I f I ' r , i Election Notice. 1 A primary election is hereby or- J dered to be held on Tuesday,August 25, 1908. Managers of election * shall open the polls at 8 o'clock a m, and shall close them at 4 o'clock '0 p m. After tabulatiqg the result t the manager shall certify the same j . and forward the ballot box, poll list | and other papers relating to such ; election by one of their number to c r Kingstree within forty-eight hours j ft?after the elose of the polls. j.. y The County Executive committee T will meet at Kimrstree on Thursday, ' jAugiWv27, at 12 o'clock, noon, to ^ folate the returns and declare the e 1 suit of the election- j, /^Following are ihe managers ap- t [pointed to conduct said election: 1 u MANAGERS OF ELECTION. Black Iiy%r?J II Burgess, W II ^ McElveen, .1 S Epps, v Poplar Hill?W Cooper Snowdeu, , f B J Chandler, J T Hanna. Oak Ridge?J L Blakeley, W R ( McCants. J T Wilson. a Lake City?J L Sinckev, G T , t Rollins, C F Flowers, Cades?R L McElveen, E H Sauls. II F Epps. Pleasaut Grove?W B Brown, L 1 B Gaski'ns, W W Burrows. Taft?R J Morris, S E MeCul- , lough, J M Brown. t Pergamos?J J Moore, W K Wil- ^ son, J M Stuckey. High Hill?U U bhattrr, j Moore, J M Gause. Indian town?1) E McCutcheu, H E Hauna, W R Graham. Earls?W S Camlin, Jr, R M Haseldeu, Jno S Wheeler. Scrautou?li E Lee, R B Canuou, r WJH^ward. * Kingstree?J B Gamble, J G Mc- , ^ Cutchen, P A Alsbrook. Hebron?S W Baker, J W Du- a Bose, R E McElveen. 11 Baiters?E T Hamer, J W Whitfield, A R Moseley. t Lenud?S B Gordon, B L Goi 6 I don and S A Michau. ; r Morrisville?B L XeSunth, T B Cooper and Walker Marshall. 1* Prospect?H R Huggins, W Pos-11 ton and T E Humphries. I i 1 ' Greelyville No 1?E P Lesesne,' c W C Tutle and B L Gist. j ( CGreelyville No 2?R S Brunsou, v jN C Tutle aud \V H Kenedy. c vCedar Swamp?J H Tisdale, J Ed Brown aud S A McCullough. c McAllister's Mill?W A Webster,' t A W Rodgers and Jeff Mathews. Trio?J W Registei, T G McDon- i : aid and J B McCauts. a | Gourdins?W J McKnight, J W r ' Chandler and A M Gamble. s Altmans?E T Prosser, G r Stone and A J Altman ? Johnsonville?N M Venters, D (1 W Simmons and W H Harmon. Suttons?H S Gamer, W L Ait- 1 may and B D Hinnant. ^.Lane?E C Pendergrass, W R 4 McCoanell and S Parker. ? Central?W G Cantley,W T Phil- c lips and F P Guerry. BloomiDgvale?W 0 Camlin, R ' W Smith and W J B Morris. c Should any clubs be omitted or t 1 any managers appointed fail or re- . fuse to serve, the president of such 1 clubs shall appoint managers to fill * their places. i A H Williams, t County Chairman. j 8-6-3t 1 - ? i * FLORENCE FALL FESTIVAL . i Little City Preparing for Big Ttoe? Many Attractions. Florence is going to have a two 2 days' festival this year, and expects * to give her visitors just as much y pleasure as can well be crowded into i those two days. e The fall festival will be held ? Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 2 ? and 3. Arrangements have been k made for cheap rates on all roads for all points within the radius of 100 miles. A special train will be run on Wednesday from Wades- , &ro and all points, returning after jdie fun is over Wednesday night. 1 The first day will be taken up < with trades display, horse show, wjith ladie's and gentlemen's riding and driving contests, in which the , best horses in the State will be entered and valuable prizes offered, 1 baseball between two fine teams, ' and other enoertainments. The special features on Thursday will be grand military parade and 6bam battle, base ball and races, < lorse and automobile at the new Iriving park, which will be the j >iggest and best race meet held in , his section of the state. There will be exciting auto races' >n the wide track, two or possibly hree machines starting abreast on a 5 foot wide track. There will be frequent band conerts eac.t day, with a poultry and tet stock show at which valuable rizes will be offered and every ow-' ler of chickens is invited to enter. There will be many attractions ... sides tliese, among tneni oig reunou of the Confederate veterans of he lVe Dee country at which din-j ier will be furnished by t he ladies.; Advertising matter is now being i Iistributed, the committees are at I vork and everything will be done: o make this a record breaking event Florence has always taken good, are of her visitors and wilL do so ) igaiu this year, ft A Booh to Elderly People. ^Iost elderly people have some kitllev or bladder disorder that is both lainful and dangerous Foley's Kidley Kemedy has proven a boon to nany elderly people as it stimulates he urianrv organs, corrects irreguaritiesand tones up the whole sysem. (Eminence taking Foley's Kid lev Remedy at once aud be vigorous. W L Wallace. Nesmith News. s'esmith, August 18:? Fodder pulling is keeping the farcers busy, cotton is opening very ast and crops in this section are ine. Mr Frank Snowden of Benson, iccompanied by his sister, Miss Anlie, visited relatives here last week. Mr James FChandler, the "waer melon farmer" of this place, is icfc at this writing. We hope he nay soon recover. Your pen pusher, accompanied by dr Silas Nesmith, spent Sunday at 3eulah. Several cf our tobacco planters arried some of the weed to Lake ?ity last week and they came back rearing "the smile that won't come iff". Mrs Auuie Rodgers, and children ?f Taft are spending some time at he home of Mr T B Cooper. Hon W P Gause of Coward came lown some time ago and organized i Farmers' union here. The farners are all in favor of it Quite k number of them has joined and nany others will do so later. It's a food thing; push it along. The regilar time for meeaing is every 2nd ind 4th Friday nights at 8:30, at he school house here. It was the pleasure of the writer o attend a sociable at Mr C S lames' Thursday night. Quite a :rowd was present and the hours iped swiftly by. The evening was' ndeed beautiful,with the pale queen >f the night risiug ever higher and casting her magic spell over the fes;ive scene. Messrs J H Ferdon and J T Altman furnished some delight'ul music and those who like dineng "skipped the light fantastic" iwhile. The remainder of the eveling was spent in games of various cinds. At the stroke of the midlight hour we bade each other au evoir and departed for home. Whip-poor-will. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Ha;el Salve is especially good for piles, >ut it is also recommended nearly ?ry where and for anything ?hen a salve is needed. It s soothing, cooling and healing. Be mre to get DeWitt's Witch Hazel >alve when you ask for it. We sell ,nd recommend it. Sold by D C )C0tt, M D. To Think About. "She seems like a very nice girL" "One whom It would be safe to marT?' "Oh, no. No rfrl la safe enough for that But she's nice enough to think ibout marrying it yon only know when to stop."?Life. Cupid's Hearty Appetite. "Too know," said the soulful youth, music is the food of love"? "Nonsense!" replied the practical felow. "My love prefers lobster salad, errapin and other expensive fodder."? Philadelphia Press. Comforting. "Will my husband live, doctor?" "Well, madam, If he doesn't he'll tome mighty close to it"?Judge. 5T0LL FOR PHILIP H STOLL is WILLI licitor of the Third judicial circu FOR TWENTY YEARS Wil ticer. In fact,no one from Willia State office in the last twenty yea counties in this circuit have each State officers. Old Williamsburg some consideration, especially as demands. PHILIP H STOLL, of the Kii qualified for the office of Solicitor graduated from Wofford collie i and A M. For four years he tau<; position as superintendent of the was admitted to the bar and sine Kingstree and practiced his proft in life and is conscientious in the unusually e?J.owed as a public or utation as ready, forceful speal over seven "nits and is in every the State in tfi dfice of Solicitor fellow bnrl has the cor home county, w c,\county he ah " * two years. At a recent meeting of the B< Stoll/ as Unanimously Endorse f MBER WILLIAMSBURG, WHY II To do business with Far Your money is safe; e tection for the deposit valuable papers may be burglar proof vaults Free Of Our centrally located of customer's disposal. 0 pecially welcome; they wil place to write letters a: We want you to feel near that when you want a: business, or any invest ^ou will fre^y consult w advice is gladly given, a Farmers and i of Laki Geor< Cot F KIND FRIENDS AND PATRO Having leased the pany for the coming seas when completed will mea situation than ever bef< us last season, yet we f iences which might have repairs being made, and modated. Do not hesita* that auickly. We have several ad1 ors. We are not only c competition, but we cai relieved of the inconve: time saved means money m In addition to all prices for cotton. Hav it will be to your intern Cotton accepted at both Kingstree, S. C. / t SOLICITOR. A.MSBURG 'S candidate for Soit. liamsburgf has had no State ofmsburg" county has offered for a rs. In this time all the other been honored with one or more feels that she is entitled to she has ,been so modest in her n^stree bar, is well fitted and . He is well educated, having n 1897 with the degrees of A B ;ht school, tilling the important graded schools. In 1901 he e his admission has resided in ?ssion. Mr Stoll has high ideals discharge of his duties. He is ator and bears an enviable repker. He has been at the bar for way qualified to ably represent . He enjoys the esteem of his itidence of the citizenship of his ly served in the Legislature for - . Dard of Trade of Kingstree Mr :d for Solictor. AND VOTE FOR STOLL. rPAYS/ mers & Mercha- L ?5ank. very safeguard' and proor is furnished. Your i stored in our tire and Charge hces are always at our ur farmer friends are es.1 find our bank a handy nd transact their business, enough to the officers so ny advice regarding your ment you wish to make, ith them and feel that any .s it always is. Merchants Bank, e City. 3E A. MCEJ 'ton and Cotton S 'ROM MAKER TO MONEI NS: two ginneries rrom tne ;on, work is being rapid n that we are better pre ore. While we handled< eel that all slight dif occurred have been ove . none need expect to waj te to bring your cotton vantages in the seed mc ibip in this resnect 1 i do so without any ti nience of handling, whi ade. this, we are prepared t< ing secured account of c 3St to see us before sei: gins, weights and price Yours for business. GEORGE A. 1 tit, \ xxxxxxxxxxxxx gSummer ( 1 Sa | FARMERS J X Hardware 1 Q In order to make room |V fall goods we are closi: ' t J i __ irr rcnu n : X cies such as, ill uncain ri X ERA10RS, WATER COOLERS. ICI duced prices. Besides all ft ties we have a nice line o O is nothing- that adds mon V in summer than a "Bine Flai X CALL AND LET US SHOW v Our lino of Ois the nices o anywhere fu o erctrem ely 1c j jC We are also adding a go X will be in a position to |\/ than ever before. Call an< g Farmers Sup] [___ ?:?:?:?:?:@?:@::?:? tfcELVEEN. j / -/ XXXJOOOOOOfcJKX Clearances le. / IUPPLY CO. / Department 'A for our immense stock of if\ ng- out all summer arti- [m GEEZERS, HAMMOCKS, REFKIG E PICKS Etc., at greatly re- *? of these summer necessi- jl f OIL COOK STOVES and there if e to the comfort at home Jk ne Oil Stove" in the kitchen. W) YOU THE ADVANTAGES. G# Agate Ware (1 t to be seen Ji id prices are 5 >w. 8 od many new lines and (A offer a greater selection jl I see for yourself. W\ ply Company. S d:?.-[:?:?@:?:?:?:;?.?@ >R 1 IARKET | -UE ? YOUR @ \CCO 1 WITH ?. i Motley | T ^ ? @ rehouse! iLAIMS <$ ods and a square deal to all. I* nts, each expert in his line. nd ample accommodations. jgC ght. i* 1 your tobacco for the most "LEY, Lake City, S. C. @ s>:?:?:@?:@.?:?::@:@? SPECIAL NOTICES Transient Notices will be Published In This Column at the Rate of One Cent a Word for Each Issue. No advertisement taken for Ijss than 25 cents. For Rent?Two nice brTck stores under Opera House. Stoll Bros, 7-23-4t Kings tree, S C. For Sale?New seven room dweling in town of Kingstree. Stoll Bros. 7-23-4t TrTTTrm mm it? ty amlu ? oyaruers. juouicb ouu school girls preferred. Terms reasonable. I shall also be glad to receive sewing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs Rosa Fulton 8-6-3t wanted?An experienced man to take charge of a brick mill. Must be competent to manage every detail including the burning of the brick F Rhem & Son, Rhems S C. 8- 13- 21. Lost?Tuesday, July 28, one threequarter hound dog named Richmond, sixteen months old, wh ite and black. Suitable reward paid ifreturned to General McKKNzie. Kingstree S C. 8-13-lt For Sale?Fifty-live doliar Scholarship in School of Telegraphy for $25. 3dd1v to C W Wolfe, 8-13-tf Kingstree. S C For Rent?Four-horse farm, with necessary buildings within \% miles of Graded school. Will sell party renting: on bankable paper. One pai r mules 4c. For particulars address W c 8-20-41 Cooper, pp. s-c fok Sale?Five desirable residence lots in Lake City, SC. Apply to, D E Motley & Co.. 8-20-4t Lakk city, S C. jwnoJjnp* sjsaSya vwqaqijonoijmtdrrt qrreracus jnos soAsipH Tr\t^ni T uopsaSipq JOi luPuH j 'J -"v. . a.'.,i--..ls:v*>vv