Q re a specialty of explain- X nily circle. O tial campaign is opening ft rested in governmental. Q THOMSON, GEORGIA. O HABIT I ' I :j * t * r 'J cm want rename iurni- ^ npete with any furuitnre red. A complete line of Matting 5 ; ? ;, Phonographs. ^ ^ > B 71 Caskets ? Supplies. igbt. Yours to Serve ? :kley, | s. c. ? S KING REGENT IS3CO. cts of both in Lake City this iem. In anticipation of the ring- our warenouse so as 10 han remove the stock of O.K. chouse we have [reduced the :" 3ent. ,< ! of Wire Fence, which is of: are headquarters for Benjaoffer exceptional values in Razor can't be beat. We ap- j will try to merit their con- 'M Co., I. s. c mmmmmim. 3 Silverl I DINGS. 3.1 sirable things for Wedding H e Silver, Tea Sets, Berry >2 , Bon Bon Dishes, Waiters, Pie Servers. Watches aad Jewelry 3 I Repaired. :2 fl VIAS & BRO. I I RLESTO\, S. C. 3 9 :areful attention. || i liuiiiuiuiauiaiiuiuiuiu^ I JHH ^ 1