,:V Scranton Snap ShotsS? v xto x. A ngust 4:?M iss Worth i\ :?"!? is visiting fiiends ivi u.u-s at I'urbeville tins week. Mr K * i i Iv and sister, Mi-s Mollieof i\irl?e? 1 lle.jv-.iu friends in Sir-r .iitiui a visit this week. Sheriff C. .J Graham of Kingstree was noted in town Sunday. Mr \V J (iodwin has just arrived home from the campaign and speaks of good crops generally and especially around Greelvville and Johnsonville. Miss Lola Smith spent two days in Charleston this week visiting friends. Mr J M Parker was a visitor at '" he Isle of Palms Sunday from Scran ton. Work has begun on Mr D L Lee's new brick store. Dr C D Rollins of Baltimore, now visiting relatives at Lake City, was in town this afternoon. Misses Ettie Jones, Clyde Wiggins, and Messrs C W Jones and Dallas Wiggins of Elim were visiting friends in town Sunday. Mr L M Gasque aud family have become residents of our town. We extend to them our heart'est welcome. They are from Statesville, N C. Mr Willie Willoughby, who holds a position with the A C L Co, is spending a few days in town with his pareuis. The protracted meeting at the Missionary Baptist church closed ^ Sunday, receiving a membership of three. The meeting was a very interesting one. Someone moved the loafers' bench from off Main street. It is wrong to call it a loafers' bench; it should be called "the old school house comfort." M R M How to Avoid Appencicitis rMost victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. iroiey s unnoi^axauve cures curuuit: constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Foley's Orino Laxative does not nauseate or gripe aud is mild aud pleasant to take. ? fief use substitutes. W L Wallace. PROGRAMME Union Meeting St. James Church Au gust 28-30, 1908. Friday Morning. Devotional exercises 10 to 10:15. Organization, 10:15 to 11. Introductory sermon by Rev J C C Gaskins. 1st Subject. Of what importance is music in our Sunday school and church services? R B Cannon ai.d B M Truluck. 2ud Subject. What are the main hindrances to the progress of the liospel today." E M Hicks and J H Blackwell. Saturday Morning. Devotional exercises 10 to 10:15. 1st Subject. Qualifications and duties of Deacons. H J Brown and J A M Carroway. 2nd Sabject. Define and give scope of missions, viz, State, T J Rooke. Home, J W Truluck. Foreign, LN Chappelle. Sunday Moaning. Sunday School Mass Meeting. Missionary Sermon by J \V Truluck. For Sore Feet. "I have found Bucklen's Arnica Salve to be the proper thing to use # for sore feet, as well as for healing w burns, sores, cuts, and all manner of abrasions," writes Mr W Stone, of East Poland, Maine. It is the proper thing too for piles. Try it! Sold under guarantee at D C Scott's drng store. 25c. NoticeNotice is hereby given that the regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners will be held on Friday before the first Monday in September, the 4th. There will be no meeting on first Monday in September, as the Supervisor will be away on other business. S J SlNGLETARY, 8-27-2t Co Supervisor. Farmers' Supply Co. invites you to make their two stores headquarters when in Kingstree. k 5* CADES CHRONICLES. Naws Notes of Interest in and about Town. t ('ADKS, August 25: Mr C G fCurlsteii, who has beeu seriously ill for the past few weeks, is able to be' out again. Mr L I) Turner of Scrantou has, accepted a position as salesman for Mr B \V McElveen. | The crops in Cades vicinity arei i * 1- - ? A... U .. .1 o numCav I | ipt* uuesi ?t" uuvc u?u iui a uuuiuu I of years. An A C L Co's carpenter force has recently finished some very mnch needed work at the station here. Mr E H Carsten, one of Cades' promising young merchants, spent several pleasant days last week at the Isle of Palms. Mr J L McFadden is having his residence painted, which adds much to the looks of south end of Railroad avenue. Tne town council is having some nice work done on the streets. Mr R F Epps was the first to pick a bale of cotton this season at this place. He got out one last Tuesday, August 18. Mr W J Smiley was noted in towu Monday. Mr R L McElveen has eigb' 3 of cotton, off which he ei? 3 gather ten bales. We thin1 are safe in saying this is one c .nest nt 41i 1 min /-vl/l WillinmaKn rrr " I UCiUO III ucai V/1W TV nil A series of meetings will begin at Cades Baptist church on Monday night, September 14, at 8 P M. Rev L N Chappelle of Lake City will assist the pastor, Rev T J Rooke. The Cades graded school will begin its nezt session in a few days. The Cades ginning Co is ready for : business. They are better equipped ! , and prepared to gin your cotton than ' ever before, Mrs Stephen Rogers has returned home, after spending several pleas- j ant days with her grand-daughter, I Mrs B W McElveen. I j It was reported a few days ago = that a mad dog had been in our town and a fine of thirty days imprison-j ment was imposed on the dogs in town. The merchants are preparing for a lively business this fall. New goods coming in every day. Mr Tarte, of the Pee Dee section, has accepted a position as clerk and cotton seed buyer for the W I Hodges Co. MrB W McElveen went to Kingstree Monday on business. Among the folks that visited the county campaign speaking in Lake City last Thursday were:Me3srs J P Epps, R F Epps, J J M Graham, J L McFadden, J W Osborne, J N Sauls, E II Sauls and B W McElveen. Base ball is reviving in interest heie now. Cades played Hebron a few days ago and was victorious, 5 to 3. Cades has several engagements to play in a few days: one with Lake City, one with Salters and one probably with Kingstree. Mr C W Wolfe passed through our town a few days ago. B W M She Likes Good Things. Mrs Clias E Smith of West Franki * * /r ii T f _ i_ _ J no, iviaine, says: "i use goou things and have adopted Dr King's New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it." These painless purifiers sold at D C Scott's drug store. 25c. Why Does a Duck? "Now, why do the ducks go in to swim?" Said Jonathan Quiz to old 'Bill Stout "From divers motives," said Bill to him, "And for sun-dry reasons they all come out" ?September Lippincott's. Attention, Asthma Suffers! Foley's Honey and Tar will give immediate relief to asthma sufferers and has cured many cases that had refused to yield to other treatment. Foley's Honey and Tar is the best remedy for coughs,'colds and all throat and lung trouble. Contain no harmful drugs. W L Wallace * I Vox Verities. Vox. Augt st lucent rains, haw heeli wry heavy in this Station. Farmers are through with fodder, ex-j eept that of late coin. Cotton pick ing is next 111 order novr. Quite an enjoyable Sunday-school l.ionio u-u aitt-n :it Prosneet church ...... b 1 - Saturday. The recitations of the children were fine and there were interesting and appropriate addresses made to the school by others. Mr IE Powell lost a nice horse Saturday morning with staggers. We are glad to see Mr J B Altman able to be out again after his severe illness; also I am glad to re- < port Mr Virgil Cameron, who has beeu very ill for soma time, improv iug. Mr E E McDaniel, who has been in west Florida about eighteen months, is home again. Messrs Snewden & Co have moved ia^tbfcir new store at Miles X Road. 'be Farmers' union is very busy no\ -Matting in their cotton ginnery. Mese. Brown & Prosser are buildhouse at the cross roads v % ri ?T . near Oa " vox s. lb oeeuio iuai> the fu^ichants are going to see that our community is well supplied with goods. All we lack is a little more ready cash. Our county supervisor is trying to put the roads in good condition bow. This work has been needed a long time. A Boon to Elderly People. Most elderly people have some kidney or bladder disorder that is both painful and daugerous Foley's Kidney Remedy has proven a boon ?to many elderly people as it stimulates the urianry organs, corrects irregularities and tones up the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidnev Remedy at once and be vigorous. ~\V L Wallace. FLORENCE FALL FESTIVAL. Little City Preparing for Big TtraeMany Attractions- I Florenct is going to have ut two days' festival this year, and expects ' to give her visitors just as much pleasure as can well be crowded into those two days. The fall festival will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 2 and 3. ArraugemeDts have beer. 1 made for cheap rates on all roads for all points within the radius of 100 miles. A special train will be 1 run on Wednesday from Wadesboro aud all points, returning after 1 the fun is over Wednesday night. The first day will be taken up with trades display, horse show, with ladies'and gentlemen's riding aud driving contests, in which the ? best horses in the State will be entered and valuable prizes offered, baseball between two fine teams, and other entertainments. The special feature oil Thursday . will be grand military parade and j sham battle, base ball and races, horse and automobile, at the new , driving park, which will be the biggest and best race meet held in this section of the State. There will be exciting auto races on the wide track, two or possibly three machines starting abreast on a 45 foot wide track. There will be frequent band concerts eaca day, with a poultry and ' pet stock show at which valuable prizes will be offered and every owner of chickens is invited to enter. There will be many attractions esides these, among them big reunion of the Confederate veterans of the Pee Dee country at which din- j ner will be furnished by the ladies. Advertising matter is now being a/1 f V* ri aamml tfnno urn of UICIUUUILU) bug VVIUUIlbl^O ttiv HI work and everything will be done to make this a record breaking event Florence has always taken good care of her visitors and will do so again this year. 3t Tree ecrice, bow to obtain patents, treda ms.-ka, copjrrtyhte, etc., in ALL COUNTRIES. . < B minest direct with Walking ton save* tiMS,m money and often the patent. 8 Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. I Write or oome to na at eaa KM* Mnee. e?. vmut Metee hurt 0?ee,B WA?HtHQTOM. P. C. 8 1 Fxrellent Health Advice. Mrs M M Davison, of No, ,'570 Oifford Ave., San Jose, Cal., says: "The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy.for htadache. biliousness aud torpor of the liver and bowels is so pronounced that I aru prompted to say a word iu its favor, for the benefit of those seeking relief from such afflictions. There is more health for the digestive organs iu a bottle of Electric Bitters than in any other remedy I know of." Sold under guarantee at D C Scott's drug store. 50c. ? - t?a?? qola a; \S& j One 12-horse power toiler, a 10-hor#e power enirine, a 60-saw Vanwinkle ( Li in with Press, shafting etc., also a Orist Mill. Terms easy. Part cash. Balance to suit purchaser. Apply to D M Ervix, Kingstree, S C. 8-6-tf iimi mi I j PATRONIZE HONE INDUSTRY Build up Home Enterprises \ Buy Brick Prom Greelyville Brick Works. | Correspondence Solicited. E. O. TAYLOR, Pres. S. V. TAYLOR, Sec. & Treas. 5-21-tf. ? I 7 1 IM and Tavlnr j ww. uiau ?v ,WI ) ( DENTIST. GREELYVILLE. - - S. C. 1 5-21-tf. l i ( R. E. & E. N. B EATY ! ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS 1 Georgetown, - - - 5. C. ] Civil Engineering Land! Surveying Railroad Surveys and Construction ] Prompt attention on out ot Town Work. 3-19-tf M. D. Nesmith DENTIST. I LAKE CITY. ---SC. W. L. BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, S. C. Dr RJ McCabe i Dentist KIH3STSEE, - S. C. , J. D. MOUZON'S ? BARBER SHOP?in the? Van Kenren Hotel is equipped with up-to-date appliances. Polite Service, t ompetent ' workmen. I 5?-8-08. . ( W. P, TENNENT a:r;c hit t c t General Contractor and Builder Solicits vour business. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all } : : kinds of work. : : , 126 Evans 'Phone 1962 FLORENCE, S. C. * Supervisor of construction New School Building and Superintendent of work r on U. S. Post Office and of John Mc- [ Sween Co, stores Timmonsvilk and Beulah and residence at National |j Cemetery. : : : : : [STEVENS! KV7J9 YOU LOOK FOR TROUBLE Wm ff^ If jou obtain a Firearm of doubt- } uM ft & I # ,! ....nt. Emb^^ Ths experienced Hunter's and > mV" Narksman'i Ideal i Wtf^rx^^Msa reliable, unerring STEVENS ( FIND OfJT WHY f ^ *1 by shooting our popular r V.rW|RIFLES-SHOTGUNS W i\ PISTOLS I IW fJtM Af,k yoar local Hardwsrc 1 n- ifilH or Spoking Goods Mer- f JA ! chant for the STEVENS. s J2anfl| If you cannot obtain, we I MrWyB ship direct, express pre- j paid, upon receipt of Catu- T (Send 4 centa In stamps for 140 Page 1 Illustrated Catalog. Including clrcu- f lars of latest additions to our line. 7 Contains points on shooting, ammu- ? nitlon, the proper care of a firearm, S etc., etc. Our attractive Ten Color ? Lithographed Hanger mailed any- * where for six cents In stamps. . J. STEVENS ABBCS A TOOL CO. < P. O. Box 4097 ? J Chicopee Falls, Mass., TT. S. A. \ . \ *> Scott's Emulsio1 ^ nursing mothers by incr & nerve force. fit provides baby and mineral food fo: ALL DRUGGISTS \ Guarantee! JOHN BRADEN, the Handsome,, Standardbred Stallion, is now to be found at the stables of J. M. TRULUCK, fGUAMlTCEE, - - - $20,00 Lake City Horse Go., LIKE cur, S. 0. 4-ie-tf Hereafter we positively re- ' fuse to publish any communication received at this office later than Tuesdav, noon, except lo:al and personal items, which 1 ivill not be available later than Wednesday, noon, for the current week. By trying to be ac:ommodating we are thrown late jvery week and we are tired of it. This notice applies to EVERY BODY. 4-25-tf. Read tbe Farmers & Merchants ' Bank's ad. this issue. ; The Largest aud Most f ^mplete i Establishment South. , SEO. S. HACKER X SON, ?MANUFACTl'H ;BS OFSash, Doors, Blinds Moulding and Building Material, Sash Weights and Cords CHARLESTON, S. C. Mwavs That I can save Remember you money on SASH, DOORS AND RLINDS. AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS. ?Vholesale Prices Direct from factory. Eyerything Guaraneed to come up to Specifica10ns. I. J. EPPS, Kingstree, S. C. lepresenting Cberaw Door & Sasb Co. TirisTpifrl Applied by skilled mechanics 3 is worth a fair price. Cheap J mixtures slopped on by cheap 3 painters are dear at any price. 3 We expect to receive a reason- J able equivalent for onr labor, 3 But we give as honest dollar's ? worth for every dollar we get, e 1 and we endeavor to permanent- 3 ly satisfy our cnstomers. 3 ALFRED WELLS, Painter and Paper Hanger, 3 KINGSTREE, S. C. * Leave orders with} Kingstree Hardware Co. \ n strengthens enfeebled O easing their flesh and j? with the necessary fat ? r healthy growth. }j 50c. and $1.00. x BUILDING DONE At YourOwn Price. C. E. HARRIS, General Contractor and Builder - - Greelyville, South Carolina. f 1-16-tf. J Kingstree IMCUJ MJJUUH I^AA\\ 1st and 3rd Monday lUyggMi Wr ?^ '! month. Yv^VcMi^B Wf/tf/t Visiting choppers 00N diaUyTnvttecf to com* 'ft-rxjCtT.' Kiwy up and sit on a stoma y funbs118 ftbouton Philip stoll, 12712m. Con. Com. ? 1 Buck!en's Arnica Salve The Best Salve In The World. - Registration Notice. The office or the Supervisor of Beg> istration will be opened on the 1st lay of July and will remain open continnously every day. except Sundays, through the months of July ana August for the purpose of the re-reyistering of any person who is qualifledas f. ?1 Inu'e Who shall have been a resident oi the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constito- J tion of 1895 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who ' > can show that he owns, and has paid .J all taxes collectable on during th present year, property in this Stale assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. Y. McGILL, . Clerk of Board* ; | j insurance. If Fire Insurance, Tornado Insurance, Plate Glass Insurance Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Accident Insurance, i Burglary Insurance. We represent only ^jfl Companies of unques* tioned reliability'and ^ a poucy is as goou as a gold bond. \ We'll Bond You.. j As Cashier, Treasurer or any position of trust in any of the largest companies in America. The Williamsburg Insurance & Bonding Agency, | OFFICE OVER L STACKLEY'8 STORE, Kingstree, - S. C. I / 1 KILLth. COUCH I 1 and CURE th? LUMPS I w Dr. King's I New Discovery I FOR C?^8H8 ,??& I amd ail throat minima tsoh mi gs hjj guailajjteed satibfaotobt fl ob moott BMWUWDXD. fl|