The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 27, 1908, Image 4

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?Jif (Touutii Ceroid. KINGSTREE. S. C C. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS SUKS< Rll'IIoN R AT?S: One copy, one year ?1 2-> One copy, six morn lis 75 One copy, three monts 50 One copy, one year in advance? 1 Obituaries. Tributes of Respect, Resolutions <>f Thanks.? ards of Thanks and all other reading: notices, not News, will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for earh in-ertion. THURSDAY, AUG. 27.1908. 4 I Oh! no, "Anxious Inquirer,'' be cause a man is a candidate "for county oflice it does not bar him from contributing to the Bryan campaign fund. What a beautiful thing is our Democratic government! With what loyal, kindly feeling the de feated candidate gives nis suppuri iu the "nominee of the party." Three dollars and fifty cents has been contributed to the_%Bryan campaign fund through this office. Are the people of Williamsburg sincerely anxious for a Democratic victory? Mr Grace might be termed the lonesome candidate. His totaMote as reported so far is 523 in theState out of a total of forty-three ^thousand. At Kiugstree Mr Grace did get a "near vote." One magnanimous suffragist left uuscratched the names of both Grace and Rhett. Of course it didn't count, but )Mr Grace narrowly escaped getting _one yote at Kiugstree. Surely there are more loyal Democrats in Williamsburg county than indicated by the amount subscribed go far to help eleet Bryan president. Come, friends, money is needed, and "-needed badly, by the national Democratic committee. If you prefer not to forward your money through The Record we feel sure that either of the bankshere will take charge of it L. and send it to headquarters. Our list is still open, however, and we will gladly receive contributionsand promptly remit for same direct to Governor Haskell. Meantime the rrinner is nppded now. ? ^ It was persistently rumored ou the day of election that liquor was being UBed freelv in the interest of certain f candidates. This :s a crime under the statutes punisiiuole nv severe penalty. But, aside from this, it is > a shameful state of things wflen a Democratic primary election cannot be conducted among white men in a decent community without resorting totne low, Uiity tricks of a ward heeler. We hope that the report we heard is not true; but the.towu authorities should keep a strict lookcut hereafter oil election day and hale the guilty person to justice, be he who he may. . t Notice. I ; 1 am instructed to notify shippers that cotton must not be placed on plat!>. * form unless for immediate shipment. This is not intended to prohioit the use of the plattorm in weighing cotton, provided cotton, when weighed, is immediately tendered lor ,-nipment. In other word>, cotton must not be left on ? platform unless it has been sold to lor. cal buyer-, or is to be shipped immediately by the owners. Cotton will not f.' be receipted for after o:110 p m. j 1' Taylor, p It Agent. I ~ No one is immune from kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Remedy will stop the irregularities and cure any case of jt-. kidney or bladder trouble that is not I heyoutl the reach of medicine | W L Wallace / I i THE JVLE] Cowarcrrr. Ii From the Opera "The f.Terry V y*g=*|7rsf*=*W < pp I ? Zz~ zizT.~~ V EM^tE? =*z* ?-g-pp?-*~ ? ^ <?-l? 1 i 1 ^ ? PeJ. "*]Simile, **" ( ny?01? | *-- o T- ^ \^-rrr& TTT;^ I f #; ' (Off! *_gi -^E?z*r =?z*; __r * 1 ?r L-|?' ?. ^ j tfzr ? I ^==:gi=;ajr t=U r ' .. > ^ I (35 ?S>-- G> # ) TTs < ? J i J ' ? IsmMmm I -*?=?' =* iv?~^ =? > J^^Z=?S^=C;.?*-p^ JV >r- ?- 9 T.U^fr"~~? r~0- 5^j jp lmsz^=z==*E*=^*3= ^ * -i?I?t?^-r?r * I i? / m/-p CpEE?^ESEE^^S* ( gl^^H$E =|^E E^EEE EE XF^f-^b^Sc?: / I =s3i S =33 N 1? 3-j? ? ?- tt ~T ^ v v T 0 ipE^ 1 i 1 @====r-? > I ?fe=== V B ..3 f _*_ T?.?CT-. -r-r:_:*= 1 ?I L; L-* | fp-J. 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W~ T~^= 1 ?T ^ 3- .*: *: * T?1-? IZ+LJZ 1- ? 1-' 0? S ?'z: 1Z?E g-^=E?gP 0. .0. .0. .0. ^0- > .0. *= 335 =iT)tr .-F ,-; =zJ ;ged.;-rr?TziL^zr;; ~0 - .0 _ i _ ?_ _t=_n 1-^vgi; ,? ? ^ 5-t |?,?-g T~l T : i I *?i?i? i i ?i? - ? 5 Lt * Lt mf r fj isBlhLELW */ u / r-=&?==^==i t .H3 By FRANZ LEHAP r ? +:' rzrr: ^zzz= ~1?i~' 0 I A. A A A. Es ==* i*tH J27* I *J~ u a " h ' r ?^ ?j-\^ .'lj-^I -^?3?-- ^y~- T^LtZ j^z=jp =4-2===m i* f^l-pEE . 0 -0- -0 0 -0 r?z: ~r*~?=: =pfz*=: ' ? I '? ' =z=?=2=:?=|=?=i: ?t 1 r? ___ ^ 01- -C-2- 0- " "ft# ~*~ tr-| U r={?j?jw-L-* -| r^=''| tf | -^^-F~i M 3?grT^r^SFgq =1= ! i 1 -i*.*_ _-g_s ii!4 ^"1?=*?J ^=-sg=j5 = 0-*-? m0 in JL ::fcte tz: -^f-z:*? -*-|?*? ?I?I Qr%C2 =t i^dSi?42^=E?=. -1-?5p F? # -?- # i^- -*- -*- -+z ^~| ~j'E~ I 1 I I ' >rv ' ?u= pv-J >- yv?z ~y ^ I III r~ -*- I ?^ i-w?a- ?t 3=E=- :Sr- l ^ *. I 0 J ? 0 -g- - * g. -*- I :rfrr??5 - ?3.18..- r j ip~C?.?3 I B.S. alFi.ic. -i?|yJ -? g.?? ! , i ; ^ i T - ? .'?;?.*?;?.'@;?.*?;?.'?;<i III IB I DRY ( @ { @ \ ? } W k 1 f Walk@ an ? > Brown's @ t .? i iltstac g THE OLD f ?':?:@ :?:@:?:@:?:?:?:<? BERUN BEER HALLS. Where One Must Display Great Formality and Preciseness. Berlin is organized for eating and -trinlcing, and so are the Berliners or* zed for it Scattered all over the ^re enormous places where food >d, wine halls where only wines : ed and beer halls which deal in done, some of them most respe \nd some not so impeccable. It is i-ule that it Is perfectly proper to take your mother or your wife or your sister to a beer hall or a wine hall that is frequented by the officers of the army. They go only to the proper ones?publicly. The etiquette of these places is most formal. If the hall is crowded and tables are scarce, before you sit down you draw your heels together and make a military bow to everybody sitting at the table you select; then also you j raise your glass or stein to those at the | table when your refreshment is served- j On leaving you bow all around again, i or the other people at the table bow If j they leave before you do. The Ameri- . I can way of asking the others at the ! table for permission to sit down is not ceremonious enough for the Germans, who are the most formally polite peo-! pie in the world.?Samuel G. Blythe In Everybody's Magazine 7 FRUIT Extra Frui and Rv HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NE FINEST Of Hammocksi ICE CREAM Refrigei ZINC LINED AND WHIT Screen Doors , j Everything to be found in Sto COFFINS AN! BIG STOCK HOUSE A> KINCSTREE MM 11 Organized, Developet Principle of Const Along- Progressi BANK OF WII IKINCSTREE. - ~ RE50URCES I Solicits a share c business, feeling our ample resoi rior facilities \vi ciation with us agreeable and pi C. W. Stoll, Pres. E. L. Montgomery. Asst. C "V V s>:?:?:@:?:@:?:?:?:?:@ v it my I ll uillllb. | JOODS. | S J ? s i @ \ @ Over I @ "S? d I ? Shoes. j I 1 i il i ji a J? I RELIABLE. ? &g| ?:?.?:?:?:?:?:?:@:?:@ Wl A FAMILY MIX. The Story as It Is Recorded on theTombstones. In the early part of the last century there lived in an old New England town a Mr. Church, who, In the course of his pilgrimage through this vale of tears, was bereft of four wives, all of whom were burled In the same lot In. his old age It became necessary to remove the bodies to a new cemetery. This melancholy task the much bereaved widower undertook himself, but in tbe process the bones of the lamented quartet became hopelessly . mlrrvl PrMinj* himself on possession. of a New England conscience, MrChurch would not. under the painful circumstances, permit the use of the orfginal headstones, but procured new ones, one of which bore the following inscription: "Here lies Hannah Church, and probably a portion of Emily." Another: "Sacred to the memory of Emi- , ly Church, who seems to be mixed witb\ Matilda." Then followed these lines: Stranger, pause and drop a tear. For Emily Church lies burled here, Mixed in some perplexing manner With Mary, Matilda and probably Han?Philadelphia Ledger. JARS J t JarTops ibbers. \ 3 W PATENT FRUIT JAR? 4 EARTH: Hammocks. FREEZERS. 4 rators. J E ENAMELED LINED. - t I and Windows. i a First-class Hardware re. D CASKETS. ID CARRIAGE PAINT. ME COMPANY. * ? a 1 and conducted on ervative Banking" ^ ve Lines, the ' ^ jLIAMSBURG f; SOUTH CAROLINA r : sunnnn n 7 ^ ){ your banking confident that irees and supe11 render asso; permanently ofitable. : : E. C. Epps, Cashier, ashler. F. Rhem, V, Pres. ^ .