Election Notice. A primary election is hereby or- j dered to be held on Tuesday,August' 25, 1908. Managers of election shall open the polls at S o'clock a m, and shall close them at 4 o'clock p m. After tabulating the result tha niMnnavr shall eertifv the same and forward the ballot box, poll list and other papers relating to such election by one of their number to Kiugstree within forty-eight hours after the close of the polls. i The County Executive committee ^'ill meet at Kiugstree on Thursday, .Wnj.'ist at ll! o'clock, noon, to flfttubulate the returns and declare the ^^lesult of the election. ^ Following are the managers appointed conduct said election: MANAGE US OE ELECTION. Black River?J II Burgess, W II McElveen, .1 S Epps. Poplar Hill?W Cooper Snowden, B J Chandler, J T Ilauna. Oak Ridge?J L Blakeley, W R McCants. J T Wilson. Lake City?J L St tic key, (I Ti Rollins, C F Flowers. Cades?R L McElveen, E H Sauls. R F Epps. Pleasant Grove?W B Brown, L BGaskins, W W Burrows. Taft?R J Morris, S E MeCul-, lough, J M Brown. Pergamos?J J Moore, W K Wil-1 son, J M Stuckev. High Hill?C (I Shaffer, J C Moore, J M Gause. Indiantown?I) E McCutchen, H E Hanna, W R Graham. Earls?W S Cam)in, Jr, K M Haseiden, Juo S Wheeler. Scrauton?K E I.ee, R B Cannon,1 E Coward. Kingstree?J B Gamble, J G Mc- , Cutcben, P A Alsbrook. Hebron?S W Baker, J W DuBose, R E McElveen. Salters?E T Hamer, J W Whitfield, A R Moseley. Lenud? .M orris v] lie? Prospect? Greelyville No 1? Greelyville No 2? Cedar Swamp? McAllister's MillOak Ridge? Trio? i Gourdins? \ Altmans? Johnsonville? Suttons? Lane? Central? Bloomingvale? Should any clubs be omitted or any managers appointed fail or refuse to serve, the president of such clubs shall appoint managers to fill 41\AI ? *%lonnc luc.i patioi A H Williams, County Chairman. 8-6-3t No one is immune from kidney ^rouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Remedy will stop the irregularities and cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine W L Wallace A Letter. Florence, S C, Aug-. 12, 1908. To the Democratic Voters of Williamsburg, Florence and Clarendon: * I am addressing this letter to you to say that, as a candidate for the United States Senate, I will appreciate your support in the primary of August 25, j also in the second primary two ' weeks later, for I feel sure of leading the ticket in the tirst. As nearly all of you know, I was raised on a farm near Lynchburg, S C., am now and have been a cotton planter from early manhood. Four years ago I began to study the cause why the cotton planters couldn't get a fair price for'his crop. 1 gradually drifted into the tight for higher j priced cotton, finally throwing : ?-^my whole time aud force into *his movement, which brought ^brought about the Southern Cotton Association and the: Farmers' Union. We have had success, as you realize, for when comparing the average cotton price for the past tour years, with the average for the preceding four years, the record shows. The situation now is this? the trouble lies in Washington and New York. Certain legis lation should be enacted and certain other laws repealed. ! We must break up gambling in futures and compel sale and deliver}' of real cotton. We must change the operations of the Agricultural Department, at Washington, wnich collects statistics as to acreage, condition and bales ginned, but fails to collect for the grower statistics as to the number of bales in the ware houses and cotton mills. There are many other things needed from the standpoint of legislation. 1 want to carry on the light I have been making for the past four years. As a Senator 1 have more influence and can be of more service. If you think that I, reared on the banks of Lynch's river, neighbor and friend to you all, can be of service to you in the Senate, I shall appreciate your vote. Cotton is the gold, the silver and the green backs of your community. The value of your cotton crop is greater than that of your tobacco, and it is cotton alone that determines the year's protit. The prosperity 01 the cotton planter is vital to the merchant. Again, it you cteein it more to your interest to support me, I assure you that your trust will be placed in one who shall strive to be worthy. 1 shall be glad lor a personal letter addressed to me at Florence. Yours very trulv, E. D. Smith. De Witt's (Jarbulized Witch Hazel Salve is especially good for piles, but it is also recommended nearly ery where and for anything when a salve is needed. It is soothing, cooling and healing. Be sure to.get I eWitt's Witch Hazel Salve wheu you ask for it. We sell and recommend it. Sold by D C Scott, M 1). FLORENCE FALL FESTIVAL. Little City Preparing for Big TtraeMany Attractions Florence is going to nave a tw-o days' festival this year, and expects to give her visitors just as much pleasure as can wt.. be crowded into those two days. The fall festival will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 2 and 3. Arrangements have been made for cheap lates on all roads for all points within the radius of 100 miles. A special train will be run on Wednesday from Wadesboro and all points, returning after the fuu is over Wednesday night. The first day will be taken up with trades display, horse show, with ladie's and gentlemen's riding and driving contests, in which the best horses in the State will be entered and valuable prizes offered, | baseball between two fine teams, and other euoertainments. The special features on Thursday will be grand military parade and sham battle, base ball and races, horse and automobile at the new driving park, which will be the biggest and best race meet held in this section of the state. There will be excitiug auto races on the wide track, two or possibly three machines starting abreast on a 45 foot wide track. There will be frequent baud concerts eac.i day, with a poultry and pet stock show at which valuable prizes will be offered and every owner of chickens is invited to enter. mi :n i r. mere win ue uitiujr uiwtttnuus esides these, amcr.ig them big reunion of the Confederate veterans of the Pee Dee country at which dinner will be furnished by t he ladies. Advertising matter is now being distributed, the committees are at work and everything will be done to make this a record breaking event Florence has always taken good care of her visitors and will do so again this year. 3t A Boon to Elderly People. Most elderly people have some kidney or bladder disorder that is both painful and dangerous. Foley's Kidney Remedy has proven a boon to many elderly people as it stimulates the urianry organs, corrects irregularities and tones up the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and be vigorous. W L Wallace. While we appreciate the kind words of praise given The Record by Mr Loryea, of Manning, which were published in last week's issue, we beg to assure him that the splendid issue that he chanced to see was just the} average paper we send out fifty- ! two times a year. Whether some j of our friends believe it or not. The Record is the best adver-' * tisement for Williamsburg audi Kingstree that thev have ever had. j | The Record goes to every coun-j tv in South Carolina and to I nearly half the States in the j Union besides, and a county is "sized tip'' bv strangers largely ' by the paper issued from the county seat. Foley's vidney Remedy will cure ; any case o. kidney or bladder trouble that is nc^beyoud the reach of medicine. No m dicine can do more. W L WaHT^ \ Remember, free stalls and hitching room for your stock at Farmers') Supply Go's. ,v your cotton picking ( yets ilt Farmers' Sup j 4'g MOTLEY & MOT! / SPECIAL NOTICES , Transient Notices will be Published In This Column at the Rate of One . Cent a Word for Each Issue. No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents. For Rext?Two nice brick stores i under Opera House. .Stoli. Bros, J 7-2'{-4t Kingstree. S C. For Sai.f.? New seven room dweling in town of Kingstree. Stoli. Bros. 7-23-J t Wanted?Boarders. Ladies and school girls preferred. Terms reasonaide 1 shall also be glad to receive sewing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs Rosa Fun on. 8_r,-:tt wanted?An experienced man to take charge of .t brick mill. Must | be competent to manage every detail J including the burnii g of the brick I r Khem A Son, Hhems S C. 8- 13- 21. Lost Tuesday, duly -8. one three'inarier hound dog n uned Kieliniond.! sixteen months old, white and black. | Suitable toward paid if returned to ft en krai. mfkkx/ie. King-tree S C. 8 13-11 For Sale?Fifty-live dollar Seliolarship in School of Telegiaphy tor applv to C W Wolfe, S-13-tt" Kingstree. S C Note.? We regret that it became necessary for us to carry over until next week an interesting letter from "Poor Comrad" and also one about a piece of bad roads by Roman us Civis. These articles are already set in type and will appear in next week's issue.?Eu. r Electric- ml BITTE' * XXXXXXXXXXt^X Clearance ? 1- 8 le* 8 ?? if i UPPLY CO. 5f' )epartment jr or our immense ?tock of ff) g out all summer arti- (A EEZERS. HAMMOCKS, REFR1G- f) Z PICKS Etc., at gTeatly re- (r J of these summer necessi- JI g OIL COOK STOVES and there if f W) g to the comfort at home (A j ie Oil StOVe"in the kitchen. W) YOU THE ADVANTAGES. Gi | /V WTc^rr^iL -Ti L/U k v hj. s-/ ; to be 5 2d prices are $ j ? fii d many new lines and UP ffer a greater selection jl see for yourself. ^ ^ klv Pomnanv. S 9M.J - j. 8 ( :?::@:@?:?:?:?::?.?@ ?R % ARKET | j .UE ? 1 'OUR ss=s=s=? ? \CCO I WITH ? \* 1 A1! J ? j i / TlULlCy ? ? I ? M|: rehouse 1\ .AIMS ? I Is and a square deal to all. I ts, each expert in his line. ? L d ample accommodations, jgj | ht ? your tobacco for the most @ I ? I LEY, Lake City, S. C. ? / :?:?:@@:@.?:?::?:@? * / Forward March! Still we grow an< there is good re: for our steady and sa growth. The fact that only held but practic Grow Wllh witli all compe growing, p that the public gj-essive ba lost sijrht of quire ments start an bank sound count principles TODAY vative that have governed o\ m e n t in the will shape o future policy. Farm* chai m si WE ARE SACRIFICING OUJ REGARDLESS OF COST, FOR OUR FALL GOODS. MEE COMMENCED SATHF And Is Still 0 HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY 6/ DKY UUULL5. I and 10c Lawns, at 44c. ? >c Calicoes, all colors and kinds, or only 4c. i and 10c Percales, best grade, or 5c. tc yard-wide Bleach, at 4}c. 5c Lawns, at 74c. MF.N'S SUITS. ;6 00 and $8.00 Suits, at $2.69. 10.00 Suits, at $4.50 12.00 45 44 6.29 15.00 44 44 9.00 * HOSIERY. A tin c Stockings, at 3c firs 0c 44 " 6c red fo show that we mean business GROCEF luring this sale at cost price. every line we i )URS IS THE WIDE-AWAKE ALWAYS RE/ MOHSOST riniifrlin VJ V/ M 1 Vi 1A1 Cokesbury Confen COKESBURY, Founded in lt-34. Located in Piedmont Pelt. Students hi iealtli record hardly surpassed by any scln ol in the S "uition and Fees, (115.00.W rite for catalogue. W. BENt T-:j0-8t ']CHlCORA C h Greenvill6, - m Cwncd and controlled by the Presb] K Carolina.A hi^h gride college for women. ') Graduate course's in the Arts and Sci M sion, Gymnastics and Business. Large K grounds. Elegant buildings. Modern conv< ') Location in Piedmont section, and in city o M Expenses for the entire year. A. Tuition K B. All included in proposition (A) and Tui ') sion $203.00 to $213.00. The next session o m catalogue and information address. S. C. E i 1 ison tisfactory we have not our business, a ally doubled it iro- tition, indicates mind has not ' the essential reac" that make a and safe. The of conserbankmff jr developpast ur ers & Meiv ?( p tr r\f .HO UUim vi Lake City, eTH . I R ENTIRE STOCK TO MAKE ROOn IDAY, JULY 25TH, ioing On. IRGAINS WE ARE OFFERING: HEN'S SHOES. 1.50 Shoes, at 89c. I.75 " " $1.19 2.00 11 " 1.39 3.50 " " 2.74 4.00 " " 2.89 LADIES' SHOES. II.35 Shoes, at 79c 1.50 44 " 88c 1.75 44 44 $1.16 2.00 44 4* 1-23. > SPECIAL. e lot of Silks, guaranteed t quality, 50 to 75c sellers, luced to 31c per yard. we are going to sell =11 ES So you get bargains in carry. :STORE\DY FOR BUSINESS. m , s.c. ?nce School, 5.C. ivc free access to famous Sulphur Springs >uth Faculty of strong teachers. Board, IAMIN DUKES, Hector. 0 L L E G E,n s. c. (t Series of the Synod of South (m A Christian home school, ifv ences, Music, Art. Expres- Wr and able faculty. Beautiful (A sniences. Healthful climate. .Board,room &nd fee? $183.00. [A tion in Music.Art or Exprespens September lTth. For 3YRD.D. D.,Pres. G-25-10t(A / : , '-'M